Other urls found in this thread:
Nothing to forgive.
I also forgive Germany for the 200-250k Jews that died from disease/starvation.
Isnt it highly ironic that the 2 Germans are obese and (Im assuming) the American man is skinny?
>Non-jew forgives Hitler on behalf of Jews
why is there no outrage? if someone actually talented said this im sure there would be outrage
Just remember your place, germans
I also think its pretty amusing that nobodies called him out on collaborating with Chris Brown. Why not? Can you imagine the reaction if someone like Kanye did?
As the European master despite 2 world wars, reunification and Socialist policy? You still missing that empire Nigel?
Little dicky is a Jew tho
Why are incels so offended by humor?
he IS jewish, you retard
look at his nose
we forgive you chuck
Never forgive the Eternal Kraut
That only works on germs
Why can't the Krauts just be less degenerate?
It was a well intended music video from someone that doesn't really know that much of what he is talking about. I thought that was obvious. Only think that sticks to me is that Ariana Grande likes zebras and she should be animated in more films as such
that's not a jew nose you retard
t. hook nosed kraut
you're either trolling or blind
Never forget, Never forgive
Gott strafe deutschland
3 of those cities had armies in them during wartime and were told to surrender to avoid bombing.
Dresden was full of Prussian refugees without an army and was bombed just to kill civilians. Even the most ignorant and uneducated cretin could spot the difference.
That just means they're like me.
>squawking germanic bird noises
There's a difference between drag for humour and drag because you're serious.
Dresden bombing never happened. Where are the bodies?
Dresden should have surrendered then
>tfw /pol/ resorts to "it's not gay unless the balls touch"-tier mental gymnastics to justify their degeneracy
Unironically probably was. Drag used to be about mockery.
salty kraut
t. closet tranny excusing its degeneracy will "it's just a joke"
>It's okay to be a tranny as long as you say "I'M JOKING!"
unironically fuck fortnite
Crossdressing is always sexual? Tell that to theatres in the 16-17th century.
Oh they were serious. Germans were very gay back then.
I as a purebred Daco-Getean Vlach with an ancient lineage that goes back in this land to the time even before the Romans, will never forgive the Germans, Hungarians, Turks, or Mongols for invading Europe, and I won’t rest until they are driven out of Europe back to Afghanistan and Mongolia from whence they came. That includes Anglos as well.
Most of the nazi leadership itself was gay
>forgiving them for invading multiple countries, kill their people and steal their art and money
why are europeans so cucked
Fucking smoothbrains.
Didn't stop him from letting them in the SS.
Seething anglo
this. Most of the SS was homosexual/trans
Venetians sacked Constantinople, not Germans.
Imagine being a jew having to dickride some Anglo's achievements.
don't reply to the seething jew
he magically appears with his tranny pictures whenever somebody brings the legitimacy of holocaust into question
The sack was overseen by Boniface of Badenberg, an Austrian city
muh joos
Well Hitler said the Anglo's were just Jewish slaves so they don't have to ride anything
>"The USSR was a terribly corrupt regime that changed history to its own ends!
>"Didn't they also capture most of the death camps?"
imagine being this triggered by bantz
A common misdirection tactic by the eternal angl*.
>he lies
>he kills
>with his swarthy genes steals
>with anglos there are no deals
>except if you are a jew or a nigger.
>the reformation is responsible for Islamic invasions
>after Islam had been pushed out of the Iberian peninsula
*sips pint*
this image isn't going to convince anyone lmfao. try harder kike
>losing so hard you have to vilify the winners for winning
>aye tone, why did Hitler kill his gay friend after he threatened to go public with summin?
Little dicky's whole shtick is he's a jewish kid that wants to be a rapper but can't sing about his dick being big because it's cut
I forgive them for losing. They shouldn't have, but they were up against it.
Why are you such a coward Moishe?
passive aggresion is for women
It's referring to the Ottoman Invasions you dumb shit
if he was killed to cover it up how did they find out checkmate
Redpill you won't take : it was the anglos all along.
1066 never forget.
why are you so mad about historical photographs? Why are you trying to hide basic historical facts?
>post pic of nazi tranny
>watch ineffectual incel chimpout
You are neither based nor historically educated.
Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.
Some food for thought:
DW would just lie? Nooo, they wouldn't do that, they're SO trustworthy! You can trust them to never take things out of context or straight away invent them.
not a rebuttal tranny. You will NEVER be a woman
Why do germans love muslim penis so much?
The real redpill is that the Jews were the first victims, and that the Lucifer uses the Jews as the vehicle, like a hijacked virus.
lmao imagine being caught in pic related and thinking there's a "context"
pathetic tranny
He's more likely a jew given the patterns.
proofs pics are fake?
You mean the wars the Greek Orthodox people's fought? Did the reformation undermine the Oriental orthodoxy and the Maronites? Why do you even pretend to care about Christianity Chaim?
You're most likely a tranny given how much you're defending tranny behavior ITT
>joking on a party is the same as injecting hrt and chopping your dick
Based Chad
do you /pol/ degenerates often go full drag queen as a "joke"?
Because normal people don't
And Hitler fucked his niece, right? Thank you for the reliable information, noseberg.
This Hitler guy has really done it all!
The book you are pulling these from even discusses how the images were of entertainment acts in POW camps and on the front. I guess according to your logic Adam Sandler is a tranny too.
Reminder this kike shitposts off topic and NEVER is banned. Do your damn job mod.
There were constant rumors that his niece would shit in his mouth
He had e. coli in his system, which you only get through eating feces
rly makes me think...
baza si rosupilled
seething tranny
the absolute state of /pol/cels
the last three are actually true
t. kraut
wtf I never knew being a tranny was normal and okay, thanks /pol/
>its all a joke r u mad yet?
>tranny /pol/sperg is crying to the mods now
oh I'm laffin
>wonder why this dead thread got 70 replies in five minutes
>open thread
>it's the anti-/pol/ autist
You do seem p mad tho, crying for mods to delete posts you find offensive and what not.
Based ameriburger evangelist poster.
I feel sorry for the Germans. They're honestly one of the most disenfranchised people of Europe.
>people actually have a nation-state for about a century after 100s of years
>it gets fucked instantly
based and anglopilled
>wonder why the incels are crying
>open thread
>someone is joking about nazi's again
The Germans have been expelled from so many countries for a good reason
>let me tell you about mental illness
they started it, every time
you reap what you sow
This never happened. Fake footage.
>mods please ban all these people who don’t like my zoomer/plebbit hugbox! It’s just one person it’s gotta be!
This thread has more jews in it than a German oven.
>The /pol/ tranny diligent pays attention to his IP counter, autistically screeching when someone tells a joke and it doesn't calculate to the appropriate variable
>iphone filename
He's a Jew. Subversion is all he knows. He makes this song with this lyric but in another uses the line "These bitches goin' Adolf tryna fuck this jew".
holy shit...it's true
>Claims to hate gays
>is gay himself
is anyone else tired of this trope?
I hear that /pol/ actually hates jews because they seem them as too transphobic. How true is this?
oof, who let /leftypol/ in?
At most. And really it's the Allies we have to forgive. They never would have starved or died in a typhus outbreak if we hadn't bombed Germany's supply lines to hell.
Deal with it zoomer.
Oldfags also don’t care about
This type of spacing either.
Reminder not to argue with him, it's the same in every thread
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
why so mad over some memes?
IMAGINE getting btfo this hard in a debate and writing a essay about how butthurt you are over it
>I'm an oldfag that's why I'm butthurt about /pol/ 24/7 and post wojak
>pointing out historical facts regarding nazi transexuality makes you jewish
>It's the Germans
Wrong, nigger, it's the Germanics and Anglos. Meds are the only ones who can build societies worth living in.
>Siobhan Pat Mulcahy is a college teacher and crime writer. Her stories have been published in a wide range of newspapers, magazines and websites, including: True Crime, Master Detective, the Whitechapel Journal, the Anglo-Celt, Ireland on Sunday, Casebook Jack the Ripper and the New Independent Review. Her blog is available here
Great source you got there
He was just mad that a jewish (male) prostitute gave him syphillis
It's actually true though. The Jewish religion as it was before they were subverted was more akin to Sikhism, if anything. They then got subverted and Christ came to try and tell them. Not that they listened.
Who’s butthurt? I’m having a laugh and you’re frantically having to reply to every post that makes fun of you. Seems like a lot of work for shit no one cares about, buddy.
How much better the world would be if lined up and shot everyone who ever used the word "rapefugee" unironically.
She's Irish. Hitler was pro-Irish. What's the problem?
>implying Germany was the only country that mistreated Jews
Pretty much every European/Arab country has done the same at some point
>He had e. coli in his system, which you only get through eating feces
T. Not a doctor
How about some real history?
>Magnus Hirschfeld (14 May 1868 – 14 May 1935) was a German physician and sexologist educated primarily in Germany; he based his practice in Berlin-Charlottenburg. An outspoken advocate for sexual minorities, Hirschfeld founded the Scientific-Humanitarian Committee. Historian Dustin Goltz characterized this group as having carried out "the first advocacy for homosexual and transgender rights".[1]
>In 1930, Hirschfeld predicted that there was no future for people like himself in Germany, and he would have to move abroad.[51] In November 1930, Hirschfeld arrived in New York, ostensibly on a speaking tour about sex, but in fact to see if it was possible for him to settle in the United States.[49] Significantly, in his speeches on this American tour, Hirschfeld, when speaking in German, called for the legalization of homosexuality, but when speaking in English did not mention the subject of homosexuality, instead urging Americans to be more open-minded about heterosexual sex.[52] The New York Times described Hirschfeld as having come to America to "study the marriage question", while the German language New Yorker Volkszeitung newspaper described Hirschfeld as wanting to "discuss love's natural turns" - the phrase "love's natural turns" was Hirschfeld's way of presenting his theory that there was a wide spectrum of human sexuality, all of which were "natural".[53] Hirschfeld realized that most Americans did not want to hear about his theory of homosexuality as natural. Aware of a strong xenophobic tendency in the United States, where foreigners seen as trouble-makers were unwelcome, Hirschfeld tailored his message to American tastes.[54]
>Hirschfeld was born in Kolberg (now Kołobrzeg, Poland), in an Ashkenazi Jewish family
There's only one person ITT who's frantically replying to every post. And it's not the one who's only made three posts.
Anglos and Germans are Central Asiatics, just like Jews. They all use the same whiny/lying tactics to get what they want. Ignoring them and looking down on them is the best way to make them go crazy.
Dunno, I'm not a leftist.
Lil dicky is a jew
sounds like he was a real nazi. Shame. I hope the Jewish Bolsheviks that put down germanic degeneracy shot him
>Hitler ate beans. Trump eats beans. See the connection?
And that’s you. We know.
He didn't mean it. It was just a joke.
What's the problem? Isn't "it's just a joke" the tranny get out of jail free card?
Hitler only hate products in high soi
I feel bad for germans
>hundreds of years of rich history and artistic and scientific achievements
>all everyone knows your for is the 20 year period where you were ruled by a homicidal autistic Austrian
Hitler was probably one of his victims
Why is /pol/ so butthurt/defensive ITT? Why are they screaming for the jannies? Can't they handle some memes?
Based and Medpilled.
So the Nazis are the trannies now and /pol/, plebbit, and Discord are all the same people? Just when I'm under the belief that the doublethink can't go any further. This is nearly, not quite but nearly, as retarded as
>"Well actually Hitler gassed 6m Jews and Hitler was a Jew and you hate Jews so I bet you feel stupid for liking Hitler because he was a Jew, but he killed 6m of them! HAHA! JUST LIKE TRUMP! JUST LIKE GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL! THEY WERE ALL JEWS ALL ALONG HAHAHAHAHA! I BET YOU FEEL STUPID NOW HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
The one thing I never understood with you retards is that you all do this thing, I mean it started decades ago, long before you were even a twinkle in your mother's bf's eye, but it goes like this
>Nazis were all closet faggots
>Therefore they should be ridiculed because homosexuals are repulsive
>But this is from the same side who argue there's nothing wrong with faggots and talk about how abhorrent homophobia is
What I'm trying to do is help you understand what doublethink is. Though that might be a losing battle because I can't tell if you're being serious, actually brain dead, or a troll. Whichever you are, it's debatable if you even have an IQ that could comprehend what I'm talking about (my guess is no desu senpai ngl baka).
Facetiousness is a cover for cowards.
TL;DR. Though nazi's are trannies, yeah
>Offtopic = offensive
If you can find a shoelace somewhere make a noose out of it.
>Assuming I support trannies because I expose truths regarding nazi trannies
No? I'm anti-Tranny. Most Nazi's are tranny. Therefore I'm against most nazi's
>t...take me seriously!!!!
wait where is this even from?
This thread is offtopic to begin with. /pol/ is just mad their hourly jew butthurt wank got derailed by trolls
So now the Left agrees that Nazis were left-wing?
user, this thread was the troll. And your response is exactly what he wanted
its one buttblasted jew
I'm not leftist. And yeah, nazi's were leftist.
>Predominately homosexual
bad cope there fag
BASED free thinking tranny
You don't let gender social constructs keep down your own self-identity!
Why does /pol/ become such babies when someone mocks der fuhrer a little bit? Christ this thread is pathetic
This, it's pathetic. Soon they'll be spamming any anti-/pol/ thread with the same folder of pictures and talking about how epic trolls they are.
If nazis are trannies and s-boys, does that mean that leftists are the real racists?
thinly disguised butthurt
yes. The USSR was transphobic just like Russia is today. It's why they destroyed Germany, the first Trans nation
Yeah that's a good way to describe that kind of behaviour: thinly disguised butthurt.
romanians are turks themselves, they're christian turks.
just keep building my bmws and mercs, and getting over run by browns, hans
Imagine being this level of bozgor
Never trust an anglo.
Imagine being a fucking apologist for the Nazis
Can't apologize for being right about the jews
Stay upset, Genghis.
>discord tranny trying to take subvert "tranny"
That one's offended.
This video was so cringe, and I used to really enjoy Lil Dicky.
What people will do for fame.
god bless the eternal anglo
Here is the original.
It makes more sense with /pol/ because it includes commies like Nazis as well
>Like lil dicky
>Told jew daddy i want to be in the rap game
Bruh aint never give a white nigga the pass so easily yahurr? Kike ass soft niggas.
It really doesn't when saying "nigger" or even hinting at racism on other boards gets you instantly banned.
>muh poor innocent serbs
>all Germans
fuck off
>it get's fucked instantly
4th largest economy in the world. Most spoken language in the EU which thanks to the Brexit is basically HRE 2.0. One of the best countries to live in despite all the refuges.
Living in the past isn't the way to go user.
No it doesn’t. Only if you’re being obnoxious. Look at this entire thread of butthurt over a few jokes. /pol/ is the biggest of crybabies
Well thank god we beat the Germans! Otherwise we’d be speaking German right now!
>becomes a total minority in all major cities
>hear nothing but Indian, Arabic and Pakistani everywhere you go
>every large school now overwhelmed by sand nigger children
Youre the one arguin with em on a pedophile board
I’m not arguing I’m just here to laugh at you
based btfo
I've actually been to germany, unlike the americans, and it sucks compared to the UK
A jew forgiving other jews? Not surprising. The real redpill is finishing the job the Romans started.
Being obnoxious is definitely not a criteria they take into account when banning people.
>86% white
try again, Jurgen
>whites becoming minorities in historical white countries
>have politicians praise this by talking about “increasing diversity”
Haha you believe it’s a bad thing white people are becoming minorities in their own countries caused by unnatural levels of migration? Wow you’re a conspiracy lunatic who thinks Whites will go extinct due to tweets even though you never mention extinction just the fact that “diversity” leads to problems of its own haha.
They would kiss on stage and sometimes fuck the crossdressers backstage
All they had to do was finish the damn job, but they let some live. Even after the jews revealed how destructive they were during the Kitos War the damn Romans relented.
Reminder that Germans and Anglos didn’t exist in Europe until they invaded with their Mongol, Turk, and Khazarian brothers 3000 years ago. It’s documented by the Greeks and the Romans. “historically white” lmao. Notice how you instinctively shy away from calling yourselves “European” you dishonest asiatic freaks.
I'll never forgive G*rmans
I recognize that town. It's Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
Reminder that the british royal family are actually german LMAO
lol kanye did collaborate with brown