Name a better dystopian film
Protip: you cant.

Side note: fuck the fishes

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ehhh... Mad Max world is more dystopian than children of men.
I literally can't imagine a world where potable water is literally non-existent, can you??

>that camerawork

i felt like i was gonna get shot. Fucking kino as hell.

Terribly unsubtle immigration and political propaganda. Good dystopian settings are interesting enough on their own that they don't need to do modern social commentary.

why can't you just watch a movie and like it or hate it? This is a simple thing to do. Instead you're checking if movie fits the /pol/ criteria to be good and if not you "hate" it.

kill yourself



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>why can't you just watch a movie and like it or hate it? This is a simple thing to do.
This is exactly what I did? I didn't like it because its shitty social commentary took away from what could have been a good setting. This has nothing to do with /pol/ you dumb fuck.

Have s

neck yourself

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>turn off your brain, user

you're the same people who watched star trek as teens and like it very much and then you want to rewatch it after years and you'll be like


this is your brain on /pol/. You stop being "you". You hate things because you think you should hate them.

you have no idea what's waiting for you out there

struck a nerve, did it?

Get off the internet for a while bro. Your paranoia is making you unhinged.

it's funny you didn't even try to prove me wrong

Children of Men is true christian KINO

we're not alllowed to say the things necessary to prove you wrong on this board without being banned

again you'll meet it head on sooner or later

Just watched this for the first time yesterday. Pretty good. Some of the Christ imagery was a little on the nose. And yea, fuck the fish.

Alright kid, lay off the drugs and when you've calmed down you can explain to me why CoM is such a great dystopian setting that totally doesn't shove political views down the viewer's throat. Preferably without retarded buzzwords, if you're even capable of such.

let me guess. Jews?

It really doesn't matter m8, you will answer with some sort of snarky response, because you believe things for social reasons. But you will see eventually

Prove what wrong? The person you conjured from your paranoia? Do I need to point out the irony of erecting a bogeyman representing people complaining of bogeymen?

I always get turned off from watching this movie because from the description it sounds pozzed as fuck. Is it actually a good movie?

This movie was extremely based.

immigration good
fascism bad

and by political views you mean non-white people showed as normal people? That's fucking radical marxist idea.


Gonna second this. I'd had it downloaded for a while, but didn't really know what it was about and finally watched it a couple months ago. Good movie.

another /pol/ack

Are you white?

have sex

It's literally the same world.
Had mad max 1 had a decent budget they would have shown that
Shame everything one hit wonder cauron did after com was poo especially Roma which I refuse to watch

>the nazis are out to get me on my anime message board!

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nice responses

Doesn't necessarily say this. It depends on your own worldview. The film shows you what lengths the government would go to protect itself from unwanted immigration in those times, and how individuals in those systems may abuse their newfound power over others. You make your own judgement on the situation, whether it's a good thing or not. Same way the fishes are meant to be "good guy" protecting refugees, but then become violent, rebellious and wayward.

It's the same way you're meant to view the ending ambiguously.

Are you white?

Aren't the radicalized Fishes led by a less than heroic PoC? Hmmmmm tough one, now I'm not sure whether I'm supposed to empathize with the brown skins or not, or maybe that's not what we we're talking about in the first place you faggot. Keep trying to veer this into a race issue and then call others /pol/tards though, does wonder for your credibility.

i think the program that runs your behavior has a malfunction

i'm white. I'm even from based Poland.

what country do you live in?

Water world.

i don't know. Which one should i live in?

i'm not making this a race issue. I've just stated one of the reasons /pol/acks hate this movie. You made this a /pol/ issue, i'm just playing along.

Why do some of you cunts post like this? It’s so rude and dismissive, is it an American thing?

Is your country mostly white? what about your neighborhood

Nobody brought up /pol/, you did. I only mentioned the film had very unsubtle political views and social commentary which detracts from the interesting questions it asks, which somehow immediately prompts you to go off on a rant about /pol/, sjw, feminism and many more unrelated buzzwords like a retard. Then you tried to pull the race card when it was never about skin color. Fuck off you shit bucket.

This, I don’t get it either

if i say yes that means i lost the whole debate right? Then i gotta go. I got pwned.

>Nobody brought up /pol/

>Terribly unsubtle immigration and political propaganda. Good dystopian settings are interesting enough on their own that they don't need to do modern social commentary.


Im just curious, you seem to know a lot about nonwhites, you were talking about how we're all the same. I assume you live somewhere with a lot of nonwhite people, and that's made you think that multiculturalism is a good thing

>that multilayered strawman

The Book of Eli is so much better

Yeah the words immigration and propaganda exist outside of /pol/, are you literally retarded? Is immigration not a central theme in CoM?

it just would be good to get an opinion from someone who lives in a very nonwhite area, since that would be a true example of the merits of immigration

>Terribly unsubtle immigration and political propaganda. Good dystopian settings are interesting enough on their own that they don't need to do modern social commentary.

totally not /pol/ guys. Why the fuck do you pretend to be an idiot?

keep beating that strawman, lad.

you're a white person living in a white area then? immigrants for thee but not for me?

Just imagine it’s about the last Aryan baby

You're officially too fucking retarded to hold a conversation without retreating to your safe space where everyone who disagrees is a /pol/ boogeyman. Enjoy your shit thread, dumbass.

i said to user

>keep beating that strawman

and he actually did. The absolute madman.

so you're still gonna pretend? Kek

you're still not going to answer to the fact that you're white and will only live in white areas while pretending to like immigration

very cowardly really

Wasn't there a Vin Diesel rip off of this movie that came out the same year?

You do realize Children of Men is fairly redpilled by /pol/ standards, putting aside the on-the-nose Christian imagery in the second half. After all the only countries with a semblance of order are police states with extreme anti-immigration policies and the left wing devolves into violent terrorist scum.

answering strawmans creates a faux impression these strawmans are legit arguments. Not gonna fall for that. And now i'm out for work. Have a good day.

have a nice day in your crime free white area

It's true.

Humanity is left to the niggers, pretty bleak.

>I can literally feel him getting more nervous with each post
I don't even think its a good argument but that's embarrassing

Children of men has to be the most overrated dystopian film ive ever watched, even disregarding the race pandering

It was like a netflix show before netflix was a thing


After the bombing of that cafe in the beginning, everyone just assume it was islamic terrorism since it is commonplace. The fishes of course thinks it's a false flag op because it fits their narrative. So right from the start the movie show a conflict where normal people are stuck in the middle. Citizens being terrorised and illegals being stuffed in cages. The forces behind have noble intentions (protect Britain/help illegals), but they all end up as unsympathetic. The only characters who are "good guys" isn't a part of any organization. I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't take the easy way and just made the fishes the "good guys".


>dat projection

Roma is the only great movie he is ever done, children of men is only good. But plebs gonna pleb I guess

Brainlet movie inspired by misunderstanding what infertility means. Growing infertility in the developed world doesn't mean men or women are INFERTILE.
It means they jerk off three times a day to the point where they don't care about getting children anymore. If people stopped jerking off, we wouldn't even need immigrants to make up for the dropping population numbers.


Its great

Did you even watch the movie? The plot is about some lame magical infertility phenomenon that's causing mankind to go extinct.

Did you think the movie thought it was portraying it realistically? It's sci-fi. Are you dumb?

It doesn't explain what causes it. Shit movie though, all it does is look depressing and portrays an unrealistic dystopian scenario with some african woman as the last hope of the infertile Europe. How predictable.

>i need da movie to explain everything to me or it SUCKS

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It's not dismissive like "ehhh piss off m8" he's politely disagreeing and provided a civilized, in his opinion, counterargument. It could be used in a different way like:
"Hey man, you want tacos for lunch? "
>"Ehhhh, not feeling it today"
Just imagine his tone.

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Look at this retarded failing to see the Nativity of Christ subtext and laugh.

Braindeads like that don't even know what subtext is

Brazil and Children of Men are in the same hierarchy of quality dystopian kino.

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>"""""" Buzzwords""""""

Also checked faggot

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Not even close to being anywhere near the ballpark of being as good as Children of Men yet alone better.... But it was alright.

>I'm even from based Poland.
lol, you are worthless subhuman trash with an inferiority complex. no wonder all your whore women love niggers so much.
statistically of all the european countries your polish whore women fuck and breed with niggers the most. you are natural born nigger lovers.

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Step aside, plebs.

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Ehhh ummm, no, sweaty

Didn't that film rip off pic related?

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Don't get me wrong, there's a lot I like about it. Michael Kane's character was worth the price of admission, and Owen was good in this. Julianne Moore, while I like her, doesn't fit at all.

Better movies than Children Of Men:
12 Monkeys
A Clockwork Orange.

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It's a Japanese thing.

I love/hate this movie. It's like Dark Star - low budget, and made in an era where nobody cared, so they could get away with anything. But it's so camp it's hard to take seriously, and it hasn't aged well. But I do love it. It has just enough that works.

It deserves a remake, but today's industry and society make it impossible.


Children of Men was so lame i remember nothing about it

Are you a redditor?

Nice movie but blatant lefty propaganda as usual. Still, the movie can't help but be redpilled at some points.

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1984 is pretty good but I prefer Brazil.
The first 2 Mad Max movies are good too.
Threads is unsettling.
I'm not sure if Mad Max 2 and Threads should count as dystopian ot post-apocalyptic, but anyway if they do then The Road is kind of okay too.

>MMmm ah yes, the subtext in this movie is very fascinating and thought provoking indeed, mmmhmm
>I love 2000 year old fairy tales