Ice to meet you, Bran Stark

>Ice to meet you, Bran Stark
For a show that takes itself so seriously why does the main villian only speak in one liners? It seriously breaks my immersion each time.

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what killed the first men? DA IZE AGE

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I literally couldn't believe he said to Arya: "that's cold" once he grabbed her

>Icy you

>Maul, Darth Maul. Nice to meet you.

Nah, with the shit writing lately his puns have been one of the shows redeeming qualities.
>he grabs Bran’s arm in the vision
>stay cool, bird boy

>Glad you could make it, Brandon.

>Gets stabbed by a little assasin girl
>Looks to camera
>"Arya kidding me??
A bold directing choice

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>NK at Hardhome
>”It’s pretty dead here”
>he raises his arms
>blue eyed corpses
>”Let’s liven things up a bit”

>Slay these fucking nigger ice cones, my brethren!
I can't believe they let that one slide

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>why does the main villian only speak in one liners?
to break the ice

I swear between end game and this episode the last week has convinced me that Yea Forums could write better scripts with one by one posts than any director

>Watch your tone with me, Night King. You may be the king, but I'm still your superior as a boy.

>that one scene where we learn all about the White Walkers, what the symbols mean, all that stuff
>Jon asks NK why he spared Craster in exchange for sacrifices
>”he convinced me to give him the cold shoulder”
It was beautiful. Im glad they would up telling us all that. Imagine if he’d just died without speaking a word. We’d have no information about him or anything, and we’d never hear those wonderful puns.

>"Love hurts!"
Oh for fuck's sake, really? Right at this moment, too?

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>Dany is brought to NK by wights
Please, have mercy!
>NK smirks
I'm afraid my condition have left me cold to your pleas of mercy.
>Freezes her solid with his breath, cheap looking

>As if I could forget. Listen Bran, there's something about the dead you should know... Oh no... we're too late! These people have all been infected!

>I'm not very good at small talk, I tend to FREEZE up

They may look fine now, but it's a matter of time before they turn into the wights.

>"Arya, chill"

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>scene with the NK and his boys outside winterfell at their camp or whatever
>NK sees how outnumbered and desperate the defenders are
>”this battle is very uneven.”
>his underlings look at him puzzled
>reaches his arm outward
>his zombie army springs to life
>”perhaps we should...”
>”...throw them a bone”
>zombies flood screaming forward WWZ style
Absolute kino

>stabs Theon in the stomach
>"Heh, you've got balls kid"

>be me
>Night King
>finally managed to get to Bran, after 8 seasons
>seems a nice guy, want to show him my cool sword
>hear a scream behind me
>raging goblin materialize out of thin air
>nice dagger though, is that original Valyrian steel?
>stop her falling, don't want her to hit me and hurt both of us
>wait, does she want to ki...
>am I dead? Where am I?
>is this a cart?
>why are my hands tied?
>"ehi're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?"

>"You must be getting chills now, because there's snow escape for you, Brandon Stark."
Bravo, David.


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