H-h-he's going to come back or get a more meaningful explanation, right guys...

H-h-he's going to come back or get a more meaningful explanation, right guys? They didn't just snoke a character that has been hyped for 8 seasons?

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Nope, hes dead and will never come back.

>Force ghost of Ned stark appears.
>Father, is it over?
>There must always be a night king.
>Arya is now night queen.

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He’s gone now stop thinking about it, faggot

I'm amused by your use of snoke as a verb. Fuck Disney.

I can't accept it guys he was such a based chad, why did he have to die?

>Tell them only that the Night King is dead. And that Jorah Mormont died with him.

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You've got to let the past 8 seasons die. Kill it if you have to.

there's a better ending, don't worry fellas

I would be happier with this than anything D&D will do


I want to believe they were smart enough to do something more with him, but I feel like they are just not smart enough.

Like that whole cave painting shit in Season 7 showed a Night King with a beard. A very deliberate detail that will likely have no payoff.
They showed us that the Night King has seven pointed pupils. A very deliberate detail that will likely have no payoff either.

They basically set up tons of lore and shit just so they could be like "haha but what if he just dies instead"


>Ya got balls kid, I’ll give you that

This was so out of character from him.

It's a perfect example of Chekov's Gun.

I literally thought of a much better ending in my head at work today.

>Instead of Denearys following John fully, she just gives John some of her army to fight the Night King
>Denearys and Cersei fight in the south, Jamie stays with Cersei as military commander
>Johns army gets wiped out in the North, he flees south on a Dragon to warn everyone the night king is coming
>Cersei agrees to stop fighting Denearys until the Night King is defeated but won't give any of her army to help
>Denearys and John Snow go up North,rallying every last man with a pitchfork to help fight the night king at a final stand on the Twins (that bridge where Filch was king)
>Jamie and Cersei ready their army behind, ready to swoop in after the night king has been defeated and finish off Dany's army
>Dany's Army is getting massively over-run at the bridge, Jamie starts pleading with Cersei to send her army in to help, otherwise it's the end of the world.
>Cersei refuses
>Jamie stabs her in desperation, becoming Azor Ahai
>Dany's Army starts to get routed
>Jamie crests the top of a nearby hill, Holding lightbringer to the sky
>Leads a huge cavalry charge down into the Night Kings army
>Jamie kills the Night King
>Bronn turns to him
>"Now I see why they call you Kingslayer."

Would've been so much better.

>Spends a generation in darkness
>hundreds of thousands, maybe millions die
>has to sacrifice everything
>barely wins
>builds huge as wall so that it never happens again
Lmao what a fucking retard why didnt he just train a goblin to become hokage?

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*4 seasons

he was only introduced in season 4 when Jon goes to Craster's Keep to execute the mutineers. Even then he was a nameless character.

why was he immune to dragon fire

others are immune to fire

i thought the whole point of the dragon glass weapons was that was the only way to kill the white walkers. if that's the case, why wouldnt actual dragon fire work?

Obsidian exists naturally when volcanic magma is rapidly cooled in the ocean.

Be sure not to choke on your aspirations.

Oh, yes. Of course. That's the explanation the show runners wanted us to understand.

Did you rike it?

You won't need explanation in matriarchy. Just do what femoid overlords tell you, incel, and maybe they'll let you have sex. Not really though.

Remember everyone's favorite pink hair admiral from TLJ? That's how all media and life in general will be from now on.

White walkers/Others have been there for 8

I'm telling your boss your wasting time coming up with shitty scenarios on his watch

I wanted to see an undead ned. his bones were in the crypt, right?

>"Now I see why they call you Kingslayer."

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