You evil motherfuckers. Leave her the fuck alone.
Sophie Turner
She needs to expose herself on camera in full frontal nudity, including at least labia in clear view, to offset sexism of GoT where many scroti of males was visible.
bitch just turn off your computer
OP here. I mean seriously though...bullying on social media is like a computer talking shit to you. NIGGA CLOSE YOUR EYES. TURN OFF THE SCREEN. WALK AWAY. Fuck people are weak. Disgusting.
People just need to have sex
This, kek.
>married to a jonas brothers fag
she deserves it
This. The world is soft, especially the west. Nature abhors the weak.
This. It's why the weak should fear the strong.
You must be 18+ to post here.
What's with British girls being both classy and trashy?
cool anti-semitic dog whistle you alt right asshole
i dont get your response, the ease of getting into uni and the drinking culture makes everyone think they are class but still the shagging every night people
Is she giving us the sex?
I would like to give her the sex, if you know what I mean.
Honestly this is a good thing she is doing cause most girls are that shallow.
>boo hoo i have depression
literally everyone says they're "depressed" whatever the fuck that means nowadays
Damn she really cried.
I'm sorry Sophie I love you and btw I'm better looking and more jacked that faggy Joe so please Duck me instead
What did he mean by this?
>see 10 good things and ignore them
>see one bad thing and you're all fucked up
Fuck her.
For women it just means they aren’t getting as much attention as they think (or as a bunch of lame, tiny dicked white guys told them so) they deserve. Women can never know what it means to truly experience loneliness because they can easily walk into any number of places and say “I’m so lonely” and instantly be flooded with free things and a million takers. A man can go three weeks without speaking to anyone before he kills himself and the only one who notices is the mailman because it’s his job.
Can the internet cyberbully all women into killing themselves?
Sophie if you're reading this i would like to be your foot slave i would take care of you and do all that you ask of me. pls respond i love you
I think it's a kind of cheese
>maisie and i spent two years shut up in our bedroom together and wouldn't even speak to anyone else
>"""Dr.""" Phil
no real psychologist would do therapy in front of an audience of millions of people. this is fake shit. dr phil is a fraud.
t. incel
>taking acting classes and not be a beer bloated slag
>"nah ill just cry to doctor phil"
based lazy bong
>In an interview with Dr. Phil (...) Sophie said that after experiencing depression, she's learning to love herself more. A big part of that, she said, is going to therapy and getting on medication.
>"I feel much better. I've been going to therapy at CAST Centers, actually. I'm on medication and I love myself now, or more than I used to, I think."
t. Discord tranny
Have sex.
This. Sophia is a beautiful and intelligent young woman and you incels need to back - off - NOW.
>3 weeks
Failed normie. I can go months and I feel absolutelly nothing. I am happy to be left alone.
>3 weeks
Discounting cashiers and delivery boys I haven't even spoken to another human being in 5 months.
Do you see incel as a real insult on Yea Forums? It's 99% bait by other nerds.
why is she the only female cast member of GOT to never do a nude scene? weak as fuck
>newbs not realizing this is not OC
Good God she's so hot
That's retarded logic because men can do literally the exact same thing. incels don't exist, femcels don't exist. Just walk up to somebody, say whats on your mind and BAM you have a partner. Easier than dirt.
Anyone can get depressed especially attractive or rich people because they base their personality on wealth and success and not on God or purposeful existence. So when they get everything their heart could possibly want and still realize they have nothing at the end, they get sad because they think there is nothing left.
>ywn have a threesome with Sansa and Melly Sanders
Why even exist my dudes
>why is she the only female cast member of GOT to never do a nude scene?
imagine the smell.
It's amazing watching Dr. Phil trying to act like a human
>I was like sad, and like so sad because I'm so fat, right?
>What YOU have done here, it's amazing, imagine, now close your eyes and imagine girls hanging themselves in their closets, are you picturing it? Now imagine their parents walking in on them. Now imagine how many girls won't do that because of what you just said here, you are amazing. I'll put the phone number for the suicide hotline, and I'll run the numbers of how many girls called before and after we upload this video, that would be nice yes?
What is this? What is this planet?
God I hope so.
>Says the fucker that doesn't go a day without shitposting on Yea Forums
Thanks faggot
He was so manipulative with that example of a girl hanging in her bedroom. And look at the fucker shill his name and face on literally everything.
Nigger, Dr. Phil talking shit to people is the best medicine for mental health there is.
>beautiful woman gets trolled by incels and gets depressed thinking she's not pretty enough
>meanwhile poor maisie actually has to live with knowing most people find her hideous
it's not right. fuck attractive people
he should have covered the wall with pictures of his face
and made Sophie wear a Dr. Phil shirt
Imagine dating her and her bringing home other guys to fuck in front of you and you're so into it like more than her or the guys are. Haha that would be so weird.
Pretty sure he requested that
She smokes too much weed. Its proven there is a link between weed and depression. Perfectly happy people have killed themselves after abusing weed.
Dude, I've gone years, nearly decades. Fuck people.
Wow she scored a selfie with the Night King in the back.
Nice B cups
nothing triggers me more than hot sluts lounging on enormous yachts
i don't even own a fucking boat
It would be so fucking epic if she killed herself
>i don't even own a fucking boat
The tragedy
The suicide attempt, Salsa. It was beautiful.
Wow. My life isn't perfect but at least I am not as pathetic as she is. Really makes you think.
well good thing church's love rich people
>Dr. Phil talk show podcast
The fuck is this shit.
Have sex, virgin
It's the accent. Same with British men.
On the rare occasion you do get truly classy British men or women they usually belong to the older generation of actors.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
*unzips dick*
oh yeah baby girl... FAPFAPFAPFAP... daddy’s gonna give u something real special FAPFAPFAPFAPFAP... oh god here it goes FAPFAPFAP WINTER IS COMING uh blugh fap...fap... uhhhhh
>Sansa watches Dr. Phil in all her spare time
I don't want to be a bully, but that shits fucking retarded. Dr. Phil is bottom of the barrel daytime TV.
Nice attempt at new pasta. Needs to be longer though my man.
Like the brap one.
incels btfo
Don't really care, sorry.
girls in 8th grade are allowed to watch got? isn't that on hbo?
Millionaire attractive (face it she isnt that ugly) actor who could get any guy she wants and buy anything she wants in life who stars on one of the most popular shows in existence is depressed.
Fucking roasties man I swear. Cry me a fucking river.
>hey, depressed poor people? Feel bad for depressed rich people
yeah nah
>(face it she isnt that u-
oh the irony
The camera zoomed in on her face, Phil reached for his water bottle with his name on it. Like come the fuck on with this getting reactions out of people bullshit.
She is perfect and I love her in a non creepy way.
>Hazel eyes
>not fat
>visible cheekbones
I'm not seeing how she is ugly. Maybe I am just not gay enough.
Nigga looks more like professor x than Charles at this point.
Going on 4 next month. How are you coping?
That's actually fucked up, reminds me of that better help fiasco earlier in the year.
kek waht the absolute fuck, are these actual quotes from the interview?
>smartest person I've ever met
>doesn't know how to use a knife
When do i trascend and reach the comfy treshold. I think i might reach it at this pace. Teach me your ways.
what did you mean by this
>female suicide """attempts"""
poor Sophie being taken advantage of by this narcissistic sociopath
copying tyler the fucking creator of all faggots
fuck off
If I go over to r/braincels right now, I'm going to find you faggots bitching about Turner, right?
I'm pretty sure he was being ironic.
what actually happens at this scene? i forgot
the last one.
Imagine Sophie getting so depressed she never gets out of bed and you'd have to bring her food and a bed pan to shit in. That'd stink haha
Sansa does cocaine
friendly reminder that she's an actor and can cry on cue.
friendly reminder that actors are used to push certain narratives even outside of film. if they're on screen, they're doing their job, it's never genuine. their entire public persona inside and outside of film is given to them by external forces using them for cultural and political agendas. this is why so many of them go off the rails, they simply cannot be themselves, they're not allowed to except for perhaps in the privacy of their own homes
friendly reminder that the "cyber bullying" narrative is a narrative that has is and will be used in the future to restrict internet freedoms and justify more monitoring of activity on the web.
damn you're right, i just watched it. I thought it was just a meme, why would he say that?
Because he's actually the night king or a servant of his or an even bigger threat, or something like that. Something really clever. Surely it's not just there for no reason at fucking all haha that'd be silly haha
I haven't seen the latest episode so im excited to find out
I hope you are prepared for some subversion.
>I'm now rich despite the fact I can't act but feel bad for me because someone said bad things to me
Holy FUCK look at that (((nose))) on the left.
He's a jew alright, but that's a very normal looking nose compared to some of the hook nose jews I've seen
>i make more money from one movie than the average person will make in several lifetimes please feel sorry for me
Poor famous rich thot
he is not bad looking
Did Phil get a stiffy?
The moral act is to kill yourself. You being alive actively makes the world worse.
>feel sorry for me because i have a vagina
Why are women like this?
Have sex
Is depression a meme?
Social classes are a big thing over here. Also Americans hear an English accent and automatically think "fuck me he's posh"
>those dead, glazed, pain pill eyes
I guess she quit coke and molly at least, but not before the brain damage
Mr Pregnant traumatised my fragile little mind.
>become depressed with any criticism
>wants to be a movie star
she should probably off herself
U think they smooched cooch?
She's an international actress not a random teenage girl idiot.
those tits tho
Only if you're not making a scene and don't want people to feel sorry for you. Otherwise it's a serious condition that must be treated with (((therapy))) and (((medication))) from (((big pharma))), and anyone who says otherwise is a science denier, white-supremacist, incel, pedophile, trump supporter, alt-righter.
>I'm a huge fan of your show!
>Do you watch the show?
Is dr. Phil retarded? No, she's a huge fan of your show and DOESN'T watch it, you fat retard.
Of all the pictures of her to jack it to, you pick this one of her as a kid?
She cute I wunna get her pregnant and soo how big her balloons inflate with milk
This its not real
But that's prime Sophie tho
>people used to write like "damn Sansa gained 10 lbs"
literally how do bongs fall apart this bad
How can actors with success for few years under their belt even be depressed lmao.
female solipsism is a helluva drug
To be fair I think even Maisie looks better than her.
Those tiny eyes and bloated face just aren't doing it for me.
Yeah that made me uncomfortable, he knows she considered suicide, so telling it her like this is an attempt to trigger some PTSD reaction. He did on purpose to make her cry. This fucker is a manipulative pervert. It's scary to think that psychologists that are there supposedly to help use their knowledge for personal profit and perversion. I have heard reports of therapist who use their position to fuck their patients and manipulate them. You tell them secrets about you and they use them.
he wants to fuck her so badly
Have sex