Our guy hates got too

our guy hates got too


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Other urls found in this thread:


Who is this spic?

are you a retard?

>Who is this spic?
youtube celeb who stole money from viewrs and how shills Yea Forums for views

Angry jose

Attached: 1549664437460.jpg (615x738, 96K)

Angry Joe knew

Attached: Justin_Carmical.jpg (350x363, 21K)

Daily reminder he liked Suicide Squad and doubled down even harder on it in that DC ranking video

Suicide Squad was good, though.

Joe, pls go


Whats his name again?

>our guy

Attached: 1543623626015.jpg (458x418, 25K)

Furious Fernando

Are you 12?

Carlos Cabreado

FUCK off with your cancerous click bait ADVERTISING you giant faggot.

Peeved Pablo

Better review

Attached: 1550099625627.png (1488x1310, 1.92M)

Ass-Blast Alejandro

Going be 13 tomorrow, problem gramps.

Attached: 1548804856963.jpg (454x453, 85K)


>our guy
>hates it now, after reddit told him he should

Perturbed Pablo

Buttblased Juan

what happened to dr doom's helmet?

Fo sho! Without it we would not have this kino youtube.com/watch?v=ZkqyIoYAXV8

>I just think they run out of book material in season 4
...wait, you just realize that now?!

Enraged Eduardo

vicious vincente

Attached: 1531987769715.png (600x580, 419K)

toasty teo

Irate Ignacio

>Skrillex and Rick Ross

The absolute epitome of talent.

how can he afford HBO if he only has 7$ ?

Grumpy Gonzalez

> Claims to be a PC gamer, but has never played Half-Life or Portal
> Liked Batman vs Superman & Suicide Squad
> Has never played Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Metal Gear, Castlevania or Final Fantasy
> First console was the original Xbox despite being over 30 years old
> Claims to be a Anime fan, but has never seen Sailor Moon, Ghibli Films or Evangelion
> Gave motherfucking Skyrim a 10/10 Score
Why do people even watch Angry Joe? He's the epitome of a mindless NPC

> Video game "reviewer" hasn't played Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Castlevania, Final Fantasy, Half-Life or Portal
How is this even possible?

Punished Patricio