Plot armor: the pair

>plot armor: the pair
>fan service: the pair

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Jon kills Dany

Series started with incest
Series ends with incest

probably the only thing to look forward to now

You're fucking retarded

>does nothing: the pair
Can't even set some fucking logs on fire

yeah, that would make middle age catladies and hormonal teens seethe so no

I find it hilarious that ever since we found out Jon's true identity, no one in universe has commente on the incest.
Sam, Bran, Jon and Dany, none of them have made the remark that she's his aunt.
It's like the writers don't want to own the fact that the main hero is in an incestuous relationship.


Omg I hope so. That would be amazing. I can't believe Captain SaveAHoe actually died for that thot.

Dude I would LOVE for Jon to kill dany, but it isn't going to happen, there's no way

Is that all you care about? I think it's understood and doesn't need a breakdown in the show. Cringe.

it's all but confirmed, the guy who leaked that aryan would killing the night king and that theon would charge the night king and die said jon kills dany in the end.

Their relationship has felt forced and fake since the first time they were on screen together. They have absolutely no chemistry and it's super cringe every time they interact.

I can't wait till she does.

you mean to tell me that tyrion or jamie didnt think to bring some fucking wildfire from king's landing?

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I don't know what you're talking about, are you saying a few months ago someone posted spoilers that all came true on sunday and one of his spoilers was "jon kills dany"?

Oh shit

As much as I'd love it because it'd piss off all the normies, why would Jon kill Dany?

I keep hearing fake spoilers about it being used again, but I thought cersei used all that was left on the Sept.

too volatile

The only reason is if she went full mad queen

Well in the books it could be to become Azor Ahai but that’s clearly not happening in the show now

To subvert expectations of course

Nah. Jon will die, Dani gets the thrown and gives the North(Sansa) its sovereignty