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Whats his name again?

This is the early stages of zoomer '00s nostalgia
Expect more of it

I feel like this board is too young nowadays to even get this reference.
Fuck I should stop coming here.

>implying this is an oldfag reference
I want the zoomers to LEAVE

>oldfag reference
Said nothing of the sort you dumb nonce.
It's closer to old than new though.

(5:55) youtube.com/watch?v=u_DsVLUyYy4

manlets will never learn

>”Equals what? Oh, hehe, that thing. That feels like a lifetime ago, kid.”

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His gook ex gf is more successful them him kek

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Some of his most famous quotes
>Fake and gay
>Doing your mom

this was kino

hes literally early zoomer eceleb

I secretly want him to make a comeback

He didn't invent fake and gay

Yes he did you dumbass

didn't this retard gave up his internet fame to try to and make it on tv?
what a dumb business decision.

I hate zoomers that are on the internet at 8 -12 years old. go away.

This. I advise every boomer oldfag on here to find a new website to browse before this shit gets worst. Just a few days ago there was a nostalgia thread for Gangnam Style and some other fucking retarded dance around the time.

If you're 26 or older, it's not our website anymore. This is now GoT, Star Wars sequels, capeshit, and much worst coming. We need a new website

Are zoomers old enough to know this guy? I'm 23 and I remember watching him in high school.

fake and gay

Holy shit, it's over isn't it?

I'm 21 and remember watching him in middle school with my friends. Except when I was in middle school I hung out in a video game store every weekend with the the dorkiest, lamest college students that went to the local university working there. They were 19-22 and I was hanging there from ages 11 to 14.

If I were to meet these individuals when they were that age at my current age, I know for a fact I would not hang out with them.

>we need a new website
Guy you're replying to, I'm also nearing 30 and thankfully there are a lot of places to discuss movies
Early chan board culture is dead though
I still love coming here for all the shitflinging

wow older than 26 and still being on this board. kys fucking loser

26 here . I already left in February

What happened to him? If he was still doing it, I'd imagine he'd be even popular today with ADHD kids browsing on ipads.

>I already left in February


Yep. Came back in ironic way one month later to check the discussion on India Pakistan "war"

And yet somehow you ended up on Yea Forums

I'm pretty sure Yea Forums has enough /pol/ threads for him to do his job here as well

Kassem G had better shows

This. California On was kino


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Tig o Bitties was my fucking jam, but everyone knows the stereotypes song was kino

He has good taste in women

The fuck is a forum

dope song btw

Is he broke now or something

He wasn't even that funny or memorable. He only stood out because YT had shit competition in 2008 and 2009, and very few people did react/compilation stuff back then. If he started today, no, if he started as far back as 2012, he wouldn't have even been famous in the first place.

If you're 23, you barely qualify as a zoomer. You're a very, very late millennial. Like, cusp at the end millennial.

Yeah shut up retard we all know you’re lying

gay williams johnson

What about 22?


>mfw 24

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Remember that time he said the n word!

user, that came from here like every other thing at the time

everybody used to say that things were fake and gay. thats where he even got it from. he was making fun of people that always commented that. retard.

Fuck off im fighting for my board. Even if have to spam ricardo all day if i have too

used to watch his NY vlogs, shit was kino

No shit he didn't invent the sentence. He simply gave the saying popularity as an ironic slang in Internet culture you fucking numbskull, he definitely invented the "fake and guy" trend in that regard



I genuinely hope Ray William Johnson is dead.

Jealous bro?

Billy Dee Williams

Let's go back to Something Awful.


God she was awful It’s lol how nearly everything ray and his various associates said back then would make them wet themselves if someone said to in CURRENT YEAR.

He does some shitty podcast with the usual lefty DRUMPF nonsense trying to be like those dudes who make thousands on patreon.