Why is this movie so underrated?

why is this movie so underrated?

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Scott phoning that shit in. Here's your engineers bro

Because empty headed 80's alien boomers wanted another shitty alien movie, and got disappointed bc based ridley tried to create cosmic horror that didn't have to do with muh alien and actually made you question elements of our relationship with creation

We know, we've known for years. Now take the real pill and get on the Covenant bandwagon.

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I love both movies

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Anyone else here love pretty much all alien movies? Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien 4, Prometheus, Covenant. The first AvP was alright too. AvP 2 is garbage though.

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It really doesn't surprise me that Avengers 4 makes a trillion dollars when ambitious and personal and beautifully crafted but flawed films like these get WHY DIDN'T CHARACTER DO WHAT I WANTED? PLOTHOLE 0/10 EPIC FAIL responses.


Endgame was actually kino. I'm not mad that it's getting so much money.

>Alien: Covenant
>Alien 3
>Alien Resurrection
>Alien vs. Predator
>Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

Was the Xeno angry at city slickers?

They were on his property

>actually made you question elements of our relationship with creation
Lol fuck that. Didn't even do it well because he is a brainlet. Just give us the horror of the unknown in space and leave it at that

>all that buildup
>all that potential lore that would make LOTR seem like first grade writing
>all of that struggle, seeing her hubby die, coming to terms with her steadfast faith in God
>lol, she just dies between films by Paranoid Gay Android, and the Ghost in the Shell twins kill off the entire fucking race of space jockeys
The sequel was honestly more disappointing than the Force Awakens tbqh

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>>Watch me ― I'll do the fingering
Double Fassbinder kino

Both are shit

>3 hours of celebrities standing around trying not to look embarrassed between CGI laser fights staged and executed like Michael Bay's vomit was actually kino


>all that potential lore that would make LOTR seem like first grade writing
You are a brainlet if you think that Alien lore can come even close to LotR lore.

>Michael Bay's vomit
Brainlet detected.

What do you guys think of this dude?
>inb4 reddit
I know, but he writes some long ass essays on Alien shit. It's peak autism.

A lot of the writing was pretty bad. The scientists chosen for the most expensive research expedition in history all act like a unprofessional retards, and the ending with the captain is even worse. He just comes up with this theory that the planet is a military base, and based on that speculation him and his crew are all of a sudden heroes who don't even have a second thought about sacrificing themselves.

I still thought it was a pretty decent movie though, good enough to rewatch it a couple times.

I like Prometheus and Covenant quite a bit. I like the story and where it is going. I concede there are flaws but I enjoy them both nonetheless. I want to see how the story and broader implications work out.

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It isn’t. That was the last movie I saw in theaters, and I’m never going back. So generic, so mediocre in every possible way. I was only impressed by the performance from that lady, the lead actress.

>Why Everyone Who Disagrees With me is Either Lying, a Retard, or a Lying Retard
Sounds like he posts on Yea Forums

I went to the cinema to watch this shit.

I don't generally consider myself to be a braindead cucumber which ok might be a mistake, but I honestly didn't understand anything that happened or why it was important.

I left thinking that there was probably a part 2 coming out or something, because it looked like the movie had ended halfway.

The mohawk guy goes from dead serious, no nonsense skeptic, into cartoon character horror movie cliche victim in two seconds.

>Dictum on Xenomorph Hive Dynamics and Reevaluation of Nomenclature
>Cultural Analysis and Conjecture on the Yautja Species and Invective on Recent Depictions of Them in 'Official' Media
>The Deeper Meaningfulness of Deep Meanings
>Zoids Waifu Hair Colour Classification System
We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible.

>Danny Mcbride
>jussie smollet gets raped in shower
>airborne std aliens m8
>we didn't see good David die soooo???? fucking tired trope

You bitches whinged so Ridley gave you this fuckery lol. Absolute trash

>ridley tried to create cosmic horror that didn't have to do with muh alien

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>Opening with Weyland and the David / Walter scenes better Blade Runner than anything in the new Blade Runner
>Middle act where it turns into a Hammer horror movie

Nah Covenant is based. It's just a shame it had to be an Alien movie, Ridley is as bored as we are in the final act.

>better Blade Runner than anything in the new Blade Runner
I really enjoyed Covenant but it's nowhere near Blade Runner 2049

Most people don’t care about symbolism

>dude turn off your brain

This is you defending this retarded piece of shit film.

>Conversation!? I don't fucking recall basedbeans being capable of conversation, fuck off and get back in the left-hand side of some nigger's nutsack.
This guy is legitimately mentally ill

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Based and tink-tink-tink-pilled

Yeah mang. Alien, Alien 3, AvP and Prometheus have great horror atmospheres, Aliens and Resurrection are fun action movies, and Covenant is the best of both worlds. AvPR is the only bad entry in the franchise.

Literally the opposite of what he said

Glad to see another patrician in this thread

It hurts reddit's feelings somehow.

I didn't say it was better, I said it felt more like Blade Runner.

No it’s not.
Prometheus writing is so piss poor that you’d have to be a lobotomized half-breed mutt to actually think it’s a good movie. Just spend more than 2 minutes thinking about the movie’s script and it’s impossible to take anything seriously.

Oh ok, my mistake.