Is thid the most retarded black person ever?

Is thid the most retarded black person ever?

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What does black girl magic mean?

end this fucking world, kill us all god

Nice language pederu

kto polak

I dunno, but you are another retarded OP looking for nonsensical normie twitter statements. It´s all so tiresome.

She looks like she fucks white guys



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Dnevni podsetnik da bilo ko ko gleda ovu seriju dalje od prve sezone voli da dnevno sisa kurac čamugama kao OP. :^)

Bran did give her the dagger for that reason. It's the same dagger Sam saw in a book at the citadel. Its the same dagger that created the Night King, under the same weirwood tree.

This was the only eventuality that would allow the Night King to be defeated.

Everyone that died had to do, and everything that happened had to happen, for exactly that moment.

Night King wins 9,999/10,000 times. The 1 time he lost is due to Bran.

Same situation as Hodor... "Hold the Door!"... It was destiny.

>tfw GOT is 3deep5u for Yea Forums

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based d&d

Yea Forums is too pleb to understand D&D's vision


he cute

>on gleda got
ubi se debilu

>every since

>have sex

Well obviously it's true but still this thread is garbage.

just end the fucking world north korea. its not worth to keep going

Some kind of chicken bone voodoo magic I assume.

Attached: chicken bones.png (2589x1903, 3.01M)

This is worse than twitter posting
Exit bag