Qyburn = Sheev edition
Qyburn = Sheev edition
Qyburn builds a clockwork skeleton dragon which breathes green fire.
1st for /got/ is too fucking fast
nth for game of reddit
>another got thread
>another 150+ posts of just bullshit spam
i cant wait for this show to be fucking done these threads are just garbage
Would u?
Cersei kills Tyrion, Jaime kills Cersei. Calling it now, you heard it here first.
It's been 2 days and I'm still mad.
8 fucking years
Cersei is gonna say "burn them all" and jaimes gonna go full circle and kill her + qyburn and I don't know how I feel about that
Imagine waiting for over 23 years to see this shit go down.
I could see her literally blowing up half of kings landing so dany has nothing left to rule over
im pretty sure there was a leaked phone recording of kings landing on fire
>Last lord commander of the nightswatch
>last of the crows to hold his vows
>The wall broke before the watch did
>Jenny of Oldstone song
Stannis' death was the worst scene in got
Night King's death was second worst.
Based Beric deserves his own show.
honest question, do you keep pushing this silly meme simply because Qyburn is played by a classically trained English actor and wears a black robe? because that's literally the only resemblance I see between him and the Emperor
>Bella Ramsey, 16 years old
well, she's legal.
but no thank you.
Queen Cersei
>let me THROW MY SWORD and die for no reason when I could have killed that wight right there
He will turn on Cersei
>You will never save her
Qyburn kidnaps bran and uses him to hack into the weirwoodnet
screencap this
>let's throw the dothraki head first into the dark night where they can't see shit
>let's leave the catapults outside to act as roadblock
>let's just sit there and watch people die while we look at our 2 (two) dragons
>let's hide from the guy who reanimates the dead in a crypt
>let's all rush outside of our castle which is made to protect us from situations like this
>let's have a single trench with wood that we can lit on fire if needed
>let's waste all our precious dragon glass into swords for peasant and children
>let's not use the dragon glass to put spikes around our protective castle
>let's not fit armors with spikes of dragon glass
>let's not create traps with said dragon glass
>let's absolutely not make Sam into a cannonball fitted with dragon glass
Will he smash in the books?
I wanted Sam to die after Jon (rightfully) abandoned him
Qyburn will kill Cersei
He's putting humanity over his queen
But can I fuck her arse while groping her big fat tits?
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
Dany's vision in the house of the undying was a wrecked KL with either ash or snow falling, so the destruction of KL is known.
New episode?
Where is the dragon demands?
I'm not even sure I want to know at this point... but
Any leaks yet?
What did /got/ think of the battle itself? Arya shenanigans aside
This is the only hope the show has left
Qyburn would kill his mother just to take a glance at Cersei's pubes
Isn't she busy fucking Daario in the books?
kekked, he probably necked himself after watchcing
>>let's hide from the guy who reanimates the dead in a crypt
I mena, it' snot like Jon, Thormund (and Edd??? and't remember if he stayed at the Wall that time) saw the NK doing it at Hardhome and could think about it, nooooooo
I'm going to miss him
What little I could see was okay.
Most of it was okay aside from the abyssmal military tactics that were used.
The episode had 10/10 directing.
Will Varys kill Qyburn? I feel like he wouldn't have survived the crypts if he didn't have a final role to play in KL.
0% chance
either sansa (with the dagger that arya gave her) or dany will kill cersei
Fuck a prequel. Just have the next series go directly into the future. Who gives a fuck at this point?
It was pretty cool but I couldn't see it very well.
I get that it's the "long night" and all but that doesn't mean shit if I can't see anything.
dragon demands was ripping his hairs out at the beginning, will he make a video while crying?
as we wait for Preston, let us reminisce with some classic Prestonkino
he has lost it at this point
And the show is saved.
You know, maybe the Sand Snakes weren't so bad.
*hair woosh*
>spent the entire episode waiting for bran to warg a dragon/warg all the ravens in the wolfswood to swarm the NK but no
He just sat there. They better fucking explain it
How the fuck did anyone watch this in editing and think it was good?
Characters killing the Night King, going down by how fitting it is and grouped by tiers
>the hound
>grey worm
>I feel like he wouldn't have survived the crypts if he didn't have a final role to play in KL.
He lived so we could have him "banter" with Tyrion some more. Nobody else can deliver those dwarf jokes/take those eunuch jokes better than Varys.
Objectively didn't like it, something about the "hero with a sword can outswing 5+ relentless, fearless enemies at the same time for a long time" seems stupid.
At least the orcs in the Rings movies weren't trampled over each other and didn't form a massive wall of swinging weapons that can't be avoided.
>You know, maybe the Sand Snakes weren't so bad.
Fuck yo-
>the SMOKE of the opium of Littlefinger's brothel
>the SALT of the semen of Littlefinger's customers
>kills the Night King wielding Joffrey's crossbow with which Rose was killed
10 out of 10.
qyburn is getting a real shitty death in the next episodes isnt he?
Only acceptable NK death
So? She can always realise that the true love was always in front of her eyes or fuck him in his last moments.
Reminder that the entire point of Sam walking out was to get Edd killed
>Arya takes like eight stabs to the abdomen and lives
>Giga Nigga takes one in the back and he's out for good
I hate it.
>NK stabs Theon
>Theon lays down
>NK looks at him, then walks away
The only good thing about this episode is that whatever you come up with still sounds better than what actually happened
But the iron price was still too high desu
>has no idea that Theon suffered so much at the hands of Ramsay that now he's dull to pain, even form mortal wounds
>Theon slowly gets up
>"Don't you know? I'm already dead"
>What is dead may never die etc etc theme begins to play
>stabs NK
Killed by Arya.
>get stabbed by knife
>instant death
Why do bad movies always do this shit? There are people who live through 10+ stab wounds or even a knife through the head injury.
>varys comes into the frame
>... oh night king... a little crow told me a secret you see...
>whips out his new Dragonglass cock
>its time
Argh I mixed up my green text (to be read first) and my non-greentext (shapposed to be last)
fuck it
Based Dinklage shitting on shitty writing.
>post yfw Arya appeared
Were they supposed to be good or bad guys? I mean Dany allied with them and these days this show is just Good vs Evil.
One of the Reeds could have gone in the unexpected but fitting tier. I think Beric should have gone in the makes sense tier. Melisandre should be in the unexpected and weird category.
forgot to put Jorah in the second or even third tier
The babies WILL come into play in the following episodes.
People in the show always stab others in the heart.
>thats for my wall you fuck
Literally thought to myself
>this is not happening
DABID can only alternate between 1 stab = 1 death and whatever happened with Arya's shagging
>D&D literally fucked the Dornish story up out of spite for how popular Siddig's casting was
They're not guys, they're pussies. Bad pussies.
>Pikes in front, archers behind
How did one WHITE skinned orc outsmarted the greatest "GURL POWAH" army the world ever seen?
Jorah is ugly as fuck and also kind of a cunt in the books.
If GRRM had any integrity he will burn all of his current work and end ASOIAF without letting it getting wrecked any further
A stab in the right place can down anyone, people irl have died from single stab wounds.
I would keep her wight down in a cellar, somewhere deep and forgotten beneath the stones of Winterfell. I would carefully restrain her unliving body and muzzle her so that she cannot bite or attack me.
And then...
He's still, and always will be, /ourahai/.
This was so terrible, the entire season was an absolute shitshow. Didn't think they would go full anime and even top themselves.
Which tier is Bronn in?
Imagine having two whole years to do six episodes of the biggest show on television and you fuck it up as bad as this.
>Jorah is ugly as fuck
Fuck, I forgot about that
>This is exactly why you don't publish or release a project until it is FINISHED. We can't do serials anymore, not while creating. Internet/socialmedia means feedback is too immediate and too full of toxic waste
To be fair, GRRM brings this on himself with his shitty blog. Why any creative person would keep a blog with a comments section is beyond comprehension.
Its all so exciting without the looming horrific despair.
She was cute and funny gonna miss her
we saw a lot of dothraki raise as wights though
post yfw
>fuck him in his last moments.
Really doubt he'd be able to get it up as he's bleeding out.
To cover up bad CGI.
then.... what?
Was it that fucking dark do save some money on CG? (((D&D))) really outdid themselves
Kills NK and gets his precious back
"Hah now I have joke to tell"
>Oh hey it's that unstoppable badass Arya Stark
>Oh but for these exact 20 seconds she's a helpless damsel in distress crying for a man to save her
Besides the retarded tactics, over all terrible, excluding the layout of the episode phases with split themes was great imo.
The crypt part is still retarded, considering that Jon has seen with his own eyes what NK could do.
That face of barristan selmy
Yup that's me during that whole episode
Big Nigga should have cut someone in half at least one time
does anyone have the image comparing helm's deep with winterhell?
here friend
They said it's because HBO uses fancy pants OLED screens while the rest of us are poor and use LCD.
back into the fucking darkness
The only way to redeem this shitshow now is to go with that "Litlefinger played everyone" theory.
There's no other way.
stannis was a kinslayer. he must pay for his crimes
>arya could've jumped on the cunt a few minutes later
>was just waiting for Theon to fucking kill himself
Are you a retart? The babies are how he made other white walkers “Crasters sons are coming for him” - paraphrasing what one of crasters wives say happens to the baby boys
yep and he shouldve died immediately after the kill
a god
>le quirky comedy character
I could have done without all that in this series
>podrick shoves a dragonglass spear through the back of the night king's head
beric, no matter how based he was, was obviously a second character and d&d would never have him do it
melisandre's entire purpose was to help the living against the WWs, how better to do it than by killing the NK?
His death won't even on screen. Arya will impersonate him to kill Cersei.
Hello darkness my old friend.
Renly was a usurper
sentence is death
"Fuck this show at least I'll get paid" tier
You're right about Beric, unfortunately. And I agree about Melisandre, her dying as she killed the NK would have made her return more relevant (other than giving Arya a pep talk) and her predicted death better than her just wandering out and dying for no reason.
So what has happened since then?
An off-screen pledge of allegiance to Dany and what else?
pls no
Getting captured by Euron and dying in a dungeon.
>stone not glowing
>still hot
That’s not what a koan is
Why didn't Meli light herself on fire and take out some more undead if she was planning on killing herself anyway?
>stannis was a kinslayer. he must pay for his crimes
Kill yourself! If my brother was fighting me I would show no mercy to him, unless he surrendered.
tormund is more "quirky comedy" than lyanna. she's basically written like any other gruff old house leader but they just got her to play it. the humor of it wears off in the first episode when you realize she's literally the last of her house because the last few mormont men fucked themselves over.
Little girl saves the world. Everyone with an IQ above 3 an heros from this sheer stupidity.
The End
That's the kind of writing we just might be dealing with here after ep3.
good list, i'd put arya in the last tier though
How does it keep getting worse
Every time I think it's hit rock bottom
It finds some new way to destroy my faith in the world
Based fucking Onion
>a paradox to be meditated upon
idk what will happen with bronn at this point
will he kill tyrion or jamie?
So what kind of asspull are they going to use to defeat her and her huge fucking army?
A single dragon can only tank so much.
and even worse, kill loads of people's excitement on the other half of the season lmao
>rapid cuts with piss poor blocking
>inconsistent zombies, twenty can't take out people with plot armor but can easily fuck a regiment of dickless niggers
>Put the whole army outside in the snow instead of just pelting them with fire/obsidian arrows behind like sixteen fire trenches
>scenes keep randomly hopping between "OH SHIT WE JUST GOT OVERRUN MASSIVELY" to "Nah, it's ok. There's like three wights charging at a time, looks like the rest took a break" despite the fact that the night's king seems to have unlimited undead that just appearead in a giant wave
Imagine being Preston. A man who is clearly a massive fan of not only ASOIAF but a massive fan of GRRM in general. Someone who grew up reading his books and being enthralled in the world he was building. Seeing the integrate storylines weave in and out. Speculating what could possible happen next. Then watching as this story you have invested so much into is slowly but surely butchered before your very eyes, and seeing everyone around you cheering as it burns. Then you look over and see George, getting older and fatter by the day and no closer to finishing the series and all too soon do you realize theres no possible way he finishes before he dies. That the show will be the definitive and canon ending to ASOIAF and all those cut plots....gone.
Who would you want to take her (Lyanna's) virginity?
Where's Stannis?
this is the single most retarded theory i've ever heard, stop posting soibois
yeah the cost was way too high honestly
Cast young Tywin for the Rayne rebellion prequel thats never happening
why not build a trap for the NK with dragonglass spikes he can fall onto?
Has any other show in history fallen so far? Season 1 and 2 were incredible, what the actual fuck happened? I can't think of anything else that started out so strong and ended up a damp paper bag of dog shit
It's because DABID are nihilistic edgelords who think that subversion and shock are valuable in and of themselves. So when they think of all the ways they can write something, they choose the dumbest, worst possible option because there's no way most people will be able to see it coming, since, after all, it is bad storytelling.
Can someone post the webm of Jorah getting slashed on his armor and tons of blood coming out of nowhere.
>that pic
Why hasn't her hair grown back yet?
In the seventh hell for worshiping a false idol
Bronn will sneak in Jaime claiming he killed Jaime, Jaime will kill her and promise the Iron Bank money somehow so that's it.
Does anyone have the link to the live thread archive? I wanna know the reactions.
You fucking chucklefuck dont dare to compare this drivel to Tolkien
reminder Catelyn Stark is still alive. how did melisandre die? luke Skywalker'd in the snow.
Golden Company flipping on her.
hes gonna save the show with something right?
tell me they havent been hinting at his projects for 8 seasons for nothing
Some blonde guy
Wokest take: D&D are secretly third worldist who want you incels to stop watching shitty fantasy shows and start engaging in revolution. This is part of the plan. Trust the plan.
>be a 7'4 giga nigga
>get pricked by a butter knife
>insta die
Fucking D&D who takes this shit seriously at any point?
The Hound and Berric should become a buddy cop duo in the books
Just because Beric fulfilled his prophecy.. Did they really have to kill him immediately?! The guy was ICONIC and would have been badass in the final episodes
Nobody will ever mention anything related to the babies ever again.
Arya will just nothing personnel behind her and win the war and then everyone cries because they'll have completely forgotten about the Valonqar prophecy. Here's a preemptive "have sex".
him appearing and doing it would redeem the show, so in front of jon obviously
gods the show was dark then
What's the final score anyway?
>Patriarchies smashed by women
>Cersei: 3 ( House Tyrell, The Faith, House Lannister(Kevan)
>Arya: 2 (House Frey, Walkers?)
>Sansa: 2 (House Baelish, House Bolton)
>Brienne: 1 (House Baratheon)
>Sand Snakes: 1 (House Martell)
I suppose Yara can still put herself on the scoreboard with Euron unless Cersei betrays him first.
>Consuming any western media
Take the red sun pill and be free of the Merchant forever.
>cavarly charge straight in forward into an unknown mass of enemies
>trebuchets in front of the army
>army in front of the palisades
>walls completely unmanned
>no pitch or burning oil tor pour on the zombies
Would it have killed them to have one medieval warfare expert to point all this bullshit out?
>shitty poorly shot dragon fights
>too fucking dark
>jump cuts everywhere
Annoying as fuck
>character completely mobbed by zombies with nowhere to go
>fine in the next shot
>only deaths were minor characters or ones whose story had nowhere to go
Overall they threw money at the episode but it was just too fucking stupid.
Beric's death was fucking retarded and stupid.
I'm guessing he's going to kill a dragon.
It would have been a visual spectacle if anyone could see what was happening, aside from that, everything made no sense.
>t.Michelle Fairley
>1 episode about the aftermath of the not so long night and preparations for the attack on kings landing
>1 episode about dany/jon forces arriving at kings landing and preparing for the attack on kings landing, ending on a cliffhanger with cersei looking out at the forces and saying "i choose violence" cut to black and maybe the reins of castemere plays
>final episode is the battle with cersei
she decided to keep the look I guess
how long has it even been since the Sept bombing in the show, there's no reference points for the passage of time anymore
>prostitute murders the Lord of Dorne
>that means she's now in control of its armies
That's how Dabid thinks succession works
It's called having a haircut
>tormund is more "quirky comedy" than lyanna.
This is why so many people don't get about the criticism of "quips" and comedy put into non-comedic shows in general. It's not absolute. Some characters are -supposed- to be funny by their nature. Tormund is supposed to be absurd and "larger than life". Lady Olenna is supposed to be a walking quip dispenser. Mace "The Ace" Tyrell can be a baffoon in a plausible manner. The world is full of men like him.
The problem is they start doing this with nearly. every. fucking. character up to the point that they create entire characters that are completely odd-ball and inconsistent with the setting, like Lyanna Mormont. Add to this the issue of her being hte last of the Mormonts and it make her even more absurd. She's an absurd character and basically an insult to the audience. They're winking and nodding to us saying "you guys know this show sucks, right? We think it sucks too so we're just gonna 'have fun' with it"
>too fucking dark
They did say it was gonna eclipse the Battle of Helms Deep.
They just meant that they filmed it during an eclipse
Are you subverted yet?
when qybern tuned the mountain into robert strong he got some wires crossed and now he is a really good hairdresser. he cuts and styles cersei's hair daily for free
user I...
I don't even like Qyburn that much but I really want him to get away with everything.
probably not but then again i don't know what to expect of this shitfest anymore
This episode never should have happened.
>Episode 2 goes down as lamely as it did
>They set up their shitty plans with obviously shitty outcomes
>End of episode, they're standing outside shriveling their dicks off waiting for some sign of NK's army
>Lone hooded rider appears from the darkness
>"I bring word from the south."
>Hard cut to shot right outside Moat Caelin
>White Walkers lined up menacingly
Now episode 3 is them scrambling into damage control since they realize the walkers can just keep marching south and adding to their armies until they hit King's Landing. Sansa can take a hard stance against helping the Lannister forces. Danny and Jon get an episode to be frustrated about his lineage and get some antagonism as Jon's asking Danny to abandon their fortified position and fly her dragons into open battle. Cersei acts smug while shitting her pants as news reaches her and Euron backstabs her to go retake the iron islands because he already got what he wanted and fuck dealing with the white walkers. Night King is still the ultimate threat, nobody does anything blatantly retarded, there's still an air of mystery as to how this is all going to shake down and whether or not it'll even matter, prophetic vision still on track to take place, Azor Ahai is still relevant, and while we still have to put up with shittily written dialogue we can at least intersparse it with skirmishes and we're not left blowing the whole damn CGI budget for the season in 1 episode.
Qyburn is the jewish overlord of Westeros
Is the lord of light gonna turn up at any point?
He's clearly real.
>Someone who grew up reading his books
Preston started reading the books after watching S1.
>I don't even like Qyburn that much but I really want him to get away with everything.
>Qyburn kills Cersei
>steals all the gold in King's Landing
>spends the rest of his life in Summer Isles on a vacation beach having the Mountain be his personal body guard / waiter
Would the show be unironically improved with a laugh track?
I think yes
But he's one of the few likeable and competent characters left, is that how we're supposed to feel?
>the explicit content sticker
It's bran. He was waiting during all the fire requests.
I forgot to count the Mormont patriarchy, should we give that Lyanna for refusing to stay somewhere safe and reproduce or Dany for getting herself into such a stupid situation that Jorah had to die while escorting her to safety?
I understand why they made it so dark, however it made it a pain to watch
>talk to normie friend about the episode
>he speaks like Yea Forums incarnated
you realize how bad your situation is, guys?
You nailed it. Thormund is great to read because of the bullshit he admits he spouts. It ruins it when every character has to be funny
yeah, it was stupid of them to cast some as hot as Iain in the show. makes it hard to suspend your disbelief.
>what is poison
Racism + misogyny = double retarded
I'd watch this
I don't care if Berric is supposedly "dead" again it needs to happen. What do we call this spinoff show?
>tfw tyrion is reduced to making dick jokes and serving literally no purpose at all
>Would the show be unironically improved with a laugh track?
>night king walks slowly towards bran
>trips on a banana peel and falls on a piece of dragonglass which was conveniently placed there
*curb your enthusiasm starts playing
I think you might be on to something.
Literally only retarded redditors that would suck D&D dick for free liked the episode.
Koans aren’t always paradoxical, and the whole point of them is that they do have an “answer,” it’s just meant to be oblique. Otherwise good post and a good analysis of Arya’s purpose in the narrative, but that’s not what a koan is
Good post
What was he going to say?
Probably this.
Remember that in the books the Golden Company is loyal to the Targs?
Maybe they merged Young Griff/Aegon and Strikland into that leader of the GC they showed in EP2 and he is Danys cousin or some shit like that.
Immediately said "No!" in mourning because I was sure she was dead. Then knife switcheroo = bottom fell out of everything and I was numb, confused, empty, dissatisfied. I still love Arya despite the shitty cake-and-eat-it-too "resolution" to her arc. (Why did she get the faceless man trophy after cheating at the game?) I wanted that pain. I wanted her to die because it seemed necessary. Very strange experience.
>zombies have been moving at sanic speeds all episode
>Jon is surrounded and they go back into shuffle mode
lmao, D&D are such hacks
they've been hinting at him moving beyond his sellsword persona, like during the battle at the blackwater rush when he leaves his bag of gold to go kill the dragon
so naturally he's just going to kill tyrion or jamie for gold
Helm's Deep felt real and had believable tactics.
Even if you could see shit, this battle would still be stupid.
Grow up
Have sex
Dnd's BASED ending is something you just can't comprehend.
>this little girl is apparently fucking 15 years old
How in the fuck? She looks like she's fucking 10. But she's legal I guess, so yeah.
Shh, that's the after-credits scene.
Final fight is gonna be the penultimate episode, the finale is gonna be some gay resolution to all the characters still alive by that point (probably most of them if last episode is anything to go by)
Based, thanks user.
He will become Azor Ahai and save westeros in a heroic sacrifice
Does anyone have a Leeroy Jenkins edit of the Dothraki scene?
why do phoneposters always say the dumbest shit?
Literally all they had to do;
>Shot of Beric standing at the end of the hallway while wights are shanking him
>He yells at Hound/Arya to escape while holding back the tide
>Closeup of Beric's bloody lips as he murmurs one last prayer to the lord of light
>Wide-angle shot as his entire body is consumed in flames and taking all the surrounding undead with him
Lyanna Mormont had no arc. It was "girl power" all the way down.
I killed a man
Honestly the Walkers skipping Winterfell altogether is the best idea I've heard.
Actually punishes Cersei for her betrayal (since in the current version of events, she was right all along to ignore the Walker threat) and makes them actually scary since they now have an army consisted of EVERY person who has died in the past 7 seasons. It perfectly captures why everyone was wrong for infighting while the real threat looms.
But nah lets make the main villains complete losers who die to a light breeze. Why was anyone scared of these guys again? Aside from initially not knowing how to kill them, what did they ever do to deserve their reputation as an apocalyptic threat?
>"Actually the skirt cancels out the penis so it isn't gay"
Dany smashed the slavers and the Dothraki
you would slay him with a shadow demon? you have no honor! and you are a coward
the episode was bad enough for normie friends to realize that the writing was poor
I pooped a little.
Ok lads I have an idea.
Let's just pretend this never happened and start /got/ again, from the ground up. We'd watch every good episode again once a week and act like it's the first time again.
GRRM told them the fake ending right?
Lyanna originally existed to show the toll the wars had on the North and how little kids were now ruling in place of adults. She was good to begin with because she was obviously being advised by her maester and at the same time trying to act tough, they ruined her by removing the maester and having her act as 'le stronk womyn' all the time.
>Dany gets dumped right in the middle of the gorillions of zombies swarming Drogon who was on the ground for some reason
>suddenly the whole field is cleared and she has plenty of time to be useless on the ground before they start appearing
>Jorah teleports in
Fucking hell
What would happen if Bran put the Fire Bitch magic choker on?
Better than Varys, the spymaster much just stands around looking worried now.
>you would slay him with a shadow demon? you have no honor! and you are a coward
Yeah because killing him any other way is sure different!
And they were hired by the throne so they decare Dany the rightful queen and thus their contract is to her not Cercei.
The extra annoying thing about the Dothraki attack is that a sally could have worked. An infantry charge with the cavalry horns of the buffalo-ing it on the flanks, under a rolling barrage of artillery and dragonfire could have won. But they didn't commit and ended up throwing one of their best assets away
I have a better idea
he'd become cute again
>Would it have killed them to have one medieval warfare expert to point all this bullshit out?
They should have played any of the Total War games for 2 hours and they could have saved the money for that expert.
Yes cause he forgot the real one
Ned Stark reappeared this episode and he's not even talked about at all.
If my brother wanted a throne so bad I’d let him have it, he’s my baby brother. Why do you hate your siblings
So will they blame it on incels for them fucking up with the whole Arya part and getting shit for it?
I've seen so many lightsaber edits of got that I wouldn't think it is out of place for qyburn to whip one out and do a sheevspin
With Theon, the last good actor in the series died.. Tragic
then can we give it to arya instead?
My plan too. Just read. Also write my own shit.
it literally is. stannis was too much of a bitch to 1v1 him
>Theon, you're a good man.
could theon have survived and killed the NK if he had 19 more identical copies of himself?
They are already pulling the
>only 4choun incels hate le ebin powerful girl
show me the body
why did they kill the maester too? that nigga was harmless
That would actually be fun
theyve seen this tactic in a youtube vid, i swear it worked in that one mp match
Jaime is still alive. And Cersei is pretty good, considering the shit she has to work with.
he writes the books in the whim of the moment, of course he hasn't told them how it all will end
the fuck is the red sun pill?
Holy shit shut the fuck up you dumb autist. Lyanna was fine. She wasn't out of place at all. There are so many things you can criticize in this piece of shit and you choose to criticize something like this.
Yara arrives with her fleet which just so happens to have enough troops for them to fight the Golden Company.
However the pitched battle is merely a distraction while a select team infiltrates the Red Keep.
Bronn will shoot Qyburn with the crossbow only to be killed by the Mountain, Hound kills his brother but is fatally wounded in the process, Arya gives him the gift of mercy, Qyburn limps away only to be caught by Varys who has his little birds stab him to death. Yara at some point kills Euron in a very gruesome, emasculating way.
Golden Company flips because Dany is so likable (and has dragons). Cersei realizes all is lost and prepares to poison herself, Jamie arrives and strangles her before taking the poison himself and sitting on the Iron Throne before dying.
Everyone else survives, timeskip, Dany institutes a democracy. The End.
>Lyanna originally existed to show the toll the wars had on the North and how little kids were now ruling in place of adults.
If you think that then you've never seen a Cohen Brothers film. She was straight out of le quirky off-beat 'indie' film character school of film. She was in no way a plausible "child soldier" lol. She was a cartoon like so much of the rest of later-season Game of Thrones. The writers just started getting bored and knew they were reaching the end so now they're "having fun with it" and fuck us if we don't like it.
He doesn't get to smash in any medium
>implying this won't get canceled after the first season
>the giant was originally going to kill and be killed by tormund, but they changed it to lyanna because the fanbase latched on to her
Change my mind.
Protip you won't
Arya killing the night king is nonsensical. Not because she's a girl, but because as a character, she has no stakes in the White Walker narrative. Jon's entire story revolves around them, yet he didn't even fight a single Walker, to say nothing of the Night King. He tried to but NK pussied out.
Arya's character has always been about becoming an assassin in order to kill the high profile people she has on her list without going through the trouble of shit like getting an actual army. Her entire purpose is to get good so she can get revenge.
Subverting expectations =/= good. It also failed to meet them to boot. The writers invalidated hours of screentime of their own show and several characters' entire purpose for existing. My hype is fucking dead, only thing to look forward to is a decent Cleganebowl, but most likely it'll just be a fucking 2 minute duel.
Now that Arya solo'd the NK, why doesn't she just wear a face and go shank Cersei? She's like a raidboss griefing newbies now. Get it over with.
New thread
I grew up in stoke newington and used to see him at house parties drunk out of his mind groping tits left right and centre
costume department lost her old wig and said fuck it lmao
>can't see shit
>horrible tactics
>almost all named characters have plot armor thicker than Podrick's dick
>loli giantsbane
It was shit
Cute and funny. I get it. Who wouldn't want her cute and funny.
>It was fine because i say it was fine because it just was so shut up
I don't know, I couldn't fucking see anything.
100%. It’s an absolute ridiculous stretch of the imagination that he was brought back so many times, simply to save Arya from a small horde of the undead, and barely at that.
probably be pretty painful
Or imagine this:
>continuation of Preston's season 7 fix
Quick summary:
>Winterfell: Jon, Dany, Davos, Sansa, Genry, Glover, Royce, Lyanna, Cerwyn
>in ep1 or 2 empty ravens arrive from Eastwatch
>the guys figure it out even without Bran
>Jorah, Edd, Tormund trapped between Last heart and Winterfell by the army of the dead
>no one expected undead Viseryon to arrive
>bla-bla-bla, battle, battle, battle
>After Lyanna dies, Royce shouts out to his men: Stone!
>the Vale army grabs Sansa and evacuates
>the rest follow later
>Night King gets to the the tree in Godswood and stabs in with his ice spear
>the tree bursts in half (pic related)
>all lights and fire at Winterfell go out
>the last thing Jon sees is NK raising Jon's fallen comrades from the dead
Have sex
>somehow the character whose arc was meeting, learning about, accepting and befriending dead is unfitting to kill dead itself
>book niggers trying to give the Night King deeper meaning while he and the rest of his ice niggers are just walking weapons of mass destruction created to snuff out life
>somehow not seeing that the spiral thing with the bodies recreating the place of the night kings birth is the last thing he remembers besides kill everything
>not seeing the poetry in Bran being saved by the knife that was supposed to kill him
>also not seeing the poetry of Theon defending Bran with 20 Ironborn after taking Winterfell from Bran with 20 Ironborn
It's poetry. It rhymes.
>posting Emilia
Wew no wonder you're so retarded, trying to imitate your idol huh?
no u
Someone autistic enough should make a top down map of the battlefield and draw in where each character was at what timestamps of the episode to see who teleports the most and the biggest distances.
japan has a red rising sun on the flag
That would be actually a nice and easy twist that i could agree with.
Sadly D&D will fuck it up somehow.
How about I go balls deep and cum in your ass then?
Who would win, Arya or Twenty Goodmen?
There’s this intense ass fight
Arya is seen rolling off a roof
Goes to the two fuckers (Beric) realize they need to not be pussys.
Then jumps to some other characters
And then all of a sudden Arya is in the castle by herself and the hordes of walkers that were there fucking vanish. That whole sneaking around scene, like fucking 20 minutes for Beric to die and it’s not even good. He randomly comes in throws a fucking flaming aword at 2 people holding each other and hits the one he wants fucking point in then runs into a crowd to just get fucked up.
Pretty much everything with Arya included in it just made me say why the fuck is this relevant. And of course it’s relevant by making the main character of the series irrelevant. Like why even have any of Johns story? If he was at the wall pretty much everything would be the same, it would just be someone else riding that dragon. I don’t think D&D realize that by doing this they have basically ruined both Jon and Arya. Jon now is just some king we know the back story of who is a fucking side character in his own story. He did nothing in the battle. He defeats so many wights when he needed to stab like 2 to get to NK.
And the amount of plot armor to have him walk away and daenarys let alone anyone like holy fuck. The plan three years ago was “Arya kills nk” that’s all they ever discussed then they just threw this shit together
>there are people on this board right now that think Jamie is not best boy
This. Western media is dead. Fuck you guys I'm going back to Yea Forums
copy paste is strong in this one
>Yara arrives with her fleet which just so happens to have enough troops for them to fight the Golden Company.
This would make no sense at all.
How many Ironborn are there supposed to be still on the Islands?
How many trees are there left for them to build even more ships than the 1000 they already built?
The Ironborn just go and steal more shit.
>they killed two out of four DILFs in one episode