This is the best marvel superhero flick

This is the best marvel superhero flick.
All other opinions are garbage

Attached: GOTG_wpw_Poster.jpg (1680x1050, 934K)

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The first halves of Iron Man and Captain America were good. Every other Marvel product is garbage. Guardians of the Galaxy was garbage.

Vol 2 was better.


Vol 2 was better. Origin stories are always inferior to mainline entries

Winter Soldier was better

Not true for Ironman but proceed


I loved them both, but 2 is definitely better.

That's not even the best Guardians movie, let alone the best superhero movie. Like you were not even right within your sub-category.

It's the best one because it's not a superhero film. It's a space opera.

That isn't Ant-man you faggot incel

I think 2 had higher highs, but lower lows. It had a much better third act than 1, but most of the humor was literally poop jokes

Attached: Guardians of the Galaxy premium flyer back less than 4 mb.png (823x1065, 2.03M)

No. It's pacing and plot has way less adventure and unique situations. Rocket fighting the ravagers was alright to showcase rocket but that was it.

Considering the fact that it came out and JUSTd jj trek by being actual scifi. It deserves respect

I love that GOTG is all about aliens and galactic threats instead of just Earth for once. It reminds me of Star Wars in that sense

couldnt get past the humor. who told james gunn that he was funny? it wasn't someone who had his best interests at heart


If you know that all marvel product are garbage that mean you willingly watched lot of garbage? What the fuck is wrong with you?

But I still love Vol. 2 a lot.

I thought it was cute that Quill in the opening scene of Guardians 1 just looks even more dorky in Endgame in another's perspective, was a fun little segment.