Funny epic original insight into the Sonic trailer

Funny epic original insight into the Sonic trailer

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based and redpilled

Mr Metokor is based AND redpilled! The only ones who don't like him are bluepilled trannies! Truly the greatest e celeb alive!

Bumping because this thread has the potential to generate a lot more SEETHE

is this metokur cunt nu-Yea Forums personified?

... Did the guy in the red shirt eat Jim?

Metokor army RISE! Lets get those smelly trannies SEEEEEETTTHHIINNNG!!!


less cringey than the average, but also less original

good trade imo

have sex incel


This but unironically. By constantly shitting out tons of sarcasm instead of focusing on his own point of view he makes the viewers come to their own conclusions. This makes the discord trannies realise their own degeneracy and seethe immensely.

>watch his Channel Awesome vids
>expect him to tear them apart for all the cringe
>literally just "X had retarded hot take on Twitter 5 years ago"


wtf I just gave into youtube and watched his TGWG videos

Can someone explain why nu-Yea Forums keeps droning on and on about degeneracy on fucking Yea Forums? Do they not understand that gifs of hentai dick girls are literally a click away on here? Jesus Christ how long before they go full Helen Lovejoy?

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ah I see
so he's the DSP of commentary
truly based

This guy here deffo isn't a trannie. A real redpilled independent thinker. Anyone disagrees is an npc who can cope and seethe, rentfree.

Fuck metokur, he never showed by edit of the star wars fan crying over the new trailer.

He's gotten only more cringe since then. Soft beta boy who revels in internet drama is there anything more pathetic?

why would anyone care this much about a kids movie trailer

is this thread real
I can't tell if anyone is here or if it's all bots

>is there anything more pathetic?
watching him
paying him

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Maybe you should go to a place that's less confusing for you

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I hate this boomer faggot so much. He's a 40 year old man acting like a 18 year old Yea Forums troll. And to make matters worse, he's a racemixer and has an asian gf.

ok this is based I can't wait for him to read this thread to me later while im in bed

He covered it on one of his livestreams, you can find archives on youtube

"""Trans""" is just a form of extreme perversion that thanks to the weak-minded nature of basedboys and lefty brainwash has broken the boundaries between sexual desires and everyday social life.
When an user faps to futa porn he keeps it private. The anonymous understands letting his kinks become a part of his real identity would ruin his life.
On the other hand we have trannies and furries, who dress up and mutilate themselves to realise their dark desires in real life, but this hormonal haze doesn't last long, hence the high suicide rate.

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Real than real, kid. Metokor is the man.

the original, but not the edits.

>why, yes i love youtube activists

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Have sex

His heart wasn't really in them, because he only did them because his patrons voted for it (which is also why he stopped doing polls).

Once again, you're on a website known for its love of trannies where do you think you are when you complain about degeneracy? lmao save it for church

Whoa dude, did you just down a whole bottle of redpills? Someone call the thought police, we got a free thinker over here!


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I have had sex with multiple women
I still hate female behaviour

this movie looks leagues less cringeworthy, commercial, and gay than Endgame, a movie I guarantee you Reddikur paid to see and enjoyed unironically

The average MM video
>hey guys Jim here...haha...
>what I have for you this month is... haha
>Another internet meme person I found through research....
>I did my research on Yea Forums...hhaha...
>I sources on Yea Forums said this person...
>did some stupid shit online hahah....
>here are my sources *posts literal screenshot of a greentext*
>I mean are you serious?
>hahha this is so stupid!
>*poorly made collage done in MSPaint with some meme internet song in the background*
>so don't forget to donate to my patreon

>Yea I listen to internet political commentators what you gunna do about it cuck?

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The fake laugh is the absolute worst part. It's like he uses it to prove just how totally not ass mad he is guys I swear


what an autist

Legitimately don’t get what people see in Metokur and his videos. His humor consists of really basic observations about stupid shit that everybody already thinks is gay and if his last video is anything to go by he seems like a retarded alarmist.

ya seethe?

Ww all had sex with ur momma's pussy

His videos are pure shit straight from his assholes yet his fanboys lap it up like it was nectar.
Also love the fact that he didn't want to get too famous until he realized he could make money off of retards.

If you didn't understand my message then I'll give you the gist of it one last time.
>discussing the worst fucking things imaginable and beating your dick to it is fine as long as you doing it privately
>actually changing your body and lifestyle to fit those horrible fetishes while letting the whole world know about it and forcing everyone to respect you for your sex-drive-influenced decisions is cringe and bluepilled

Since the faggot wont show it, here cunts

>Personally, my exquisite taste prefers Count Dankula over Black Pigeon Speaks #whitegenocide #anti-feminism #sjw #rhodesia #kalergiplan

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>rant channels are dead
>skeptic channels are dead
>anti SJW channels are dead
>alt right channels are dead
>Jordan Peterson fags got btfo by Zizek
>metokur is dead
Is YouTube finally a 100% liberal site

I get what you're trying to say. This does nothing to challenge my original notion that it's retarded to cry about this degeneracy on Yea Forums a website dripping in it

I don't watch any youtube political cringe shit cuz I'm not a zoomer. but keep defending metokunt if you want m8 I wont stop you

I can't wait for Butts trailer reaction. I hope he likes it like me.

stop having sex

i was agreeing with you

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Internet is communism, so yes.

t. Ben

sorry at this point I can't tell what's genuine and what's a shitpost on this site anymore

I'm also defender the west one youtube subscription at a time. Your comment makes tranny sjw cucks seethe and cope!

>internet is communism
Is that including paying for video games and porn?

Just remember this one thing, user:
A real man doesn't kill his inner beast, he keeps it on a leash

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>paying for porn
This is a thing?

It is, paypig.

Metokur is entertaining and all of his content is just laughing at stupid things on the internet, which is all I've used it for since I've been on the internet. So it appeals to me, that's it. Also it helps he's never put himself on a pedestal and imploded from self-aggrandization, which has happened to like 99% of the people I've followed and liked on the internet. The only people who treat him like a god are his retarded fans. He doesn't seem to think much of his own opinions or takes, he just genuinely likes what he does which is appealing and probably why he has so many fans.

If metokur is bad, who's good, then>

Why does he do forced laughter throughout the video?

Its so annoying.

0.001 metokur dollars were deposited into your fanboy account
Don't forget to subscribe on patreon

Dude, you should def watch (((my favorite youtuber and/or streamer))), he says it how it is!

Hi SamuraiCrack. Stop posting caps of yourself and your epic chan posts on kiwifarms.

>If metokur is bad, who's good, then>
Trick question. No internet ranter/commentator is good

>YouTube keeps demonetizing right wing channels while promoting tranny loving cucks like hbomberguy, Shaun and ContraPoints
Imagine my shock

Why do you need someone to laugh at stupid shit for you? That’s so weird, I hear this same argument from Metokur’s fans all the time and it sounds like you’re pretty much saying he’s a friend simulator. That’s why he seems to have so many fans.

because if he laughs, then it means it's funny. Think of a laugh track to a sitcom. It essentially tells autists when to laugh

Only seething discord trannies don't like Metokur.

>If you don't like my internet man you must be other internet man
oh lol

>actually changing your body and lifestyle to fit those horrible fetishes while letting the whole world know about it and forcing everyone to respect you for your sex-drive-influenced decisions is cringe and bluepilled

a real man doesn't fucking go on an anime image board everyday but yet here we both are.

>mumkey jones was banned while Metokor still walks this earth

There is no justice in this world.

>Don't call me out bro
SamuraiCrack needs to stop posting himself on other sites for upvotes.

Friend simulator. People feel better when they have someone else to share things with. Even when it comes to laughing at retards online.

Fucking love internet drama.

I don't. He's an entertaining personality and sometimes finds things I haven't seen yet.

What's Jus Oborn doing in there

States are now passing laws that will be fining Faceberg, Jack, and Jewgle $75,000 each time they delete a comment or a video of one of their users based on politics or "hate speech". Soon their little lefty deplatforming escapades will be over.

Ehhh, more like nu-Yea Forums pretending to be old Yea Forums by hosting raids and then posting it to r/Yea Forums to brag.

lol stay mad

oh look it's /pol/incarnate!

Welcome Destiny nuthuggers!

Don't make me tell the kiwi tranny mods you misgendered me today SamuraiCrack.

>I don’t
Yes you do. Jim doesn’t add anything to the shit he makes fun of.
>He’s an entertaining personality.
How? He doesn’t add any insightful or interesting commentary to anything he says and his jokes are just wacky voices reiterating whatever it is he’s making fun of. It’s shit for babies and socially stunted teenagers.

That's insulting to /pol/, I'd rather them than him any day.

I like Destiny and Metokur and ya know what ya can do?

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Because nobody wants to see that, and in the end you yourself will be disappointed with the result
But nobody IRL knows we do, right?

You don't like something I do. Big fucking deal. You really are just looking too much into this because you have something personal against him for some reason.

I miss the raidboard.

>something is generally liked
>Yea Forums says popular thing bad Metokur bad
>something is generally disliked
>Yea Forums says the new Sonic movie looks good
This is nu-Yea personified

because we live in a society

Holyshit. Redpilled as ma8, redpilled as. Destroy that commie midget and all his fans! Metokor RISR UP!

I’m trying to understand the average Metokur fan who sucks the dude’s dick endlessly while also acting like he’s just some internet nobody who laughs at stupid shit.

people shit on Yea Forums and rightfully so, but Yea Forums is filled with so many twitch and reddit fags it's unbelievable

>the average Metokur fan who sucks the dude’s dick
You're gonna have to take that up with someone else because I'm not doing that. He makes content I like but has faggot fans. It's not hard to reconcile these two things as that's like 99% of the popular things on the internet ever

>I've seen so many shops and versions of this comic all it takes is the image of tails on a bench for the entire thing to flash through my mind
They better put a shot of tails on a fucking bench, I will loose my fucking shit and sperg out so hard in the kinoplex they will write news stories about it.

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sweetie squad reporting in
we're going to cover ourselves in shit to own liberalist septics
meanwhile sargon runs for office and make actual change in the world

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Hi, sargonite.

Source on this?


>actually changing the world
Crashing and burning UKIP to the ground is a change I guess.

Yea Forums isn't a hivemind dumb zoomer

Metokur is a fag, he goes from internet subculture to internet subculture attempting to attract followers with his "epic bants", but has to keep moving because his viewers quickly realize he is a stupid faggot parasite.

You know, at least with other e-celebs like RLM and James Rolfe and Filthy Frank and even all those dudes from Sleepycabin they can at least be funny without constantly needing to make fun of internet culture low-hanging fruit like furries and Deviantart. That’s all this dude seems to do.

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>meanwhile sargon runs for office and make actual change in the world
Change the world into a boy fucking utopia maybe.

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Stop the antagonistic marketing, Jim, we know you post here.

How is Sarg'n these days?

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>lists Silent Hill as a bad vidya movie.

hold up jim, it wasn't even on the same tier as mario bros and resident evil.

That it does.

>Because nobody wants to see that, and in the end you yourself will be disappointed with the result
Who cares what anyone else "wants to see"? And people can decide for themselves, they don't need someone to lord over their personal lives.

Being perpetually contrarian for (You) dopamine rushes is a hivemind

the last one he showed was the holocaust one

Actually this thread was made by kiwifarms user SmauraiCrack. He posted his nerd rage over there before making this thread and then started caping his posts here and posting them over there.

Texas, Florida, Arkansas, and Rhode Island are all close to final pass on legislation that makes it illegal for social media "platforms" with more than 75 million users to use the loophole of calling themselves a "platform" and yet have a very clear and even stated political bias when enforcing their arbitrary rules. You are free to enforce arbitrary content rules all you want on your website IF YOU CALL YOURSELF A PUBLISHER, not a Platform. There is a distinction.

Context of comment?

>he's a 40 year old man
>he makes "redpill" youtube videos
>said videos consist of him reading an internet article and then forcing himself to laugh after every sentence
>he's so shit at research when handed a goldmine like the autismos of channel awesome the best he could come up with is "this guy likes to be dominated"
truly a legendary figure of our times

Nah, his usual video is something like this.
>clip of today's topic, often edited in a "humorous" way (whether you find it funny or not depends on your sense of humor i suppose)
>if the video is a part of a series, cue intro to that series; earlier series are a short song over a static edited image, while later series are edited together video clips over a short song (the tgwtg videos are the exception, as that series wasn't good enough for an intro)
>jim introduces the subject over a static image, which is sometimes a picture (made by his girlfriend) or a picture of the subject; usually he'll start by making a sarcastic statement or a very broad statement before naming the subject of the video
>the video then follows a very easy pattern: 1) jim sets up a screenshot of some forum post or tweets / a clip by explaining what it is we'll be seeing, 2) he shows the image (and reads the text) / clip, 3) he talks about image / clip, 4) repeat 1
>this goes on until he runs out of material or gets bored of it
>the material he uses was collected by someone else, either Yea Forums or kiwi farms or encyclopedia dramatica
>his commentary usually doesn't go much deeper than "wow that's really fucked up" and while it does include some forced laughs, they're not super common (there are videos where he goes the entire length without doing a laugh once)
>some jim videos end with him promising to make new videos; if this is the case, never expect to get those new videos
>some videos end with a clip, the tgwtg end with him thanking patrons, but most just fucking end rather abruptly

Okay jim

I'm not being contrarian there's a lot to dislike about this metokur fuck. Stop pretending that everyone who hates your favorite e-celeb is being contrarian for the sake of it. the guy is cringe

>two years later and Jim is still on Sargon’s cock
Lmao what a loser

>low hanging fruit like furries and deviantart
Hi, deviantart furry.

It was still pretty bad though. I did like the part with the children. that was a fun scene.

I like how James minds his own business, I respect that about him quite a bit.

Here's a generic Metokur video on Yea Forums:
>clip of televisions being smashed over don henley's dirty laundry
>cut to a still image of the metokur character sitting in front of the tv
>"we've all heard the warnings in the past about television. (in a nagging mom voice) 'Don't sit too close to the TV. Don't watch too much TV. Don't be a couch potato. Don't watch those scrambled channels.' Well today I want to introduce you to a special group of people who didn't heed that motherly advice. Of course I'm talking about Yea Forums, television & film. Now this is an image board on 4channel, not to be confused with that nasty hacker Yea Forums."
>cut to news clip where Yea Forums blows up the van
>"No, I'm not talking about that website. We're going to 4channel, advertisers welcome."
>an image pops up with a logo for 4channel with the phrase "Please give us ad money, we'll behave" under it for a couple seconds
>"Now, I just want to warn you guys, we're getting into a pretty special place. I've dealt with autistic folk before, but these guys *forced jim laugh* are truly *struggles to regain control of himself for a moment from all the forced jim laugh* take it to the next level. But don't take my word for it. Right now I'm going to show you some posts from Yea Forums so you can get a real good idea of what we're dealing with."
>jim shows a screenshot of a post and reads it in its entirety for the benefit of those who might be illiterate, with some jim laughs along the way
>"Now I don't know about you, but that user sure comes across as a real special snowflake."
>cue a clip of that woman reeing at trump's inauguration
>rest of the video is jim reading screenshots and showing images and then going "wow that's fucked" and sometimes using funny clips from other people's stuff
>eventually jim runs out of screenshots
>"Well, there you have it, folks. That's Yea Forums for you. And what an amazing ride it was."
>video cuts out immediately because jim can't spare a single extra second

Metokur is fun, brings retards to my attention so I can have a laugh.

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no he is a Yea Forums-shitposter from 2012 personified. literally a boomer trying to stay cool.

Don't judge a man who yiffs. Yea Forums is a furfriendly board.

who here /sweetie squad/? groom me daddy!

Its definitely not great, but I like it as much as I like the Mortal Kombat film, its enjoyable.

oh wow imagine writing all that in an effort to defend your favourite e-celeb

>have a decent 20 year old asian wife
>stream every two weeks and make thousands of dollars just watching videos
>basically drink and play video games constantly
As far as neets go, Jim is pretty high tier

That movie was so nonsensical. Why was that movie even made?

There really isn't. He's such a non-entity unless you outright look for him that I don't really get how you can "hate" him. He's too easy to avoid.

>Change the world into a boy fucking utopia maybe.
Will, /y/ would be happy at least.

No. Imagine writing all that PLUS . Not sure where you get that I was defending Jim, though. I pretty much call his videos super formulaic.

mumkey is a sperg

Sargon has a weird habit of talking about greek pedophilia and it's always made me uncomfortable

He was fine when he made general interest topics that were broad in scope and people were plainly retarded. Then a little while ago he started only making videos about weird niche autists embroiled in some stupid internet argument that only like 10 people on the planet care about and I stopped watching.

Either way we still hate Jim.

don't forget!
>reads Yea Forums greentext out loud and claims it's legit proof
I'm surprised he didn't think the Caca smoker YEPERINO was true

Literally based as fuck.

cos it was the 90s, and finding out if vidya can be kino was all the craze.

>if you don’t like my favorite internet celebrity then you’re just part of x group of people he’s made fun of
Have you told your therapist you think like this yet?

Probably because he's a pedophile.

A mirror would keep you entertained all day

I don't really hate him, I hate his orbiters. If Jim was just some sub 1k channel shitposting in obscurity he'd be a lot more enjoyable

>There really isn't.
cringe forced laugh, embarrassing e-celeb drama the focus of half hour long vids, shitty formulaic video format, cringe sense of humor. I don't get why you feel like you have to defend this cunt so hard


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why are people still posting this faggot on Yea Forums? why? why?

Sonic is gangsta

In a short span of time (like over a year), Mumkey Jones was able to get a following greater than Jim even though Jim's been doing Youtube for like a decade, and he was only getting more and more popular. Jim meanwhile languishes in a dark corner and is thus easier to ignore. Mumkey was a threat.

because the majority of this guys audience are underage tourists


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You’re clearly obsessed with metokur because he trashed one of your degenerate subcultures you frequent or because you’re another run-of-the-mill Sargonite here to defend your master.

is this thread KiAcels coming here to cope?

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Don't forget the part where its shilled here to farm some (you)'s.

>now here's hehheh
>here's a discord server
>and in this discord server a group of real life autists are arguing
>I mean how stupid can you be?!
>Alright now don't forget to donate to patreon-

free replies from angry incels

True, but his sins were far less.

It's like watching OJ go to jail while Dahmer walks free.

Go swim

not the leader we asked for but the one many follow

The Don and his boyfucker army have taken the thread over.


newfags think Metokur is "our guy" because he enables their newfag behavior

Read the thread. Look at how people react. Both jims fans and jims haters are easily riled up.

do you wish people would post your videos, user?

I don't see his videos on here too often. This one is here but it actually is Yea Forums-related. Then again, that's probably largely because the guy hardly ever makes videos. Even his podcasts are infrequent at best.


user, we live in a society. You shouldn't give a fuck about the opinions of only those people that can't affect your life.
Do you know why the "bodypositivity" thing doesn't work? In theory it should because it's their business if they want to be fat fucks and it doesn't hurt anyone. But it doesn't since no one likes looking at sweaty stinking hambeast, let alone standing near one.

Unironically this is the heart of why this thread even exists. If he was obscure this would be a circlejerk "kek so based!!" thread. But because he's popular's inner contrarian comes out because popular thing bad

>You’re clearly obsessed with metokur because he trashed one of your degenerate subcultures
zoomer literally can't comprehend someone would dislike his e-celeb. I hope you're at least being compensated for defending this fag otherwise OH NO NO NO NO NO NO

u mad bro?

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You seem unnaturally angry about youtube videos

Where does the quote come from? What's the context?

Sargon was talking about his favorite passtime of fucking children. The man loves plowing boys in the ass. His friends love kids too. Louis Levau is into lolis, Vee pays money to fund shota porn creation. These guys love kiddie cunt.

me inside the phone

Why do all of Jim’s fans assume that everybody who thinks he’s not funny or that his videos are bad and boring assume they’re just fanboys of some weird internet thing he’s made fun of?

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We need a containment board for all this e-celeb junk

Someday it will come to a head and it will happen.

>If he was obscure this would be a circlejerk "kek so based!!" thread.
why are zoomers so cringe? I really don't understand how anyone older than like 17 can sit down and enjoy this fag talking about obscure e-celeb drama for an hour.


He's shilled where the topic is relevant. Always generates a large amount of butthurt from both sides. Pretty good.


Clearly not obsessed and angry because he made fun of you and your groupies once

I think it's this stream.
Either that or the Amos Yee stream.

>zoomer gets passive aggressive after getting BTFO

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Jim made a connection that I hadn't -- the takes on Sonic (and Det. Pokemon) are ripping off Rocket Raccoon from GotG.

I feel like if metokur were to put his words down in paper and if you read it to yourself you would probably realise what a clown he is

Jim doesn't make fan of things, he makes fun of faulty people associated with those things.

Sargon's the eternal lolcow who blew his Patreon money and is about to kill UKIP lol.

>All the seething trannies ITT

Just a reminder you'll NEVER be a women, join the 40% that kill themselves already

>enjoy this fag talking about obscure e-celeb drama for an hour
Because I like listening to stories about sociopaths sending pictures to their friends on discord of them fucking decapitated dog heads. It's the same reason why anyone watches ID drama specials. It's fascinating to think people like this exist

I used to watch his streams but i got so tired that a 2 hour stream would contain 30 minutes of content and the rest were just super chats.

he does it for free folks

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Nice self promotion. I will not be watching faggot

Occam’s razor
Give me a reason why I shouldn’t suspect it’s because he made fun of you for fucking animals or sticking air pumps up your ass?

Which trannies are worse? Kiwifarms or skeptic/KIA trannies?

warning precisely against this kin selective quote mining

Why do you watch him if you don't like him?

Probably the same reason you think anybody who doesn't tolerate your austistic whining is a Jim fan, phonefag.

Nigger I wanted a quick rundown not a whole conversation. Am I shite watching that.

because everytime people look into people that get really angry at Jim, they always end up being diaperfurs or trannies.

Yea I'm not a teenager so stories about literally whos don't on a tranny discord don't interest me. if you enjoy the dudes videos that's fine i just think he is a bit cringe.

This. Sargon continues to be a joke so of course people are still laughing at him.

It takes two to tango

Why does Jim make discord trannies seethe so hard?

I linked a timestamp fag

seeing his face on the news and recognising him is probably one of the few times I have regretted the time I have spent on the internet

I can bet my left nut that no one who cares about some YouTube Skeptic from 2015 is in any way human.

I don't I stopped watching after the TGWTG stuff when he started focusing on obscure literally who drama. I liked when he focused on broader topics but then again maybe I've just gotten older and this e-celeb political debate club shit doesn't interest me anymore

He laughs at them and they can't do anything about it.

Anyone notice sonic has BLUE ARMS???? Chris-chan ultimate sperg out incoming. The consequences will never be the same boys. He needs to be put on a fucking terrorist watch list ASAP

hey it's the gamergate guy lmao

You're too mature for e-celebs talking about fucked up things but not too mature to talk about e-celebs who talk about fucked up things. You sound insecure as fuck

sorry my man, it didnt work.

>sweetiesquaf69 donates $100: "spank me daddy jim"
it's funny, because his viewership tends to be just as degenerate as the people he makes fun of

Probably the HRT. Trannies go crazy on that shit.

Well the timestamp I linked was 26:19 and was actually him saying it depends on the child
Turns out that particular clip about being quoted saying you can fuck young boys is at 1:00:16

He was talking to a guy that said he got fucked by an adult when he was 11. Sargon responded saying it really depended on the child and some mature faster than others. So Sargon is fine with fucking a mature 11 year old. VOTE UKIP