How bad are they going to fuck it up?
How bad are they going to fuck it up?
don't know. could be good, could be horrible. I've heard mixed things about preacher, so my expectations aren't that high.
Ennis only has two good comics:
The Hellblazer run and 3/5 of Preacher.
Everything else is unironically trash.
>B-but Muh Crossed
"Zombies but they rape lol" what a fucking waste of time
At least he takes no bullshit from nobody
t. only has read those three ennis comics
Hitman is his best and The Boys is a legitimate 9/10. Crossed does suck dick though.
>Punisher MAX isnt good
After what Rogan and friends did to Preacher, I have absolutely no faith in this adaption at all.
I really enjoyed this comic when I was an edgy teenager but even at the time I recognised it was a bit tasteless at points
On one hand its an internet show, which means that unlike Preacher, theres more room for graphic depictions of violence and swearing. However, like Preacher it is co-written by (((Seth Rogen))) and (((Evan Goldberg))) which means that it will not reflect the original story and that awesome characters from the comics will be downgraded severely. Looking at the trailers they've already race-swapped two of The Seven, The Deep and A-Train. In the comics A-Train is white and The Deep is black. Why would DUDE WEED LMAO do this? Who knows. Hopefully the story isn't wholly butchered and we get scenes like Herogasm and The Seven's failed attempt at preventing 9/11, not some shitty jab at Donald Trump or Immigration.
Honestly this couldn't come at a better time. People are getting fed up with capeshit and its pandering to hardcore feminism and leftist ideals.
They fucked it from the very first poster. Where is Butcher's shit eating grin?
Preacher season 1 is Knio
season 2 is meh, but was destined to be given where they were
season 3 is bretty good
if you've heard otherwise, it's probably from butt-hurt faggots.
That being said, it was AMC, they do a reasonable job with shit like that. Amazon, not so much.
They fucked up by not making it 10 years ago and casting Clive Owen as Butcher and Simon Pegg as Hughie.
It was never good to begin with. Ennis has never written anything good.
>but m-muh Punisher M-MAX
>m-muh BASED Nigger with his Bee-Bee-Cee
Fuck off and read some Mike Baron. Whenever I hear how much people love MAX and how it's their favorite and shit, I assume they're edgy 15 YOs who just got done watching Sopranos, and are newfags on top of everything.
Interesting that this board is fine with a 2000 page story entirely about how toxic masculinity is real and bad as long as it calls it "that macho shit, that gunfighter Dirty Harry bollocks" instead of toxic masculinity.
Not that surprising, everyone on Yea Forums loves Madmen and Sopranos too.
pure patrician taste, friend.
garth ennis is a fraud, a pathetic irish faggot trying to be edgy but, at the end of the day, being on point with the whole agenda.
not a surprise that jewish seth rogen look at his work and find incredible.
PREACHER, the comic, is overhyped shit and the show does the job of being even more of a try hard and this other crap will be no different.
>pure patrician taste, friend.
I rarely, if ever, see people discuss anything Punisher related that isn't "muh MAX". I don't even get how anyone can enjoy it. Classic Punisher used to be the Rambo of comics. He could be an over the top action hero, a gritty vigilante and an actual character. Ennis' gets boring after the first few arcs. I enjoyed Endmondson's run more than MAX. Worst is when they pretend Ennis' Fury is good. Hickman's is miles better.
>garth ennis is a fraud, a pathetic irish faggot trying to be edgy but, at the end of the day, being on point with the whole agenda.
Exactly. Wormowood was the worst thing I've ever read.
>mfw people shit on Chad Millar while suckign Ennis' cock
It makes me legitimately mad.
>not a surprise that jewish seth rogen look at his work and find incredible.
Yup. Preacher sucked too; I couldn't get through the first... two issues, I think.
>PREACHER, the comic, is overhyped shit and the show does the job of being even more of a try hard and this other crap will be no different.
I never got past the first 5 or so issues.
Not surprised that Millar cock suckers have this bad of taste
>m-muh BASED nigger
>he HARRHARRS and slaps people with his ANNACONDA
>DUDE nigger trannies who are also army sergeants
>DUDE FUCK superheroes and shit
>also fuck the millitary and government, except for army grunts; those guys are the REAL heroes
Nah, fuck off. Millar writes entertaining schlock. He's not pretending to be high and mighty. Ennis is the personification of the "le deep but also balls to the wall dunny" Rick and Morty person.
Sure, dude. Next you'll try telling me The Unfunnies or Nemesis are good.
Stop spouting Yea Forumsmblr beliefs. Have you even read Baron's runs on Punisher? Hickman's Secret Warriors? The things actually being talked about? What gives your words any weight in this conversation bar the parroting of stale internet memes? Unfunnies is trash. Nemesis is entertaining schlock. Millar can write entertaining schlock very well. And he doesn't pretend to be anything more than that. And yet, his Ultimates was greater than anything that hack Ennis has written. Come back when you've wandered past the entry level list of Yea Forumsmblr's recs.
not a fan of millar either, but he doesnt write the exact same shit over and over and over and over, like ennis does.
ennis is a pseud, an irish traumatize with their religions problems who think 'love is love' no matter if it is a men and a woman bringing children to the world or degenerate poop dick.
wont doubt if this faggot take out jesse custer imaginary dialogues with john wayne because that playboy interview from the 70s, like a good bitch.
the only context were preacher is tolerable as a comic book is "it was another time". i can get that being something that stand out during image comics era.
but its bad. toilet humor, characters that change their personality out of nowhere, muh evil rednecks.
the premisse, if done right, could be a mix between cormac mccarthy with natural born killers, it could be a great existential story.
but ennis is a fucking idiot. that simple.
and its nothing personal, alan moore is a brilliant writer and i could not disagree with him more about everything - because he is another boomer who does mushrooms instead of trying to understand that the left that he used to belong, nowadays, think his work is bad because he hates women.
The fucked up not giving MM his shades and giving Butcher a beard
you're legitimately a retard if you think his run isn't as bad or worse than Ennis'.
>he doesn't like pure macho 80s action
Moore got cucked and prays to a snake god, but atleast he's not as cucked as Morrison.
>tries to pitch his books for movies and tv
>Millar keeps racking cash and even Hickman got into the game
>Grant sits there fucking his tranny and using sigils to curse Milalr
morrison is just too weird.
not cool weird like moore, pathetic weird.
there is a doc about him. he was like an incel and that was his best moment: he did animal man and arkham asylum.
with the royalties money he made from arkham success he decide to go full retard and lost his mojo.
I have no idea what this is ,but I feel like the story on the right is neutered on the left. The 3 dudes on the left look the same and generic in the show. On the comic, the personalities really come through
i mean, i can imagine executives sitting to talk with millar and millar being able to be a reasonable guy.
> yeah, we can change some stuff here and there, no problems.
morrison... i think he would come late, on underwares, smelling like mushrooms.
I like his work well enough, desu. Dunno, he just "clicks" with me, even though I've got no interest in his faggotry beliefs and politics. At the very least I'm enjoying his GL a whole lot.
There are heterosexuals who are unable to bring children into the world as well. And female homosexuality doesn't involve anal sex, what is it with fundamentalists and male sodomy?
Why is Seth Rogen involved in this at all?
A-Train is probably going to cuckold Wee Hughie instead of just killing his gf, hence the swap.
but he'd already be cucking him when he makes Annie blow him to get on the 7.
I'm so sad we won't ever have a Hitman adaptation. He's based every day of the week.
Yes, but that happens before him and Annie were together, the writers want to cement the fact that Hughie is a cuckold.
hes got the money and the connections
It's terrible to begin with so not much.