>Brie Larson back in 2013 was Yea Forums's waifu and everyone loved her >she even had a Wikifeet picture of her back in the day
Could it be that today's Brie Larson was the result of creeps like Yea Forums sexualizing her hard? She even let fungus grow on her feet in order to turn-off feetfags.
my gf has a better ass and she braps in my mouth when i lick it.
Nicholas Morris
plot twist she was always mediocre
James Carter
I'm decently sure she was able to become retarded all on her own, thank you VERY much.
Aiden Gonzalez
I remember watching this scene in 2011 or whatever and not being able to take my eyes off her feet. Now I’m a footfag, but they’re still pretty nice soles
Elijah Davis
I've been here since 2007 or whenever the Yea Forums board was first made and I had no idea who she was until Captain Marvel (which I didn't watch). Haven't seen Endgame either or about half of the MCU movies.
Aaron Taylor
>been here since 2007 >doesn’t pay attention to Oscar movies >doesn’t watch capeshit What DO you watch?
Gavin Morales
No one was complaining about her ass back in the day.
>Deliberately go around 24/7 with unbearable smelly and horrible feet coupled with A LOT of pain Yep, that's either bullshit or the bitch is literally INSANE
Robert Morales
Holy shit is that glitter *unzips*
Nicholas Bell
She's not super hot but she also definitly isnt ugly. Brie is like a 7.5 and an 8 back in 2010-2015 years plus most soibois hate her cause their sexist pigs that cant get laid
Asher Reed
I honestly don't understand why everyone here hates her so much. It must be some kind of normie peer pressure thing.
Camden Powell
What the hell happened to her
Justin Turner
Definitely agree, I would any day of the week if given the opportunity. That being said she really does seem to have an unpleasant personality so it would be a vigorous hate-fucking.
Austin Miller
Soiboys love her because she's a strong woman, they were most of her audience
Noah Flores
They should have.
Why does bri keep making these threads
Robert Murphy
NOTHING happened to her, she still has a cute face.
Jacob Flores
It's actually less painful to not give a shit about footcare hygiene.
she wasnt relevant enough, nowadays there are tons of flat ass actresses, no need to talk about them, theres no interest, BUT with brie, you got disney and the msm trying to push that mediocre woman every 2 seconds
Colton Hernandez
6/10 thats the magic number for hollywood actresses mildly attractive = relatable to women dakota johnson is another example
Colton Scott
well yeah she's the woman that was kind of hot 7 years ago but is now single and desperate yet conceited and is going on a bad date with you
Henry Bennett
That was before the wall crashed down on her and she absorbed it.
"Kind of hot 7 years ago but now single and desperate" is probably the only kind of woman I have a chance with, maybe that's why I kind of find her attractive.
Benjamin Kelly
its kinda embarassing because those woman still act like they are attractive, demanding and shit like bitch you cant have normal kids anymore lol
the only road to those bitches to feel "useful" is being an outspoken feminist
Leo Ramirez
>She even let fungus grow on her feet in order to turn-off feetfags. You really think she's smart enough to do something like that? Doubt it.
Angel Flores
>both Brie Larson and Chris Evans were bit players in those Not Another Teen Movie ripoffs >Chris Evans aged like wine while she aged like milk
ana de armas kinda meh but isabella moner will hit me hard
Mason Garcia
It's like Harry Potter wearing the same shirt and pants every day to ward off paparazzi.
Feminists won't care about her feet hygiene or if she shaves her armpits. But creeps will.
Colton James
So if Brie in her prime and De Armas in hers is meh to you, that doesn't undo the fact that both had their beta orbiters during the time of their peak beauty.
She hates white men, they are just returning the favor
Noah Torres
>still doesn’t get it You’re the type of person to donate to twitch streamers “because they deserve it”
Xavier Johnson
it's pretty clear Brie lived a fast Hollywood lifestyle, got roastbeef from fucking guys and now regrets throwing away her youth that bitterness usually turns to feminism rather than admitting she acted like a whore
Brody Morris
>one autist had her as a waifu years ago >this means Yea Forums must like her now Yikes!
Liam Taylor
brie in her prime was a 6/10 ana de armas is currently in her prime shes a 8/10 but shes kinda boring to me, i preffer isabella moner
pretty much anything with a cunt has beta orbiters, even that living ham bessie from burlington bar has beta orbiters, imagine the smell bro
Her real name really sounds so French-Canadian it seems like she's the type of girl that drinks high-class wine every night. Renaming herself as Brie Larson is a good idea.