Just how problematic is the television show Game of Thrones only on HBO?

Just how problematic is the television show Game of Thrones only on HBO?

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yea they killed off the white walkers. racist

if the dothraki are immigrants, then so was blackwater


They're invaders.

Why do liberals love cultures that enslave and rape everything they come across?

>It's a problem
Why? For whom?

>literally came to slaughter the natives and steal their land.

This. They also have a literal rape culture until a white woman told them to please not rape.

Did they forget that the dothraki were rapist, murderers and slavers?
And religous nuts too because they only bowed too dany because they think she is a god in human form?

Because they’re weak bitches who fantasise about that stuff.

Liberal women see themselves as Dany (while shoving more food into their 300 lbs. bodies) and fantasize about tall, dark strangers who want them so much that they don't care about consent.
Meanwhile their basedboyfriends are too cucked to have an opinion of their own.

sounds like the immigrants coming into Europe by the millions rn

they like headlines that tell them what to think without even reading the article, so all bets are off.

Except those live in huge dorms where they rape each other and smoke weed all day long.

Aren't there plenty of rapists and mysogynists in Westerros? I think Brienne killed a few when she was transporting Jamie back to King's Landing. Also, when Stannis Baratheon's forces were at the gates trying to force their way into King's Landing, Cersei was telling Sansa what would happen if the Baratheon forces won. Also, I did mention about the liberal progressives letting the Dothraki die in one if those threads about the episode's battle tactics, or I think I did.

Oh noes, they killed of a culture that priced itself into slaughtering everyone and mass rapes, mass enslaving and mass murder! The dothraki are what you get if you made the mongols retarded and removed anything even semi-good/functional about them and turned them into a lame caricature.

>Aren't there plenty of rapists
They get castrated or sent to the wall, retard.

>and mysogynists in Westerros?

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Will this be her plan too?

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isn't it a bit inappropriate to call a horde of violent invaders, who explicitly came to kill the natives and "tear down their stone houses", "immigrants"?

>They get castrated or sent to the wall
Think you have a couple of things mixed up friendo

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it truly is, would have been accurate if they came to lay claim on and live in those stone houses while pretending to be refugees though.

no its perfect.

The horse nigger massacre was the only thing that made that episode redeemable.


Breakers of chains and wheels.

Medieval feudalism has lords and it has slaves. Dany is a visionary and wants to change all that.

Immigrant has become synonymous with darkies.

Both sides agree that is the same thing. Only braindead "centrists" are fooled into believing otherwise.

>underage rape in the first episode
I'd say it's pretty problematic.

>until a white woman told them to please not rape
It's so sad actual women believe this kind of things works in real life

uhh...sweety? rape is part of their unique culture, ok? stop westerosplaining what's right and wrong

>enforcing a non-rapist society by effective leadership is impossible
Okay, Muhammed.

Because First Worlders live easy lives and have become so weak that their women need to look at 3rd world savages that live hard lives to find strong men.

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What kind of retarded post is this?

>foreign invading hordes
pls be a fake screencap

>It's so sad actual women believe this kind of things works in real life

Maybe if they put these views to the test in the third world, if they change your living space into the third world however and then put these views to the test there while expecting protection from the very power structures and previously commonly held notions of civility they are intentionally eroding or even demolishing then it turns into something entirely different.

this has to be a false flag to undermine the left