So Maisie Williams doesn't like this conclusion, but Benioff's approach leaves me without hope.
So Maisie Williams doesn't like this conclusion, but Benioff's approach leaves me without hope
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Arya legitimately doesn't deserve it. It's never been her path or destiny. She had her list, completing it was hers.
The battle with the Night King has been what Jon and Bran have been fighting against for years. It was theres.
I still can't believe what a terrible decision this is from a story perspective and they actually went with it.
Fucking hacks.
so basically the writers were paid off to sell the show to Big Fem?
Am I the only one that doesn't give a shit that it was actually Arya? Complete waste of all the storylines leading up to it (Azor Jon, Melly, Bran etc), but rather the execution was fucking retarded.
She literally leaped 10 feet in the air off of nothing, navigated a zombie army to Bran, who was surrounded by NK and his lieutenants. Like, if she used faceless magic to sneak up on him, that's fine, fucking SHOW IT. But don't do this fucking ninja death from above shit, and then a knife drop to top it off. It felt so fucking cheap.
That's because they are going to kill Dani and the feminists are going to literally freak out. We will have articles about how this is the worst night since Trump's election blah blah blah blah
Bran killed the NK though. He gave Arya the blade and set up the events to allow it to happen.
I thought this too but I rewatched S3E3. Before the hound duels Berric, he’s asking who’s gonna be his opponent in the trial by combat, he says “Is she the bravest one here”
Berric says “she just might be.”
>implying this isnt how it happened
>they are going to kill Dani
Are you retarded
Jon murders Dany, Jon (aka grrm’s self insert) is crucified by arya, the new qween of westeros
That's what i'm assuming too. There's an interview with Emilia where she says she basically wandered around the city aimlessly for a few hours after finding out Dany's fate.
>grrm’s self insert
>not Sam
And Cercei did it too. She fucked Jaime so he can push Bran from the window ultimately allowing all of this to happen. Doesn't mean that Cercei was the one to deal with the NK.
Who needs talent when you have connections
Dude dany is gonna die how do you not see this
I don't see how that pertains to her killing the NK
Literally 90% of Hollywood is Jews that got where they are because of nepotism. No point even pointing it out anymore.
Jon and Sam form grrm’s superego, Jon is his ideal self Sam is his reality, thus is why they’re best friends in the show
How can you defend that episode? He literally played no part in the final battle, he just sat around warging into birds. Same with Jon who did nothing against the NK. Even if you want the feminist girl power Arya to kill him at the very fucking least involve Jon and Bran in the battle somehow and then just before the NK defeats Jon in combat have yas queen slayy swoop in and save the day.
Reminder that Maisie did her "assassin thing" when she literally killed the entirety of house Frey. Too fucking bad this whole debacle, while VERY fucking interesting in its core, was executed so fucking badly, that people can't even tell how big that was.
She pretty much completes "the North remembers" arc and avengers her mother and brother. By this time, Tywin is obviously dead, and Cersei has ZERO impact on the War of Five Kings, neither did she really play a part in Ned Stark's death (without Arya's knowledge, though), as she wanted him to join the Night's Watch.
Arya's BIG MOMENT was killing the Freys. It should have been. She should be hunting them mercilessly one by one through all the fucking Riverlands for the entirety of season seven, until regrouping with her family at Winterfell by the end of season. That would be pretty much it for her arc, it's all she needed. While she could still be motivated to get rid of Cersei, she shouldn't be the one to kill her.
Cersei SHOULD kill HERSELF, and take The Red Keep with her with wildfire. She should be so fucking lonely and miserable and depressed at the end that no one would even kill her - not Jaime, not Sansa, not Dany. She should fucking burn herself and put an end her miserable life.
Also, Arya killing Littlefinger was somewhat off as well. Littlefinger should either be the silent winner of "the game", or be outplayed by Sansa - while this happened in the show, again, it was executed so fucking badly it's embarassing.
I genuinely feels like D&D lost all their passion for the series. In the early seasons, at least it was obvious that there is a great attention to detail, even if they were just adapting the books.
At least she isn't so far up her own arse that she can least predict how poorly it would go over.
>holding your writing hostage because fans are scawy
Gaymergate ruined creators. Everybody's such a fucking pussy nowadays.
>“I plan to be very drunk and very far from the internet.”
What an absolute hack pussy faggot
>muh fanfiction didnt come true
>I genuinely feels like D&D lost all their passion for the series.
They never had any. Their whole aim was to do the Red Wedding. It's no coincidence the show's quality so quickly plummeted after that, they had no interest in doing anything beyond it.
this, a surprise killer could have been Sam or fucking Edd would have fit more
It's GRRM's fault for selling the rights to his incomplete series.
Book 7 should be coming out this year and Season 1 should be airing now.
based maisie williams obviously upset after reading that script that she'll now be harassed by seething manlets for the rest of her life for a decision she had no control over
>killed the entirety of house frey
I thought this was just a lazy way to fill the lady stoneheart plot hole
Has GRRM said anything about the direction of the show? On the episode recap the writers are talking about how everything is their decision. Does GRRM have no say anymore? And are his original plans for the books ruined now because of this show?
Also, everyone is saying that Arya deserved this moment because of all that training. No. Fuck you. This was Brans moment. Her killing the night king like that completely ruined Brans entire arc to where he is ultimately useless. And bye to the Azor Ahai prophecy I guess. Tumblrettes posting about 'The Princess That Was Promised' even though she fits literally zero of the requirements. When Dani dies I hope they choke on their tears.
You know what bothers me is that this kind of shit becomes politicized and nobody can just be honest. People on the left have to defend it because muh girl power. Why can’t people just think the ending sucks without Trump having anything to do with it
Phoneposting and redditposting
and that's a good thing!
it's about understanding the arcs and the way they develop
NK is unrelated to anyone apart from Jon, Arya never even saw the dead until this episode, she never fought to become a great assassin so that she could end the great war
that wasn't her purpose
she had one purpose: to avenge the murderers of her family and those she loved
and those were, most importantly:
>House Frey
not Cersei, not Night King
since Joff and Tywin were already dead by the time she became "no one", House Frey was her big bad
She had pretty much the same take on it as everyone else, I don't think anyone will blame her for that scene.
Did Arya even know who The Night King was? Lol
They are killing off at least Dany and Tyrion. The tears will be glorious.
No, she just had more fucking sense and understanding of story structure than the goddamn writers of this now trainwreck of a series. Let that seep in.
It makes perfect sense financially, this is just another example of social media driven populism ruining art (in a general sense of the word, yes its just a tv show). This is the same thing that happened with Westworld S2. The showrunners/producers know that getting social media trends and reaction videos is the most important result for short term financial success in 2019. Now that digital mob rule is in effect for everything released to the public, financially driven creators have to pander to whatever trends are currently popular if they want to be successful.
>I plan to be very drunk and very far from the internet
Based Dabid
Ofc not. Actors just do what they are paid to do.
The writers are the ones fucking it up.
I don't know how true this is, but I saw a comment somewhere that her boyfriend got the inside scoop from her, and his immediate reaction was "shouldn't it be Jon?"
The nk coming to kill her brother and all of humanity, while she killed people we’ve actually seen fight. All while what’s left of her friends and family are hiding in her childhood home from death.
No connection. Nope. None at all.
>Jon Snow being useless in the battle despite being the so called “Prince who was Promised”
>Dothraki being one of the most feared warriors in the world and still getting wiped in 1 minute kek
>Jaime, Brienne and SAMWELL MOTHERFUCKING TARLY holding off thousands of the same wights who slaughtered Dothraki like nothing
>Night King smiling after being flamethrowered by dragon fire but dies by a small pointy end of Valyrian steel
Yas Qweenz did the same to ghostbusters and Star Wars, when will anons learn?
Yeah I saw that too. Maise knew the shitstorm was coming looooong ago
>nobody can just be honest. People on the left have to defend it because muh girl power
They are being honest. They genuinely see media as a political delivery device first and foremost. They don't care about narrative or storytelling or any of that shit. Does it promote lefitsm? Yes? Then it's good.
GoT reminds me of TLJ, more and more with each thread. Fuck man, the show has been pretty bad for a while, but this was legit the worst episode of all. What a shitshow.
no i didnt know until the episode aired
Maisie's boyfriend here btw
kek this
never saw the nk before that moment
>being intentionally retarded
It's fine if you can't read, you dyslexic fat piece of nigger shit.
Post your actual face if
>Last episode. Last battle. Big shit.
>Halfway in. Out of nowhere. A giant blizzard appears.
>Dany gets raped by undead Jorah
This guy is lying
Maisie's boyfriend here btw
Mate you got subverted
I am aware.
>He literally played no part in the final battle
He played no part in the entire show. Literally all he did was get everyone around him killed so he can meet the Three eyed Raven, become him, lose his personality and then proceed to sit around warging ravens and doing nothing. What a fucking pointless character.
ah yes, that would perfectly fit within the long established GoT convention of characters getting what they deserve
And that’s why all tv and movies suck these days. I have to watch 80s movies just so I don’t have to get hamfisted politics in everything
Not so mad NK dies. Or that Arya did it. Im mad that fucking Queen Cersie (idc spelling) will be the final boss. Either NK better come back hard. Or we better get Dany vs Jon Snow.
I want normies and NPCs to watch Dany get stabbed by Jons LONG co..claw. imagine the reacions of Dany not getting the throne.
Also Jorah raping Dany. No friendzone now bitch
They went with what will make stupid women on Twitter cheer. That's their target audience.
>winter is coming
>breaks down ice wall and dies by ninja girl
has anything been so overhyped
watching the yaass queen slay crowd freak out over danys death is going to be glorious and is the only reason to watch the show at this point
>other writers named David Friedman
I have no words
Arya got her vengeance
Danerys got her armies
Brienne got her knighthood
Sometimes the characters get what their arcs have been building towards
Does this mean we don't get to see the undead spiders as big as hounds?
REMINDER: The feminist's REEEE's when Sansa was raped off-camera on her wedding night by Joffrey was when D&D "bent the knee" and promised them changes. That was when the show began it's rapid descent into YASS QWEEN SLAY nonsense. We have the internet to blame for tumblrinas ruining this show.
Brienne wasn't about being a knight. She was about avenging Renly and protecting Sansa, you fucking faggot. And yes, she got that as well.
Got a link for this?
And Kit Harrington said that he was disappointed that it wasn't him to kill NK. AND the guy who plays Gendry said that people will be disappointed in the finale. Even the fucking actors know the show went to utter shit.
>Brienne wasn't about being a knight.
Oh yeah, clearly that moment meant absolutely nothing to her.
>And yes, she got that as well.
Thanks for backing up my statement.
Naw man, it was Oberyn and Elia Martell. If they didn't snatch Rhaegar from the match with Cersei that Tywin was making, and Cersei did love Rhaegar, Jaime only being her second choice, none of the incest would have happened etc etc etc.
The Martells did it. You know it.
just remember
DnD are hacks
she also part saved the chase scene between her and the waif, D&D wanted her running around with a fatal wound doing flips and shit
She was happy her "work" was acknowledged by Jaime, for whom she cares quite deeply about, but this wasn't her fucking purpose, you mongoloid twat.
And if it is not obvious enough, horseface, I am not against your "sometimes the characters get what their arcs have been building towards" statement, you fucking retard, I am against you stating that Brienne's arc was building towards becoming a fucking knight, when it fucking wasn't.
>David Hackman and Dan Suckmehoff as I ruin the books
So what's stopping Arya from icing Cersei and every other baddie all the way to a happy ending?
Sorry, for the EW article? Intrigued to see what else is in there.
Oh she "earned" it. She "trained" her whole life with swordsmen and assassins for this moment. Even though she had never even heard of the night king until a few weeks ago. Her training conisted of fencing training that her trainer admitted it was dance class for a few weeks when she was a child and being a live in maid cleaning floors, and dead bodies and selling seashells by the sea shore for the faceless man all while ignoring everything both were trying to teach her and never finishing any of her training. She was trained to be a literal woman- cleaning house and dancing. It's just hilarious they took the meme and made it real.
based double digit IQer
I don't really mind Ayra got the kill, but the way it's done was awful.
NK basically spent the entire episode doing nothing, then instakills Theon, before being insta-killed by Ayra. Where are the epic duels?
Credit where credit is due the show post S4 is only the 2nd worst fanfiction I've seen
Sorry, the OTHER EW article?
So whats even the point of jon now that the NK is gone.
>cucked out of his north throne
>cucked out of his targ birthright throne
IS he just there to be a boytoy to dany while she takes over the kingdom?
Haha yes but its wives and girlfriends that control the purse strings so the TV show will pander to them.
Men spend their money on gaming or other IRL hobbies. Tell me I'm wrong.
It's what she dreamed of since childhood, dumbass. It's always been her aspiration. Everything she did, the promises she kept, the oaths she fulfilled, it was all tied to her duty to try and be the best knight she could.
Benioff's quote sounds like a good thing though, since he knows he's going to get shit from the twitter faggots
Based wtf I love Maise now
>IS he just there to be a boytoy to dany while she takes over the kingdom?
They even figured out a way to ruin that too, because they were both disgusted after they found out John is Danys nephew. Apparently Jons story is now done, he will go back to the Wall and rebuild it for the next winter/long night. He will restart the knights watch with the fat boy as his maester. Dany will die to cerci (unless they cuck out and make Dany kill Cerci) We won't see anymore of sansa and arya now, they will do all characters like they did Tyrion- write them off the show basically.
pretty much confirms that danny will die in the last episode and he nows all the twitter faggots will go berserk
Except that's been a driving force for the character the entire series you mongoloid twat. Characters are allowed to have hopes and dreams. The only reason she didnt just say "I want to be a knight" ad nauseam for empty headed buffoons like yourself to get the idea is because she had resigned herself from an early age that women cant be knights. She hasn't been asking for it because she doesnt think it could ever happen. Have you not followed this character at all, and are just stating inane bullshit to be right?
Arya should have died long ago. Her lust for revenge and her naivete should have gotten her killed when she traveled to a strange land as a little girl to seek out a bunch of murderers.
who did we piss off to deserve getting all the nerd culture shit ruined almost eternally?
really, I want a real answer
This who debacle proves that you don't need skill or talent when it comes to directing, only (((connections))), luck, and money
You have to be a member of the tribe and/or prostrate yourself before the current Hollywood agenda, which is subverting traditional male focused genres to feminist tropes at the moment.
All they had to do was pay attention to this instructional video on how to kill an Army of the Dead.
Wow just like TLJ when Rey ignores all her training because she was already perfect the way she is and never needed a white man to teach her anyway. It’s almost like these modern fantasy/sci movies are following a pattern.
That pattern is girls and women are speaking "truth to power" and are rebelling against their parents/fathers because they all have daddy issues and they project their fathers into the bad guy in every story. When they talk about the patriarchy they are actually talking about nuclear families where the father is the sole bread winner.
kikes, women, and faggots
How long before she is forced to apologize?
Its not even her fault, she sounded like she didn't want the narrative. Even the warped gremlin Masie realises that being thrust into Jon's character arc was fucking gay and dumb.
D&D need to be thrown off a cliff
no long night without a night king my nigga, big bad is in kings landing with 20k good loyal sellswords
Bran was the real Night King.
The Night King was actually an ancestor to Dany and was trying to actually protect/help her. It's why the dragon fire didn't hurt him. He kept the warg that controls brann imprisoned inside the tree and Bran and his group of retards accidently released the imprisoned spirit. The Blue Knight King was actually a good guy. Dun Dun Dun.
Not just Hollywood
They should have at the very least have a white Walker stab him. Then he explodes, then the white walkers explode and the dead army collapses, but the WW that stabs NK is still there. It advances toward Bran, knife in hand. Bran smiles, it's Arya. ANYTHING than how it played out.
Do you not know what a self-insert is?
His dad is a jew banker.
so who's going to kill the Night King in the book then?
Nobody, because the Night King is just a legend.
According to legend, Night's King lived during the Age of Heroes, not long after the Wall was complete. He was a fearless warrior named the thirteenth Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Later, he fell in love with a woman "with skin as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars". He chased her and loved her though "her skin was cold as ice", and when he gave his seed to her he gave his soul as well. Night's King brought her back to the Nightfort and after the unholy union, he declared himself king and her his queen, and ruled the Nightfort as his own castle for thirteen years.
During the dark years of his reign, horrific atrocities were committed, of which tales are still told in the north. It was not until Brandon the Breaker, the King of Winter, and Joramun, the King-Beyond-the-Wall, joined forces that Night's King was brought down and the Night's Watch freed. After his fall, when it was discovered that Night's King had been making sacrifices to the Others, all records of him were destroyed and his very name was forbidden and forgotten. It is likely this led the lords of the north to forbid the Night's Watch to construct walls at their keeps, ensuring the keeps would always be accessible from the south.
Bran could have stabbed NK at close range and it would have been unexpected since he never actually does anything. It would have been good to see that little shit defend himself for once. Unless he is a quadriplegic, then never mind.
Well, she pre-venged the NK before it could kill her bro.
A dude really fucks her?
both fakes, Maisie here
my boyfriend never uses Yea Forums, he's not an incel cause he has such a beautiful girl like me and we have sex often unlike you incels
How is ginger shit any different than regular shit?
It would have been better if he had accidentally stepped on a shard of dragonglass as he's about to skewer Bran.
>looks at camera
>AND the guy who plays Gendry said that people will be disappointed in the finale.
take a peek at description too
The godswood made me spit my cereal.