Brie Larson back in 2013 was Yea Forums's waifu and everyone loved her

>Brie Larson back in 2013 was Yea Forums's waifu and everyone loved her
>she even had a Wikifeet picture of her back in the day

Could it be that today's Brie Larson was the result of creeps like Yea Forums sexualizing her hard? She even let fungus grow on her feet in order to turn-off feetfags. larson/order/asc/page/11/

Attached: 1382332187494.jpg (1220x679, 547K)

Other urls found in this thread: larson/order/asc/page/11/ larson/order/asc/page/21/

my gf has a better ass and she braps in my mouth when i lick it.

plot twist
she was always mediocre

I'm decently sure she was able to become retarded all on her own, thank you VERY much.

I remember watching this scene in 2011 or whatever and not being able to take my eyes off her feet.
Now I’m a footfag, but they’re still pretty nice soles

I've been here since 2007 or whenever the Yea Forums board was first made and I had no idea who she was until Captain Marvel (which I didn't watch). Haven't seen Endgame either or about half of the MCU movies.

>been here since 2007
>doesn’t pay attention to Oscar movies
>doesn’t watch capeshit
What DO you watch?

No one was complaining about her ass back in the day.

Attached: wpid-2014-05-18-20-05-59.png (1051x1474, 955K)

>She even let fungus grow on her feet in order to turn-off feetfags.


Attached: 1533271166558.jpg (1790x3000, 1.07M)

I don’t think that hideous toe length was deliberate