
Denied Kit Edition

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Azor hotpie

He lives in the heart of every man.

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why is nobody posting emilia clarke's amazing facial expressions from last episode? She truly has become an amazing actress

Unironically would've been more Kino for Ros to kill the NK by shooting a dragonglass dagger out of her vagina.

So, did anyone else think Melisandre was going to resurrect everyone while sacrificing herself? Not going to lie I was 100% convinced, considering they showed literally 10 people survived the battle.

someone redpill me on sending horsemen directly into an undead army numbering in the tens of thousands during night time when they can't even see what they're charging

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So whats the end of Jons arc in the show?
Becoming King of Westeros? Remaking the Nights Watch? Killing fucking Cersei?

shut the fuck up, it's a fake account

We still have 3 episodes to save this show

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Was demanding she do a nude scene their price for letting Maisie kill the NK?

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Where's the house with the red door and the lemon tree

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Stop spamming this shit, dude is an unreliable source of information.

Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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god can't wait for my breaking bad rewatch

>hoping to see night king cut some fools down with his sword
>never happens

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Dany finally having to hold a sword was pretty kino. Kind of retarded that she and Sansa never at any point decided "oh fuck, I better learn the basics of combat" though.

Also equally retarded that Dany was being protected by the Tarly family sword after what she did to the Tarlys

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why were those cowards D&D too scared to do this?

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Based on the battle of Gallipoli!

>arya = slowly built up from ground level as unquestionably the most badass assassin on the planet for 8 seasons
>trained forever as a ninja under the guide of king ninja himself
>can disguise herself as literally anyone
>shown to be able to easily defeat top-tier warriors such as brieanne in hand to hand combat
>out littlefingered littlefinger
>snuck up on jon by the very same tree in previous episode to drop you brainlets a clue
>has a magic witch on her side helping her

>hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr it's not realistic that she was able to stab the NK

In the City of Dorne

he will die in the next couple of episodes along with the rest of the men and wamen will rule the world

remember when they categorically ruled out having either Arya or Sansa's actress do any nude scenes on the show?

Kill Dany and be the king

talking to my normiest friend and saying he hated it and that the story lost itself

they fucked up good this time

Jon hasn't killed a single major character, and neither has Daenerys.

Arya killed Walder Frey, Littlefinger and the Night King, Sansa killed Ramsay, Tyrion killed Tywin, Cersei killed the High Sparrow, Olenna killed Joffrey, Ramsay killed Roose, Brienne killed Stannis

this and the next few seconds were the only kino shots of the episode

Why has Jon been a spineless little cuck this entire season? I mean, I get the girl power and all but for fuck's sake. They'll probably turn him into a eunuch during the next episode. Varys has more balls than him

Lack of creativity from D&D

Because Bronn's ending is going to be that he goes to Tyrion, who promised to "double whatever they're paying him," and Tyrion will give him the Twins, letting him take ownership of two castles, instead of one.


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Am I insane or are all these webms fucked up?

>endure manlet jokes from everyone including your gf all season
>its okay i'll show these cunts. I'll beat the night king
>get cucked out of it completely
>the person who kills him is someone that's almost an entire foot shorter than you yet never gets made fun of for her height
>let out a scream of seething rage at a dragon, hoping it fucking incinerates you before it drops
>it doesnt, youre still alive

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I'm glad she did it.

guys don't bully Williams for it, she thinks it was dumb too

>unquestionably the most badass assassin on the planet
>trained forever

>tfw even the first season memes like A DOTHRAKI HORDE ON AN OPEN FILED, NED aren't safe from D&D's hackery

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Jon killed Mance Rayder.

I find it poetic, in a twisted way

>Arya killed Walder Frey

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Do you think they were going to let those niggers live in Westeros?

>be grey worm
>commander of a force of 8.000 spear/pikemen
>form up in a phalanx
>but only have the first rank with spears facing forwards
>wonder why you were defeated

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Arya only kills single targets, she was never meant to pwn noobs in a war.

>They actually put Arya's buttcheeks and sideboob on the show

Just wanna give a shout out to webm bro

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she's givin' oily tit-wanks in heaven now.

what was he reaching at?

Alright, he killed Mance. And Daenerys killed Drogo. Both mercy kills.

But neither have killed a major villain or nemesis

purging the foreigners
they also fired their artillery into them


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this desu. it was just a clever way to cull them

*teleports behind you*

He killed the fookin' legend from Gin Alley.

He was already dying. Who's paying you to defend this bs?

good pasta. upvoted

She was against it actually

What was going through Jon's head? Why did he think taunting an undead dragon and making his last stand there was going to accomplish anything?

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Based Dab King poster
really though, the episode should have ended with him speaking to Bran then episode 4 was them making a truce to give them babies and continue the white Walker race

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pretty kino character you have there
would be a shame if someone
teleported behind him

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We felt like it only felt right for missandei to kill cersie. We didnt want someone like daenarys to do it because it wouldve been too obvious. You see missandei always knew what it was like to be a slave, it felt perfect that she'd be the one to kill cersie who has enslaved many characters minds.

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>Even the actors hated Arya's Nothing Personnel Kid

I'd... actually like that

Bronn is based and deserves two castles

turn off your brain and consume, goy

Some people might be upset because they think she didnt have the physical capablities.

Most anons are upset because her character arc had NOTHING to do with the NK or the White Walkers. For example, imagine that Eowyn teleported to Mt. Doom, cut off gollums hand and threw it unto the fire and then flew away on an eaglh smirking while Frodo and Sam burned to death in the lava.

the only scene where she had to act (Jorah's death) she was terrible, unironically amateur acting
are you being ironic?

Ethnic cleansing.

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then why'd she do it?

I hope someone leaks the alternate endings they filmed.

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>"oh fuck, I better learn the basics of combat"

For Sansa she was always too "ladylike" for it. For Dany, her answer her whole fucking life has been Dragons.

>Also equally retarded that Dany was being protected by the Tarly family sword after what she did to the Tarlys

That's ironic, actually.

what if the next episode is just Glover riding in and curbstomping everyone

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she didn't do fucking shit against littlefinger. he got outed by magic tree god.

D&D think they slick...

Karl was absolutely mopping the floor with Jon though. He had to get sneak attacked from behind by one of craster's daughters. I wouldnt count that one as a win for our Jon

They had to come up with an excuse for Dany’s army to die so Cersei would be a legitimate threat. Same reason the best spearmen in Westeros weren’t manning the wall.

he kills dani

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>tfw based GRRM intentionally let D&D come up with a retarded ending so he could avoid spoiling the book ending

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He's gonna be King, it's ok.

because she signed a contract and would have been sued into oblivion if she hadn't?

Karl Tanner was a mini boss battle, he wasn't a real villain
Killing the new chief of Craster's Keep (a literal irrelevant redneck trailerpark beyond the wall) isn't that impressive

blue eyes you’ll shut forever
>what do we say to the god of death
Oh god no please
>not today
>runs out
Oh shit oh shit no please don’t let the leak be true
>closeup of whitewalker
>his hair wooshes to the side and looks sideways
>NK grabs her
Oh please fucking kill her
>gets stabbed the same retarded way Rey stabs the imperial guard in last Jedi
>dies immediately
>everything else dies

Speaking of which, what did bran do the entire episode? Was he just getting off on watching his friends mutilated or was he watching his sister get raped? Why didn’t he summon a murder of crows like the 3ER did to protect Sam in season 3

dany is so useless in combat it's somewhat endearing

Where was this even taking place in relation to Winterfell?

I'm just here for the Alys Karstark shitposting.

her ass and tits are out for all to see, couldn't have been that against it

seriously whats with this faggot and redheads

You know when we say >scenes women will never understand
like in predator when the guy cuts his chest open and shit?
This right here felt like a woman tried to write one of those scenes but it just ended up being stupid as fuck

unironically, signifying he's making the wights walk into the fire
ironically, frozen tendies

It was a way to commit a genocide without it being obvious.

he's just got good taste

what could have been

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i mean NK

>bends the knee to Jon and goes South to fight Cersei with him
You think the character assassination is bad now? Wait until they turn Tormund into a redshirt to die for Jon instead of Tormund fucking off back North of the wall, like he should

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why is it so hard to follow basic storytelling

11. Resurrection
This is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with death. The final battle also represents something far greater than the Hero's own existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to his Ordinary World and the lives of those he left behind.

If he fails, others will suffer and this not only places more weight upon his shoulders but in a movie, grips the audience so that they too feel part of the conflict and share the Hero's hopes, fears and trepidation. Ultimately the Hero will succeed, destroy his enemy and emerge from battle cleansed and reborn.

this is fucking spot on lmao

got has 0 female writers incel

White Walkers don't exist.
It's just Stark and dragon whore conspiracy. They're savages. Main treat for Kingdom.

>When he laughed, his face sloughed off, and the priest saw that it was not Urri but Euron, the smiling eye hidden. He showed the world his blood eye now, dark and terrible. Clad head to heel in scale as dark as onyx, he sat upon a mound of blackened skulls as dwarfs capered around his feet and a forest burned behind him.
>“The bleeding star bespoke the end,” he said to Aeron. “These are the last days, when the world shall be broken and remade. A new god shall be born from the graves and charnel pits.”
>Then Euron lifted a great horn to his lips and blew, and dragons and krakens and sphinxes came at his command and bowed before him. “Kneel, brother,” the Crow’s Eye commanded. “I am your king, I am your god. Worship me, and I will raise you up to be my priest.”
>“Never. No godless man may sit the Seastone Chair!”
>“Why would I want that hard black rock? Brother, look again and see where I am seated.” Aeron Damphair looked. The mound of skulls was gone. Now it was metal underneath the Crow’s Eye: a great, tall, twisted seat of razor sharp iron, barbs and blades and broken swords, all dripping blood.

Are you ready to serve your Lord and Savior, Euron "Crow's Eye" Greyjoy, the First and Only God-King of Westeros?

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There's no use trying to make sense of things, D&D didn't bother to, so you're wasting your time.

Fuck the throne. His job was to end the long night

wtf i love maisie kinda

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

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god shes terrible

Jorah deserved better than this

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only thing that takes the sting out of the episode.
all the Dothraki and Unsullied are dead lol

Be glad an actress on the show actually got nude. Gotta be the first time in years.

Why didn't they have a tank to pick up adds and let the dps burn them down.
Fuckin' dragon facing the raid breathing fire; get that turned and tank it facing a wall so OT can position adds for range.
What the fuck were the healer doing?

I have to admit it lads, I cried when Jorah died

Bran is the NK
This will be the stupid plot twist

How is Yohn Royce still alive? What purpose does he even serve at this point?

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>What was Bran doing this entire episode.

Turning his brain off so he could tolerate it.

The worst part about it is that Arya only learned about the undead last week while Jon has been ranting about "the onleh war thah mattuhs" for at least 7 years

Pussy whipped cucks like him deserve the rope, nothing more. His death was a mercy.

>The Prince Who Was Promised For Literally Nothing


Better death than most people on this show.

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So winter is over then?

the Vale of Arryn. Sweetrobin's actor is casted for Season 8.

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>No having to make a thousand-year pact with the NK and the WWs in order to send them back beyond the Wall

Fucking missed opportunity, they could've had a legitimately excellent villain by just making him a force of nature that can only be reasoned with and just barely so yet they have him die by la goblina stronk woman because the normies eat that shit up

What and absolute fucking wreck

She never signed a contract for nudity.


>'Fuck you for wanting answers.'

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We needed to see the Night King's origin through Bran's eyes before he died. I'm honestly baffled how this didn't happen.


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>alternate endings they filmed
lol what

why would the rest of westeros even believe the night king and the undead army were even a thing since they basically got nowhere?

Why do D&D keep making Jon a fucking retard in battles?

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>night king kills jorah
>night king goes to kill daenerys
>jon arrives
>epic fucking fight
>night king breaks jon's sword or some stupid shit
>jon about to being killed
>daenerys screams
>arya arrives and kills the night king like in the show

simple, expected with a little twist but completely satisfactory

i'm guessing it's where the trebuchets were

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Ser Friendzone trusted the vaginal Jew.

Make sense
>ALL this time he telepathically talked with NK
>he even told Theon to kill himself

Based Bronze Yohn survived, and is still rocking that breastplate.

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I unironically believe this will happen. Dany will divide the seven kingdoms and all the women will rule

imagine ruining what could have been the next lotr

>figure it out for yourself, because we sure as shit have no idea

What did she mean by this?

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What's even funnier is that until the Red Woman unexpectedly showed up and flamed up their swords they were gonna charge into battle with regular swords totally unable to kill wights

Somehow no one thought to give the Dothraki any dragonglass weapons

i'm starting to think they're trying to be smart and the NK/White Walker storyline doesn't end like this.

>idk lol

I saw it as he knew they lost, and would rather be burnt to ashes than come back as a Wight.

most fanfictions like that would've been better than what we've got

Am I the only one who thought the battle was really lame and low budget? I mean this is the biggest scene of the entire series, and the battle looked small and wasn't epic at all....

Is hbo just broke as fuck and can barely afford this season as is?

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Scenes to confuse the would-be leakers

Can someone redpill me on why everybody thinks Jon will kill Dany?

>charge fraction of army into the night to fight entire undead army and necromancer who can immediately raise them
>spearmen don’t man the wall
>dragons not poised to use flames on wall or light trenches
>every main character is an anime character that can fight off 40+ zombies alone for minutes
>zombies shambling idiots 1/2 the time, 1/2 the time lord of the rings ghost tier
>know where night king will attack, stage piss weak archer guards and no ambush
>night king decides to personally attack target instead of sending dragon telepathically, or even just wights
>little girl power

If she didn't want to do nudity why not just show her from the shoulders up?

why did he stopped

>arya = slowly built up from ground level as unquestionably the most badass assassin on the planet for 8 seasons
Most of her arc wasn't about becoming an assassin.
>trained forever as a ninja under the guide of king ninja himself
The Faceless Men training was 6 months. Actual Knights have been training for more than a decade and can still get dabbed on in combat.
>can disguise herself as literally anyone
An ability she made absolutely no use of while trying to kill the Night King.
>shown to be able to easily defeat top-tier warriors such as brieanne in hand to hand combat
It was sparring and ended in a draw. Arya hasn't seen actual combat apart from some Lannisters attacking the Night's Watch recruits.
>out littlefingered littlefinger
DABID's version of Littlefinger who got killed off because they DABID had no clue what to do with him.
>snuck up on jon by the very same tree in previous episode to drop you brainlets a clue
Jon was just standing there and not in the middle of a battle meanwhile the Night King was surrounded by dozens of allies.
>has a magic witch on her side helping her
She just told her something about the future.
>hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrr it's not realistic that she was able to stab the NK
She could have certainly done it in a way it would have satisfied most of the people that are now mad at it. Simply running up to him and jumping like that wasn't special and could have been done by anyone. If Arya actually made use of her assassin skills to take him out it would make sense.

Checked. It's happening.

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It wasn't a convincing growth. If you actually think about her character development it wasn't paced at all to where she is now.
>right before she goes to Bravos she is still pretty shit and the Hound teases her water dancing and knocks her down
>she goes to Bravos and disobeys all the teachings, pretty much just cleaning
>learns a tiny bit while she is blind, this is the only real growth
>after being blind she goes from 0-100 and becomes a master assassin
>takes on literally everything post waif with no struggle and is a mary sue simply from going blind
Fags like you think 1 training montage should make her the best fighter on the planet meanwhile they kill elite fighters like Barristan Selmy or Areo Hotah to the most pitiful encounters.

Jon will die because dragons will 100% die.
Dragons = presence of magic in world.
Jon was resurrected by magic.
He will die. Resurrection is not permanent.

Okay look
I get it
Undead army, endless waves etc

But did they really had to
>Put almost everyone outside the walls, you know, the reason why castles or fortifications were so hard to take all over history before planes were invented.
>Suicide the cavalry
>not prepare ANYTHING for when the zombies climbed up the wall
>Not a single ballista in sight to deal with zombie dragon
>Put the trebuchets on the field, ahead of the troops and have them stop firing the moment cavalry dies


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The piano piece went on for fucking forever. I think it's a great track and Ramin Djawadi did an awesome job, but it felt like such a lazy way to tell the audience that this is all leading to a super emotional and climatic scene pay attention you guys.

He also keeps watching his sister getting raped and making comments about it
That's pretty evil

i want to HUG and KISS drumer

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Words cannot describe how fucking disappointed I was that we did not get a kino sword battle. What a fucking waste.

I couldn't see shit in the last episode wtf

Literally the best acting she's done on the show and only good scene she's had in years.

I honestly do believe they ran out of budget and are even including quips about it in the show, like how Cersei says she "really wanted those elephants".

they already brought a wight to king's landing

Was this shit made for blind people? I can't see a fucking thing

hopefully so

You are definitely in the minority. The battle itself was excellently shot and the special effects were breathtaking for a television show. It was very clearly high budget.

Is it just me or is Game of Thrones just base entertainment for brainlets? The plot isn’t all that compelling, the dialogue seems pretentious, and the characters aren’t very likeable.

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Rhaegal isn't dead btw, although he just evaporates for the rest of the episode. I was really thinking he was going to come out of nowhere and fend of Viserion, to let Jon to the Godswood.

but nooooooooooooooo

*hair woosh*

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are you ready?

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They have like four fucking episodes left. They build the WW threat up since Season 1 with a quick cut WW killing several Night Watch rangers.

It seems to me the series ran out of production steam well before the actual plot had been explained. The entire game of thrones (heh, get it) has been shrouded by this continent wide threat... An enemy which does not need logistics, weapons, money, etc.

And they were defeated at the opening, first... Real battle..... Leaving Cersi Lannister, the largest threat to regional stability? Really? That's what we're going with four episodes left of the entire series?

what was the purpose of seeing Arya's ass


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Which episode is this from?

Azor Ahai prophecy, but that seems exceedingly unlikely at this point.

>scrubbing floors for a few months makes you a master assassin

this fan fiction is better than the fan fiction we got

Maisie Williams on finding out she kills the Night King (as reported by Entertainment Weekly):

"I immediately thought that everybody would hate it; that Arya doesn't deserve it. The hardest thing is in any series is when you build up a villain that's so impossible to defeat and then you defeat them...it had to be intelligently done because otherwise people are like, "well, [the villain] couldn't have been that bad when some 100-pound girl comes in and stabs him.'"

Because there is not a single person on the set with any idea about how medieval tactics or strategy worked. And Emilia's eyebrows' are making $250k each.

no remember she got stabbed a bunch too

Wouldn't brainlets like likeable characters

Why doesn't Westeros convert to Rhllor? It's clear he actually exists and its the only religion that does shit. They literally bring men back to life

Bran still has mark right?

Can you stop posting this? Everyone involved with GoT signs a non-disclosure clause, this is nothing.

>put brilliant people in crypt with dozens of mummies while fighting necromancer

I am mad.

Tormund is literally Jon's right-hand-man. Theres nothing wrong with a character like that.

>yfw show Euron is actually book Euron
>yfw show Euron gets his eye cut out in the Battle of King's Landing
>yfw show Euron crowns Brandon Stark the God-King of Westeros, naming himself as Hand of the God-King.

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the only way I can explain the dothraki charge is if Tyrion was in charge of creating the battle plan and he was still loyal to his family/countrymen. But I think that would be giving DABID to much credit.

This is the ideal Night King killer. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

> cool they are gonna fight where Bran is
> wait he is not gonna make it on time
> there is only one person left to save Bran
> no no no no....

I was heart broken

And yet she spends the entire behind the scenes video saying "fuck yeah I enjoyed being the one to do it, and I still laugh that it wasn't kit".
She literally even says that this was the perfect conclusion to Arya's story and it's "poetry", not even kidding.


Now this is based (and redpilled)

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We don't know. Also
>Grabs Bran in a vision, marked
>Grab's Arya's neck, nothing

It looked really fucking small.... Like this isn't going to be something people look back at and remember how epic it was.

The battles in previous seasons were better than this.

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you got btfo in the previous thread. you aren't fooling anybody

Ian Mcshane pretty much said he'd bring The Hound back in an interview

Dark Souls

It's only three IIRC. And the next one is going to meander about nothing really important for half the episode, just jacking off the remaining characters like the second episode.

Sansa has been planning to attack Daenerys with Royce. Watch episode 1 and 2 again and there's scenes with Sansa where she is plotting with Royce and he leaves the scene when a character enters.

Yeah I doubt the WW army will return but I think the actual story focus of the WW will be revisited with Bran, I'm starting to think D&D are trying to trick the viewer into thinking the WW threat is dealt wih in such an anticlimactic and stupid way, just to have a more satisfying end to it in one of the last 2 episodes.

Could certainly be wrong, and honestly even if I'm right I doubt it'll make up for that shitpile of an episode.

Yeah, maybe this will be the excuse
Daenerys had that vision of the iron throne all fucked up and it was winter there
Of course it can be a DABIB and mean nothing

to make sansa the smarter one

Except the NK died so none of it matters

She's going to be nude again by the way

no need to CGI when you film in pitch darkness

>have some of the strongest warriors currently alive all in one battle wielding Valyrian fucking steel
>they do nothing but swing at zombies for 80 minutes
>NK and his generals never even fucking draw their weapons
And this bullshit was supposed to rival Helm's Deep?

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What should he have done after he failed to save Rickon and found himself being charged by Ramsay's cavalry?

>Even Maisie Williams thought Arya killing the NK was stupid and that everyone would hate it


They forgot about him

Certainly wasn't as good as the battle of bastards

it was ash not snow

the fucking goblina ruined everything. I can never watch this show again knowing how the white walker problem is resolved.

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this is the last nude scene on the show isn't it?

Was that even in the show? I don't remember that at all.

do you think they were copying that one scene from the silmarillion? or was it an accident

He should absolutely be pissed. The NK was the thing he was warning all of Westeros about for 8 years.

Arya bathed hags and mopped floors while he was Hardhome saving their world. He was resurrected by the Lord if Light for what reason?

Since when getting stabbed by the Waif and jumping into sewer water qualifiy you to launch a sneak attack against the most powerful creature on Westeros?

I'm seething

this is underrated, and you deserve the apprecation for having above average IQ and stating what was plain for all to see

Not be there in the first place? He was on a horse, retreat back to his camp?

should've filmed an actual finale indstead

The fucking bitch

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Trying to film sideboob without filming nipples is always really awkward looking

how old was the NK? thousands of years? culminated in getting stabbed by a leaping midge

Did anyone else notice how she uses Jorah as a human shield at one point and that's why he dies?

Pretty sure the battle of Kings Landing is actually thier higher budget shoot. Let's hope at least

>no night king actor on behind the scenes
>didnt even mention his name
pretty mean, maybe it's cos hes a stuntman and still a better actor than all those hacks

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>special effects
>80% darkness and 20% fire, some of it blue
>special effects

Ill admit the dragons look a lot better than they used to, but personally I think Blackwater, Hardome, and even The Battle of the Bastards where better overall and had better effects than this one.

what show is this from

Why did he need to stab Bran again?

That's what I don't get... Like it was OKAY but I mean come on the battles in other seasons were better than this.

Yeah I guess so. I mean wtf.

You forgot
>Not placing the trenches and barricades to funnel the enemy into a chokepoint
>Not shooting at the dead literally stanind still for 10 minutes

His horse was out of whistling range

>I'm seething
We all are

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They better do something interesting with Bran or else fuck this show.

Jorah was tanking you incel

>you lived to see Dabid fuck it up so badly that the main villain has become the new Stannis with people never accepting he is actually dead because if thats actually how it ends then he was a punk fucking bitch the entire time
i cant believe this lads. The fucking night king got exposed as a chump.

Gurm implies in the book that Rhllor is actually just a meister fucking up with people through a magical candle. That's pretty kino but we will probably never see it in the show.

The Expanse. Was of Syfy, cancelled, picked up by Amazon Prime. Also based on a series of books except one where the author actually publishes new ones

I want to run my tongue up and down that crack

>Put Unsullied on the walls
>Dothraki outside, doing hit and run, zombies don't run faster than horses
>Dragons close to the castle, flaming zombies away and keeping an eye on bran at the same time
>Wildlings firing arrows on top of towers
>dig a fucking moat outside of the walls ffs, also, boiling oil? tar pit? fucking rocks?
> all the rest in the castle floor managing breaches and gates

They would have lost 1/10th of their army
But I guess I should not be surprised GoT features shit tactics ever since I saw the battle of the bastards

bro he pushes her out of the way and does it to himself

They fucked up with Euron.

In the show he's looks and acts like some random hooligan. I can't believe they missed the mark so much.

The expanse

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Ghost show up in the dothraki charge for about 1 second?

>clears a path for the wights to get in
>overhead shot after he dies shows the wights were still climbing each other trying to get over the walls
LMAO. D&D are hacks

Why didn't they use dragons to flamethrower the other white walkers? Or hold off on the cavalry and send them in after the horde was at the gates to kill them?
Pretty sure they all raised a good amount of dead.

Please explain to me how Jon knew that the Night King was the Night King in the first place after seeing him at Hardhome. His name/title is literally never mentioned in any episode before Hardhome and Jon should have no idea that the specific big bad white walker he saw was called anything of the sort. In the actual legend in the books the "Night's King" as he is called isn't even an Other/White Walker.

She was against killing the NK not nudity.

They legit do not fucking give a shit
Can't believe George thought they were fit to adapt his books in the first place

>I'm seething
Same, I'm honestly so disillusioned right now. I really feel like I wasted my time. I'm still optimistic about the last 3 episodes, though. It is all I can be at this point.

I have really shitty eyesight so I believe you

I might be in denial but I've convinced myself there's still more to the NK story line, an alternate ending or more episodes well get later. This can't be the end right guys?

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> Build up about Cersi forces learning about the battle.
> Golden Company, Euron, Cersi as full strength, untouched by entire WW/NK faction.
> Dany at least out 1/3rd total army (Dothraki), and that means she lost her cavalry.
> Something about Cersi and Euron not trusting each other, possible fracture of ideas.
> John's faction lost multiple houses let alone troop losses alone.
> Potentially 2 dragons gone.
> John, as Targaryen is generally unknown.
> Political intrigue, in last stages, leads to open conflict. Cersi is a pretender to the throne, Aegon/Dany have legitimate claims.
> Lannister brothers in league with Targaryen faction. Jaime, after Cersi is stripped from the throne would lead House Lannister (set up from Tywin, few seasons back) unless he concedes to Tyrion.

I'm just not sure really where they go with three-four episodes left.

Yes, he was running besides Jorah.

How did he survive and where was he all episode? In the words of Dabid, figure it out yourself ;)

Yes, it was

They couldn't even come up with a compelling reason as to why he was so important

What? Forreal?

Well then, that explains the lack of a budget.

You know there won't be

>why didn't they

>the fookin' legend from Gin Alley
Literally the big bad of Jon's character arc. He peaked in that episode.

Wanted to post the exact same thing. This is 100% horrible writing, really noone can defend this.
After the swords were on fire the charge was still stupid, but we can at least talk about it. Before that it made no sense at all.
It relies on information that the characters at the time didn't have. The writers knew that Melisandra would show up, but the commanders who made the plan could not have known this. Very big mistake.

You're entering Stannisfags territory

>that change in music when Euron reveals his plan for conquering all of Westeros with dragons
kino, got shivers
I really hope we manage to see at least the faintest resemblance of book Euron in show Euron in these next few episodes

I think I lost something, what was Bran doing out in the open and why were they protecting him? Why was so important for the NK to end him?
Bran did fuck all wtf

dont know for sure until the show is over, but why take the risk of being hopeful

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Those are actually decent tits, and I'm only being halfway ironic.


yep. they pissed away the whole White Walker arc just for S U B V E R S I O N and yass queen pandering. the remaining three episodes may have some promise, but my hopes aren't high at this point.

Why put the unsullied on the walls when you can put Dothraki up there? They're excellent archers, good at close combat and the horses will get swamped by the wights closing in all on sides anyway or will get too thick around the castle to do anything to if you have to ride away from them all.


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But her contract never included nudity, she signed her current one like two seasons ago.

What really bothered me was that the NK went through all that shit, thousands of years amassing an army, assaulting the previous three eyed raven, etc.. to get right in front of his main target

And then he just stood there, for like 30 full seconds doing fucking nothing just waiting to die. He's not human, he's a weapon created by the children of the forest to kill Man. What fucking reason could he possibly have had to hesitate for even a fucking second? He couldve thrown a spear at him from 50 feet away for fucks sake.

Bran was a shield agains't NK fog

Bran was bait to lure the NK because that was their goal from the very start


>I might be in denial but I've convinced myself there's still more to the NK story line
There definitely is, and I'm certain whatever George comes up with will be great. Just a shame it'll never make it into the show though.

Just move on son. You follow these stories for long enough but they never pan out the way you think because it would be to obvious. You always get hurt and I feel bad for the people following One Piece or Berserk for their inevitable disappointment

Probably paid to said that too.
Most of the times "behind the scenes" is producers telling the actors to say dumb shit.

Yeah, Marwyn the Mage, Sam talks to him in the kino chapters at the Citadel.

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The shitposters here were literally making up the worst possible ending two years ago, one of which Dabid actually used. THEY WERE FUCKING TROLLING DABID. YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY

> John

nothing wrong with Maisie's body

What's baffling was how great the first seasons were. They very tastefully left out a lot of the gratuitous book scene and even added original scenes of pure kino. I don't know what happened.


Because a spear wall is actually great to kill countless climbing enemies

I am still in denial of Stannis and Littlefingers death to care about anything else to be quite honest.

She has bigger boobs than I thought

Based Dabid dabbing on the fans


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this, but also the physical situation of it is unbelievable. eowyn's fight against the witch-king is pretty down to earth; dernhelm (eowyn) moves between the witch-king and the dying theoden which no one else will do because holy shit dude, fucking Nazgul. he strikes her and nearly kills her, but merry intervenes and stabs him with a dagger of westernesse (an arnorian specifically anti-Nazgul weapon), which weakens (or strengthens actually, shit's complicated) the magic binding him to Middle-Earth so that he's just as mortal as any man, upon which Eowyn stabs him in the head, killing him. this also fits with the themes of the story because it gives eowyn the place as defender of her family/realm that she's sought to prove herself as, fulfills both the prophecy glorfindel gives about the WK, and nicely ties off the more specific buildup that leads them to face eachother. in other words it all makes sense.

arya, however, does not. quite frankly there's NO position that would've made what she did possible (just look at the set), there's no build to her doing it on screen, and (most importantly) her character arc doesn't lead to this at all. we get one line about closing "blue eyes", that's it. compared to the leader of the north that uncovered, been the lead fighter against, and rallied the world to stop the threat of the white walkers, he's the series' main character in/main view into the night's watch which is literally the anti-WW group, that alone should tilt it in favor of him.
hell, even Jaime would work pretty nicely, he's been shamefully marked "the kingslayer" the whole series and has come full circle from being a pompous, selfish monster that nearly murdered bran, having him complete his arc by rescuing bran and making his kingslaying something equally noble

people need to learn that subversion means resolving everything built up in a way you didn't expect but that fits the plot, not doing the opposite of what that buildup logically leads to

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when you make a character so blatantly powerful and effective, you gotta make them do something out of character to get them killed off

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Plot. Everyone suddenly knew who he was. Tormund started referring to him by name, Davos did, Lyanna didn't act surprised by hearing it, no one did.

There's always the mark he left on Bran bro. Hopefully it'll turn deadly now and kill Bran or prevent him at least from passing on the 3 Eyed Raven to someone else

Yeah but WHAT about the 3ER makes the NK want to kill him so badly?

Yeah but why? The 3 eyed Raven seems like a fucking faggot who can't actually do anything

>You follow these stories for long enough but they never pan out the way you think because it would be to obvious
This only applies to trash art written by morons. Great literature manages the feat of ending well and has for hundreds of years.

Ok, but why was killing Bran important?

>that was their goal from the very start
Whomst goal, the white walkers? It was their plan from the start to kill Bran?

We've caught another one boys. Maybe the Expanse will become the new GoT after all.

> Lannister house is in massive debt to Iron Bank of Braavos.
> Iron Bank previously bet on Stannis and experienced huge financial loss.
> Dany is known in Braavos.
> Arya may be known in Braavos.

> Iron Bank convinced to pull funding to undercut Lannister's probably with help of Tyrion/Jaime.

> Worrying about syntax rather than substance.
You enjoyed the episode, didn't you?

>Euron Crow’s Eye stood upon the deck of Silence, clad in a suit of black scale armor like nothing Aeron had ever seen before. Dark as smoke it was, but Euron wore it as easily as if it was the thinnest silk. The scales were edged in red gold, and gleamed and shimmered when they moved. Patterns could be seen within the metal, whorls and glyphs and arcane symbols folded into the steel.
>Valyrian steel, the Damphair knew. His armor is Valyrian steel. In all the Seven Kingdoms, no man owned a suit of Valyrian steel. Such things had been known 400 years ago, in the days before the Doom, but even then, they would’ve cost a kingdom. Euron did not lie. He has been to Valyria. No wonder he was mad.

Euron is literally kino in every scene he's in

Maybe he's implying Bran dies with the NK since he was touched

She is going to do the same thing to Cersei but the mountain will grab her before she reaches her, do the knife drop to stab him, but this time it doesnt work because it's the fucking Mountain and will get seriously wounded to give the hound major motivation to kick his ass.

Someone mentioned it in another thread. The Dothraki are supposed to be shock cavalry who's push would help break up the enemy formation. They would then withdraw and push again so that their infantry would have an easier time with the masses. Unfortunately, they got quickly snuffed out before they could even make a proper retreat.

Did we ever find out who the Night King was?

Well he does show enough self-awareness to do things like being smug at Khaleesi, so he's more than just a drone, too bad we will never find out his motives.


This is hbo for ya. They make a really good first season then it just starts going down hill at varying paces until the final season where it's just a total joke and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Show Stannis was unrecognizable by the end. That was a mercy killing.

Great legs too.

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>Thinks he can do Kung Fu after watching a karate movie
>Thinks he's a gangster after watching a mob movie
>thinks he's a midieval general after watching a battle movie
Like fucking clockwork

Subversion wasn't even that high. Ned dying, or the red wedding, those were unexpected.
Almost anyone could have killed the NK, Arya is fine, I am only pissed about how it was done.

He's so fucking sexy, gd. If I was that dragon whore I would be beding this tall piece of ass every gd night. Gd

We never really saw the NK in combat though. Dude killed Theon but that was because he autism charged in as a last act of glory. We literally don't know how good the NK is at fighting.

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You just know he isn't happy with the writing on the show

Would have made more sense if Arya kills Cersei in revenge for killing Ned.

Why did you skip episode 2?

Bran used the ravens to find Ghost and then warged into him
Ghost met Arya trying to get to Gods wood and she rides him there to explain how she traversed miles so quickly
Bran leaves Ghost and off screen Ghost maimed a bunch of wights, distracting them and dying in noble sacrifice
Meanwhile Arya climbed a tree and leapt at the night king who was telepathically distracted by ghost being nearby and trying to kill Bran at the same time

like two cup sizes more than everyone thought she had

The Night King is very considerate user, he even let Bran tell Theon he was a good man and let Theon rush him instead of having the wighs kill Theon and drag Bran's crippled body to him

>What fucking reason could he possibly have had to hesitate for even a fucking second?
It makes sense when you realize D&D wanted it to happen and that's all the excuse they need for it.

The NK touched Arya too

dragon lady becomes new night girl

he knows nothing

I mean, they could have made him instantly attack Bran the moment he saw him and still get "teleported behind his back" by Arya. That wouldn't change anything guys.
The waiting was just for dramatic purposes.

the NK could touch me anytime

No I remeber Bran shitty reason for why the Night King wants to kill him. The problem is it's crap. Now that the NK is gone hat's the point of Bran?

why do the jew ruin everything?

But that's just waiting for the dead to climb and hoping they can't snap/grab your spear or your spear won't be preoccupied with one wight while others climb over it and onto you

They’re fighting a necromancer tho so using them that way makes literally 0 sense

Yeah I've read A different Weasel as well. It's shit


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>the episode was so DABID that people can't believe that the things that happened there are real
That's amusing, in a playing violin in the Titanic way

> Build antagonism for years
> Build this notion that Jon was the chosen one by making him a Targaryen and resurrecting him
> Let a secondary character with an unrelated arc (vengeance on Cersei) randomly kill the main antagonist

WTF was that? seriously...

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Apparently, so explain it to me.

You don't have to be a general to understand what is a bad strategy.

What the point of Jon? What the point of the Azor Ahai/Prince that was Promised foreshadowing? What is the point of anything?

They unironically mean a dagger through the gut

In the books it will be Euron who brings down the Wall with the horn of winter, and be the one who possesses one of Daenerys' dragons. The shows' eldritch supernatural Night King is just an adaption of book Euron

exactly. she's part of the army opposing cersei, and it'd be near impossible as of now for them to face her forces in open battle or even have a way to attack at the heavily fortified king's landing, unless you're a highly trained assassin with a grudge against cersei lasting the whole series

i highly rate that chad stride

she didn't jump out of a tree retard, watch it again.

It doesnt, but it was an attempt to thin out the masses that would have likely swarmed them all at once, in theory. I dont think anyone expected or plan to see their cavalry snuffed out so quickly.

What does he actually say?

Fuck you nigger watch the episode, checked though.


It would have been far more dramatic for him to get stabbed at the exact moment before his sword struck Bran. You would've had everyone thinking bran was about to die and then poof he shatters and arya is behind him.

Even if a wight grabs your spear, which I find it unlikely since they seem too retarded for that, thats why you have 2 layers of spearmen for

but I am assuming that Unsullied = Phallanx instead of just being the Eunuchs of good discipline

>expecting sword fight during this scene
>night king pulls some pussy shit

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you mean the shrouded lord? not r'hollor


Well they have lots of time. oh wait....

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You can’t thin out an army that can literally stand back up, or mobilize against an army that can raise your dead. They were banking on the night king coming alone, the tactic was senseless by any account

You literally just put more thought into it then DnD. I wouldn't expect it.

My fucking sides

Based Drummer poster

Attached: spinthedrum(mer).webm (768x576, 1.97M)

With how many fucking Dothraki landed Dany in Westeros ? 10.000 ? 50.000 ? 100.000 ? And they had just one battle before that when they attacked a small portion of the Lannister army.
And in the beginning it just looks like 1000 Dothraki storming towards the darkness because...it looked cool in D&D minds

I was fine with that. It just shows the Night King isn't a retard

The wages of the betacuck are death.

It is implied that he sends around fake prophetic visions to people. But Marwyn only got that ability recently and the Rhllor religion has been around for centuries, so he couldn't have been responsible for all of it.

Figure it out for yourself.

Season 1-4/5 were good. It lost it's way when they stopped following the book basically.

"What feeds the flame?" asked Sam.

"What feeds a dragon's fire?" Marwyn seated himself upon a stool. "All Valyrian sorcery was rooted in blood or fire. The sorcerers of the Freehold could see across mountains, seas, and deserts with one of these glass candles. They could enter a man's dreams and give him visions, and speak to one another half a world apart, seated before their candles. Do you think that might be useful, Slayer?"

I would spin her drum... if you know what i mean.

Its plain retarded in the first places that Winterfell hasnt a Moat while we saw several times that the main gate is just like 5m high

The piece is a good but the composer is out of his depth and just seems to do the same kind of theme over and over instead of coming up with more appropriate music. He's not a great composer but GoT isn't a great show so it isn't a big deal.
