What do they see in him..?

What do they see in him..?

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>Now, I'm not having a go Steve...

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His bank balance

Looksmax is complete bullshit and you shouldn't fall for that Jewish demoralizing tactic.

he's funny, he's 9 foot tall and he's British so is polite and not an asshole.

They're attracted to an invalid.

What if he was just funny and british?

tall, rich, charming, not hideous.

>women only go for looks

big lanky goggle eyed freak

>mfw pre-op Munn would never even look at me
Tall people usually have big dicks, maybe he does too. Also $

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Eyes bulging with imagined riches...

Well, he's pretty rich, he's tall, he's british and he's a comedian.

>idk steve

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some roasties get all damp panties for that english accent.

a big dong

>Tall people usually have big dicks, maybe he does too
No correlation


t.penis expert

Its the power of height manlet... the power you can never have

>British so is polite and not an asshole.
You've never met a chav, have you?

Tall, funny, British accent.

>t. manlet male roastie

Yeah but Steve isn't a chav, is he. That's the point.

I am

chavs dont go to America.

Chavs are bongs though, so your point is invalid.

Steve is angrily middle class

>no, weirder than that

all these posters are dicklets. Lmao.


Attached: serveimage.gif (225x169, 1020K)

>not an asshole

Good guys don't steal 30 quid from another persons bank account

Brainlets can't into logic. No-one is calling Steve a chav. user said "he's British so is polite and not an asshole", as if being polite and not an asshole was due to his bongness, it isn't, there are plenty of non-bongs that are polite and not assholes.

excuse you my dick is gigantic

but this guy is a 10/10 according to looksmaxing due to being 6'9

>being polite and not an asshole was due to his bongness, it isn't,
you've not met many Americunts have you?

Steve won

>non-bongs are all Americunts
what did he mean by this?

>Eyes bulging with imagined riches...
When was this said?

i've met americunts, I've met 'mericans and i've met americans. I liked the americans.

>all these retards debating dick size when he has literally talked about it on the rgs
>says that his dick did not scale with the rest of his body in the story about losing his swim pants at the beach in a wave
Fucking posers watch the show reeeeeeeeeeeeee

he was talking about a writeup about The Office being remade in America and the article said this about possible changes being made to the show:

>"We don't care if David Brent becomes a woman", said Stephen Merchant, eyes bulging with imagined riches.

googly eyes, a sharp sense of humour, ambition, security, charm, large bank balance, self-respect, maturity, worldliness, self-effacement, west-country accent, tall, settled in himself.

I'd let him fuck my sister

It was merely a finder's fee. Better he found it than one of the other ruffians from school, they would have cleaned that foreign exchange student out!


that there are only English people and Americans.
everyone else is third world and unimportant.

Wow he really doesn't suit up well. Must be hard when you're his size but still.

>west-country accent
Or his sister!

>fucked Munn before she took the bogpill
jelly desu

Dude is 6 foot 7.

Any woman is gonna be attracted to that, it's almost a perfect height. Doesn't matter what kind of head is perched atop a body that tall. That's why manlets with model faces and shredded bodies are still hopelessly lonely and abused by women. It ALL comes down to height and if you're under six foot you're fucked.

Any other incel comedy kinos like this?

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>It ALL comes down to height and if you're under six foot you're fucked.
>be me
>be 5' 11.5"

Your only option is suicide, breh

Meds are short and they are considered the most attractive men so this is just cope

He is rumored to have been a virgin until 27.

His face when he's looking down towards them is much more attractive than what we see.

No, attractive meds are considered attractive just like attractive arabs some bald 5’6 Italian who looks like a bulldog is not some Latin lover stop being like blacks that claim their race is the best and whites etc

Striking eyes

I heard it was with a girl that looked like Ronnie Corbett.

I love this meme.

IN a word, confidence.

This is great. Cuz he is always more tall than any other guy and he is still single.

>high status
women: ...

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Daily reminder you can’t even talk to a women unless you’re 6’7 and a model tier face with perfect hair and make over 400k a year and have an average 10 inch dick

Their cocks

literally me desu

This guy doesn’t know about self depreciating humour. Steve is clearly a big dick chad that hides behind the lonely freak gimmick to draw in babes. It works as he spent years titfucking captain America’s bird

Sorry to hear I’m 6’10 with a 13 inch dick and make 500k you’re just coping

If you see a sailor

lucky i got laid when i was a teenager atleast

now i'm a 175cm "adult" in denmark, dont even try desu.

>a girl that looked like Ronnie Corbett.
What? Dead?

>more tall

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Thanks I hope people don’t fall for incel lookism and pol stuff

The dude cant even walk through a doorway without smashing his face

>wtf why does this famous comedian have a gf????

Yeah, and that moistens a woman's meat flaps like nothing else you fucking retard. When a manlet can fit into a children's high chair, drink from a children's height fountain, use a children's urinal, it dries a pussy up. When a man is so large and powerful even conventional doorways can't contain him their ovaries go into overdrive.

I would suck his cock if you know what I mean

Fuck off

Wtf Carl told me he is one that's sad and lonely. I think Steve won.

I don't know what you mean, could you explain?

Bro just out of curiosity.... How tall are you? Or, should I say, how short are you?


6’3 but typing that is just cringeworthy for non famous rich comedians claiming height or any other feature and knowing a it’s the only thing you have is not cool

>When a man is so large and powerful
Stephen does look very powerful

Wanna know how I know you're 5'6?

Do you wear size 8 shoes? Do you buy size small shirts?

You don't have to actually answer me, halfling. I know everything I need to know already about your manlet ways.

Sounds to me like you know more about being that height yourself

Alright dude im size 13 and 6’3 but having height or some other feature as your only redeemable quality is pretty inceltier


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You're a retard that can't even read, probably double digits IQ.
Meds on average are considered the most attractive men by the highest number of women, despite being on average shorter. Now try to activate those lonely two neurons in your brain and try to guess why, given this, your post rebukes absolutely nothing.

Do you have a source for that claim? Please stop trying to group up it’s like blacks saying they have the biggest dicks or whites saying their the most innovating despite both parties not having a big sick and living in a parents basement

Blacks on average are considered to have the biggest dicks too

>Do you have a source for that claim?
Literally go out and talk to women retard

even if it were true, it still wouldn't give them an advantage in picking up women, that's the kind of logic that your retarded coping ass would use. I am literally saying the opposite, retard

One of the better later NML episodes

I agree Egyptian men are hot

Karl on why Steve wears glasses-
"it's nature's way of sayin' 'nothing to see here.'"

t.Egyptian man

Egyptian men are Mediterranean

I work around women and also work as a bartender and club promoter women are so ambiguous with their taste they will see a hot end guy and say he’s hot because he’s hot not because he’s med or black or English guy. And what people “consider” is always changing with the economic shift and cultural shifts and outlooks

being tall doesn't work if you're timid and shy, you look awkward and out of place. such is the life of a lanklet

>muh geography
We are talking ethnicity here you amerilard retard.
Levantines can be considered meds, but arabs aren't, neither are north africans (except non-muttified berbers)

Nobody said that they think meds are attractive prescriptively, but rather descriptively, retard. And no, using Tinder isn't "working around women" retarded buffoon.


You literally said talk to women and I talk to hundreds a day you’re just some coping med like those whites on pol who believe they’re true aryans or Indians who live in shit but think they discovered algebra

It's the eyes...

Med is not an ethnicity

You probably live in New Jersey

You left out the most important conquest

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have any more /pol/ memes and buzzwords you want to cram into your post? Jesus Christ leave your basement once in a while

I do and rarely come to this website pol is a cancer on the mind

Cringe and bluepilled. If anything the jews are behind any kind of body positivity movement. Keeping people supposedly happy and sleeping. It's time to wake up buddy. Stop consuming

Looksmaxing is not body positivity but self demoralization you can take care of yourself and try to look your best without being obsessed with mogging and maxilla lengths that is incel tier

>not third world
Hahahahahhaahhahaha, you bongs are truly the most deluded nation that ever existed.

i didn't call you fatty

>That's incel tier
Takes one to know, I guess

I'm 12'7" with a 2 ft dick and I'm a billionaire.

Eyes that pop out of their 'ead... Steve.

Quoth the mutt

me too

what's a "med"
6'6" italian here, ronery as fug

Unironically because American women love the BBC (Big British Cock)

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Mechant who are you call sad? Least my mum don't cut my hair.

Nope I just know obsessing over all that wasting your youth is not healthy


A cringe comic, charming?
He was the worst part of Ricky Gervais' podcast, Pilkington is more charismatic. His only good role was in Portal 2.

>he's funny
>he's British

I'm into dudes below 6ft.

that's Ricky. It's a joke from Extras

Guys, there are ways..

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>tfw hayley will never look at you like that

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That's not really what's happening though. 90% of the young people use your very logic and justify their fucked up lifestyle. Just look at all the soibois everywhere. Having ambitions and pushing yourself to the max and beyond is the only way one should live. If not, you're cringed and bluepilled

Lol manlet. I’m 8’10” 20” dick

you realize that projecting like this is very telling, right?
you know nothing about this person, so you spit out all the shit you hate about yourself because you know "if its true for me, it must be true for someone else" and hope that youre right and itll piss them off

Hes tall. Yep that's all it takes.


>He was the worst part of Ricky Gervais' podcast

Ricky Gervais was the worst part of his podcast

You're basically telling everyone to be ignorant of the world around them. Thats how they get you, give the beta undesirables false hope so that they keep the machine going. Make them think that one day they'll ascend.

tits or GTFO

Well he's tall, white and has a good sense of humor.

Their dad(s).

>Eyes bulging with imagined riches

literally nobody thinks like this except a small circlejerk of internet incels. this is why you will never ascend

>high-profile producer on multiple projects
>marginal B/C list actresses

Such mystery

Just Be Tall

Okay dude lol, nobody thinks how inferior they are to others, sure.

Every single instagram account is literal proof against your bluepilled claim

The residual checks that he gets from being an executive producer on the U.S. Office alone probably makes him a multi-millionaire.

The Office is an International franchise. The US version was a SMASH success that's still syndicated and in heavy rotation. f he's not rich he must be a complete fuck up.


To see him is to sense a promise of mildew toast scrunched amid papers and teapots, clean clean clean china and ham. To sit in a bow window in your own version of Hugh Grant's movie home. Fog on the bifocals and gentle snap of rubber as his frame shifts like a Star Wars carrier, flightless yet looming o'er you. Seeing S. Merchant is the quintessential Rule Britannia experience. You might even be taken on a studio tour in a moderately priced car. Listen to ins and outs of the business, have a laugh at parliament sods and a knowledgeable nod towards the injustice towards the people cobbling the road two streets down (the dodgy end). He's like John Green, less loud, more virile.