Why is she so fucking cute bros?

Why is she so fucking cute bros?
I love her.

Attached: ce8dfbacfe16de464a50e0d38716a137.jpg (400x747, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because she's tsundere, Nebula was great she's the definition of being cute when angry and that bitch is angry all the time. I love it.

Do you think she has soft tits? Or is it just a metal breastplate

one soft one metal

Take this cancer to /s/ you beta virgin.

I love how cute she looks when she gets frustrated.

Yes she is cute.

Because you watch too much Doctor Who.

because you can beat the shit out of her every moment you feel like and there will never be any bruises to show the cops

Attached: King_Abdullah_on_Star_Trek.jpg (379x428, 24K)

>hurting a bald cutie with daddy issues that only wants to be snuggled
off yourself faggot

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Anyone else got a Boner when she walk in the scene when Antman eat Taco??? God she was so fucking HOT...

Watch out how you speak about my girlfriend

Do you think she still has a butthole, bros?

Yes both of us noticed that shit too, was in awe.

Yes, It's self lubricating too.

Elizabeth Olsen exposed her tits half of her screen times and I have no reaction. But Karen Gillan walk in that scene gave me boner. Is there something wrong with me?

I think she's a pretty underrated character in these movies. Karen Gillan does a really good job.

Oh fuck, my dick

>lifelong assassin in a robotic body
>retains prominent breasts
>terribly inefficient sexy walk at all times
but why

It pleased Thanos's Titan Mind

You guys think Thanos fucking her and Gamora Daily or he just purely consider them daughter ???

Is there any good porn of her yet?

He makes them hatefuck eachother and watches.

imagine she rape you

>Did I release Skyrim 6 times or only 5? Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I lost count myself

It would be impossible for her to diddle me without me wanting it.

you could want it but then she might get a little... violent.


Not if I'm willing

The way she walks is liquid sex

you, you're a good man

Attached: karen_gillan.webm (600x800, 2.99M)

>Both on a ship alone for 22 days
>Tony thought he was going to die
>They didn't fuck

C'mon I know Tony loves Pepper but do you think he just jerked off into the helmet? Of course he fucked her. That's why he gives her one final glance when They land and Tony see's Pepper there

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Probably pounded Nebula every night right after reading Gamora a bed time story.

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 867K)

>that scene where Maw was choking her with a chain

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>Is there something wrong with me?
You're here with us user, of course you're broken inside

we're not even reddit anymore, this is youtube comments tier

I think Elizabeth Olsen is pretty fucking hot too. But Karen Gillan's got her beat by a mile.

Strictly wholesome. Stark was a more of a father for her in 22 days than Thanos was her entire life.

Copying a superior comment to something that doesn't totally apply
this waifu fag shit is while both annoying and something I despise is not totally normal fag tier

I'm sad Stark couldn't live long enough to take a look under the hood and give her some kino upgrades.

i don't really find karen gillan attractive when she's out of nebula makeup desu

Attached: 1556436683944.webm (362x536, 2.99M)

Attached: Karen Gillan.webm (958x800, 1.6M)


>dat labia giggle at :03

>long red hair
>flawless soft human light skin
Honestly, I don't see the appeal. Just give me the bald blue freak already. Anyone have more endgame webms?

Attached: Nebula-chan.png (1158x1163, 1.76M)

Not of her, only of best girl.

Attached: wanda wankmeoff.webm (700x294, 2.58M)

Yeah, I genuinely find her way hotter in the Nebula makeup than normally.

I wonder if actors or actresses ever fuck people when they're in their costumes and makeup

Part of it is the extreme autism and violent tsundere attitude

The other part of it is me just really having a hard on for weird alien chicks

>He may have been your father, girl, but he wasn't your daddy.

it takes to long to set up. they would never risk having to redo the painful process because they got someone's dna on their artificial layers

It depends, Satan. Do motion capture suits have holes for pee?

did michael j fox pirate this shit?

I wonder if Nebula has optic video recordings of their entire time on the ship. I hope she shows them one day, would be cool.

I hate that bald bitch

Hard to keep the camera steady while you're violently jerking off to Nebula.

I couldn't hate her by the end of her character arc.

this. its like she's walking down my dickway.

>Gamora saves Nebula all the time
>this time Nebula comes in to save Gamora
>she saves her from her own past self, the one that does her fathers bidding similarly how she "saved" Gamora earlier by telling her to stop working for Thanos
>Nebula kills her old evil self is like het letting go of her past wrongdoings

Ware they actually trying to do something smart here or are these happy coincidences?

That seems pretty intentional to me. The Nebula/Gamora character arc is one of the best ones in the MCU.

They've already confirmed they have big plans for her. One of their favorite characters.

the writers Disney has on Marvel tend to play it safe because they know their audience, but they seem capable of pulling off kino

Marvel is still capable of kino character development. Even if the writing gets bad from time to time the fact that most characters end up in 3-4 movies means that they'll get good moments anyway.

Karen Gillan is gorgeous. Loved her from Doctor Who even though her character was sometimes annoying as fuck.

Wasn't nebula the one that said she needed a sister to gamora in GotG 2? Then in End Game it made it seem like gamora was the one always trying to reach out to her but nebula always pushed her away. Something isn't adding up here

There's certainly more kino in the MCU than in the new Disney Star Wars movies.


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Gamora always wanted to break off from Thanos but didnt have the guts to do it until GotG so when a future Nebula who broke away from Thanos shows up its inderstandable that she would be interested to pick her brains.

>has two adopted "daughters"
>not even of the same species
>they eventually betray you anyway

now let's think about this logically

I highly doubt that captain cunt-ex-machina will have a kino moment... unless she gets drained by Rogue and end up in a permanent coma. I would fap to that, actually.

Attached: captain-marvel-rogue-11.jpg (636x481, 71K)

Of course I forgot to mention that you can only have a character moment if you have a character to begin with.

When they were young they fought a lot and every time Nebula lost more of her was painfully replaced with cybernetics, but young Gamora didn't understand that winning was hurting her and so she kept kicking her sister's ass

By the time they became adults Nebula probably saw Gamora's attempts at "reaching out" as cheap and disingenuous up until they were forced to work together

Where did Thanos pick up Nebula? So much unexplained shit they could get into in GOTG3 or they could even make a Nebula/Thanos origin movie.

>abuse your "daughters" that you kidnapped after killing their families.
Why did they turn on me? Ungrateful kids.

They've already explained in multiple movies that he picks up all his children from shithole planets he genocided.

Was Black Widow sporting Rogue's hairstyle in Endgame?

Speaking of that, ware the Black Order his "kids" too? They ware very much wasted characters imo.

Yeah they were


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Well obviously but did they ever specifically mention which planet or her race?

this guy is fucking your daughter how do you respond

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>I like you

Well the marvel wiki says she's a "Luphomoid" which I don't think they ever mentioned but honestly I don't think her origin is too important. Origin movies inevitably end up being the worst ones most of the time anyway and I like present happy hero Nebula more.

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>"Hey Thanos guess how many"

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Nurture > nature

>wiki says she's a "Luphomoid"
Don't know why but that sounds racist as fuck

Yea I'd prefer origin stories to be done in short series of flashbacks sprinkled throughout movies when it's relevant to the plot, not have its own movie.

Attached: Karen-Gillan-In-Christopher-Kane-‘Avengers-Endgame’-LA-Premiere-725x1024.jpg (725x1024, 140K)

t. Space /int/

Made for Africa

Legs confirmed

>not wanting more Thanoskino

you make me sad

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those mismatched shoes irritate me

I read some Thanos comic where he was born as a freak. All the rest of his civilization looked like normal people, but he was born as a purple dude and the scars on his face were from his mom taking a razor to him as a baby because she didn't want him if he was going to look like that. It was a surprisingly interesting read that you'd think would end up with Thanos as a sympathetic character, but there are some twists in there.

How big are those heels? I want to know how many inches above me she would be when I fantasize about her in this exact outfit a little later.

>Height: 5 11'' (180 cm)
Holy shit, when will manlets lea-

well she's 5'5 and those heels seem to add 3 to 4 inches

Nebula and Gamora helped Thanos murder millions, why weren't they snapped the fuck out by Tony? So you can just switch sides in the last moment and be spared? Could a giant robot monkey have a change of heart and live?

British women should really just stay silent
Fucking bong accents are detestable

Nebula already killed her past self and Gamora was already good at heart.

This is my first time watching any video of her. Is she always like this?

>Spend 5 years in space as a hero hunting down Thanos and another 5 years as an Avenger on earth
So much for switching sides at the last minute
>Beautiful Scottish flowers

>British women should really just stay silent
>Fucking bong accents are detestable
Which accent? The posh accents are very sexy but some of the others are very hard to listen to.

You mean like a big dork? More or less, yes, which means she's a pretty decent actress. You would never guess she's a tragic killing machine.

Attached: Karen_Red-Sonja_Twitter.png (900x754, 157K)

>tfw no 180cm gamer gf

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Yeah she's cute as hell in that clip. Her entire body language kills me.

What do you think her farts smell like?

You know ever since I learned how much of a manlet RDJ is it keeps drawing my attention

Like I can't even focus on any scenes with him and Chris Evans in them where they talk to each other on eye level because I'm noticing how his height keeps shifting slightly every time the camera cuts and I start losing it a little

What's the one where it sounds like they're gargling ground glass and liquid shit at the same time? Cockney?

Did Tony fuck her while they were trapped in space?

Because it reminds you of mongoloid.

they should by all right face justice in a court suspected for war crimes, crimes of aggression and crimes against humanity (or rather whatever other aliens they've victimized even if they defect or surrender

You can’t fool me, she’s all woman underneath that robot skin...

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Imagine how thick she'd get with a baby in her brehs

ITT: contrarians trying to make Brie jealous.

I would love to find out which is which.
That is a better journey than Frodo has been on.

Wrong. The blue cyborg is pure.

Yeah, our plan to make Brie jealous is to post on Yea Forums.

>Brie Larson posts on Yea Forums


We barely have to try, there's no competition.

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I just know you guys are "talking at her" calling some tranny bot sooo hot

It is a good idea though, a much better character than Captain Boring. Same with the Scarlet Witch, who deserves a solo film, with a focus on unstable Chthonic-occult driven power, far more than Captain Diversity.

I don't really have the hots for Nebula but Karen herself is way beyond Brie's league

What about a prequel with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver?

Dear lord those feetz

she looks like a bald african woman, not cute

I love Nebula, I want to fuck her cyborg pussy.

I completely agree with you.

Tastelet in a kino thread.

wat? her facial features and skull shape are still clearly distinguishable under the makeup. Race is not just skin color.

Attached: karengillan-nebula-mcu-direction.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

pls post more like this.

Pure sex

She's getting a series on Disney+ with Vision.

So if I hypothetically have a Nebula costume, and hypothetically ask a hooker to wear it, how much do you think it will cost???

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My pp cumin so much

I was hoping for more Quicksilver. But more Vision is cool too.

>Nebula costume
user... it's like 5 straight hours of makeup. If she hypothetically is charging you by the hour, and you're not rich, then you hypothetically will have to hire a really cheap whore.

Dont worry, I could use some RoseArt color paints.

If were talking film accurate Nebula make up, easily cost thousands of dolllars and hours of make up application

The tragedy of the irish and the scots is that nobody gives a fuck. To the rest of the civilized world you're just bongs.

The tragedy of the Welsh is that nobody even cares enough to mention them.

have sex

God they made Thanos a joke

Actress playing her is really cute and didn't hit the wall because she doesn't do drugs like brie

Nice way to break your hand.

Cool guy

>tfw body like this

What do lads?

No, they removed the joke from Wanda. She's still meant to be more powerful than that.

thanos is kind of a joke, since hes missing his energy skills he has in the comics.

gotg really has best girls

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They took his stones away and he still fought Thor, Cap, and Iron Man all at the same time. What about that is a joke to you?

What are you? An incel? Man up, go to a Comic-Con, chose a suitable cosplayer and then firmly proceed to ask her about her costume, tips for the makeup and stuff. And don't forget to be gentle, user.

Attached: alien-3-some.jpg (1200x901, 251K)

drive my car into his boys and girls club addition

I want to smell Karen Gillen's hair

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Isn't whats her face better and sexier green? I'm not racist, she just looks better tbdesu.

Dude, black people do look better green. What the hell. Is this the solution to racism?

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90s graphic card box lookin ass

Skeeter was black

Attached: honk honk.jpg (480x360, 36K)

Haha, we cracked the case user.

>not appreciating all colors of Zoe

Attached: zoes.png (794x1024, 769K)

nebula is cute

>Mayo's mammaries

what mobie?

So I did a half ass job because I was curious. I think she genuinely looks at least 25 percent better than before. I think this shit is legit lads lel

Attached: hmmmm.jpg (1200x1200, 432K)

Karen Gillen.

Read the filename next time.


Attached: nebula.jpg (1223x1033, 429K)

God I love naked girls

Heh, gorillas are brutish. In your pic she looks like a chunky frog and dare I say cuter.

tall and smol,what can't she do?

Thanos fucks Nebula, but he doesn't do it out of pleasure. He does it to punish her for her failure. He knows that he must raise her to be a good daughter, so he rapes her to correct her bad behavior.

>ywn own a pair of her used star trek panties after a 12 hr shoot

based green supremacist frog


Guys can we get back to how fucking sexy Nebula is?

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Hopefully they're bringing mutant quicksilver to MCU since he's the better one anyway

Gamora is better, you just haven't realized it yet

In every way imaginable, you are wrong. But I respect your right to have a different opinion.

Maybe with better development in a new series MCU Quicksilver could be better.

I want to cum on Karen Gillans feet

stay away from white men

Listen bud. You have just made the most agreeable post in the history of this website. Congrabtluabtioms. Karen Gillan makes my dick explode into the fucking universe.

Attached: image.jpg (900x721, 90K)

Because you're an incel with a severe case of arrested development who can't create real relationships, so you have an endless string of obsessive crushes on celebrities?

She just has heavy footsteps.

You're both right. OP is an incel that is living a terrible depressing miserable life. And Nebula is super cute and I wanna cum in her asshole.

The nebula character is eh. Without all that makeup shit, the actress is pretty. I'd violate her over a long weekend and call her Monday.

Monday? Damn.

You know she's a real one when you don't wait until at least Wednesday.


based and greenpilled

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Look up the pic of her on a runway, you can see em

Depending on hormonal state and time of day i might prefer one over the other but they are both nice

I have a thing for Scottish accents, whattya gonna do?

Because she's Scottish.


S o f t

Ugh I know this feeling

>She had her win stolen from her

It's literally not even fair

Attached: nebula-steals-the-gauntlet-from-thanos.jpg (1300x1995, 485K)

at least he's white and christian

Sexy NSFW of Nebula / Karen Gillian

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nebula bald down there?

They are both different. Yet they are both PURE. IT IS YOU THAT HAS MADE THE CRITICAL MISTAKE.

Yes but only because she can't grow hair

likes licks down there?

I want to smooch Pom so good.

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DAMN, now I am going to get fired

Nebula is metal down there.


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>implying Brie isn't shitposting too
why do you think we have nine billion brie threads a day

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Yes, that's correct.

Because there is no shortage of Yea Forums retards that have garbage tastelet opinions.

she was suppose to have long black hair

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Those are cosplayers are they not?

Bald Nebula is kino. Black hair would have distracted from the greatness.

Karen Gillan does them crazy eyes sometimes and it make my peepee hard.

would she have a blue pusy ? what about pusy hair? would she be hairy or smooth?? and what about her asshole, would it be a darker shade of blue do you reckon?

Fuck me I love heels

Blue and sexy pussy.

It's time to accept it into your life, friend.

Nice thin ankles.

Ideal physiology. I wanna dick Karen Gillan right in her butthole. I wish for her to be the mother of my children. I wann drink milk from he lactating breasts.


pussiest are the ugliest thing on a human being
not only are they foul cesspools of filth, they just look monstrous

So I wasnt the only one searching for the pusy


>they look monstrous

All I know is I wanna fuck that monster,

That nebulass

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>still no red Zoe

Attached: Screenshot_59.jpg (593x341, 45K)

post pic with height reference and I'll add it

Yeah but imagine what a blue Karen Gillan would look like. That would be fucking sexy.

based pajeet

>I just wanted a sister.
Didn't think it was possible to have a fairly good emotional moment in mcu. She did very well.

All waifu shit aside, the Nebula/Gamora shit is probably the best character arc in the MCU.


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Take a look at that curve.

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Why can't someone cast her in a pirate movie? A Cutthroat Island remake would be great for her.

Attached: Karen.jpg (594x347, 27K)

Deep down she just wants a nice earth man to love and appreciate her.

I'm on board with this idea. She's a good actress and she makes my dick unnaturally hard. So the more movie roles, the better.

She is around the level as Dr. Strange in the comics.

I don't want to see old movies remade but an original pirate story might be fun.

Agreed and I dont think its close

Do you think she'll inherit the Yaka Arrow somehow? Seems like the perfect power up.

tfw no karen gf

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in Infinity War thanos had the stones and the gauntlet that allowed him to freely use the power

in that scene Wanda is at her full power, in Infinity wars he had used most of the power to destroy vision and was caught off guard, also Thanos had just fought Thor, Ironman and Cap with the mjolnirr so he was weakened as well

in endgame, Tony's gauntlet only allowed to do the snap but it couldn't use it's powers like Odin's gauntlet infinity wars

>Odin's gauntlet
Which was fake, as Hela pointed out.

Tony Stark's character is pretty good too. But he's in like twice as many movies.

By Endgame, I was pretty surprised by how good they made Nebula's character. I didn't expect it from a side character in a superhero movie.

>thinking of remaking the movie that single-handedly killed off pirate movies
Holy shit, we've got an actual Sony executive browsing the board.

best bit part girls also

Attached: gotg-girls.jpg (1116x1434, 248K)

Wanda is a badass.

Lads ... I'm in love


t. that fag from the incel documentary

This moment is a dramatic contrast with Captain Who-Gives-a-Shit coming in to blow up the ship a minute later.

Can I get this scene from Farscape with the three of them and Rocket?

Attached: Good times.webm (432x320, 2.95M)

I think that screenshot accurately captures the spirit of Yea Forums as a whole.

The two top ones were so god damn hot fuuuuuck. The left one especially.

It's a character we've seen weak, hurt, and faced with legitimate trials and choices over several movies taking a stand and kicking some ass. You want her to win.
Meanwhile you have PleaseClaptain Marvel who was forced in by executives and who never went through an arc even in her own equally forced movie.

Really, CM reminds me of when Vince tried to force Roman Reigns as the new company poster boy. Same thing happened. Everyone hated him.

Starks character is good, but I wonder how much is the character and how much is rdj the actor. Gamora and nebula has done so much with so little that the writing had to be there. Also so far they've gotten better and better the more time they have, stark has been a bit up and down. Everyone else seems to go further and further to shit.

Attached: tv.png (1257x340, 124K)

He hit cap in the head and cap didn't die.

Maybe its the color, i remember seeing Avatar way back and thinking Neytiri is the hottest girl ever.

Best girls from right to left

Scarlet Witch > Mantis girl from GotG > Black Widow > Peggy Carter > Pepper > Nebula > Gamora > background girls > > ugly sheboons of Black Panther >>>>>> Captain Marvel

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>Neytiri is the hottest girl ever.
but that's the truth

Attached: manyfinewomen5.webm (1280x720, 780K)

Your right, Stark has been a bit up anf down. I would say that Captain America's character went out on a high note. And I think Thor's character is trending in the right direction.

But it is undeniably impressive how Marvel handled Nebula and her relationship with Gamora and Thanos. Plus, Nebula makes my peepee explode with white cums which is also good.

Most of the MCU girls have nice hips and asses. Except Plank Larson

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>not blued Sigourney Weaver with those giant short shorts

I wonder if Hela called it fake because it looked like it had all stones in it, or because the gauntlet was fake. I have a headcanon that Odin locked Hela away after he collected a few of the stones with her help, found out what the soul stone cost, refused to sacrifice Hela, and Hela turned on him, causing the whole war where he locked her away.

I like this theory

I want them toes in my mouth

based Thanos teaching us the important lessons

What makes blue humanoid aliens hotter than the other colors?

Attached: liara.jpg (692x530, 45K)

Blue is a color that accentuates femininity

Attached: 1553097983872.jpg (3679x3221, 3.8M)

More like Feminine Peenos

she looks like she fucks blue guys

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Thanos ha tons of "Children". He forced them to fight each other so most of them died. I assume Gamora and Nebula are simply two of the strongest

>What do you think her farts smell like?
salty milk and space

She shaved her head for the first guardians no? So she was wearing a wig.

Is she still wearing a wig? or are they hiding her hair under the best bald cap in hollywood?

Attached: based deviantautism.png (1024x673, 234K)

Have sex

Criminally Underrated

would have destracted like fat tits do

Well this is odd.

based big blue space cats

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How come she always walks like this in these movies? No matter what the scene is she's doing a walk that displays a lot of hip action like she's walking to impress people.

>Is she still wearing a wig? or are they hiding her hair under the best bald cap in hollywood?
No. Yes.

>those legs
Imagine Karen scissoring Debicki

what's up with that low-rez pic?

Attached: Neytiri_4020.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

How can Cpt Fungus even compete?

Attached: EvLilly.png (663x804, 662K)

holly shit WoW orks are actualy a red pill

goddamn what a woman