Haha fuck

haha fuck

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I literally watched this episode on my television through sky. Fuck that retard

Those streaming services must be pretty powerful to be able to retroactively control the lighting on the sets

I guess HBO's channel is technically a streaming service

I watched it in bed with my sister on an iPad with only one headphone in my ear and we both saw it perfectly fine


I had to watch it under a blanket on my iPad like some dodgy porno to see shit.

i didn't know you watched the show jaime

Attached: boomer ahai.jpg (288x288, 34K)

basically true, the bitrate is too low

>bad connection means the screen turns darker


I watched it live on cable TV with the lights off on a television that handles blacks really well, and it was almost unwatchably dark

isn't a hbo exclusivity? fucking retard

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>it's the long night of course it's going to be dark
>it wasn't our fault blame your stream

Low bitrate can make dark scenes harder to see because fine details lose their definition, but I don't think it makes them darker per se.

Please tell me her lips were around your cock too

post sister please


Attached: MyersRobertson_002.jpg (1082x1348, 156K)

thanks for your input. now fuck off

Did any more than three named characters die? I couldn't see shit.

i watched it AT NIGHT, WITHOUT LIGHT and on SKY HD, and it was fucking awful, especially in the first 10 minutes, the dark background where the undead were supposed to be kept flickering every 2 second with a lighter one.

it was a fucking mess

Listen to this man

I agree, fuck niggers and all things dark.

If you're the OP then it's your fault for making the the thread. If you're not the OP then you should be blaming the OP for making the thread.

>Shut the fuck up viewers
>It's your fault you couldn't see shit, not ours
>Quit whining and pay your subscription while we continue to shit on you
>REEEEEEEEEE why are they pirating our stuff

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did she touch your benis

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>weak connection on a digital stream makes the picture darker

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I actually figured the snowstorm was an excuse to bring in a white background and brighten shit up so i could see. But nope.

tfw I watched it on my TV
these hacks are on full damage control and I'm loving it. might as well get so.ething out of this horrid season so far.

hate to say it, but she really does look like her. I call her ugly betty sometimes

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HBO has trash compression though.

I watched it in a pitch black room with brightness 100% up and still couldn't fucking see it.

They should just own up to producing utter dogshit at this point.

This result is definitely not caused by low bitrate.

stop your bullshitting, your sister had you eating her out while she watched the episode, didnt she.

It's not th "internet connction" that's being talked about, it's video compression which is more times than not going to flatten out all the dark levels to shit and any diffeent shades of shadowing is going to be lost because the codec goes "there's only very small aomunt of difference between these pixels so I'll just make them all the same black value and save streaming file size lul"

I like to believe they're responding to this front to draw attention away from how stupid the ending was

Yeah? And I bet you fucked her in the vagina, mouth and ass right afterwards and then everyone stood up and clapped too.

If it was a bitrate issue then there should be visible compression artifacts. As dark as that screenshot is, it does seem to show the fine details without any artifacting.

this kek

>bragging about having a titlet sister

This is what happens when a shjitty DOP wants to go dark and gritty just like the han Solo movie. You have to be really good to achieve that, like Ridley Scott, otherwise you end up with dark shit.

Post screenshots from the battle

The director and cinematographer are both assholes who can't admit they made a bad choice.

>I know that what everyone says they saw isn't what they saw because I said so

Attached: 2019-04-30 15.16.30.png (1080x1080, 348K)

Should have gone with blue-dark and not dark-dark. It’s probably the cinematographers fault more than the directors.

Streaming compression algorithms are shit. Piracy is proven once again as the best internet view method.

Here, enjoy the battle user :^)

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my fucking ass lol, it was just too dark and they don't want to take responsibility for it.

If "muh memories of victory over the dead" were not enough to kill NK or his armies ages ago, why was killing Bran along with those memories essential to him?
And if Sam found the same knowledge of killing WWs from the books of Citadel, meaning the memory was already recorded, what was the point of it all?

Attached: Li-nyymi.jpg (190x200, 7K)

Ditto. ISF calibrated TV watched in pitch darkness. Could have been the video card on my old macbook pro underperforming or a bad quality source (pulled my 5gb, 1080p RIP off Amazon) but it was suffering from massive black crush throughout the episode. Would like to see a 4k transfer on a proper player.

The problem isn't lighting. The problems is EVERYTHING about the way it was shot.
Seriously, this was one of the ugliest things I ever saw.

Attached: battle.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

I watched it in the dark on a calibrated 52" LED connected by HDMI to my HD cable set top box.

I could see everything just fine, actually...

For fuck sake... just make it snow. The clouds would have obscured the dragons' vision just as well. The windy motion blur was what fucked up the picture the most.

...and weather in battles has been done before just fine! It rained throughout most of Helms Deep


Just fucking admit you didn't have the budget you said you did, and the only idea you could come up with to hide your shitty extras and discount CGI was by turning down the torch fires and adding a "Blizzard Effect" from Windows Movie Maker.

I streamed it on HBO NOW on my phone. I watched it in the dark so it was fine. Just had to turn up the screen brightness a little.

It has fantastic cinematography, looked great ominous with dark atmosphere. People have shit taste. Blu Ray will fix problems because it will have bigger bitrate.

H-how does she smell?

Literallyworking as intended. They're horrible cheapskates and knew they could film it all on a much smaller budget if they made everything dark as fuck so you can't see anything anyway. That lets you cheapen on the effects, on the set design, on the costume design, on the CGI, on cast and crew, etc.

Also you can stretch the movie length.

He's completely right. HBO Now / GO is the worst quality streaming service around. I can only assume anyone who disagrees just started watching this season and has also never watched any other HBO show via stream.

>google Fabian Wagner
>the kino man pops up

How does he do it

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Agreed it wasn't the lighting, it was the camerawork that sucked shit.

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Helms Deep for comparison. Having everything washed in a subtle blue helps light everything, and the audience still understands its nighttime.

For extra kino points switch out the blue light for a ghostly white light when the unnatural blizzard rolls in.

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>not watching it in bed with your mom

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Director of Photography for Helms Deep battle was asked in an interview:
>Where does the light come from
he responded with:
>The same place where the music does

It's that fucking simple.

Fucking Jews

What's Helms Deep? I have a vague recollection of the name, but after Sunday I can't remember any battle scenes other than GoT

It's a crappy show with bad writing and boring characters. Why do the fans of this show expect perfect cinematography?

>The same place where the music does
That's an amazing quote holy shit. I was looking at the screenshot and thinking that the light seems unnatural if you really analyse it, but it works fine since they're surrounded by lit torches

>turn the screen's brightness ALL THE WAY UP
>user wasn't memeing, it's actually a screenshot with what seems to be Daenerys' army of eunuchs

Too dark fucking confirmed.

To be fair it wasn’t as bad after they lit up the trench

Same. I paused it within the first miute and cranked the tv blacklight up to 11. Now I could see but the quality was wrecked.

God damn I was convinced it'd be solid black this time around, but again, there's something there.

Looks fine to me

Attached: Game Of Thrones S08E03 Zoetrope.webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

was the other headphone up her butthole?

DoP was a dank master of memes that day.



it took me a full minute to understand how to watch this, lol

Streaming is shit. I watch everything from torrents in full HD BlueRay quality. Better than what you get on Netflix and without paying a cent.

I blame stupid normie zoomers not knowing how to torrent shit anymore. Ten years ago even the most computer-illiterate mouthbreather knew how to torrent movies and series. But the new generation is even more useless than mine, as if that was somehow possible.

Episode looked totally fine in 1080px btw.

That was Ron García, the DoP from Twin Peaks
>During the filming ofTwin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, we had to shoot a night scene between Laura and Bobby while they were waiting to do a dope deal in the woods. David Lynch did not want to use any movie lights at all! He wanted the kids to use a flashlight (just one). I explained about photographic darkness, but this was David Lynch, King of Blackness in Sprit and Photography – he was adamant about the scene not looking as though it was lit. He asked, if I used motion picture lights, where the light would come from naturally in the middle of the forest? I said the light would come from the same place the music comes from – he didn't laugh!

>getting in bed with your sister
Unless you're also a girl or 4 years old, that's fucking weird mate.

do siblings really do this?

I was watching it on a 62 inch tv. Fuck off cunt.

I think he's right. I watched the HD rip on a disk drive on an x-box and it looked fantastic. Everyone using HBOGo or whatever were the ones getting assblasted about how dark it was.

Based. I unironically have sex with my sister. Best sex Ive ever had.

Greentext it faggot

>in bed with my sister

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Watched it again on Samsung S9+. In daylight conditions, if you crank the brightness it's pretty watchable. Think they over estimated the number of viewers with oled TVs with proper contrast control and brightness levels.

>As you might expect, the enormous battle scene is being compared to the Battle at Helms' Deep in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, which was artificially lit. This was shot by the late Andrew Lesnie.
>When Sean Astin, the actor who played Samwell Gamgee asked Lesnie where the light was coming from in such a dark setting, Lesnie replied: "The same place as the music."

>The same place where the music does

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Please stop watching incest porn with your sister

Is she pre or post op? Asking for a friend.

kek the true GoT experience

Battle of the bastards is a well done tv show battle. I say that as someone who dislikes the show.

Why does this have so many replies?

He's right, I was able to see everything just fine, except for the shaky parts as usual.

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They probably should have had it lit more to see the details of what was going on, but it still generally captured the right atmosphere until Arya teleported.

nonsense. Everyone knows these stream services tend to over expose video. i saw it on tv and thought it was a tad too dark.

> benis -> vagina

I watched it live on TV it was fucking pitch black

Literally what is wrong with this? I'm 19 and still do it, its completely fine and natural and not sexual. The big kike has made your brain rot

This is not King's Landing.


Awesome. Thanks for this quote, user.

>live in rural area
>tfw internet isn't fast enough to receive optimal gamma correction

Attached: 1529284395727.png (239x246, 4K)

holy shit

completely normal in yuroland
save hex, incel

Attached: sweating.jpg (853x480, 90K)

You'll regret it

Nigger should have thought about it before making it that dark. There's a reason why TV shows need to keep lights higher, people just don't own perfectly lit movie theaters on their homes.

haters BTFO

Then they'd miss this great episode user


This is awesome, where do I get a program to make these?

>“Game of Thrones is a cinematic show and therefore you have to watch it like you’re at a cinema: in a darkened room … If you watch a night scene in a brightly-lit room then that won’t help you see the image properly. A lot of the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to tune their TVs properly … A lot of people also unfortunately watch it on small iPads, which in no way can do justice to a show like that anyway.”

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What is wrong with white people damn.
No wonder all you kids turning out with autism.

... There was lighting on the sets?

Had my current TV for 5 years, and this was the first time anything's looked too dark.

>ywn make passionate love to your year older sister

Attached: cap_Game.of.Thrones.S08E02.1080p.WEB.H264-MEMENTO_00_02_33_01.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

Edd, Beric, Theon, Mormont girl, Jorah.

user, I...


I watched it both online and on my TV he's just fucking retarded

do Americans really do this?

Based as fuck


It's genuinely amazing how Americans are so degenerate yet so puritan

Unless you have a super high end TV this is going to be the case for everyone.

Based. Show sister to us

Attached: black-clover-gauche.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

A finger in the bum?

I still can't fathom why normies defend this horrible episode

Attached: woopsies.png (1080x1164, 1.52M)

you can coax the Yea Forums hivemind into you-ing by samefagging the first few replies.

Normies think marvel movies should get oscars..

Do you save her armpit shavings?
