This is the best highschool movie of all time

This is the best highschool movie of all time.

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op here
I actually meant to say that it was Heathers

actual OP here, Heathers is the 2nd best.

I should rewatch it but I'm afraid it didn't age well.

Battle Royale was pretty good, far better than let's say the hunger games.

imagine being such a retarded weeb you think br is good.

>projecting this hard
it's okay to like anime user, no one will judge you. don't need to pretend.

Heathers isn't actually a good movie, it's just cool. Same goes for everything starring Christian Slater

japanese terminator was the best part of this movie.

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It's not good, just very edgy. The ending is typical Japanese retardation.

It's a bit on the goofy side (in an anime kind of way) but still entertaining. Don't watch if you can't stomach some hammy acting.

Wrong, it's this .

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>It's not good, just very edgy

why not both?

Because eventually you stop being 16.

Honestly, I had a little trouble relating to it.

the only movie to ever get the Battle Royale scenario right, I can't think of any other work of fiction that captures the dread and horror of this situation at all.

this should be done in burger high schools

You...felt there was actual dread or horror during it? Did you watch a different movies? It's a fucking comedy.

It's actually existential.

Ignoring the Japanese melodrama of some scenes, I thought that the director did a good job of presenting the hopelessness; especially in the Lighthouse scene. The friend turning against friend scenario is generally horrifying, not sure why you didn't see that user.

not me, i came in 2nd at my highschool