Explain the leap to me

Will we get an explanation in the next episode as to how Arya appeared out of no where? Yes, I get that she used stealth to sneak her way outside. Yes, I get that she was already out in the courtyard before the Night King and his guards got out there. OK, fine.

What I don't understand is how Arya just appeared in mid-air in back of the Night King. Look at this shot. Theon running. The area is surrounded by Night King's minions. Bran can be seen next to the tree on the right. The Night King is still too far away to be in the frame. This is a large area. The Night King eventually walks up to Bran. Look at that distance between Bran and the ring of minions. Assuming Arya was in the shadows behind the minions, how did Arya leap from that distance?

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Maybe Neo and everybody else were still inside the Matrix.

the wights and white walkers didn't do anything because they thought the night king had shit under control. the same reason none of them freaked out when theon rushed him.

explains nothing. how does she jump so high?

adrenaline can make humans accomplish physical feats otherwise considered ludicrous

Explain this leap.

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She was in the tree retards

She climbed up the tree without Bran, Theon, or Bran's guards noticing?

Melly maxed out her stealth skill so she could OMAE WA the Night's King

When Caloreese tried to burn the Lich King and it turned out he is fire immune, why did she run away? He had 1(one) spear which he used and missed, why didn't she just have her Wyvern grab him with it's teeth or claws and crush it, or if need be just hold him until Jon gets close enough to finish him?

Also, are all the dragons dead now? If so, it turns out Cersei made the right play and should have no problem winning now.


>why didn't she just have her Wyvern grab him
Can't risk losing another dragon

>are all the dragons dead now?
After the episode, the preview showed two dragons flying around, one of them with holes in its wings. Presumably, the ice dragon is no more. The two dragons seen must mean that Dany's and Jon's dragons survived.

Faceless men can move really fast, as established when Jaqen killed Amory Lorch

was she pretending to be a corpse?

Here is the scene just after Arya kills the Night King. We see the White Walkers beginning to shatter. We also see that the Night King's guards were still 25 or so feet away from Bran. Arya would have had to leap from behind this ring of guards the the position we see her here.

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everyone in the show has been in life or death combat which hopefully, stirred up their adrenaline, so why have we not seen this shit before?

she was stood on a prop stage i believe

She could've ran a bit and then jumped.
White dudes didn't care when Theon did the same, charging at the NK.

Just rewatched in slow-mo deff running from behind, didn't jump down from the tree

It's not a leap, she teleports behind him

>*teleports behind you*
>Hahahaha you think I would fall for such a simple trick
>Does an even simpler trick

Attached: tp_behind_you.jpg (125x121, 3K)

bran warged drogon after dany got off him, he picked arya up and threw arya at the nk

Someone Photoshop that blueprint she gave Gendry a couple episodes ago so that it's a pair of sneakers with springs on the bottom.

Might be the worst post of all time all things considered

She stealth dashed towards him at an incredible speed then jumped at him when she was in range to do so. There’s a 1-2 second scen of one of the wights’ hair moves as of a sudden breeze went by, that was caused by Arya.

There's a simple explanation: she used flubber.

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