yeah cuz it was so bad
What would be a good show to watch that would make me stop pussying out and finally give me the proper motivation to end my life?
>unironically based
>stop pussying out
>end my life
Choose one.
Manchester by the sea
Stay on topic JonTron
Melancholia is fucking suicide propaganda.
ending your life is the ultimate pussying out move you silly cunt
Because it's so shitty
I think Jon is more of a reddit guy
nah he's a /pol/lack
He's unironically a /pol/lack but disguises himself as a normie.
Rick and morty taught kids that nihilism is cool
Correlation doesn't equal causation
Except the causation is pretty clear. It was a hugely popular show targeted at young people that glorified suicide.
Based Dunky
>Taco Bell commercials featuring that chihuahua are a hit
>People start adopting chihuahuas
>Years later, tens of thousands of abandoned Chihuahuas
>Now you can find them in any dog shelter, usually abandoned by a family
>Two decades later, still too many Chihuahuas because of a fucking commercial
Yup. No link whatsoever.
This is what happens when people who aren’t experts still think they have something important to say
Isn't that the show about aggressively attacking guilt ridden whites in USA? Why would anyone watch this garbage willingly?
and what does this tell you about nicolas cage?
Based Jontron.
Cinema is trash.
This is the most Jewish picture I've seen on Yea Forums in weeks.
>Shame people into consuming your billion dollar trash
Good Kike.
Britbong reporting in. I read an article a few weeks ago about a mass resignation of doctors from GIDS, the nation's only gender reassignment clinic for young people. The doctors were resigning over the use of puberty blockers, which they were saying was a wildly unethical treatment with just about zero evidence that it works or is safe in the long term.
One subject that came up over and over again was the enormous increase in referrals over the past couple of years. The centre would get approx 70 referrals per year as a long term historical average; in the past few years it has shot up to over 1,000. The question is: in the same way that 13 Reasons Why is encouraging suicide, is the mainstream media's bizarre fascination with trans people encouraging children to go trans?
In so many words, the opinion of the doctors was: Yes, this is absolutely a thing. The term they used was 'vulnerable,' which is basically a code word for 'highly impressionable and kind of stupid as only teenagers can be.'
This shit is older than you think. In the 1970s, national newspapers noticed that whenever they reported a tragic teen suicide, there would be a wave of copycats all over the country. A gentleman's agreement was reached to not report on them. Sometimes, knowledge is bad, especially to people who are not in the best place to handle it.
Literally no one cares about midget dogs.
at least live to 2050
>Why would anyone watch this garbage willingly?
People, mostly white people, unironically get off on shit like that now. It's why Black Mirrior was so popular and why every time a conspiracy is discussed you're retarded sister and her friends can go "Oh just like in Black Mirror!". Groupthink.
Every time I think about ending it I think about my poor old Mum. She's been through a lot because of me, taking her only child away would be too much.
>He's a reddit guy
>Nah he's a /pol/lack
I thought it was common knowledge at this point that /pol/ has the biggest cross-userbase with reddit.
Interesting stuff
He killed millions
Someone needs to stop Nic Cage from drowning all thoze people.
Also, make sure you prevent your child from getting autism. Do not vaccinate them.
This, but unironically.
The NPC meme is absolutely real and don't you ever forget it
So did transparent push people towards the infamous 45%
You're alright
>glorified suicide
literally how
it made her seem cool and the entire shows was about vindicating her
She used suicide to punish people. Edgy teens love the idea of punishing people who "wronged them" (school shooters, etc.)
in the 50s or 60s they used movies and television shows to get people to use seatbelts and in mexico or some similar shitty country they used soaps to removed the sigma about seeking help when you cant read.
It showed that person who kills themselfs can get revenge on the bullies by doing an hero. Also it romanticizes suicide by repeatedly showing dead girl in beautiful situations.
The actual suicide scene itself is far from romantic.
Riley J Penis is disgusting. He was in an educational video for kids where he directed them to his Youtube channel and his Youtube channel is filled with sex toy reviews
On the positive side, they were all female suicides.
These studies are meant to justify censorship
This is the same as blaming vídeo games for mass shootings
He's right you know
And nothing of value was lost. If seeing something about suicide tips you over into attempting it, you were a worthless, spineless, impressionable consumer drone in the making.
It was observed in boys, not girls.
TV used to be social education. You’d learn how a family unit functions, basic conflict resolution, core society values, etc. go back to even 90s sitcoms and it’s pretty obvious to see.
if only they also abandoned their shitty pitbulls
Watch that one loli who livestreamed herself an heroing in the backyard, while you could hear her family calling and looking for her somewhere nearby. Might make you rethink stuff.
>create suicide revenge story
>appeal to young impressionable kids
Gee, totally not related bro.
Ugh, I regret even reading your summary. When you get older, you’ll regret poisoning your mind with that stuff.
I'm old by this site's standards and just had my first kid. Shit really gives you a different perspective on things.
Thank you for not gendering you child.
>Has a kid
>uses the word "loli"
go back
suicidal black metal
Sauce on the mass resignations?
I don't even know what this means.
>come to 4chin
>complain about 4chin lingo
Season 4 of Fringe
>not showing the suicide rate before the 28.9% increase
>This shit is older than you think. In the 1970s,
it's called the "werther effect" and dates back to 1773 when Goethe published his novel "The Sorrows of Young Werther" which is about some lovestruck fool who tragically kills himself
this lead to an increase in suicides among young adult bookreaders, mostly upper class men who idolized the character
link please
Glorification of suicide is more the idealization that killing yourself will have such a profound effect on others that you become a martyr. These are well documented theories on social behavior if you want to know more.
Thanks user, do you have the full text?
found it on plebbit
>make a show that glorifies teen suicide
>teen suicide rates increase
>"wtf we were only starting a conversation"
Thanks user, you're a peach!
The upcoming Netflix Witcher.
you mean reddit, that website where the front page is filled with far left propaganda and they actively censored the one right-leaning subreddit which had only 1/30th the number of users as its main politics subreddit? THAT reddit?
in all seriousness the boards with the most reddit cross-posters are going to be Yea Forums, /lgbt/, Yea Forums and probably Yea Forums with all the capeshit that gets spammed here
I'm waiting for the increase caused by climate apocalypse propaganda being fed to middle school kids.
Yea Forums got it worse than most of those, it's just that the replacement of oldfags has been so complete that people don't even remember what it was like when people had taste.
>media's bizarre fascination
It's not 'bizarre', it's socially engineered propaganda and brainwashing from you know (((who))). just ask yourself why this garbage is targeted solely at white kids and not niggers and shitskins, the demographics who actually need their toxic masculinity (i.e. nigger culture) toned down