There is no logical reason that this outfit should be appropriate

There is no logical reason that this outfit should be appropriate.

Attached: 8b3tQj9.jpg (1024x1536, 165K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It looks nice

Colonel Mustang said it's okay.

Have sex.

God, is that the tiresome Oliva Munn who once pretended to like video games? Fuck her


my sister started wearing short skirts like that and she has fantastic legs and ass.
makes me get an instant boner.

>my dick when oliva munn shows up in something i'm watching in a classically Munn whorish ensemble

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How is this relevant to the plot?

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that outfit drove me nuts senpai

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>the only person who wore a comics accurate costume
Disney better keep her.

She’s literally perfect brehs

Friends, I have a confession to make.

I am horny for hapas.

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She worked out for the role, unlike the tubby Jennifer Lawrence who gave us a Mystique+10 pounds.

are you sure?

Attached: Stacy-Keibler-27-2.jpg (700x344, 51K)

Hey pretty lady, do you and your legs want to come see Jeffster! perform tonight?

it would only be inappropriate if she wasn't wearing panties haha


Is it?

looks like a cheap whore
shes getting desperate at this point, the wall is like 2fts from her

Sex sells

nice grandma knickers

if hwe womb was shaggy that would be hot af.
hair and fuzz poking out from underneath there make man get large bonners.


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Today I will remind them

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What are some kinos where women wear short skirts with no underwear and their pusy hair pokes out from underneath?

Attached: bueno.jpg (546x366, 50K)

God I wish that were me

What are you reminding us about? Left a cute.


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that's a shame

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Somehow I feel youtube is not the place to look for what I'm asking for

Her body her choice. Don't tell her what to wear, tell the boys not to stare.

cool man, no need to share pics, just glad to hear you are having a good time

You know when I was young women were flattered by guys checking them out.
What the hell happened man?

is there a better angle because she looks like a slob in this pic

>not high-cut
One job!

Attached: OliviaMunn.jpg (1200x857, 772K)

Which Olivia Munn? Before or after she went into witness protection?

Attached: Munn.jpg (500x300, 30K)

It's easier and more marketable to make someone angry than it is to make them happy.

never make a deal with (((them))), kids

Left is still cutest.

Attached: 1554174352155.jpg (1534x696, 677K)

>hapa person is fucking insane

News at 11

Three years ago I’d have killed whatever was put in front me to be her’s now I can’t even look at her face it’s jacked up

now they're worried about rape

Jews didn’t do this, being a hapa did. Hapas are all crazy as fuck. The males are all insane and violent with sexual and mental issues and the women are all insane and literally can’t get enough dick.

>and literally can’t get enough dick.

Looked at the thumbnail and DEFINITELY thought the top image was someone with shit smeared all over their ass

>once pretended to like video games
She only did that to get attention,from fat slobs like you.
Sure,you could say she could marry a rich and handsome fella,but why not pretend to kinda like some vidya so she could get the attention of a fat,ugly,unskilled lover such as yourself.

You better believe it. The nicer ones will stick to the same guy but you’ll be busy as shit making sure she’s happy enough to stick around. Sometimes I wake up to her asking me to fuck her face at 4 in the morning.

The crazy will get inside you too. And it’ll be in the spawn you have with them. It’s a vicious road to walk down but damn if it isn’t fun. If they’re not of the sweeter variety tho they’ll fuck a hundred men.

So wearing a skirt like that is not attention seeing but liking a video game is?
And when did she claim to like video games?

It's appropriate only to get pervy men more likely to do business with you or your company.

Yet Morgan Webb actually liked vidya games and ended marrying a billionaire.

Excellent point.
That thoroughly proves that Olivia Munn is seeking your attention.

Man I must be smokin' hot


this show was so awful in hindsight

My penis says otherwise

Yeah well there's no logical reason that that outfit isn't appropriate either is there?

Have sex

lowest quality opinion i've seen today and it's only 1 am

nice blogpost

you can

They could've shaved off a couple inches on either side, and it would be spot on

I didn't like it at the time.
"I buy computer parts at a store,not online!" the show.
But it did have Yvonne strahovski on it,right? I think it did,never saw a full episode.

Yeah it was formerly great but looking back it fucking sucks

Skirts too short it looks dumb actually

Well thought out reply.
You hate looking at pics of a hot chick because you think she likes video games and you tell others to have sex.

fuck off, Chuck is 10/10

>"I buy computer parts at a store,not online!"
Did you watch any part of the show? The staff was shown as lazy slovenly degenerates that were always 2 seconds away from lord of the flies territory.

Then why'd he sell to Sneed? EH? EH?



Keanu Reeves is none of those things.

>Have sex
This is the modern day equivalent of ye olde timey gentlemen telling each other "Good Day,Sir!"

So you're saying Keanu is also a sex addict?

I thought this was a Pen Island site.
I was so wrong.
So many odd feelings are awakening in me.

What do you mean "good day"? Are you saying this is to be a good day whether I want it or not, or that today in particular is a day on which to be good on?

>Skirts too short it looks dumb
I hope you dad is dead,not because I dislike him,I just hope he never hears you say shit like this.

needs pantyhose or stockings

Attached: stockings.jpg (1200x1469, 248K)

No, the hapa meme is stupid, just some shit some fag fabricated thanks to Elliot Rogers.

he fucked a tranny

She's such an ugly whore beast.

When are you going to start transitioning?

If my dad is as dumb as a typical woman and needs a real man's help for any kind of aesthetic sense beyond crudely appealing to the basest instincts then I feel sorry for him

I would love if the rude "have sex" turned into the "Have plenty sex and good genital stimulation, xir"

Asexuals can go not fuck themselves

depressed men make bad decisions trying to find a way to deal

Eliot Roger was a WMAF hapa (the bad kind)
Keanu is based AMWF hapa (the supreme race)


I don't know man, my sister knows an AMWF hapa girl and she's one of the biggest spergs I've ever had the misfortune of meeting.

I always get this vibe that this is some butthurt user making these posts

My life is close to keanu tier sad, except i don't have millions and won't resort to tranny fucking. He always seemed like a decent guy but you don't come back from that.

I remember laughing when she became a part of AOTS. It's like they were kind of insulting their target audience.

>desperate, fat disgusting neckbeards LOVE Asian girls, let's hire one for the show

>Did you watch any part of the show?
>The staff was shown as lazy slovenly degenerates that were always 2 seconds away from lord of the flies territory.
Sounds fun,example please.

Attached: Some anons cat.jpg (2688x1396, 898K)

Spergy is fine, that’s just unironically society.
WMAF hapa women turn into Mayli or Munn

>So wearing a skirt like that is not attention seeing
When did user say this? Point it out to me because I don't see it.

>when did she claim to like video games?
When you work at a video game broadcast network, talking about games and having fun, the supposition is that you enjoy video gaming as a hobby to some degree. It's not an unreasonable assumption.

No,tho fellas from the 1800's would would end an argument by one of them saying "Good day,sir. I said GOOD DAY!"
then shortly after the man would go home and look for his dueling pistols.
Wife:What happened,why are you cleaning your pistols?
Him:Somebody told me to have a good day,but he really just wanted to end this conversation.He did not truly wish me a good day!
Wife:May you smite him with the wrath of satan!

She's more than just spergy, it's like no social graces whatsoever, incredibly emotionally needy and seems to have very little comprehension of how other people might think or whether they might consider her behaviour acceptable. It's just exhausting to be around her for more than 5 minutes.

>no social graces whatsoever, incredibly emotionally needy and seems to have very little comprehension of how other people might think or whether they might consider her behaviour acceptable. It's just exhausting to be around her for more than 5 minutes.
Sounds like she inherited the white from her mother

Kill yourself zoomer poof

Sure, it's great for a club. But it's not professional. In most offices I work at, it wouldn't be permitted. Plus, shit like this is why women always want the air conditioning turned off, even though most dress codes force men to wear long pants. It's hard to justify letting women wear skirts like this, but not letting men wear shorts.
Grow the fuck up, kiddies. This isn't about hating women, it's about keeping a professional environment at work, showing respect for the workplace and for your fellow employees.

Thanks for the share.
Looks fun,but I get why it was cancelled.

>No,tho fellas from the 1800's would would end an argument by one of them saying "Good day,sir. I said GOOD DAY!"
I know this from Willy Wonka!

Based series though

Women have beautiful, hairless legs while men have hideous hairy legs.

It's possible, I've never met her but based on everything I've heard her mother sounds like a tyrant and a complete cunt


>When you work at a video game broadcast network, talking about games and having fun, the supposition is that you enjoy video gaming as a hobby to some degree. It's not an unreasonable assumption.
Maybe she just wanted a well paying job.
If you flip hamburgers and you wear those gay little shorts of yours you are not seeking attention by pretending to love hamburgers.

it is

the rule is male hapas bad female good. has nothing to do with the parent. wfam hapas are 1 in a billion anyway, mythical

>it was cancelled.
It wasn't, it ended after 5 seasons.

>I know this from Willy Wonka!
Whatever immortal skinwalker.

Beauty is wasted on women.

>female good
Every single self hating female hapa has an asian mother.

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Excellent digits and excellent taste

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Do you have brain damage?

Thats why they should cover them up. Its ridiculous to expect men to ponly look but not touch. Whats the point otherwise?

Were you born in the 21st century???

thats because almost every hapa on earth has a white male father. its a lot rarer to find asian men dating white women obviously.

dem jap taters are a blight for society

I was quoting Gandalf but if you haven't read or even seen the Hobbit it's understandable you don't get it.

So despite making up 13% of the Hapa population, AMWF Hapas account for 80% of beautiful hapas?

As long as it's porn it is

Are you an idiot? No professional workplace would let that skirt fly if that's what you're saying. There are dress standards always.

newfags don't know

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I miss olivia
I wonder how kev is doing

>5 seasons.
Thats a good run.
Drew Carey show was cancelled after 9 seasons,some say that is a failure.
I think 2 seasons is good now,consider how many options there are.
Welfare people get free cable so even the poor people have 100+ channels.

AMWF makes no difference to the quality of the hapa. The fact is male hapas are bad and female are good. that is the stereotype anyway. I suspect these rumours are just pushed by racists.

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There are no racists on Yea Forums dummy

A hypnotic gaze.

she is cute and seems nice. my type of girl if i got to her first before the cameras

Cum gaze

She wore for herself not for you.

Bog wall and fry cook at McDonald's.

Have a baby.

Attached: 1c1.jpg (960x658, 149K)

>Drew Carey show was cancelled after 9 seasons
Castle was suddenly canceled after 8. They threw in a quickly shot short scene at the end to make it look like it ended and not canceled. And that's after "big" news that one of the main actors wont be in the next season.


Here's your Munn bro

Attached: Munn.jpg (683x1011, 140K)


Porn Asians are almost always manfaced uglies or extremely nasty looking painted up whores.

aren't stockings just an invention to make a normal woman's legs not look like a 1943 stalingrad diorama? I don't think she needs them.

Calm down Olivia, I still love you

Pleb opinion

>Castle was suddenly canceled after 8
Married with Children was aslo suddenly canceled A short 10(?) years later they got a goodbye episode.

Also,gonna look for that last episode of castle,thanks for the heads up,pls enjoy some other anons cat pic.

Attached: Fritz Teh Kitty.jpg (1080x810, 52K)

>in hindsight

Which makes me rock solid

lol,she is just showing her bobs to get attention from me!
t.a giant fat guy that never bathes.
I was trying to be funny but please post more

Yeah, b-but all those cutie waifus that don't look like that. Can't they find one?

Well I only kinda love you.
p.s. wow that new mass effect game is neato!

Does Olivia play male or female Shepard? Who does she romance? Paragon or Renegade?

Never forgive
Never Forget

Never mind the text,but because that show Chuck was mentioned,Yvonne was the face model and voice of Miranda.

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Attached: ada heels2.webm (960x540, 2M)

Women only want top 10% chad to stare at them.
If you aren't one, they want laws that make it so you should be quickly disposed of by other guys (who also aren't chads most of the time)

>gonna look for that last episode of castle
It was season ark ending that was also tied to many other season arks, you might want to search you tube for "in a previous season" videos or something like that.

also forgot cat.

Attached: comfycat.jpg (460x460, 43K)


Oh, so civil rights are to you--some feminazi hag--a thing to be doled out based on beauty.
KYS you fucking piece of shit.

I don't give a fuck about rights, I'm just an aesthete.

I will do that.
Also cat pic post

Attached: tp cat 275.jpg (500x667, 60K)

No, I was literally saying that no workplace would let that skirt happen. Every office I've worked in would give a warning and possibly send someone home for that.
My comment was about women's BS, where they fight for the right to miniskirts and pretend that dress codes hit them hardest, while men are banned from summer wear even when it's decent. It's to highlight their hypocrisy.

>Yup, that's me
>You're probably wondering how I got into this situation...

If that's how you choose to spell 'fucking cunt', that's up to you. But that's what you are.

Are you perhaps a homosexual?

thats cute. cute!

I wish they’d bring it back. It was so comfy

I have a bunch of cat pics.
Say what you want.
A cat wearing a hat?
Just some other user cats?
Don't get to specific.

>cat literally scratches the record

Attached: Rosamund Pike pantyhose.webm (1280x533, 2.93M)


Attached: Sofia Boutella Climax.webm (800x750, 2.75M)

I don't get it,where is the cat?

Cat sleeping in weird place.

Attached: Rosamund Pike Doggy.webm (1280x533, 2.74M)

Gonna give you another,just need a moment.

Attached: Find The Cat.jpg (700x971, 128K)

that's a garbage shader though, it just looks like a ethiopians legs

>Rosamund Pike Doggy.webm
Doggy is the opposite of cat.
You are bad at interneting,sir.

I do not see kitty

Does this count?

Attached: 4385B39C00000578-4819776-image-a-54_1503581779735.jpg (634x1127, 201K)

More fun to look.
Middle stack of logs,top log is a log,the one below is a yellow cat.

Attached: 1554732334999.jpg (500x483, 22K)

yea, she was just fine before all the work she had done

Attached: Scary at first.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)