How come Thor was able to kill full strength Thanos with his infinity gauntlet and all the infinity stones easily with...

How come Thor was able to kill full strength Thanos with his infinity gauntlet and all the infinity stones easily with storm breaker in Infinity War but he, Cap w/ Mjolnar, Ironman, Dr. Strange, etc. were struggling with 2014 Thanos without the infinity stones or gauntlet?

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Thanos had sex.

Because they are children’s movies with little sense of internal logic

Hey man, Thor let himself go man. He became the dude.

Thor became a fat boomer

it was quite a nerf, thanos should have defeated thor with trickery, not brute force, that would have made a lot more sense

Surprise attack, plus Thanos had no idea the weapon he was using was forged by the dwarves, because he left Dinklage unarmed and the rest dead. He thought he could stop it with some laser beam but that wasn't the case

He didn't kill thanos in infinity war

Thor became a NEET. Cap put up a good fight but lost his shield. Iron Man sacrificed his should-have-been glory to the production gods.

>disney execs swimming in a pool of money
i have this vision everytime i see one of these movies being released

thanos was basically dead and thor wanted him to die slowly to suffer. the only way he got out was thor asking him what he did after he snapped and then he just teleported away.

it was clear by the end of the movie that thor was strong enough to kill thanos even 1v1.

you know nothing of children's movies

thor went full Yea Forums in EG, not his best moment to fight desu

Thor swallowed the Yea Forums pill.

>it was clear by the end of the movie that thor was strong enough to kill thanos even 1v1.
to possibly kill Thanos. In a straight-up duel it might have been an even fight. But Thor had the advantage of surprise and a bit of luck.

Why didnt Thanos deconstruct the avengers?


For Thor MCU runs on anime logic where if you don't train for a while your power level goes JUST
Also EG Thanos has more armor and that sword, so he must be fighting more seriously now than he did in IW.

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Stormbreaker defeated the gauntlet, not Thanos. 2014 Thanos wasn't using the gauntlet. It is the only stance in which Thanos was better without the gauntlet, since Stormbreaker was a vaccine for it.

Thanos' hubris with the Infinity Gauntlet let him get wacked by Stormbreaker
Without he he felt more vulnerable and respected the Avengers more

Ironman weakened by being stabbed and 5 years older and out of the game in the regards that he wasn't developing any upgrades to his Ironman suits but doing side projects like developing one for his wife and playing with his kid.
Captain America being older and post-peak as evident by him getting beaten up by his younger version and in Infinity War he was never a match for Thanos who just punched him apathetically after holding him one handedly.
Thor obviously out of shape, anxious, and unsure of even if he is still worthy of wielding Mjolnir.
Thanos was also younger and in his conquering prime- fully armored and with a weapon able to cut through captain america's shield. He had the knowledge of how much a threat the Avengers were from Nebula's visions and was consciously trying to kill them instead of holding back punches like he did in Infinity War - which he never on screen killed anyone (sans Gamora/Vision) prior to the snap. There are several instances that he wasn't trying to kill them prior to the snap with him using the reality stone to morph the Guardians of the Galaxy instead of murdering them and him lazily punching Cap

wtf are you talking about? stormbreaker was deeply embedded in thanos' chest. it did nothing to the gauntlet, if it did, thanos wouldn't have been able to snap.

after the snap the gauntlet got fucked. idk what you're talking about or trying to say here.

Thanos wasn't wearing his armor in IW.

he had no need to. he had the gauntlet. no need for the sword either.

It’s not an anime only concept that if you let yourself go you lose strength and ability.

Because thanos wasn't taking them seriously in infinity war, he could've turned Stormbreaker into bubbles instead of shooting the rainbow beam at it. And thanos is incredibly powerful and durable even without the stones

all honestly good points, best i've heard but 2012 captain america wasn't stronger. he just thought that it was loki. 2024 cap literally says "i don't want to hurt you".

Multiple reasons.
1. Thanos thought Thor was dead and didnt know about stormbreaker being forged, basically he was caught off gaurd.
2. If Thanos used enough power to destroy stormbreaker then he wouldnt have had enough power to do the snap
3. Thor has been sitting around getting fat for 5 years and obviously isnt in his prime anymore
4. Thanos with the gauntlet seems a lot more humble than thanos from the past. With the gauntlet on he isnt going all out on everyone, hes giving them a fighting chance somewhat. Past Thanos is a lot more blood thirsty and is going for the kill.


>whole movie arc in Infinity War about getting a weapon that can kill Thanos
>can't kill him
I know and agree children's movies have no internal logic but this is a special kind of poor writing.