Scene women and numales will never understand
/got/ general
how can the show recover at this point
Pls kill me dragon so I'm not stuck in this shitty series anymore.
Not without Bobby shooting lasers out of his eyes it wont
Someone post the pictures from the After-Episode Interview with Kit
Hannibal Barca comes with elephants and kills everybody
why would people think that jon doing this was stupid? he has targ ancestry dragonfire wouldn't burn him
Unironically and whole heartedly The return of Stannis
Littlefinger is alive and wins the Game of Thrones
my favorite part is when the little girl limp-charged the huge troll. I almost shit my britches laughing
the last episode was just a dream
Why did Jon scream at the dragon?
I hope nobody actually believes that this was rape
liking jon is pretty much the biggest numale thing you can do
isnt it the opposite tho
>hurrr durrr she stabbed him where the dragon glass was put in
clearly she didnt
How did aria sneak behind all the wights and white walkers?
Will we ever get to see the white walker castle?
recover what? there's 3 more episodes and they're done
fuck im so sad.
night king should have defeated them, forced them south.
Azor Ahai where are you!?!?!
>Master, the fat man is writing. He's going to finish the book.
>"He cannot be allowed to finish. The HBO ending will be the only ending. Kill him, and then burn the manuscripts."
He was yelling at arya to go and protect bran
this is valyrian steel bait
too mutt for that, he's weak as a baby
tfw I always had the true best girl as GOT waifu, it feels good to be vindicated bros, wish you could feel these feels
Just turn off your brain bro
I mean, I wouldn't say it was 100% consensual.
Gurl powah
far eastern assassin magick, don't question it
>3ER was the main villain all along
Literally only thing that would be good
made me kek
Aya kills everyone and then herself the end
Anyone have any good reviews breaking down how SHITTY this episode was?
I was baked as watching and I'm not a big nerd so I dont even know, but did Sam survive? Did fat fuck sam really survive that donnybrook?
Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck were they thinking?
Can someone edit this so the NK just snaps her neck?
I totally forgot she was a massive dyke
>Open toed shoes with socks
he wants to die
was this the EXACT moment the show died?
>"how did you sneak up on me"
>arya later literally sneaks up on the lich king the same spot
Qyburn jews everyone and takes the throne.
>Got all the refugees to get charge into the Wights, removing them from Westeros
>Lit up the battle so we could see it
>Reminds Ayra that she has plot armour
Melisandre saved Westeros. Getting rid of Dany's horsemen might mean the native Westerosi can shake-off the shackles of V*lyrian oppression as well.
didnt she say she would die before accepting this? seems like an hipocrite
She would be ten times cuter without these caterpillar eyebrows, like when she was younger.
For me, absolutely
>When you're a flight attendant but you also need to get to morning prayer at 8 am
the show died with Tywin
What a little goblin
What if Dany had married Stannis?
>all the children of the forest die by NK's hand
>he's still going after three eyed raven
Literally why? Fucking why? We'll never know. Bravo Dabid.
footfriends can enjoy both, the hidden foot but partially exposed by the sock, its a tease a game, the chase is on, later on that night you can have the arome of those socks by your face, then take em off and enjoy the foot that was promised, its truly a fetish for patricians
>it didn't feel right to us for this moment
>cavalry charge heedless into the night, into an unknown number of enemies who cannot be routed and do not fear death
I'm so mad
>what the fuck were they thinking?
Literally, the thought process was "Jon Snow killing him is obvious, so lets not do that lets do Arya"
And there we have it
Littlefinger theory ends up being true.
How many times can it die? This is at least the fourth.
Kill yourself
Speaking of that, what happened to the women and children in the khalasar? Obviously they weren't fighting, but I haven't seen them at Winterfell either. And I doubt Dany left them back in Essos.
>this was rhaegars songs fate
Kill me
>Battle of Winterfell, colourised
>ghost for no fucking reason apart of that charge
>literally don't see him again till next episode as a prop
bravo dabid
And if Davos had waifus from the east?
Burned at the stake I guess.
muh memories
For a series that praises itself for being oh so ambivalent about morality it went to evil horned guy does evil to erase humanity fast
But it looked cool and scary, DABID!
s02e01 it just felt like something completely different and it never recovered
she's just fallen to the feminism meme, if she dressed and had make up like a normal girl she would be a qt would still puff her feet though
no u
Was this her condition for getting naked on the show?
beric - the guy with the flaming sword and one eye
Ser Jorah Mormont - dany's cuck
lyanna mormont - creepy little girl
edd - the cool guy from the nights watch who was the last lord commander
theon - i think you know who this is
the red woman - aka melisandre
everyone else lived except some redshirts
Say a Lord impregnates a Lady, then goes off to war and dies, and the child is born six months later. Would the child still be considered a bastard?
We get to see what margaery and tommen did
>this shit show is 3 episodes from finally finishing and the prequels starting
But Arya was the most obvious choice.
Everyone was talking about her assassinating the NK.
Kinda hot.
So what exactly is born of salt and smoke?
>Davos has a harem from Yi Ti
based and now headcanon
Is anyone else rooting for Cersei too?
It was on life support once they ran out of source material from the books.
And before it's over we're going to add
To that list.
But bro- bro did you see, bro listen - did you see all the flame weapons get slowly extinguished? Hella epic bro!
Bran turns into NK for some time continuity reasons and turns Arya into a wight for a good measure.
>have a kid and call it Eddard Jaime Targaryen
unronically based
>D&D always talking about subversion
What did they MEAN by this?
Who created the Children of the Forest?
The Show died when Tywin died, everything after that was Flanderisation and quips.
>know you're fighting against superior numbers
>every man counts
>have a trench and a castle
>lmao just charge them on the open battlefield
>american education
a bastard is a child born out of wedlock a widows child is not a bastard
How come jaime, Brienne, and The Hound did absolutely nothing important throughout the battle? Why was there a focus on these characters last episode if you’re not gonna have them actually do anything?
>the elite swordsmen of Westeros don’t even get to fight the white walkers
Would’ve made episode 3 ten times more bearable
Davos would never let it happen.
post thrones wojaks
He unironicly would given oppertunity
No? Widows are a thing in real life you know
2/10 made me reply
I remember clearly wondering why they fucking charged in the first place
no, that was way earlier
what the fuck is he supposed to be wielding
Someone shop Kit's head onto Tyrion
I mean, Ned named two of his kids after his dead father and brother.
By remaking the series once the books are finished
>All the Stannis Fanart is him having gay sex with Davos
I can see the ending now.
>somehow Brienne is the one to kill Cersei
>Cersei addresse her as "Lady Brienne"
>cuts off her head
>twitter explodes
She got her ass kicked and didn't show much competence at anything for 61/2 of those 7 seasons.
Of course most of us are! But no way she will win.
>GoT in black and white
Is this the kino we've been seeking?
>Now that the dust has settled, what the fuck were they thinking?
nailed it! - dnd
Why didn't they put their best men in a bush hide waiting to hit the Others after the attack started?
this will happen, fuckin feminism
no I'm cheering for Euron to wake up and turn into book Euron
that big arrow thing he shot at drogon
why did the valyrian steel dagger kill him again? they are forged with dragon fire and literal dragon fire did nothing to the night king?
What about the women calling her a Mary Sue though?
For fucks sake he could've scored dragon at least. What a useless character, what a useless episode.
Watch your tongue boi.
finger stumps in Stannis' butt
The ballista I guess
I'm just browising the japanese got fanart, there's some nice stuff there
You'd think the North must be decimated beyond prepare now.
Not many can be left and realistically they'd all catch diseases before even carrying them bodies out, nevermind burning them.
House Glover seriously gotta be the biggest house left.
>What if Dany had married Stannis?
Baratheon Targaryan master race for 10,000 years
such a based episode i can now see who is completely braindead and those who arent
a piece of steel is just a piece of steel until it is forged and tempured into a sharp blade
>Cersei tries to say "SAY WHAT NOW", gets beheaded right after "SAY"
>D&D appear on screen releasing symmetric turds, credits roll
because it stabbed him where the children of the forest stabbed him with dragon glass-D&D
the more important question is why didn't he just pass by the courtyard through internal structures to reach Bran?
>House Glover seriously gotta be the biggest house left.
Jon will have to pardon them if he wants any fucking men left.
It can't.
Goddamn this 15 year old is so used to pussy that he finds it boring and I''m a fucking 29 year old khhv
WHy was there nobody tanking adds like a prot warrior?
>black temple style shield with dragonclass spikes
>shield slam
>demoralizing shout
Someone to push them back and let the dps pick off scraps?
>Eddard Jamie Targaryen
holy fucking based
No chance I will be watching that. At least a Robert's rebellion show would feature some good characters. But nope, we'll have the anime adventures of house mary sue instead
the show is canonically past recovery post season 4, that's the last time grrm consulted on the show
Why would one even JUMP from the ground at someones back for a knife kill? And holding the knife backwards like a moron? Imagine being such a brainlet to make the argument that she is a really skilled assassin. Even an Assassin's Creed game is more realistic in comparison.
It's a great litmus test for people.
brb going to go draw a house mary sue sigil
behead those who insult valyria
Why you slavs have such a shit taste on women and always lust after deformed munters like Maisie Williams?
Wouldn't save the show but the previous episode should have been then finale. Seeing many of the main characters die during the buildup to killing the NK with his theme playing would have been as kino as we could hope from this pile of shit at this point.
>lyanna mormont - creepy little girl
How was she creepy?
It was written on the shitty script,
they thought that it would create a more dramatic scene to be contrasted with the dragon dying.
Realistically it doesn't make any sense, John should just stay hidden and try to find shelter to save his life.
I just want Fields of Fire desu
In gruesome Vietnam style detail
Why is jon wearing eyeshadow?
>auburn hair
If Bran turns into a new Nightking cause there always must be one.
Have you looked at her face?
iron bank pays the golden company to fuck cersei over and supports jon on the throne
>lannisters/the crown were millions of gold pieces in debt to the iron bank
>iron bank had stopped caring about supporting lannisters, tried to get stannis on the throne but failed
>iron bank was about to support danny but cersei takes all the tyrells gold and pays off all of the debts to iron bank
>iron bank already did not want to support cersei and now they have 0 commitment to her
>iron bank is free to back anyone they want with 0 losses
>cersei hired the golden company to fight dany and jon
>golden company is made up of targaryen exiles
>cersei hired targaryens to fight targaryens
>what could go wrong
They realised that they fucked up by elevating the sub-plot of the army of death to be a bigger threat than the power politics of kingdoms.
They had no realistic way out of this corner anyway.
Fire and Blood ruined Targaryens and made all of them, even the apparent great king Jahaerys, fucking retarded
Eternal ourguys
>Wheelchair Bran
>FUCK OFF dude
>the legend
eternal ourgals list
>moon is egg girl
>Myrcella V2
>Bad pussy (long hair only though)
>young Bran
>Bessie's tits
So which upcoming episode does Stannis come back in?
No, it was when Arya survived the waif stabs.
House Targaryen is the one true house
haven't watched since season 5, what have i missed?
He thought being a Targaryen also meant being the Dragonborn.
Remember dothraki, protect our horses and walls too
Should have jumped sword swinging at the dragon and chop it just as it falls apart, left to wonder if he did that or something else.
...why is Robb wearing eyeshadow
What did she mean by this?
>So which upcoming episode does Stannis come back in?
We can only hope.
>eternal ourgals list
Nope, just nope
Guys, what about Euron's krakens and dragon horn? Will we still see them in the remaining 3 episodes?
There are 3 episodes left, that are going to be dedicated to fighting fucking Cersei. It can't recover.
Tywin's death made it crippled, Ramsay's death put it on life support and this was the plug pulling.
it wasnt dragonfire, it was blue so basically it was dragonfrost and therefore could kill him
Why bother fighting Cersei and Euron? Can't they just send Arya south to do this to them?
i like how they reduced 8 seasons of build up surrounding the night king and the white walkers, their immeasurable power and the threat they pose to:
>lol just jump up behind him and stab him
gee how come no one thought of that earlier. it's on par with:
>no man can kill me
>i am no man
Because he is a Tully and all Tullies except the Blackfish are raging homosexuals.
2025 season 1 ep 2 of Roberts Rebellion on HBO 9pm EST
portrayed by:_________?
which one do you hate more
for me it's without a doubt Weiss
>had a gift for archery when you're a child at winterfell
>danced around with a former swordsman when you're at kindergarten age for a month or two
>mopped floors and swept hallways with a broom
>cleaned bodies with a wet rag
>got blinded and beaten with a stick over and over again, and the training ended prematurely, as soon as you accidentally blocked one hit
arya's only actual "skills" should be sneaking and archery, her only believable scene was the sneaking in the library. no idea where everyone gets this bullshit about her "training" all her life.
and no, off-screen doesn't count. if a character is supposed to go from 0 to 100 at something, you should show consistent scenes of them engaging in the activity, or at least practicing the same thing from time to time and getting better at it.
also, as a character, arya never had anything to do with the WWs. her whole shtick was about her revenge list and how much she became an empty shell of a person just to get revenge on the people who ruined her family. having her kill the NK is the same as having sam kill cersei: sure, it can happen, but WHY? d&d fundamentally misunderstood arya's arc
Well it looks "interesting" in black and white.
w e w l a d no
She will get gobbed soon, just like the mem king.
>Yea Forums = Stannis
>/r9k/ = Bran
>Yea Forums = Tyrion
lol, that is too clever to be on the show.
How did that fat fuck Sam survived?
>Edmure Tully
You take that back
>last 3 episodes is everyone sitting around winterfell waiting for arya to travel down to KL and back to tell them she killed Cersei
It comes back like Beric.
They sink his fleet, take him alive, chain him to the iron throne and toss him into the sea.
>Can't they just send Arya south to do this to them?
If there isn't some bullshit plot armor bullshit there is no logical reason why they should not do this. But hey this is Dnd we are talking about.
Where is Hotpie in all of this?
>Benioff: For--God, I think it's probably three years now or something, we've known that it was gonna be Arya who delivers that fatal blow.
>Weiss: She seemed like the best candidate, provided we weren't thinking about her in that moment.
>One of the great things about having this many people you care about in a sequence together is that you can pull people's attention and focus to people they care about a lot and, uh, hopefully, you forget about the fact that Ayra Stark ran out of the Castle with the battle drums playing.
>Benioff: We hoped to kind of avoid the expected, and Jon Snow has always been the hero, the one who's been the savior, but it just didn't seem right to us, for this moment.
>We knew it had to be Valyrian steel, to the exact spot where the child of the forest put the dragonglass blade to create the Night King, and he is uncreated by the Valyrian steel.
>At the end of it, it's a victory for the living, but at great cost, because some of our favorite characters fall along the way.
Remember, it HAD to be Valyrian steel at the same spot. Which Arya just randomly gets right. And it's good because NO ONE EXPECTED IT. And some of our favorite characters fall along the way, like that little girl whatever her name was. And Jorah. We all love Jorah.
>no idea where everyone gets this bullshit about her "training" all her life.
My blood boils everytime I hear someone use that excuse, we never saw her grow to the person she is now, she just gets her ass kicked the whole time and never learns anything
seeding and feeding
based and Boltonpilled
because he has to live in order to become the first president of the seven states of westeros
its exactly the same as the witch kings death. even used a super special magic dagger made specifically to kill the bad guy too
>sure, it can happen, but WHY? d&d fundamentally misunderstood arya's arc
brainless goyim will suck up everything these hacks shit out. why should they care at this point?
i blame the shitty last episode for the pain in my mouth i think it's a wisdom tooth, it's so fucking sore and only happened after that dogshit episode
All of the other shit will be forgiven if Euron suddenly goes full Lovecraft on everyone.
If arya is so OP then why doesn’t everyone become a faceless man? It only took her around a season and most of that was cleaning
Nah, it will be Arya again.
that would be to obvious and we all know what great writers do these days with our expectations.
If "muh memories of the ancient people" were not enough to kill NK or his armies ages ago, why was killing Brand along with those memories essential to him?
Because he's Gurm's self-insert
my favorite scene in the show was when arya was doing her water dancing crap and tries to stab the hound. really pissed that she didnt learn anything from that. ended up stabbing a guy with no armor with a tiny fucking sword. complete opposite of what the hound said.
What do you know about the Night King and WWs?
more likely her used up puss didnt provide any pleasure
Renly did literally NOTHING wrong.
God, McElhatton was such an amazing actor.
Do you think Gurm still his his charters in his mind's eye or have the actors replaced them?
>Renly did literally NOTHING wrong.
He was a faggot
Why did the dragon manage to blast away entire walls moments earlier, but a broken pillar deflects the dragon fire?
Based. Only Reddits like Sueyrians.
Bran is secretly the night king and was controlling the white walkers the entire time.
Don't give them ideas
I swear D&D must browse Yea Forums for shitty ideas like this to piss us off.
So Meli said Varys will also die in Westeros. Any ideas how or will it be of old age?
Unless Cersei destroys them all, I dont see how it can recover.
Being gay is based.
>Do you think Gurm still his his charters in his mind's eye or have the actors replaced them?
The show has ruined the books for him.
We will probably never get the books ending
Wait, are the prequels' production already on it's way?
If he had just let Stannis have a turn before him, none of the shit would have happened. IT'S HIS TURN!
She leveled up her sneak earlier in the episode. The whole redundant part of her evading the zombies was her getting good at stealth so she could sneak past all of them.
nth for Stannis
How exactly do they plan on filling three 1+ hour episodes now? The North barely has an army left and Cersei has an unrested army along with 20000 GC mercs. The only possible way I could see something interesting happening is if they convert the dead into undead soldiers like Benjen.
She wuz assassins n sheeit.
At the Inn at the Crossroads, giving no fucks about anything happening at Winterfell
He and the rest of the continent won't even give a shit about anything that happend here.
>Caring about that cuck's opinion
>Sand Sneks
>shirtless Ramsay with dogs
>twenty good men
>Stannis turns evil
>Stannis death
This show died in season 5
Better outcome than what we got.
because the last scene of the show is him writing the fucking Song of Ice and Fire books and telling the audience this was truly a GOT
littlefinger wins at the end
Arya could literally solo all of Cersei's forces
>mfw I'm a medieval battle historian watching this shit
>1 episode re-establishing the scene, numerous scenes with Cersei plotting
>1 episode getting ready for the final fight, bit of backstabbing
>1 episode final fight & resolution
Benioff because Weiss is ugly so at least he doesn't make me feel insecure.
What did bran even do the entire time? Flew around in a raven? For what purpose?
Didn't they make a point of it that due to the constant warfare of the Kings and the army of the dead most of their peasants died and nobody grew any wheat or barley for the winter?
Do you think D&D will mention how most of the smallfolk will now starve to death in the coming years until spring comes again?
Littlefinger and Stannis are both alive, unite and take over the kingdom. Stannis is king, Littlefinger is Hand
That's a cute Sansa. I wish show Sansa was cute.
gilly&sam and grey worm&missandei scenes
That's precisely WHY I hate him more.
The night king died because he was an incel and arya just lost her virginity
>Yea Forums
Honestly Yea Forums is more like Thoros.
Hot af my n
>food, time or geography mattering in GoT past S4
>resorted to playing the GOT mount and blade mod because the show is so shit
this. I thought he would do a magic trick at the end killing NK and himself in the process. Nope. He was just flying a bunch of pigeons
Benioff is uglier, what are you on?
>The night king died because he was an incel and arya just lost her virginity
Don't worry killing the NK will usher in eternal summer and nobody will ever die again and when the evil queen of the South is defeated they'll all join hands and sing
what were the gravest mistakes?
just give me 20 good men
Another one for you
>I'm a medieval battle historian
PfftAHAHAHAHAHA the hacks couldn't even get that right
Yea Forums would be Sam
Tyrion is /fit/
Is game of thrones big in japan?
It's probably not even coming now. They'll say the crazy long winters were the doing of the NK
pretty much what I think the finale will be.
was this the last kino moment in the show
Cersei and the good guys are about equally shit. Only Euron is kind of entertaining.
maybe he's gay you retarded incel
But Sansa even mentioned that they don't have enough provisions for everyone and the fact that seasons last for years has also been mentioned multiple times.
Surely they'd at least discuss the inevitable mass-starvation that's coming?
Two ways for me:
Return of Stannis
FAegon is somehow in the show
>I envy you
fucking kek
Not sure. I hope so, because an anime adaptation of ASoIaF would blow HBO's disaster out of the water.
>shit western media
what do you think?
The night king has been training for 10,000 years
The show turned to shit long ago...but it is dead as of the stabbing of the snowballs.
I keep wanting to play that but starting a new character in and M&B mod is always such a grind where some twat throwing a pebble at your head kills you
I'll defend Jaime's charge against Dany's Dragon
Why did Walder Frey give Rosalin to Edmure and not one of the ugly ones? Was it solely so he could give Robb a smug look at the wedding?
>what were the gravest mistakes?
Well the whole cavalry running into 10 million undead zombies would be one.
>saw people shitting on the new episode
>surely it can't be that bad
>watch it
>they actually managed to make an episode written SO POORLY that the entirety of /got/'s bitching after it is valid and justified
what a time to be alive
>Anything with Show!Cersei in it
user have you been with us these past three seasons
Yea Forums is Aemon
Ep4 is the meeting withCersei
Jaime and Wine Dwarf try to keep the peace as both Dany and Cersei fight for the throne
Dany goes full evil and Jon wants to kill her
The armies are split into 3. Cersei's, Dany's and Jon's
Ep5 is the Battle of King's Landing
Cersei fucking dies
Dany fucking dies
Hopefully some more characters fucking die but that's asking too much from this honestly
Ep6 is the "conclusion" to all this shit
Jon is king
Sansa is queen in the north
Arya is master of whispers
Everyone else gets mediocre unsatisfying endings
GRRM plays old-man Sam finishing writing his fucking books (ha) called A Song of Ice and Fire
"truly, it was a game of thrones"
>I'm a medieval battle historian
Where the fuck do you work?
>anie adaptation of ASoIaF would blow HBO's disaster out of the water
Stop being such a fucking weeaboo. The reason why the show is so shit is because it's so much like an anime.
I wonder how twitter would react to the evil mean man Euron being on the throne at the end.
the long night is over senpai, it'll be summer by episode 5
Stop, this just makes the awful choice of actors for the Stark family even worse.
Nah, no way. I don't like Benioff's nose and eyes that much, but his face shape is great. He'd make a great Kain cosplay.
Did they kill the NK without any explanation of his motives or his purpose (don't give me that Bran bullshit) in order to milk the Long Night prequels even more?
if they played the prequel in order for us to root for a character, then turn him into the NK, would it be overplayed or kino? D&D put my standards so low I can't even tell anymore
ASOIAF: Brotherhood
who woul be /x/?
I'd say Bran
>stays on his ass all day
>stares like a retard
>makes everyone uncomfortable
also would Bobby B be /out/?
nah /x/ is qyburn
He looks like a fucking jew pedophile. Weiss is just a nerd.
>All anime is the same
Giga brainlet
What's next for their career?
RIP best character
It killed all interesting characters left, so no.
I wouldn't be surprised if she did, because D&D love Cersei/Lena. The fight with the Dead was written the way it was just to weaken the North and Dani's army so Cersei can come out on top, knowing them. Either way, it won't save this trainwreck, no matter what happens.
I hope we will see her daughter's corpse
The unsullied teleported through the entire continent without food. It just doesnt matter.
Stop fooling yourself you weeb. Yeah there are better animus out there but the formula is pretty much the same.
only if Sword Art Online is your definition of "anime"
it's not like anime at all though, even shitty anime can pull off big scenes and make them entertaining.
Stannis Baratheon.
the reason why that episode and the ending are so frustrating is because they had all the parts for something brilliant. they set up all the pieces properly. they had all of the key players in one location. they had mythology set up on multiple angles that would have paid off big time. they had the budget to deliver anything that they could have thought of
it's like they did all the homework but forgot to sit the exam. the reason why it sucks so bad is because it doesn't deliver on anything that they spent building got 8 seasons
>charge into the undead with horses and no armor
>don't snip them off slowly with horse arches as they come south and dwindle them down to nothing
>don't use the dragons
>don't keep your troops in a castle
>don't set up moat after fucking moat after moat of dragon glass
They're both ugly jews.
I tell myself he did that to draw the Night King towards him.
I hope she burns down everything when everyone is in the city
Purge this fucking mess Cersei
Ruining Star Wars' Old Republic timeline. Already confirmed.
The series ended with episode 3. Literally nothing that happens now matters.
Nah, they just realised that it was a huge mistake to elevate the sub-plot of the army of dead to be the biggest threat to all of the living over the main plot of power politics.
They had no realistic way out of this corner.
why does the lord of light want the night king dead?
What do you mean?
All the seasons last for years, that's why Bran never saw Winter the entire time he grew up, because he was a literal child of summer.
Do you mean the plot point they mentioned multiple times how they're low on food and can't grow any due to everybody dying will just be abandoned?
GRRM also had a strong focus on the suffering of the smallfolk in the books due to the senseless clashes of kings who they don't give a shit about.
Remember the beautifully adapted broken men speech?
Surely D&D wouldn't just abandon everything and turn it into a generic army vs. army battle of Cersei against Jon?
>historical accuracy
and you're still along for the ride 8 seasons in?
Watching the rape in 3EVR
getting eaten alive by star wars nerds
>horse arches
The lack of them is what disse die the most about Dothraki
No idea if they just charge like idiots in the book as well, but the whole point of horseback nomads wrecking armored infantry was horse archers circling around or pretending to retreat or at least some good tactical leaders pulling some good ideas from time to time