If the plan really was to charge, why did dany put her closest friend and advisor as the one to lead the suicide mission

if the plan really was to charge, why did dany put her closest friend and advisor as the one to lead the suicide mission

Attached: serjorah.jpg (308x500, 42K)

One of us has to be in the plain brother...

They thought they would kick ass.
That's literally the point of that scene. To make you despair that the dothraki are so badass and they are wiped out in a moment.
That's why they light the fucking torches so you can see it.
It's visual and emotional.

How are you so stupid?

He is the only one other than Dany who knows both Dothraki and English.

That actually makes kind of sense, them charging into the pitch black darkness against a force of completely unknown force, whilst their own catapults are bombarding them is just baffling. They didn't even try to make it believable.
The shot of the flaming swords slowly going out in the distance was nice though, set the tone.

>leads the first charge
>One of its few survivors
>fights outside the walls for a long time
>goes to the walls and destroys many attacking Walkers
>goes back outside to save Dany
>slays many walkers while saving her lá, probably had the highest walker killing count of the battle
>would have lived if the writers had decided to have Arya kill the Night King five minutes sooner
Greatest hero of the battle

It doesn't work when you say that the greatest masters of war came up with that.

How are you so stupid?

If the plan wasn't to charge, why did they put all the cavalry in front?

he's white

What does this sentence even mean retard? Masters of war? Are we talking about he-man now? Stop playing with toys.

It was an inside job to purge Westeros from horse rapists. The cuck was just a little price to pay.

but the dothraki have never even won a real battle in the show, they dont even have proper clothing or weapons

The dead had no cavalry to speak of, no archers, no defensive position and no polearms. If you think of them as a conventional enemy, using conventional tactics, a cavalry charge makes sense, cause normal infantry with those arms and armor would be completely defenseless.

And conventional tactics were all they had cause no one had fought an army of the dead before.

the plan was to get rid of all the advantage danyXjon would have over cersei in the coming battle for the throne

They literally rolled the fucking Lannisters.

Sending all your cavalry straight into the enemies shield wall isn't very conventional

They had no shields.
They had nothing that could conventionally defend against cavalry, so it made more sense than letting them get bogged down in the battle. And flanking wasn't an option either, cause they were outnumbered too badly.

It was complete darkness, they had no idea what army of the dead was doing

dragons carried that. i don't remember but didn't they fight that merc group early on? and they captured dany which i guess isn't hard, they kill eachother at the wedding in season 1 to show they are crazy and violent

Because he was a beta cuck orbiter who would do whatever he was told by the object of his affection

So sending the only ground troops with the mobility to have a look and then return makes sense, too.

Charges are to break the enemy formation, rout the enemy, or exploit a gap in the enemy formation.
None of those can apply to an undead horde. Horses would be killed right after as get into the melee

But that's not what happened. They don't send scouts, they send the ENTIRE cavalry on a straight on charge.

That's what scouts are for not your entire cavalry division

Again, they used conventional tactics that work against conventional enemies cause that's all they knew.
How else would the Dothraki even have been of use in a defensive battle against a surrounding enemy?

Strong enough to be feared by Bobby, the guy who crushed the Targ dinasty. Also a random dothraki outdid Bronn too, that was saved only by plot armor.

Attached: bobby6.jpg (1659x913, 146K)

He's so knightly and handsome
No homo

Because its retarded that any commander would use cav like that ESPECIALLY AGAINST AN ENEMY THEY KNOW CANT BE ROUTED OR FRIGHTENED. It is style over substance at its worst.

>all ive trained to do is x
>literally everyone knows x is retarded
>well ill do it anyway because i was trained to do that
You wouls have a shred of an argument if they werent literally lined up and directed to charge at the start of the battle

And they were apparently going to do that without mellys fire and with their regular araks

Are you the same retard from yesterday?

Hammer and anvil

You take them off the horses and put them inside the castle along with everyone else. They've proven they're still tough fighters on foot and every man is needed to hold the ground.

You don't send a small group of riders to the enemy formation in an open field, that's suicide even against conventional foes.
You give orders to do a probing charge and retreat if the enemy doesn't rout, and the retreating part failed.

Am I supposed to believe Dany would choose gormless over this handsome dude? That faggot has absolutely no charisma.

>You give orders to do a probing charge and retreat if the enemy doesn't rout,
How could they fucking rout zombies? It's not like they didn't know what they were facing

Use them in concert with a dragon on each side of the castle and properly run trenches to funnel the undead into an unsullied phalanx and properly organized artillery and archer fire. The battle would have made far far more sense as an attrition struggle/short siege than an absurd charge followed by absolutely retarded unsullied formations and nearly no archers on the wall.

He was worried about drogo's 100k pillaging the country side while his vassals waited for an opportune moment to usurp him and clean up the mess. Not about actual combat with them they're not even mongol tier (not that mongols ever did anything to castled land).

Actually they had no idea how the dead would react in battle.

>leads the first charge
They actually show him slowing down and moving back into the middle of the charge. He probably wound up dropping all the way to the back and just turning around before they even reached the wights.

Jon faced them before many times and a lot of named character saw them in the north. They saw that they had no concern for their personal safety

but what about the horses


Fucking eat them. Or make a big wall out of their bodies and set fire to it.


What's triggers me is a front charge into darkness with chivalry. Niggas did you even played medieval total war? That won't work