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Fan dudes BTFO!

Anytime a kike tries to tell me what I actually think, I tell more people about their true intentions.

I'm willing to listen if you don't mind telling me

Reminder anytime someone posts or replies to a post of a twitter screenshot, reddit wins.

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I unironically like strong female characters more than any feminist ever will, and anyone who liked them would hate mary sues.

These fuckers should all be forced to live in some country where everything is run by women since they love them so much

>Rob Sheridan
Literally who?

tvpol btfo

I'm starting to think that tweets like this are just huge bait. It's so painfully illogical and ridiculous it hurts.

I don't remember her training for 7 seasons


I would have preferred if Arya shot a dragonglass arrow at the NK instead of her doing exactly the same thing Theon just got killed for
It may have been lame but that's one thing Arya's been established as, a good archer

Its funny. Because this tweet is flat out saying if you criticize a female character at all, no matter how valid the criticism is, then it is just "raw misogny". So essentially making any female characters free from bad writing. The issue with Arya killing the NK isnt her fucking gender. Its the fact that nothing in her entire arc had anything to do with the NK. Meanwhile Bran and Jons entire storyline dealt with it. And a few other characters could also be thrown in as their arcs match the Azor Ahai prophecy, granted the show doesnt really touch much on it so them not going this direction is understandable. Furthermore at this point Arya has also been the one to kill several pretty big antagonists already, so she didnt really need another one. Give another character a chance in the spot light. I wont say she is a Mary Sue exactly, but she is definitely starting to feel a bit like a self insert type character.

Regardless. Tweets like these show these peoples true colors. Its not about having genuine discourse and discussions. Its about making women immune to any sort of criticism.

It astonishes me how many people there are who want NOTHING in a story besides their favorite character doing something cool in the last 10 minutes.
I'm convinced you could make a 2 hour film of a toilet flushing then end it with 10 minutes of [trendy actress] punching monsters and the Twitter crowd would go absolutely nuts over it and defend it to the grave.

wtf I hate rob schneider now

>muh misogyny

have sex incel

incels are fundamentally angry at women for not giving them sex, their thinly veiled moral outrage and character criticism is just an excuse for that

but if a black dude "gonna punch dat ho if she don watch her mouf" that's ok

has anyone even called Arya a Mary Sue?

Ive seen nothing but hate for D&D and how bad the ep was but nothing about Arya specifically. This is probably astroturfed to dismiss all criticism as "mysogyny". A marketing ploy that keeps getting more and more popular.

it's literally misogyny

Have sex

>has anyone even called Arya a Mary Sue?
literally a thread about to hit bump limit doing exactly that.

you a fucking retard?

will travel

Bend over

maybe if you had sex you'd stop seeing misogyny everywhere fucking incel

I didn't actually see anyone saying Arya was a Mary Sue initially.
People said she shouldn't have been the one to do it, that the way she did it was dumb and that the Night King was a weakling, but apart from people getting baited by these twitter posts no one has started a complaint by saying Arya was a Mary Sue.

Destruction of the white race.

Ive no idea who rob Sheridan is but it sounds like he’s being sarcastic

>spikes when TFA and RO come out

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Yeah I admit it I fucking hate women. And I hate when products that used to pander to me no longer do so. Enjoy not getting my money any longer

nope it's literally just misogyny. Learn to cope homo.

>any legit complaint about a tv show or a movie means you hate the Jews

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>Character development and storytelling are sexist

He's right about Mary Sue, though. You faggots ran that one into the ground in record time.

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which is funny because in the books she cant into archery

>watching game of memes

>muh misogyny
>Yeah I admit it I fucking hate women.

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We're like a decade away from that at most. People are already regularly saying that criticizing any policy decision Israel makes is "anti-semitism".

>calling other people homosexuals

is that how you cope with your virginity incel?

>facade of "valid intellectual critique"

>it's misogyny to be less able to identify with female characters
>"we need more female characters to inspire women"
Wow, women sure are bigots.

lol the fucking internet was a mistake, I hate clown world. It's /pol/s fault for their 'praise kek' bullshit.

>selling sea food and sweeping floors for a couple of seasons
>trained to slay the nk

I don't represent everyone though, I just really fucking hate women.

it wasn't her fight to win.

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Im pretty sure that user is talking about the normal population. Not people on fucking Yea Forums.

>7 season
Does anyone, ANYONE even watched got till now?!

>muh misogyny
and nobody cares if you "represent" something. You're attracted to this messaging strategy because "fucking hate women." And instead of just coming to terms with your homosexuality you train yourself to mask your hatred of women with newspeak.

Thanks for highlighting the point lol

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>WAAAAH my dogwhistles get called out

why are they fully incapable of making arguments that dont resort to screaming virgin at men who criticize them

Me hating niggers has nothing to do with this. And I'm attracted to women but I still fucking hate them. If you're a woman don't reply to me ever again, fuck off.

nope. Yea Forums was largely responsible for meming up Mary Sue in 2016 in the first place. We're the reason it's a word that the "normal population" is even aware about.

None of you newfaggot niggers were aware of the term until it became polcel newspeak because of a Max Landis tweet.

Heterosexual men shouldn’t even be watching shit like Game of Thrones or Star Wars YOU ARE ALL GAY

>Just because there are dragons and zombies a witches in a story it doesn't mean there has to be a consistent logic and every element of the story can be exaggerated at leisure

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Not even 3 reply chains into the discussion and this faggot has already resorted to this argument. Seriously why do these people always end up falling back to this shit? So I guess these people wouldnt care if Jon (or better yet some female character) went super saiyan and started kamehamehaing zombies left and right. I mean its a fictional world with dragons and stufff right?

>First episode of the show has a moment to show that Arya, even as a kid, was a pretty good archer
>Turns out she was never good at archery in the books
Nani za fuuku
Why did they have that scene in the first episode with Bran practicing and being bad, and then Arya coming in and showing him up if she was never supposed to be an archer?

>trained over 7 seasons.

You mean self-training and Jon teaching her the ropes during childhood, few months of training with Syrio Forel, 3 years running away and being captured, 2 years training when she's not scrubbing the floor, 1 year crossing people off her list.

You mean people that don't even know what "mary sue" means? Retard.

Those fuckers will never get it. No one questions Brienne abilities, it was a integral part of her character and the actress is a hulking mountain next to most of the cast. Red Witch doing high level magic is also expected in a fantasy setting. People don't cringe at any female character getting the spotlight, the problem is Arya.

Her training arc and resulting growth was severely mishandled. She goes from getting her ass handed to her to some prime warrior that can spar with the best of them and move like the wind. But we never saw any meaningful steps to her progress, they had no idea how to get her from point A to Z on screen. That's why it's so hard to take seriously.

Frankly unless there's a plausible in Universe explanation just keep OP little girls in anime, it's a really hard sell and just reeks of fanservice.

He’s right you need to have sex incel

Congratulations, you figured it out. Nobody has anything worthwhile to say on Twitter. It's all just bait to attract views and followers.

>Me hating niggers has nothing to do with this.
well now it does lol. fun fact: you hate yourself . You hate your life. You just can't cope so you externalize your feelings at The Other. Bet you're a daddyfaggot too huh.

And the point of the Lee Atwater quote was to highlight how conservatives virtue signal like they're not degenerate nigger tree apes while creating newspeak to dogwhistle that lets them "secretly" talk about the people they hate without having to acknowledge it.
>And I'm attracted to women
That's between you and your god faggot. You can lie to me. you can lie to yourself. you can't lie at the end.
>but I still fucking hate them.
nope hate yourself. maybe your mommy.
> If you're a woman don't reply to me ever again
or what faggot. You'll kill yourself?!
>fuck off.

It doesnt fucking matter you god damned retard. The opinions of faggots on this board arent representative of what the general population think. Most of the people criticizing the episode are probably not calling Arya a mary sue. Most of their criticisms are probably not based on misogyny.

Is "muh training for seven seasons" the new "20 good men"?

post pictures of your tits

Havent read the books in awhile. But im pretty certain they do portray her as good at archery or some shit. It definitely does show she is more interested in learning the stuff the young males learn (archery, hunting, etc) than the stuff Sansa is being taught.

Shut it tranny

keep shucking and jiving nigger
you're doing SUCH a nice job
at this rate you'll have convinced yourself by the end of the day!

Yes, I am a flaming homo!

I hate the excuse that if something has Fantastical elements then it invalidates everything else. These people would have a fit if Arya got killed by a teleporting Cercei.


>haha dude, you can't criticize this piece of fiction for """storytelling""" and """realism""" because it has Dragons which aren't real!!
Incels forever BTFO

I would hate myself if I was a nigger or a woman, but I'm not so your projection is meaningless sweetheart.
I would advice you to go back to ResetEra, you will face endless frustration here. Smelly roastie

Tell him you'll kick his ass

basically this, whenever there is a genuinely good movie with well written non-mary-sue female protagonist people forget about it

Yes, me. She trained but she was never in a big battle and never confronted a wight or a white walker until this battle.

We really need to start locking these retards up.

how long until you kill yourself, tranny?

>you can't demand flagrantly realistic content from a show about dragons
This, pretty much. If you don't like it, why do you still watch it?

>why did Dany suddenly hop in a BMW and go tokyo drifting around King's Landing


every time

I like watching it burn.

Damn. I guess if Dragons exist in a piece of media that immedialty makes believable storytelling unneeded because "it has dragons dude".
Good to know.

I mean do they actually need to show it on screen? We know that she did do training throughout the course of this show, which spans years. I mean it is quite unlike a character such as Rey who we know has had next to zero training and the timeline doesn't exactly allow the flexablility for it to have even happened off screen. Since at most the events of both movies maybe take place over a month, probably less than a week of which she spent with Luke.

have sex

Imagine coping this hard because someone on the internet doesn't like you.

Where can I watch this movie?

What the fuck are you even talking about mongoloid? You are the one trying to pretend that anons post was incorrect by citing what some thread on Yea Forums is saying. You are the one moving the goalposts. The fact is that Yea Forums isnt a good representation of the general population of people who are criticizing the episode. Most people probably arent calling Arya a Mary Sue. Hell even itt some arent calling her a mary sue.

But it was already established that they can do these things, it would have been equally of an asspull if the night king suddently killed everyone with telekinesis.

Oh and also him having perfect aim was stupid too but I don't remember anyone defending that.

You can often isolate the people using Mary Sue because they hate women by asking them if Anakin in TPM is a Mary Sue. It's fucking hilarious the logical loopholes that unfuckable prequel babbies will go to to justify why the baby rocket scientist ISN'T a one when Rey is.

Same as Jon versus Arya. Jon gets to be Lord Commander of the Night's Watch at 14 because a bird said he was dope. This is after he survived beyond the wall and got a qt wildling gf and everything else. He just always manages to win in his fights and even we gets fucking executed he gets revived lol. He doesn't spend the whole fucking show preparing to be a badass. He just gets to be one.

stopped right there

I'm married but I still hate this kike pos show, should I make a twitter profile with me and my wife as the main pic so they can't just shout dumb sexist insults at me?

they want to kill you, and its a good thing

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>trying to defend shitty mary sue characters

that's a yikes from me famalam

This but ironically.

>white race
No such thing.

I think you mean Queens Landing, woman hating piece of shit.

>women hate men
>men hate women
what's wrong in hating women?

Yes Jon is a Mary Sue you fucking retard. We just don't call him that because the term Gary Stu is for guys.

I don't watch anymore, but has she been effective with her sword up to this point? like, whats her experience? I see she "trained a lot" as the tweeters have been parroting, but whats her actual skill with sneaking/killing etc.?

not moving shit. People that say Mary Sue are bitching that it's a girl, without being honest about it. Nobody ever gets triggered when sex little boy protagonists do crazy shit. But there will ALWAYS be asspained virgins clucking about Mary Sue for ANY female protagonist. You whatabouting to "the general population" is your fucking autism. Yea Forums is where messaging strategy starts. Mary Sue became a meme through Yea Forums shills turning it into one. The people saying Mary Sue in 2019 are parroting the people that said it on Yea Forums in 2016.

And the ONLY people saying it ANYWHERE are buttblasted faggots that want to whine about girls without admitting it.

Learn to cope faggot.

>you didnt read every got thread currently on Yea Forums
no i did not.

Wait so anyone who criticizes storytelling is literally hitler?


Imagine having an IQ so low.

This is why you don't argue with women and men with feminine minds.

maybe thats because gary stu's are at least entertaining

there are no entertaining mary sues

> We just don't call him that because the term Gary Stu is for guys.
lol sure thing nigger. Let me fix that for you:
> We just don't call him that because when a boy does it, it makes me feel special, and a special boy like me could easily accomplish what the character did. We have no problem imagining a sexy special boy like us doing things, it's only when it's a stinky gril that ISN'T us does things that suddenly we virtue signal like we give a shit about screenwriting tropes.

Who cares about pseudo-intellectual terms like "storytelling", "character development", "editing", "lighting", "script writing", and "choreography"?
I clapped when I saw Arya jump and stab the zombie man! My emotional reactions are the only valid barometer of art!

You guessed it. Take that, Donald trump.

asking questions like that definitely is

so no one on twitter?
She spent two seasons becoming a hitman, i'll buy that she can stab someone, its just that the NK died so unceremoniously and anticlimactically.
Plus arya got scared, hit her head, and almost died. Mary Sues are Rey, they dont show vulnerability.

Arya was one of the only things about this ep that constituted payoff in any way.

I still floors me blind these people are to basic storytelling.

Use the plinkett trick on any of these characters, and they fall apart:

"Describe Captain Marvel, Rey, ect, without saying her name, job, or role in the story."

and NOW you understand bad writing. congrats.

>I feel sorry for your wife
>do you beat her?
This is the level of discussion that you will be having.

>Sarah Connor
>Ellen Ripley
>Supergirl (1980's)
>Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft
>Numerous martial arts females such as Lucy Liu, Cynthia Rothrock, and Michelle Yeoh
>Bridgette Wilson as Sonya Blade
I mean come the fuck on. There have been hundreds of female characters that are "strong" without being Mary fucking Sue's. Rob can eat a dick.

I dislike both poorly written characters and the strooonkkk woman who don't need no man feminist tropes. There is rarely a feminism influenced action hero that isn't also incompetent crap these days, but even if the writing were competent I still wouldn't care for it. I remember me and my friend randomly went to go see Wonder Woman (which was a competent film) when it was in theaters and we kept busting out laughing at points in the movie that weren't intended to be funny, especially the beginning part of the female only amazonian warrior island. I am more likely to overlook a Gary Stu than a Mary Sue.

wamen quipper

How could she pass the white walkers and wights if they can detect the living?

Okay I wont argue Anakin. I can see him being considered a Gary Stu. But Jon? I dont buy it. Sure him becoming the Night Commander was a bit too easy. But aside from that Jon has been a bit of a fuckup.
>battle of the bastards
He gets btfo and is only saved by his sister getting the Vales help
>letting the wildlings across the wall
Gets him killed
>battle of winterfell
Does jack shit except run and hide from dragon fire
>battle of hardhome
Again another loss. Barely is able to just escape
>revolt at crasters keep
If i remember correctly gets his ass kicked by the fookin legend and only manages to kill him when his back is turned
Pretty sure he beats Jon in a duel as well right? Been awhile so i could be misremembering.

Any other fight he wins its usually because yeah he was able to be trained by the man at arms in winterfell. Just like any other noble boy. And he is fighting against people who are relatively untrained. Helps that he has a fucking Valyrian steel sword and a direwolf as well.

It depends. In the case of Rey, it is relevant. In the case of Arya, it isn’t. Crying “bad faith” isn’t an argument at any rate.

Remember when everyone shat on the SW prequels and no one cared? Now if you criticise anything they will just call you racist and misogynist, because that's how intentionally marketed this garbage is to give themselves this protection.

I almost have to hand it to them. These multi billion dollar corporation that saw stuff like the occupy movement a few years back and they must have been shitting themselves. So they started pandering directly to these retarded commie fucks in the most blatant way, and the stupid fucks and fallen for it completely.

>a gary stu
He's the most flawed character in the entire prequel, and his story ends with him getting chopped in half.

>Yea Forums is where messaging strategy starts
Imagine being this delusional. Regardless it doesnt fucking matter since the original post wasnt specifically talking about Yea Forums.

GoT became a communal event. It's social currency to talk about it and feed into the cycle of hype and root for your favorite character. The worldbuilding, plot or internal logic of the universe doesn't matter, only that the show enables excitement. It's the same reason why people that don't give a shit about football can drive themselves into a frenzy over the world-cup.

Now here comes the bookfag that tells them that what they just watched was terrible. That it didn't live up to the hype, that it was shoddy and that the event for which they and their friends hyped themselves up for is underwhelming, poorly written and a shadow of its former self. And instead of getting mad at the people that wrote the plot they get mad at the person telling them the truth. That's normal, often when people get scammed they direct their anger towards the person that exposes the scammer even though that anger is thoroughly misplaced and unproductive. And deep inside they know that, the reason they're mad at the bookfag isn't because he's right, it's because the excitement surrounding social events is more important to them. All the contrived rationalizations why the show is actually great and why that shitty plot thread makes sense and such and such and this and that, it's all just an attempt to not have the excitement that filled an empty hole in their lives dissipate. It's not even worth getting annoyed at.

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>is a fuckup
>still fails upward over and over
no problem.

>spends entire story training to be an assassin
>becomes one
Mary Sue

she has ninja training. You buy trading faces and wights but not casting Hush?

Excuse me brother, I couldn't help overhearing. What you're saying is that perfect entertainment is attainable given that we perfect the language and eliminate criticism, and the revolution will be complete when the language is perfected. I couldn't agree more.

Imagine being this fucking new. Kill yourself fucking reddit cunt. Nobody cares about how hard you struggle to understand reality.


>So essentially making any female characters free from bad writing.
Well, free from being called out for bring written badly.

You'd think feminists would be for making sure female characters are well written, not just blindly consuming the products of a corporation as long as they cast a woman in the role.

you should stop visiting resetera it's rotting your brain

Arya cannot be a Mary Sue.
That would assume ANY of the characters of GoT are well written and developed. She's just par for the course.

Sure. But I guess i can understand why someone might try and argue in episode one that he is one? With the whole "yeah he is super strong in the force just because" and all the other shit he does successfully... although you could argue literally all of it happens due to luck...

But Anakins arc isnt really one I woild say is that of a gary stu. He has his rise, his fall, and then his redemption. Either way my post was about how stupid it is to try and imply Jon Snow is a gary stu

You don't understand a epic story and people's need for something more than their ordinary lives. Songs of ice and fire. History and mythology. Fantasy and the supernatural. You are inhumane and are only inspired by your trolling.
I dreamed of Excalibur and the Holy Grail and I treasure stories such as Game of Thrones. I wield a pen, not a sword, but I live to destroy evil with my words. Dreaming makes us much more than we are. It inspires us and in my case, I write my own tall tales.
I don't drink but I still know things. Never surrender your dreams. For you might be destined to be a change in this world. No one can extinguish the joy of being caught up in the tragedy, no one can darken the light of imagination.

it's not really assassination if it's in the middle of the largest battle in history

Let me explain something to you brainlets
This isnt accidental hack writing - this is on purpose
We are in the era of "event programming". Making a good show is worthless if it doesnt trend on twitter. Everyone needs to talk about it. The only way to do that is to constantly flip the script.

They KNOW it's anticlimactic, against character, and fundamentally retarded - thats WHY they did it, so it would set the internet on fire way more than a satisfying conclusion

Explain why nobody references brienne that way then?

get aids

How the fuck are his fails upward? Nothing he has done has really had a net positive. Thats why alot of people have said he feels irrelevant to the show. Furthermore when the fuck did I call Arya a Mary Sue? I was pointing out how stupid you are for trying to imply Jon is one.

anakin in TPM is a huge mary su. that movie is complete garbage. he's like 10 years old and just stumbles through everything perfectly and wins a space battle for no reason

Hehehehe this will rile Yea Forums up. Time for another twitter cap thread.

250 replies later

Every fucking time.

Not only that, but the other characters have honed their skill in one specialty, not several like Arya. She has perfect stealth, perfect understanding of movement, perfect aim with bow, perfect aim with throw, incredible agility and on-the-fly decision-making, incredible sword fighter and the ability to blend in a crowd perfectly.
The equivalents like Jaimie, Bryenne, Jorah, and so on all have some flaws or don't partake in a skillset. They are vulnerable in certain settings (regardless of plot armor), while Arya? Pffft, just defeat anyone.

Reminder that anytime bad writing involves a strong female character, Twitter checkmarks are quick to defend it and paint everyone who criticizes the bad writing as something they're not.

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Well alot of that would make sense for a world class assassin to learn.... the only one that is debatable whether she should be good at it is sword fighting...

Bitch this shit will hit bump limit. Fuck off with this weak 250 replies shit

My wife hated the episode and did a massive eye roll towards me when Arya killed the NK. What's the argument for that then?

Really she should have been limited to being a great assassin. The scene in the library was good. That was arya with limitations, getting out of it with stealth and misdirection.
The scene before that was fucking dumb because she just ninjeaed through like 20 wights without blinking.

The dead can detect the living, even if disguised. The only way she could have bypassed them is by being dead.

>spends entire story training
having some mock sparrings with a fencing teacher and being the hostage of the hound doesn't count as "training". Also her fights with waif cannot prepared her against an enemy who has almost infinite stamina and can't hide from it.

This. And its a shame. Because, despite Yea Forums memes, the ASoiF books are pretty well written fiction.

That's a profound misunderstanding on how fantasy actually works. There's a good reason why they treat Superman's ability to fool everyone with a pair of glasses as a running gag.

A mary sue is a character that lack development and it's bad written. TV's Arya is a bad written character.

remember that shooting dagger arya was trying to make. would have been better if bran just shot him in the back when arya was grabbed. wouldn't that make more sense

It would have been just as stupid if Jon Snow killed the NK, and here's why.

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nah you're just a toxic nigger hypocrite and an unironic knownothing that gets triggered by grils and virtue signals as criticizing "bad writing" even though you don't know the first thing about writing.

People loved LotR, explain that, retard.

Sounds like capeshit. This show used to be heavy on political intrigue and light on the battles. Now we have entire episodes of just fighting zombies and YAS SLAYS. Somehow where along the line this show lost its way.

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That would mean bran is actually usefull.. not enough of an subversion of expectations

they do. they did for fucking years.

Its funny because the guy actually apparently writes comics

But seeing Jon fighting against an unbeatable enemy could have been more entertaining that "muh OP TF2 spy backstab"

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True, it would have been "more entertaining," but at the end of the day it still would have been a betrayal of what made [the first couple seasons of] GoT special in the first place.

lmao have sex incel

>The dead can detect the living, even if disguised. The only way she could have bypassed them is by being dead.
you're rally defending the integrity of White Walker lore after that abomination Sunday?

You really cant buy a girl with magical killer training running past some randos?

so true
Character development is such a fucking postmodernist meme.
There is only those who are born good (white people) and those who are not
The good must win

g2bed julius

Arya basically failed her trainging though right? she was meant to become faceless but couldnt get over the ego of being "arya". Also they were assasins taught how to kill people by like blending in and stuff, what has this got to do with a zombie?

post pics of your tits

I don't see anyone criticizing Melisandra or that Scottish chick. Plenty of likeable non-males on the show.

Because you can enjoy both

Since time immemorial the rule has been to give characters what they need but not what they want. What she wanted was the training to become an assassin (NOT to be a faceless man, which was just a means to her end), what she needed was to give up everything she was. D&D in their infinite hackery gave her everything she wanted at basically no cost. She had her cake and ate it too.

So the fulfilling the prophecy hyped by 7 season is "betrayal"? Are you out of your mind?
No, because that could have meant that the white walkers and it's king could have been killed by Ramsay's 20 good men, who are better at hiding and breaking havoc without being detected than Arya. That was just "yaaas munter ninja slay"

>Sneaking up behind your adversary and killing with a suprise attack is now heroic.

why did she make the spear?

Please return to reddit, or tumblr, or whatever the fuck your hugbox is

So you are telling me that a busboy/cleaning lady with 7 years experience is a killing machine?