
I hate Picard fags just look at this. I don't mean to start another gay general I just gotta share this reddit garbage with you assholes. TNG faggots are the fucking worst. If you don't see what's wrong with this go back to Rick and Morty you homos

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That's incredibly autistic but I won't discount the idea that one of the Mass Effect writers is also incredibly autistic and thought that would be a good line of dialogue to reference.


Obviously Seven. Thinking about Seven awakening her dormant mommy instincts gives me a special feeling.
Runners up: young T'Pau from ENT and Andrea from TOS.
Honorable mention: that thirsty ice cave girl from TOS.

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Mass Effect 1 is the only good one in the franchise, and Bioware never made a good RPG again under EA.

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One of these days, I'm going to finally get into Star Trek.

Why do you post here? Please don't say something creepy thanks.

I was gonna say its a reference of a reference

I'm uploading some scifi series to share with /trek/, but I just noticed that some of the subtitles have Ivanova written as Lvanova.


It's from Data, I just watched that episode. The two are trying to figure out what the drink is, Data attempts to read the label (which is worn off), smells it (which doesn't help), and finally proclaims, "It is... it is green."

Silly TNGlet, it's referencing a line from Scotty.

[Scott's quarters]
SCOTT: I found this on Ganymood, er, Ganymede.
TOMAR: What is it?
SCOTT: Well, it's, er. (peers at it, sniffs it) It's green.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

I thought the line in Mass Effect was 'it is green,' not 'it's green,' making it a TNG reference, or more specifically a reference to a TNG reference to TOS. My apologies.

Why would Shepard be at all surprised that a drink was green? We have coloured alcohol now, it's fucking as run of the mill as possible and this guy is living hundreds of y ears in the future where people live all over the galaxy and they know of dozens of alien species.

>Data can smell
But yet he can't taste. Discuss amongst yourselves.

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Reminder that STD killed /trek/ by dashing all our hopes against the pavement.

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>Are we still on for hasperat tonight, Commander?

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i'm not a big star trek person but if these are the chests star trek has to offer i may reconsider

if only she looked like that
i'd jerk off for YEARS

Why are TNG haters so autistic

Who's the Miranda of Star Trek?

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>genetically made to be perfect

Please elaborate?

I based my decision purely on number of gratuitous ass shots.

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Still useful for an android
Literally useless

What was this stance meant to convey?

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that's how women go to the bathroom in public places

Hi bash

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Earth women are filthy. Their hygiene, offensive.

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That bum is more like a *PFFWEEEEEEE*

You're hurting the thread

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Is Trek still going to be around in another 100 years? Will our grandchildren have a /trek/?

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Bashir faggot, from whence did you buy your trek costumes? I am looking to procure a show-accurate Enterprise jumpsuit. My budget caps at 900 dollars.


okay stop you're hurting the thread and giving me space butt fever

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Damn, did I miss out on a new BF pic?

>humanity still existing in 100 years

news flash, Mass Effect itself was a gigantic ripoff of Revelation Space. You're as retarded as your post faggot

Fuck off time travel poster, I won't hold court to your mischief.

>900 bucks on a purple or blue jumpsuit with some starfleet patches sewn on the shoulders

user, do you want to buy this apricot grove in Albuquerque from me?


Mass Effect did it better.

Why aren't there any good Star Trek games?

There's a mod for Civilization IV, which is a good game.

because the rights are probably too expensive for any good developers to pick up

Because you're not looking hard enough

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Does /trek/ play Overwatch? Where's the first person shooter Trek?

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That's too old. The JJ game where you ran around shooting Gorn was okay but it was only three hours long and online was just the story but co-op with a Spock who wants to spin in circles shooting lasers. Where's Call of Duty: Star Trek?

Attached: startrek3.jpg (1920x1200, 330K)

You're asking for impossible then

I'm a romantic and a dreamer, traits from my gypsy blood.

If you fucked Bashirfag, would you get STD or ENT?

Please only lewd BF to her face, otherwise it hurts the thread.

>It's not a console based FPS so it's not a game

Is he not here?
I thought he always lurked.

>interactive movies are games!! I swear!
sup zoomer

>thinks point-and-click adventure games are interactive movies
The XBox killed gaming fyi

>i-it's different because there's more padding!
not a game, deal with it

I don't know these things, I'm not Dossier user. If I were I'd round you up and throw you in the Yea Forums dungeons.

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I'm buying my brother this for his birthday. Don't tell him.

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>Dossier user

>mind blowing
Jesus H Christ