What the fuck is happening to this board?

what the fuck is happening to this board?

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looks normal to me

got posters keep making a fucking new thread instead of posting in one up

all day

they seem to think making a new thread is a chat box

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The real problem is users trying to turn Yea Forums into an incel sympathy board. Nuke it for however long it takes.

i dunno anything other than game of thrones/capeshit threads is ok with me

impotent rage at how bad the night kings death was

A lone furfag hero is fighting against the GoT/capeshit menace.

id rather see quantum shitposting than GOT threads


what's the name of the cute wolf

bah gawd what a whiny furry fucking shit

a lone furfag is fighting the biased and faggot jannies

at least he is not, and I quote, "definitely not a tranny or schizo"

based hero standing up for Stephen McDaniel and his right to a fair trial

Based Zootopia spammer is killing the GoT and Endgame spam

>giving a shit
is it autism?

the meta threads complaining about the state of the board are too distracting from debating got, agreed

and thats a good thing

>mfw people complain that I shit all over the sidewalk
Dude, just step around it

>muh incel
You belong at Reddit or Arby's. Take a hike roastie bozo!


the main mod swaglord is a manager at an advertising agency and he is 100% working with studio marketers to see what the "trends" are among the usual Yea Forums demographic. The mods are being bought by the studios to let them shill.

jannie shills went too far.
some based poster is fucking them up
Fuck everyone that still watches got, nuwars, or fagvel!

come on GoT will never happen again. let the GoTfags have their catharsis.

Yea Forums is baseding real hard now
based got and based marvel
i am the based

have sex

Stupid nigger. Nearly every post concerning Endgame or GOT has utterly trashed them.

>catharsis over a tv show
First of all, they should kill themselves
Second of all, they should go to an actual hugbox designed for them

I'm a guy who likes to talk about tv and movies. You want to to talk about your problems with women, there are plenty of other places to do that.

have sex

Doesn't matter, you capeshitters/GoTfags are still """""discussing""""" it and by that I mean spamming the board and forcing everyone to see it.

>betas and incels crying over their "safespace"

Use filters faggot or fuck off

>just use filters lol

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seething shill

nice arguments retards

this is why we're supposed to have generals
just put all this shit in one thread

it's been like this every Sunday and Monday for 8 years you fucking newfag, go to another board or do something else, fucking loser

I have a filter, it’s called Yea Forums and it hides the whole board.
Oh, wait, that doesn’t fix the problem.
Stop basing your self worth on identification with commercial properties.

He isn't posting anymore, the jannies got him, they're too strong.
It's over bros.

When waifus were banned, the normalfag outsiders setup shop here.

oh the irony from your post


Why don't you find somewhere else then?

generals are created by redditors who want sub-reddits you giant homo

shut up janny

dude same shit is happening on Yea Forums too, it's annoying as fuck.

No point in arguing with a shill.
You weren't here 8 years ago, let alone 5 dumb newfag.
Swaglord being a marketing shill is a fact and it's obviously affecting what content is allowed on Yea Forums.

There are at least 3 boards over on Reddit for you sad sacks to gather and blame everyone but yourself for your failures. No censorship, you can vent all you want.
Why do you insist on trying to make Yea Forums one of your clubhouses?
We just want to talk about movies and tv. That's all.

and thats a good thing

Waifufags just attracted more failed normalfag incels.

>We just want to talk about capeshit, söy wars, GoT and whatever other fotm movies and shows we are paid to spam. That's all.

shut up faggot, there wasn't even a /got/ general during season 1 so it was all GoT. Just like after LOST it was all LOST and same with Breaking Bad, Mad Men, etc. Now again, go back to plebbit

Why don't you, you're the ones sperging out

We need the spammers more than ever

this, incels are literally manchildren who can't handle their emotions.

>one of the most important episodes of one of the most popular tv shows drops
>a lot of people are talking about it
OMG wtf is happening to Yea Forums?

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Even if that were true, which it isn't, what does making off-topic threads accomplish?

>he gives a fuck about being the Oh Pee on a pekingese origami forum
absolutely pathetic to be honest, just keep the cancer contained
Edit: wow this post got a lot of attention. Thanks for the Gold kind stranger!

So why even come here, then?

OP was talking about the furfag spammer.

Generals are for redditors and last night was objectively the highest amount of post-episode spam ever on this board, retard. I was here for LOST, BB, MM, The Wire and a myriad of other shows. This isn't 8 years ago, there are tools in place for them to contain it and they are selectively allowing and encouraging it to happen. The sticky itself is a testament to how big of reddit-loving faggots the mods are and bootlickers like you are just as bad. That sticky would never have been posted back in the day. You are on the wrong website.



To discuss shows and movies that aren't the capeshit/redditor sensibility media that you faggots spam and the mods engender spamming of for monetary gain.
It accomplishes forcing mods to address the problem.

You stupid, tourist nigger. On topic threads get nuked ALL THE TIME while you go around spamming have sex in every thread you can find to derail them.

God Yea Forums is so unfun now, anything remotely interesting gets nuked. I'm surprised the jannies haven't deleted this thread too.

Slipped by while they're dealing with their discord server implosions. Pink Squad having a melt down

Extreme fun!

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You mean like the GoT/capeshit threads?

how wud U write dis? #45 edition + have sex incel XD

>baw they are stealing space from my precious meme threads, badly veiled political/off topic threads and shit!!
>how dare they discuss a popular tv show/movie

The problem is the jannies. Without them we'd still have capeshit, got, and star wars spam, but we'd have fun threads as well.

But Sneed still lives

GoT spam is a near terminal fever, but this body will get over it, it will break, don't worry OP

Um sweetie this is a shill board for Disney and HBO properties ONLY. I'm going to have to ask you to delete your thread to make room for more astroturfing.

GoT fans are worse than capeshitters, theyre actual brony tier

>whats happening
A weird clash between people who take TV shows a bit too seriously on one hand and casual viewers on the other


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You have sex, queer.

>what's happening!?

The biggest movie of all time, and the end to one of the biggest tv shows of all time, happened on the same weekend

Well then, who do you prefer for capeshit, Condorman or the Greatest American Hero?

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US Hero

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Do you just constantly make threads on here complaining about the other threads you don't like?

Quantum of Solace?

Some of us have been coming here for 10+ years and the board culture is being actively culled now. We can't even have threads that we want to have. How do you super hero and girl power faggots not get that? What the board has been forever is now against the rules, all of a sudden.

>mfw the 3 day ban for making a spoiler thread was worth it
seeing a few seething replies before it was pruned was glorious

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generals are the cancer that killed Yea Forums

It's true shit never used to get clipped the way it has been lately. I see single posts and replies get deleted, and on topic threads getting pruned for no reason.

You want to talk about tv and movies then go to reddit you retarded cuck