literally have sex
Literally have sex
Go back to plebbit nobody cares you faggot. This is sneed man's land
what is nk? north korea?
Ya cunts
posting reddit and twitter screenshots should result in an auto-ban
Fucking based redditors
>the chad Yea Forums freefolk and the gay 7 kingdoms redditors have to unite to btfo the Bad Writing King Dabid
>their only defense is to cry Yea Forums and incel.
Looks like a Melbourneon, bunch of leftist faggots there that say cunt far too much to try and larp as an Aussie.
>Yea Forumss only defense is to cry reddit and tranny
it's like poetry
nazi klan
Have sex incel
Why are you posting your thread here
"It should have been John, though"
t. Masie's bf
t. ya cunts
Lose weight
Oh, he's using "cunt" as an insult? How misogynist
Ya'll tripin
>this guy trying to be edgy by saying cunt all the time
probably a tryhard ausfailian.
>if you criticize shitty story then you don’t have sex
Astute rebuttal
learn to code
>thousands of posts articulating the problem and plot holes with the episode
>the only counter argument is calling people virgins and projecting
have sex
We always new they were redditors.
You posted that. I can tell because the people who say have sex are the same people make threads about twitter and reddit posts.
Night King
I suspect this may have been an attempt at a ruse
I'll have sex when you have sex.
why don't you go back?
"cunt cunt cunt" what a fucking child.
Make me
reported for off topic :)
past tense of "know"
have sex ya cunt
>GoT is reddit cancer
I am a redditor, ama
incredible how every reddit post has an aura of aids around it
Simple as
dabbed on him reddit style. EPIC
Fuck off with your name-fagging and social media shit. just fuck off.
>l-look guys i made a copy of that one popular meme pls laugh at my own OC too!!
Based, fucked Melfags
what name?
I haven't even seen anyone complain about Arya killing the Night King. The problem is she appeared out of nowhere in a place where she couldn't possibly have not been seen coming. There's no explanation for her sudden appearance because the writers don't respect our intelligence. The sad thing is that the writers are right not too because people are eating it up. Nobody is demanding good storytelling.
>Account is literally called "acuntsacunts"
You sure that account isn't just for laughs?
Jesus, that's depressing even if the person wrote that as a joke.
>This is who is calling people incels
Y i k e s
I see normies posting on instagram about it saying "yass" or whatever.
If it appeals to them then shit, don't expect good writing for the rest of the season
>using cunt repeatedly
NOT PC!!!!!!
what made you come here and why do you bring reddit faggotry with you when reddit is already a place where you can post reddit shit
what are your feelings on 13% of the population committing over 50% of crime
>Nigger nigger jews jews jews
Get a job and have sex fat incel
the name of your twitter account
muh fake tough aussie persona
>no one actually says anything about [X]
t. nigger
Try-hard Australians are cancer.
>GoT invented "get hype"
How can redditors be so stereotypically retarded holy fuck.
I knew it was redit blacked posting on Yea Forums. Fucking cucks