>Soỷlent man criticized GOT
Uh oh is his soỷ rationing going to be taken away?
>Soỷlent man criticized GOT
Uh oh is his soỷ rationing going to be taken away?
Other urls found in this thread:
>consuming soi is ba-
I was disappointed to find out Onions aren't actually onions-based beverages or food products, because these are actually an acceptable protein source. This is pretty much just bullshit with a marketing gloss however.
That guy's face is so intensely creepy.
>the angry incels I've been posting with were crypto-soibois this whole time
What a twist!
WTF is the onions truck?
my professor confirmed that there have been studies than that say onions acts as a endocrinne disruptor. Animals are proven to literally lose the ability to reproduce if fed onions.
>2019... I am redeemed.
>You know you want that Sóylent... here, have a free one on me!