Why don’t the main characters wear helmets they are pretty useful
Why don’t the main characters wear helmets they are pretty useful
to make them more distinctive for viewers. i can forgive that entirely.
Why are they all bareheaded in a freezing blizzard? You would think the North would be prepared for winter with some sort of protective headwear. At least wear some gloves
When was the last time you saw an enemy do anything except swing at their chest? 99.99% of all movie attacks are aimed at the torso. Theres no point wearing anything but a breast plate.
Hello, Matt Easton here, Scholagladiatoria,
Right, some context, but before that - penetration.
Helps not getting hit with debris or punches
Choreography safety reasons
I have mixedfeelings
It conveys utter fearlessness on the part of the wearer, which provides a morale boost to nearby allies
They all have fanservice plot armor
Imagine being a Vale knight and kmowing you're going to die being eaten alive by magic snow zombies, and the last orders you'll receive are coming from a fucking woman playing at being soldier and the fucking Kingslayer
>listening to GRRM's Blackwater commentary
>constantly bitching that they don't have helmets on
wtf I love GRRM now
Honestly, because the audience wouldn't be able to tell who they are.
I literally had no idea that Greyworm was the guy who closed off the castle until I read it online because he wore a helm.
Helmets are for pussyholes
We 40k now.
Most boring of YT HEMA/History fags. Lindybeige is top dog in that category by miles.
Her bellowing voice cracks carry on a specific frequency which helps them propagate effectively through the field of battle, reaching warriors' ears thus establishing a secure and reliable system of communication despite how rough things get in combat. The low-frequency bellows palpitate the ear drums giving soldiers a feeling of rhythmic consistency that travels through solid surfaces regardless of their location, while her high-pitch screeches pierce right through the brain causing a sharp pain that rejuvenates sensations dulled from the intensity of combat thus raising awareness and effectiveness.
The rapid alternation of those 2 very specific cycles make for a terrifyingly effective command and control system that any army would kill to have in their ranks. In the rare cases an enemy combatant manages to get close enough to cause harm, she's equipped with a backup system vaguely known as "disfigure your ugly face into a hideous grimace while exerting intense amounts of effort and pain into your nerves". Details classified, but visual data suggests speculation to be accurate.
>no propper armor
>officers in first line against an overwhelming, swarming enemy
>do an initial charge with your only cavalerie against an invading enemy during night and bad weather
>build a trench that is easily crossed
>not spamming the ww with arrows
>not spamming them with firebombs fired from behind the walls
>not using burning tar to defend the castles walls
it's like no one had the idea to consult a book about medieval warfare when they wrote that episode.
to make them more distinctive for viewers. i can forgive that entirely.
medival soldier didn't actually wear helmets. helmets would just weigh them down and obstruct their vision, not to mention they were expensive to make.
>Arryn crest is upside down
Is this explained or just the prop department signaling distress?
of couse they did, just not all and not full visor. that and full body armor in general were reserved for important combattants like high ranking officers, generals and royality. like, the ones we're talking about in this thread.
All main characters did not wear helmets and they ALL survived, unlike the hundreds of extras who did wear helmet.
You can spot a STRONGLY SIGNIFICANT correlation between not wearing a helmet and surviving the battle.
I guess you can say our expectations were subverted
mine were for sure
I've expected more than three main characters to die during a battle that wiped two joined armies
Can you not see they're wearing helmets made of plot steel?
Amerimutts never experienced real winters