Your average anti super hero movie poster

Your average anti super hero movie poster

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Razorfist destroys his reviews everytime. It's hilarious. Patrician vs Pleb

dog fucker

razor hates yms?

I don't fuck dogs


Based puppy plower

>dog raper
Opinion, discarded

dont say that, im ettung flashbacks of metokurs kero the wolf video

wtf is this that guy that rapes dogs? why would he do that? cringe and retardpilled.

He’s 100% right, even if he is a disgusting furry


Any examples?


All these comments about him fucking dogs got me curious so i googled and found a clip of him defending bestiality, i'm very stupid so i don't know if he was wrong. His argument was something like "If you eat animals you support the artificial insemination and all that rapey stuff but you're against fucking animals or getting fucked by them you're stupid"

The vegetarian compared dog rape to eating animals... and you are such a dumb faggot you think that is him speaking out in defense of animal rape? Dumb faggot.


Furries are the capeshit fans, mentally ill manchildren and often homo tranny scum, subhuman garbage.

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All e-celeb reviewers are no better than capeshitters, because their whole life circles around it. Negative or positive, all they talk about is capeshit. So they're capeshitters. Bottom of the barrel.

This! But unironically!

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tbqh he has a point. it's kind of weird that bestiality is illegal to "defend the animal" but we're allowed to slaughter them en mass and make their lives a living hell for some shitty fast food. not that I support bestiality, to me it's in the same category of eating your own shit, just don't get the legality of it.

He said dogs could consent and if they're not being hurt then you can fuck them basically, and then he autistically responds in youtube comment sections defending himself

t. Adam "Dog Fucker" Johnson

>"We eat them and breed them, why can't I fuck them?"
Because we're not animals, we're people with moral standards, the masters of the animals. We need to respect nature / animals and not abuse them.

This shitty dogfucker drama sucks because Yea Forums could learn from his drive to seek out new and interesting indie and/or foreign films from the past few years. If even half of the people here gave a shit enough to dig deep rather than clog the board with GOT/marvel/star wars tripe then Yea Forums would be much better as a whole.

Most of his videos these days are 5 minute quick pieces of shit where he doesn't go into detail on anything or they're short plot summaries where he just nitpicks story logic.
I know he watches a lot of interesting stuff but it's hard to take him seriously when his content has been so low effort for so long.

read a book zoomer scum

>feeding them hormones until their legs collapse underneath them, keeping them in cages so they live their entire lives wallowing in their own shit, corralling them to death machines while they're beaten and toyed with by careless underpaid immigrants
>not abuse

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He liked Shazam though.

Eat free range then fgt

he is retarded just for watching capeshit
go back to reddot

The law does not equate to some autistic idea of consistency with abstract notions of morality. Arguing for that is retarded. Secondly, if you say killing for meat is bad, and then argue because that’s bad we should also legalise fucking animals, you are suggesting that we should actually take even more rights away from animals while also using morality as an argument. It makes no sense. You can say eating meat is more fucked up than raping a dog, but that doesn’t work as a basis for why we should have two bad things happening to animals instead of just one

>this bad thing happen to animals and is wrong!
>therefore we should allow sexual exploitation and abuse as well!
Yeah adum sure cares about those animals

I think he, not being a vegan says that all that artificial insemination is okay and fucking dogs should be too. I think his point was that if you're eating animals and then you say having sex with them is bad that makes you a hypocrite. Anyway, you have to be pretty fucked up to be attracted to animals though and you need to eat to stay alive i guess.

Yea Forums is strawmanning to defend their shitty capeshit flicks