Soỷlent man criticized GOT

>Soỷlent man criticized GOT

Uh oh is his soỷ rationing going to be taken away?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>consuming soi is ba-

I was disappointed to find out Onions aren't actually onions-based beverages or food products, because these are actually an acceptable protein source. This is pretty much just bullshit with a marketing gloss however.


That guy's face is so intensely creepy.

>the angry incels I've been posting with were crypto-soibois this whole time
What a twist!

WTF is the onions truck?

my professor confirmed that there have been studies than that say onions acts as a endocrinne disruptor. Animals are proven to literally lose the ability to reproduce if fed onions.

>2019... I am redeemed.

>You know you want that Sóylent... here, have a free one on me!

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I can't believe what he did to Dodger

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Can someone please tell me why S O Y is still word swapped here?
Sure it was annoying when it first coined and spammed, now it's dies down and just makes the mods look like censorious soibois who don't like certain insults.

Game Of Thrones is for niggas with low test jihadi beards and niggas who would trade their wife for a craft beer.

Because ass blasted mods wanted to "nip the alt-rights new troll word in the bud"

poor shrek

>also a fucking furry

I think it has more to do with spam, mods have a tradition of swapping words that just become overused here. I'm surprised SNEED or kino hasn't been swapped.

Out of all the buzzwords that get churned out here, it's weird that only one got changed. I assumed Hiro has some thing for basedsauce and took it personally, pretty sure the Japanese eat a bunch of onions products

>Game of Thrones? Love that series!

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i forget every time

how did this guy still remain relevant after all these years is beyond me, guy still hasnt even reached a million subs after 20 years in youtube

>walking down the street

Who the fuck just randomly walks down the street? Did he just get up and say "Hmm I think I'll start walking to nowhere on the street and then stop at an arbitrary point and then walk back home just in time to catch Rick and Morty!"?

Shrek doesn't eat onions, he just has layers like an onion

If I remember correctly, there was a mod on /g/ who got triggered after anons criticized his gay keyboard, shortly after the filter was implemented.
Also unlike kino and sneed that are more or less contained here, s o y was spammed across all boards non-stop.



Who the fuck said anything about onions?

I would drink an onion flavored Sòylent for memes' sake.

Attached: 1514621214714.webm (640x360, 1.47M)

They should filter kino to say sòy. Filter sneed to say nigger.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Because the board is run by a dicklet gook niggerlover

by onions do you mean actual onions or s.o.y?

can confirm
I even have the original thread when the mod got triggered and immediately dropped the filter.

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Nah, he's just switched on Onions Green


The mod, who is a tranny loving kike, got pretty buttblasted about it.

>furry avatar

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contrary to popular belief soiyboys are not normies

What a faggot

What the fuck is that?

You're right, they're even lower

roodypoo candyass

Alot of onions products in Japan actually.
Theres even a popular nutrition bar called “ onions joy”

Discord trannies in action



You know how roasted onions became a big thing after celebrated 18th century cooking channel Townsend and Son did a video about them? Well there are food trucks now selling roasted onions.

Attached: townsends.jpg (1280x720, 143K)

Even Pissed Pedro shit on it

Wait wait wait.
Wa,wait watch watch

Attached: omaewasue.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

No way. He must have stopped drinking sóylent.

going on a walk is a normal thing you know. might do you some good to get into it instead of shitposting on malaysian cooking forums all day