>best comedian ever
>doesnt tell a single joke and lectures you about politics and society.
Best comedian ever
>doesn't tell a single joke
What about guys named Todd
>White people have no place playing the blues! They don't belong on stage in a blues concert. They belong in a cramped train carriage with a one way ticket to the almighty Interracial Breeding Grounds! Am I right?! Who's with me??
Jesus, George.
society biggest joke of all
i thinkin he based!
he realized we LIVE IN A SOCIETY
>le deep philosopher for 13 year olds comedian
How did he get away with it for so long?
>dude religion (read: christianity) sucks lmao
I really lived him when I was in my 14 yo edgy atheist era
Don't want to rewatch his stuff desu, I'd probably like it much less
George was a funny guy. He could be a cuck about shit a lot of the time but all in all he seemed like a really cool guy. I bet he was the life of the party
>How did he get away with it for so long?
13 year old took a while to grow up
his analysis of the world is similar to what was mine when I was fucking 12
Some jokes were pretty great, but he got too preachy, crass and depressed over time.
Yea we get it old hippy faggot. Humanity sucks. America sucks. White ppl are bad blah blah blah. Try telling a JOKE!
The worst part is the horrible influence he's had on stand up comedy where now every 2nd comedian thinks he's some deep philosophical thinker telling everyone about the issues of the world.
Make me laugh, faggot. This isn't CNN
On his late years people who watched him just pretended he wsas the bets vever because they wanted to be able to say "i saw him live 3 times and he killed it" when in relity he was seniile and awfull.
Same thing happens with some bands and singers, people still go see Alice Cooper and say he was great when ine reality he is an alzheimer and parkinson filled cadaver that needs to change his diapers in the middle of every song,but people want to feel special so they have to validate wasting their money and time.
You're getting him mixed up with Bill Hicks. Carlin was joking when he talked about that shit, even if he was pushing a preachy message, he would actually tell jokes. Bill Hicks made lectures and rants popular as "stand up comedy"
Everything George did after "place for my stuff" rapidly descended into tired old hipster rantings. Everything up to, and including "place for my stuff" was top shelf comedy.
I liked him better than Ringo as Mr. Conductor.
He may not have been that great in his later years, but he definitely wasn't senile. He had very quick recall and delivery for a guy as old as he was doing what he did.
Apparently linguistics jokes are too sophisticated for you, OP.
Angry old white man telling platitudes.
His parenting skills were comedy gold.
>>A particularly haunting story from a trip the Carlins took to Hawaii when Kelly was 11 stands out. "The coke was running low," read Kelly. "Mom wanted more and argued about every trespass they'd ever committed against each other in their 14 years together. Then Mom picked up a kitchen knife, and Dad did, too. I screamed and hurled myself between them. Stop. Stop. Please, just stop this."
>>Aiming to defuse the altercation, she wrote out a "U.N.-style peace treaty" that said, "I, George Carlin/Brenda Carlin, will no longer snort cocaine, drink alcohol or argue with each other for the rest of the vacation. The undersigned agrees to these conditions so that we can all have a perfect Hawaiian vacation." She then drew two lines underneath and had both of her parents sign it. They broke it almost immediately, and Kelly distanced herself from them for the rest of her stay.
Stand-up comedians are the lowest form of human life. Prove me wrong, I'll wait.
George Carlin was funny
I seriously doubt that he would have agreed with the anti christian nonsense while fully embracing islam, whatever counts as modern feminism or the whole genderqueer lets put kids on hormones shit
he was leftist but old school one
lol who knew a nihilistic know-it-all atheist without any values except deconstructing religion was a horrible parent
didnt he tell jokes for like 40 years before this though?
>(((hollywood))) sweetheart
>is a shitty leftist branded as a genius of his art who never spouts a single "wrong opinion"
how could this be?
Mimes are by definition not stand-up comedians because:
1. They never lecture you
2. What they do takes skill
3. Are actually funny
He was good but, Pryor was funnier
how are mimes funny
The combination of muteness, overreaction and exaggerated facial features can sometimes result in fun.
>doesnt tell a single joke and lectures you about politics and society.
This is what "comedians" think their job is today.
Vetinari pls
At least they contribute to society in some way through the purchase of guns and cheap liquor.
These threads had me feel the same way but I rewatched his stuff and still thought it was good. Another meme repeated constantly is that he stopped telling jokes and got worse, but his last show was one of his best.
>but his last show was one of his best.
yeah because he died painfully soon afterwards LOL
This is a meme, his last show was great.
He always told jokes, he was just preachy at worst
Is this the Demi Lardner thread?
>can sometimes
Nah, never. Only time when I laugh at a mime is when he's burning in some movie scene and flailing his hands and legs around, screaming in agony.
FUCK Tucker, Tucker sucks
That's why stand-up comedy sucks.
Agefags, was he actually funny or insightful? From the videos he seems like a pissed off non self depreciating Jon Stewart