Is he still worth listening to?

Is he still worth listening to?

Attached: howard-stern.jpg (1200x630, 105K)

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>Ridley the dragon

NO. He's an IDIOT.

yeah i listen daily and have for years and years.

>implying he ever was

Some of the bits are funny but when he fills time by going to Ronnie/Shuli/JD and having them discuss they’re irrelevant lives, you’d be more entertained with the radio off

Not to mention “new” staff like Mehmet and this other bald fag slow the show down to a halt

not for $3242394234 a month for shitty satellite radio where you literally have to sacrifice a harem of manlets to moloch just to cancel your subscription.

show is good though, howard has always been a very smart, witty and humble person when the chips are down. his interviews are fantastic, a notch below prime letterman.

JD is still on the show? Holy shit.

Peaked right around here

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No and not since like 2002.

And he’s fucking married. Creepy shit

etm and riley were fucking fantastic.

sal and richards calls were also fucking fantastic.

This, never gonna be as good as he used to be but still entertaining.

also, the artie era. its peaked with artie a decade ago.

Spell "red"



there is a certain psychological phenomenon the particular name of which escapes me right now. basically, it states that when you consume a lot of mass media eventually you will stumble upon one of the talking heads discussing a topic you are deeply familiar with and being entirely clueless about it, which makes you doubt he validity of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they might have touched upon in the past. for me, it was when this sleazy kike was asked about pewdiepie and outright stated there is no way he's making any significant money off youtube in the time when he was making millions; he made an absolute fool of himself like the dumb out of touch boomer that he is and i doubt his opinions on other things are any more valid than that.

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>"My name is Beetle and I'm bad as can. And you know I'm the man. He know what he knows, and he knows what he is and he gets better."

Why is that creepy? He wasn't such a bad guy. Just really introverted and nerdy

Stern with Artie and Norm as the guest was pure kino

I just watched the episode where Norm and Artie discuss Bob Ueker. It was hilarious.

the girl he married was a superfan.
This shit always killed me

the fuck are you blabbing about?

I heard an episode recently where Howard called in one of his epin Wack Packers named "Jimmy the Nerd." Jimmy the Nerd was so wacky he actually went to San Diego Comic Con. Howard and Fred made fun of him for 20 minutes. I laughed so hard I spilled my Monster.

Are you baiting?! Jesus christ Ive never seen a more incorrect post.

Probably this

I thought he was funnier before he went to satellite. He's better when he has an envelope to push.

Tbh, he is still one of the best interviewers in media history. Interview segments are always worth listening to. Wack Pack and Richard Christy segments are still decent to good.

Old man Howard bitching about literally everything and sucking his own dick segments, not so much.

>Doesn't know the free trial scam
>Actually gave Sirius money
>Being this new

Even the O&A retards figured out the free trial scam. How low effort are you?

He's been shit since Jackie quit.

And shut the fuck up about "muh artie". Fat junkies aren't funny. If you think artie is the peak of Howard Stern, you're a room temperature IQ faggot.

>Seventh inning stretch I'll have the fucker come up here and sing for ya!

Every year when they auto-renew me, I call to cancel. They immediately offer it to me for half price. I have been doing this for 5 years now.

And to think, Mancow thought he was better.

yes, he still needs paycheck to support his family.

beeeeeaaatle hes as bad as can, you knowwwwww hes tha beeest

Artie and Gilbert Gottfried as the guest were kino as well.
They legitimately pissed Howard off from saying nigger too much.

Gilbert told Anthony Cumia that when Marci Turk took over the show she told Gil that he's not allowed to say "faggot," "nigger," or "retard."

Anthony said, "So you can't talk about Will Smith"

I cancelled, and my radio worked for like two years. I started with XM, because their music channels were worth it. Then Sirius took over, compressed the fuck out of the signal, threw ads all over everything, and destroyed the music channels. Even when it was free, I didn't bother.

Is there a good public tracker for the daily shows?

what's the free trial scam?


>tfw Mancow Muller got really boring since he came back to radio this year
I miss when he did prank calls and had Al Roker Jr instead of his boring WLS co-hosts

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I listen to his 9/11 broadcast yearly for some reason

Is this a joke about how he is now SJW cucked?

They should play that shit in schools. Really shows you the emotions of the time.


It goes from them joking about it, to them wanting to outright nuke the Middle East. It's fascinating.

he was ready to nuke em

think for a moment just how ridiculous, improbable it would be for a pack of sandniggers to come up with soemthing like this and then to actually succeed

Everybody was. But then the House of Saud shut that all down, immediately. They knew one of their princes financed the whole thing, and that Sauds were the guys who did it. But muh oil profits overrides everything.

There will never be peace in the Middle East as long as the House of Saud and Islam exist. They are a blight on humanity.

The old stuff? YES
Search youtube for:
>Eric the Midget
>Scott the Engineer
>Ronnie the Limo Driver
>Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf
If you don't like these, then it's not for you.


You zoomers may not remember but Howard really pushed against PC culture and censorship for decades and revolutionized radio and other media. He is still okay now but with age he has softened up.

this is why so many people believe conspiracy theories, they went from being awful at the piloting school they went to, to doing maneuvers only pros could do

Ronnie and JD shenanigans can be pure gold. Shuli is never funny or interesting.

>He's been shit since Jackie quit.
I would half agree. The show hasn't been as good since Jackie left, and I agree that Artie didn't fill the void, but he's had some great moments.
>ronnie block party

he needs to get rid of that ridiculous wig.

Unironically usenet. Find one that lets you buy GBs in blocks so buy like 50 gigs for 10 bucks and you're set for 5 years