>Ice to meet you, Bran Stark
For a show that takes itself so seriously why does the main villian only speak in one liners? It seriously breaks my immersion each time.
Ice to meet you, Bran Stark
what killed the first men? DA IZE AGE
I literally couldn't believe he said to Arya: "that's cold" once he grabbed her
>Icy you
>Maul, Darth Maul. Nice to meet you.
Nah, with the shit writing lately his puns have been one of the shows redeeming qualities.
>he grabs Bran’s arm in the vision
>stay cool, bird boy
>Glad you could make it, Brandon.
>Gets stabbed by a little assasin girl
>Looks to camera
>"Arya kidding me??
A bold directing choice
>NK at Hardhome
>”It’s pretty dead here”
>he raises his arms
>blue eyed corpses
>”Let’s liven things up a bit”
>Slay these fucking nigger ice cones, my brethren!
I can't believe they let that one slide
>why does the main villian only speak in one liners?
to break the ice
I swear between end game and this episode the last week has convinced me that Yea Forums could write better scripts with one by one posts than any director
>Watch your tone with me, Night King. You may be the king, but I'm still your superior as a boy.
>that one scene where we learn all about the White Walkers, what the symbols mean, all that stuff
>Jon asks NK why he spared Craster in exchange for sacrifices
>”he convinced me to give him the cold shoulder”
It was beautiful. Im glad they would up telling us all that. Imagine if he’d just died without speaking a word. We’d have no information about him or anything, and we’d never hear those wonderful puns.
>"Love hurts!"
Oh for fuck's sake, really? Right at this moment, too?
>Dany is brought to NK by wights
Please, have mercy!
>NK smirks
I'm afraid my condition have left me cold to your pleas of mercy.
>Freezes her solid with his breath, cheap looking
>As if I could forget. Listen Bran, there's something about the dead you should know... Oh no... we're too late! These people have all been infected!
>I'm not very good at small talk, I tend to FREEZE up
They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into the wights.
>"Arya, chill"
>scene with the NK and his boys outside winterfell at their camp or whatever
>NK sees how outnumbered and desperate the defenders are
>”this battle is very uneven.”
>his underlings look at him puzzled
>reaches his arm outward
>his zombie army springs to life
>”perhaps we should...”
>”...throw them a bone”
>zombies flood screaming forward WWZ style
Absolute kino
>stabs Theon in the stomach
>"Heh, you've got balls kid"
>be me
>Night King
>finally managed to get to Bran, after 8 seasons
>seems a nice guy, want to show him my cool sword
>hear a scream behind me
>raging goblin materialize out of thin air
>nice dagger though, is that original Valyrian steel?
>stop her falling, don't want her to hit me and hurt both of us
>wait, does she want to ki...
>am I dead? Where am I?
>is this a cart?
>why are my hands tied?
>"ehi you...you're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"
>"You must be getting chills now, because there's snow escape for you, Brandon Stark."
Bravo, David.