How embarrassing
>Glass of wine
That's a female, right?
>damn it feels good eliminating myself from the gene pool
what's going to happen to society when all of these "cool wine aunts" who think they don't want kids turn 40 and realize they have no purpose in life?
>large bag on my head
>dog mom
see this is why all women should be property and regularly raped
Good, more capefags need to remove themselves from the gene pool.
Not wanting kids is a sickening disorder on par with homocidal tendancies
>i dont want kids
>but i still want to be called a family
sure bro
mans fly is undone lmaooooooo
This is so breedist. So do people who have illnesses which make them infertile also live meaningless lives?? There's more to life than having children, or having sex in general
like, it's just a word why do they care
Funny thing is, their "heroes" would be dissapointed in them. Stark especially. All the guy ever wanted was a mommygf and some kids, but insecurity and betrayals keep him alone.
>glass of wine in one hand
You ever notice how they always seem to drink lots of wine?
>glass of wine
You know, I think I understand now why the snobbish elite of the past were snobbish. These fucking peasants have no clue or respect for fine things.
That's how you establish your dominance over normies.
i want to have kids but don’t want to undergo pregnancy and childbirth which is horrifying on every level. i wish i were a man
Monday afternoon? Doesn’t she have to work?
Fuck niggers
When did wine stop being a man's drink?
keep being a selfish roastie then
why do white women fuck dogs?
Tits or GTFO
Suicide rates will skyrocket
Nature takes cares
You gotta give if you wanna have, once you get the baby rabies/find a guy you go crazy for, you will be desperate for a baby in you.
>pet """mom""
big ol' yikesarooni
There is literally nothing wrong with children. The screening I went to had lots of kids and they were all quiet apart from when everyone else made noise.
The only people who were rowdy and disruptive were Black People, as you'd expect.
>my fly zipped down one time
>I also hadn't washed in a day and my hair was oily
>I had shaved a bit earlier and my chin was bleeding
>shopping at the Super-Market
>got fat but still have wide shoulders and 6ft+ so in manletland I'm pretty "big"
>mfw everyone turned away from me in disgust and fear
>that made me insecure so I started chugging rum and tapdancing instead of walking, while mumbling to myself in English
It was embarassing...
old people are worse than children in movie theaters
Marketing from beer companies.
You know the rules whore
get them out
Who the fuck drinks a glass of wine at the cinema anyway?
>old people are worse than children
FTFY. Pray you never have to deal with sick old people...
It's not the fact that he's drinking wine, it's how he's drinking it.
yeah I don't know, I don't really want kids because I like working low effort and low hours jobs to support myself. I live like a king and barely work, which can't happen if I tack on too many expenses.
But I don't have a lot to do, watching tv and playing video games gets old. I need something to do, which doesn't have to be making a family, but I can't think of much in the way of projects to pursue.
>at the best movie I can think of that's been 10 years in the making.
>A single person and her cat is a family
I knew too many of these back in the day
OP can you translate this pls?
I have this amazing, unparalleled ability to go to a theatre where noisy children are present and be unbothered by it.
My mom was in labor with me for over 30 hours lmao
Most people say having children is one of the most rewarding things you can do in life.
I mean I have a puppy who is a complete destroyer and I feel proud of her when she finally starts being more obedient. Love her to death too.
Maybe kids aren't that bad. I'd probably like to have some, some day.
lmao you're not a woman faggot, get off the hormones
men are made to invade, kill and fuck. women are made to nurture, to bring life and the time window to do it is narrow.
men with no kids can manage to survive, women get fucking crazy.
I could adopt a kid too, that's always a possibility. Cause of those gay people, it's okay for single men to adopt kids. It'd save me the trouble of acquiring an unfaithful woman you could never really trust.
And with adoption, you can skip over the boring baby phase too where they don't even remember you. Just pick up one of those troubled older kids that no one else wants, it's like the bargain bin.
based and redpilled
Whatever happened to that guy?
The boring baby phase is called the critical period, it is the simple most important moment in a person's life
Pretty sure those kids are the hardest ones to educate. Genetics matter, user.
>implying the russians dont outsource it to the philippines or india
its one of the biggest paying call center gigs there
i heard that british couples get indian women to get pregnant for them.
imagine wanting your kid to be half poop floor?
They hold up signs that say refugees welcome
Reproduction is literally the meaning of life, not "bee happy" or any of that hippie bs
Can I suck your femenine dick?
Over the weekend i spent 3 hours getting my son 5 year old son ready for his soccer game and coaching him and his little teammates.
He got distracted talking girl on his team and as a result missed a play.
After the game me and him stayed at the feild for an extra hour playing soccer together and we talked about ignoring girls when there's a task at hand.
It's pretty awesome teaching a tiny version of yourself to ignore THOTs and get things done.
Life's good when you have kids.
I pity someone who thinks they will find more meaning and satisfaction from a 3 hour popcorn flick than they would from raising someone to embody their ideals who loves and respects them.
Shit, me and my wife still watch movies, and still browse Yea Forums. It's not hard to have it all if youre even a little disciplined.
>implying anyone on this thread has kids
If you have kids and you still come to Yea Forums youre a shit parent and you should kys
>be at favourite local cinema
>thor ragnarok is playing
>it's mostly empty
>sit at my usual single male table
>drinking red wine
>it goes well with my crab legs
>Thor walks into the arena
>opponent is revealed as the Hulk
>I jump in joy along with Thor
>I spill my glass of red wine and my bucket of crab legs all over myself
>literally covered in red wine and crab leg juice
>decide to hit the theater shower
>it's penis inspection day
imagine being this much of an incel