Completely washed the bad taste that GoT left out of my mouth. Pure, unadulterated KINOGRAPHY of the highest magnitude...

Completely washed the bad taste that GoT left out of my mouth. Pure, unadulterated KINOGRAPHY of the highest magnitude. BRAVO BILL, BRAVO!

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why none is willing to keep alive this threads?
The last episode was insane

too busy having autistic shit fits over GoT despite the fact that the writing has been an abomination for several years now.

I want to hang out with NoHo Hank

I had to watch it twice to really get into it. It's basically the series doing away with everything that isn't the absurd humour. Almost feels like it breaks the series even though it really doesn't

Stephen Root deserves an Emmy for his performance. Laughed my ass off at him with the little girl biting his face.

Honestly this show is better than Breaking Bad, it does the Dark Humor of BB without making excuses for how these criminals are indeed bad guys.

who knew that an episode with no Hank and no Gene would be absolute kino

Yea Forums wouldn't know kino if it tae kwon do kicked it in the head

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It was fun but would have worked better as a bonus episode or something. When there's only 8 half-hour long episodes then I'd rather we don't spend one not really pushing the story forward for 28 minutes of it.

The only bad part is that Barry just walks out of the store, despite being in front of the cops, with a bloody face.

Also, that store has to have CCTV too.

How did it not push the story forward? The cop that had dirt on him is now dead.

Better this episode than one featuring Sally.

Agreed but they're presumably small town cops that won't look into it further. I guess they could go with the daughter having their blood on her though.

>28 minutes of Sally dealing with her ex
Now this is pushing the plot forward.
>28 minutes of getting rid of the detective who knows what Barry did, getting Barry back working with Fuches, and getting Fuches involved with the Chechens
Dude, what the fuck, nothing happened, were the explositions?

This. People literally don't think before spewing nonsense.

To be honest, it looked like a goatee of some sort.

It was a fun episode and the martial arts were pretty cool, I almost thought they were going to add a little girl side kick for Barry for a second

It was a good change of pace

did barry do anything in the store that could incriminate him, though? maybe he'll be wanted for questioning but not much else

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He was fighting Ronny for quite some time, multiple people witnessed it as they ran out the store, and the store definitely has cameras. Wouldn't take a genius cop to want to investigate this deeper, especially since a dead cop is involved (Loach) and the guy that got shot is his ex-wife's boyfriend.

Also there's the issue of the little rabid girl running around like a hound with a bloody mouth.

wtf I love Bill Hader now

I liked the 1st season but does the gunplay get any better? Like take a fucking note from keanu and get some training if you are making something about literal assassins holy shit.

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If they had camera's they'd see Loach about to kill Barry in cold blood

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yes, but wouldn't they want to find barry and still question him? Even in cases in which the perps are deceased, there is a report and suspects are questioned.

Fucking sick of dramedys lads

Its just a comedy that isn't consistently funny

I like dramedies, I think they capture life more accurately. Life isn't 100% dramatic nor 100% comedic.

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This show is top comfy

>Wanting Yea Forums to discuss about anything that's actually good

Thoroughly boring and mediocre show. Not sure why the retards like it. Get Shorty is somewhat similar (organised crime meets showbiz) and while still pretty boring and mediocre slightly better.



FUCK I want to watch this but I want to do it in one sitting. How many episodes are left??

Three more. Ends May 19.

reddit show, please fuck off

sure it is “lad”

no, it spells Riddit

I want to watch this but I fucking hate Bill Hader. Is it good enough despite his presence?

Eh I might cave. I loved the first season and have the first four episodes of S2 already downloaded.

He's not very Bill Haderish. It's almost like Bill Hader playing Ryan Gosling as an autistic contract killer. It's not a bad show but it's really dragged down by the parts with the actors which is 3/4 of the show.

how bout you fuck off
nobody gives a shit if you watch or not

that's plebbit as fuck. commit suicide.

I am gonna miss a the little girl, I kinda wanted a Barry: the professional to happen.

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>Complains something is Reddit
>Acts like Reddit in the process

Fuches is going to get the Chechen to kill her.

Well mr Entertainment, recommend us some shows thats worthy of your time?

>blacked dosnt count

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I honestly feel embarrassed for you, just imagining you autistically typing this out, thinking you're clever or something.

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>Since when where the episodes only 30 minutes long.... I THOUGHT THEY WERE LONGER

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This shithole is reddit, retard. Can't you see the hundreds of capeshit/got threads posted everyday?

He doesn't act like himself most of the time, so yeah

I'm not a gun fanatic or anything, but I was a infantryman, and I think Barry's one of the best shows in regards to guns. Suppressors actually sound like suppressors, they reload when they'd reload, the one with the car felt pretty real. Compared to a show like Walking Dead, it's a fucking documentary. I've never seen any John Wick.

Looks like Peter dinkladge after eating out the queef of dragon's

'wheeze' 'wheeze'

>How do I breathe without you?

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im a chechen, how bad does the series potray us

I don't have any suggestions

literally ranked lower than bolivians

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wtf man, we didnt fight against the russians for 200 years to end up below latino niggas

Potentially not if it makes a cop look bad. They might opt to make it go away quickly, it's already a political nightmare that's certain to hurt public perception and support in city hall

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gay lmao