Dark Phoenix

So the final X-Men film of a 19 year series is definitely shaping up to be a grand, fitting send-off right?

Attached: D0iCme0X4AApiO3.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

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>19 year series
They took some of those years off desu. No one in this one was in the first one.

J Law was a mistake

>it's a "let's do dark phoenix but without even bothering to do all the setup that made that story pay off tremendously" episode rerun

Logan was the real sendoff. Anything after is fan fiction.

>19 year series
>First Class was less than 8 years ago

Doubt it.

All news about this film seems to be more of a remake of Ratner's "X3: X-men United", and not a more faithful adaptation of the actual "Dark Phoenix Saga"

DOFP and Logan make good bookends.

The film series is literally older than you.
Zoomers piss me off.

Also, you have to consider that the New Mutants is the last of the (Fo)X-men movies too.

We’ll still have new mutants to look forward to at least.

This isn't even the same X-Men film series as the first film anymore. They've soft rebooted, hard rebooted, and retconned so much.

It'd be accurate to say the film series Dark Phoenix is wrapping up started with First Class.

Who could possibly give a shit

Who is playing mystique now?

Yer mum

what on earth is there to look forward to with that

That one is getting shelved

Wow I can't wait to see Xavier and Magneto team up to face a common threat only to go their separate ways again

>dark phoenix
>new mutants
>ever seeing the light of day

this big time
thanks a lot fat fuck Harvey you little Jew dick shiksa chaser

So we just gonna ignore the fact that they're doing X-men last stand all over again?

compared to the original comic books all the movies were shit

Except DoFP proves you wrong

Why does her makeup suddenly look so terrible and cheap in this one? No budget?

claims are it's cgi. Since she dies early in anyways.

It also looks better and how it should have been all along.

she looked slightly different in the final trailer, what's going on with the makeup artists?

Attached: DP Mystique.png (979x605, 580K)

that's never coming out

Thanks Kinberg

>her outfit is a fucking coat again

Attached: screen-shot-2019-04-17-at-10.59.54-am.png (1092x728, 465K)

DoFP was a crossover and passing of the torch between the old X-Men film series and the new. Nothing from the old trilogy matters in the newer films because the only one who still remembers the old timeline is Logan and he doesn't appear in Apocalypse or Dark Phoenix.

But Logan did appear in Apocalypse.

According to Kinberg this is them "doing it right"

I’m so excited for dark phoenix, more than any other movie this year. I love this prestige cast forced into this trainwreck of a franchise

That's not what Mystique looked like before.

it only doesnt matter because of time travel. That is no where near the same as not having anything to do with the older movies.

If we were debating say Spiderman and Amazing Spiderman, you would make sense. But they older movies (and cast) aren CLEARLY linked. "Passing the torch" doesn't make them separate universes

this has a 200 million budget, no excuse for the cheap looking makeup

I'm suprised J Law put on the makeup, seems like something she would bitch about now

she didn't

Something went wrong in the makeup department. Did the artists lose their fingers?

Attached: mystique.jpg (1200x675, 166K)

all those bumbs with the disgusting oil slick hair was always a mistake. This is a good course correction

This looks really bad.

Budget cuts...

Jennifer Lawrence stopped wanting to wear the makeup so they just CGI it now.

Also Dark Phoenix was full of budget cuts. Fox had no confidence in it ahead of the disney buyout

jennifer lawrence is so fucking awful

>they just CGI it now
This must be trolling. There's no way.

>wrong eye colour

Attached: 1554007922610.jpg (750x422, 37K)

It's a simple design change, it's still all the same effort and time spent in the makeup chair

>budget cuts.
niggas DP is so far over budget from reshoots it's doubled it's budget.

If the budget is high why does her makeup look so bad and cheap suddenly?

bad spending? definitely not cuts though

it's not makeup, her Mystique gettup is CG in this one

How do you give her the wrong color contacts?

Whimpering out

I thought Apocalypse was the last one

and it would be accurate to say the film that wrapped up the 17yo franchise was Logan

That was Days of Future Past. Granted, Dark Phoenix still looks pretty good. Gonna miss these 20th Century Fox X-Men films, aesthetically and thematically they’re reminiscent of the previous era of superhero movies. With the recent Disney acquisition, all of these capeshit films will operate the same, even WB is emulating the Marvel Studios blueprint as evident by Shazam!

It’s not necessarily a bad blueprint, but more of the same thing will get old really fast and cape films will eventually go the way of the western faster than expected.

Why the fuck is her face so goddamn bloated?

It is kinda comfy that every movie is set in a different decade.
I really liked the LSD Xavier

While the X-Men are interesting characters, the entire grand plot of mutants is boring. There are literally crazy people with superhuman powers that actively want to kill and destroy.

Mutants with more subtle powers were more interesting because then the entire racism parallel makes sense.

But when half your roster can do shit like rewrite reality, take over peoples minds or blow up the earth with a queef, it's no longer about racism - it's about stopping someone's world-ending queef.

This kills any chance of Phoenix being in the MCU. Well played Fox.

At least the prof and magneto were well cast

as much as I like fassbender as magneto ian will always be magneto the same way tobey will always be spiderman jackman will always be logan and RDJ will always be iron man.

Fassbender makes my peepee feel funny

Days of Future Past was excellent.

they're going to space and getting extra wacky with it. So I'm cool with it. If they were going for a true fulfilling ending, Logan was it.

fassbender is great dont get me wrong but theres something about ian the way he carries himself

>makeup artists?

does help that they're not recasts but rather the same character at a different point of his life
think we all win when Magneto has great casting on both accounts

I have been marked once my dear and let me assure you no needle will ever touch my skin again.
His delivery on that line is so perfect.

fuck j law she cant act for shit they ruinned apocalypse by writting her charcatere as leader of the x men

mystic is fucking side kick char

fuck them
i still cant believe they managed to ruinned apocalypse after kino days of futur past

why should i watch dark phoenix ?

Attached: fuck jlaw.png (640x640, 475K)

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double chin LOL! Too much wine!