What are some cat kinos?
What are some cat kinos?
dunno lol
Pic Related
my cat comes if i call, he respects me
Source of the study?
When will these people just accept the fact that cats are just assholes.
When i call my cat she just dabs. Is my cat broken?
oh shit is this serious? the amount of horrible things ive said to a particular cat has me wondering if hes going to kill himself.
My cat comes because I only feed it out of my own hand and she really has no choice but to mind me.
Based Aussies
>implying she doesn't come when I call her
Maybe you're just a shitty pet owner. Journalists are the exact type of human cats would disrespect.
>Have a badass 11 year old black indoor/outdoor cat
>Have never named him
nothing ever stuck, but my mom calls him Blackie/Schwartz which is kinda problematic tbf
>not Niggerman
One job...
かご猫 Blog on YouTube. Very high quality cat videos, over 500 of them.
I don't even need to call mine they just follow me around
>adopted a stray I found many years ago
>knew her name, came when I called her
>followed me around the neighborhood when I went for a walk
>always wanted to sleep on my lap, but would immediately jump off if I said “sorry.”
>wasn’t trying to train her to do that, I just apologized whenever I had to disturb her, so she learned that it meant she had to move
>she died a few months ago
her appearance suggests that she engages in sexual intercourse with caucasian men
I had a kot that needed constant affection, it was basically a dog except it couldnt be trained to do stuff. Idk what was wrong with it
only after Tyrone's finished tho
Owning a cat is the ultimate cuck.
i'm sorry user
My condolences.
My cat comes when I call him he's clingy as hell
My cat is a haughty bitch who won't let anyone pet her unless it's on her own term. She doesn't like being held, but will randomly lie on the floor and nyaa~ whenever she wants to be petted. She doesn't come when she's called unless she's hungry in which case stand upright, lean on your leg and scratch your thigh and beg for food.
I had a cat who met me at my car when I came home and we walked side by side inside (duplex had a housemom who would let her out to play). She acted more like a dog than a cat, always wanting to lay on me. One day she got killed by a car while I was on vacation.
my kitty is cute!!!!
man, FUCK YOU aussiefags. I hope all your children get eaten by dingos
I play videos of cats meowing and my cat runs over to me.
My neighbours cat does too.
No one's ever really gone
my black cat is named sambo. my black neighbors didn't seem to have a problem with it when they found her collar
Yea because it worked so well against the Emus
based hairball barfers dabbing on the aussie wild life
>australian retards actually went to war againsy animals and they fucking lost
Bro we are talking about Australian animals here. There are birds with knifes on their feet that can disembowel you within seconds, venomous spiders that lay their eggs inside your head while you sleep, fucking dropbears and of course the vicious roos, who lure dogs and children into ponds to drown them out of pure boredom.
I own a cat and this is needed.
Feral animals are a pest, they destroy entire ecosystems if left unchecked. I would rather have millions of cats be shot in the outback than seeing our entire ecosystem collapse where hundreds of plants and animals go extinct forever.
Heh, just like me.
all sorts of deadly shit and it's CATS that are the dangerous problem that needs culling?
Mate im going to guess your from some piss weak pussy country like the US where you have nothing but weak ass bitch nigga animals like bears and 'eagles'.
We cant walk to school without giant black and white F22s trying to rip our eyeballs out, 6'4 giants choking us out and trying to gore us with their giant feet scythes or deadly drop-bears cutting out throats. Not to mention the fallen in the Great Emu War which was basically fighting more angry versions of T-Rexs who can run faster than a Ferrari.
Don't forget about the deadliest creature of all... the Australian
cats are the best predators in the world prove me wrong m8
only acceptable alternative is ocean animals like sharks
And camels. They keep fucking up our runways.
They're the only thing that is easy to kill
Jesus, you're making me feel.
>be me
>have cat
>she followed me to school everyday and would wait until the schoolbus picked me up
>she would walk alongside the bus until it passed her and then would head home
>I go away to college
>whenever I come home she immediately rushes me
>we would sit and cuddle for hours
>go home for Easter this year
>notice there's only one instead of two food bowls
>only my other cat, her daughter, comes
>realise immediately she's dead
>next morning
>confront my mom
>she gets mad that I ruined her "time" with my niece because I just asked
>suppress it the whole time
>actually have fun with family but it's nagging me
>brother and niece leave
>ask mom again
>"oh user she was suffering terribly she had cancer and was falling down"
>"yeah, that's fine, I get that, but why not let me bus in and watch it happen?"
>"you wouldn't have wanted to see that, user."
>"yes i would"
>grandpa pipes up
>"no you wouldn't"
>"don't tell me how I would or would not feel."
>both start strawmanning me, saying my point of contention is that animals should never be killed and not that they put her down without informing me, proceed to mock my vegetarianism despite me not bringing it up
>"kay, fine, whatever, did you at least take some last photos of her for me"
>"user that's stupid"
>ask where she is buried
>mom nervously says in the backyard
>realise they didn't put her down
>just like with my pet dog when I was a teenager, they took her to my gross fat fuck stepfather's house and blew their brains out at the side of the barn and left them there
>distinctly remember crying when I found out my dog's jaw had been ripped off by a bad shot and saying I wish I could have at least used my money to put them down ethically and been there for her
>what did my mom say then
>oh yeah
>"you wouldn't have wanted to pay that much user"
I would take my current cat with me but none of my landlords have allowed any pets, so I'm honestly at a loss.
By the way if you thought I was shitposting:
Child molester
>none of my landlords have allowed any pets
user it's not that hard to hide a cat. Just keep the litter box clean so it doesn't smell like cat piss, and put it in a closet whenever they come by.
your family sounds like some sort of minority or weird nationality but i can't decide what
>knew the accusations were coming
>slid this one under the radar to get easy money, and most people just chalked it up as laziness
Sneaky fucker.
The stupid asshole you are answering is a piece of shitty onions. Don't feed this kind of turbofaggotry.
Fake news
Wow user, that was really gay.
When will the cats and emus team up to purge Australians?
Kill yourself faggot scum
I want 2 Siamese kittens so bad but it would cost like 3k. FUCK
A fag came on to another fag at a drug fueled hollywood fag party. Kill yourself zoomer retard.
Kill yourself faggot scum
based cat lovers. Too bad I'm too afraid of toxoplasmosis to own a cat now.
The movie Keanu
True kino coming through
I wouldn't call that attempted drowning. It's really just going for the usual kangaroo headlock and just happens to be in water.
try moving out of home first
Is science a religion? People will believe whatever without even checking if it has the word study in it
>That Parker-Hale
>problem is almost localised to one state
>claim it's a problem the whole country suffers from
that cat looks like he isn't going without taking down a bunch of aussies with him
nah he just wants food
My dog would do that, pretend not to hear when I wanted him to go out. He just did it poorly.
How is it cruel if the shark is dead?
why was a study like this even necessary? the fuck?
when my friend calls any of his cats they come
Can't wait to hit that with me ute in the next cull mate.
Cheers big-ears.
>There are birds with knifes on their feet that can disembowel you within seconds, venomous spiders that lay their eggs inside your head while you sleep, fucking dropbears and of course the vicious roos, who lure dogs and children into ponds to drown them out of pure boredom.
All BTFO by cats lmao
They do useless studies with obvious conclusions to get federal money all of the time.
My old cat growing up used to come when I called. I could also get her to run to me and follow me all around the house where ever I went just by tapping my hand to my thigh a couple times.
I loved that cat so much she loved me too ;_;
You're retarded, those aren't the animals that cats are genociding. Cats are pussies and only go after small animals.
cat's aren't domesticated though.
fuck your meme cat.
Me on the left
the daily mail
My cat comes when I call her too and my wife is the one that feeds her
My lads
i dont think this is the definition of domestication. are the spiders in my basement domesticated? they eat pests too
feral dogs are a huge problem in Australia tho.
So this probably the result of evolution. The roos learned how to defend themselves against vicious dogs and jackals.
And the girl
unpopular opinion, but i really like cats and dogs.
Your cats adorable user, whats his name? Here's another one
>overpopulation causes loss of resources
>we kill half of cats
>Thanos does it too
>"bro wtf so evil!!"
the mad cunt
maya. she's about a half year now but she's been with me since 3 weeks old. just got her spayed two days ago so she's a little grumpy.
At least the Aussies aren't going to New Zealand to kill animals again.
How can I join in ? I want to kill some cats.
your cat has all sorts of assorted colors on her like my cat, i like it
strayans are based
cats are not
do bother replying to this post, it's the brain parasites compelling you to do so
>Take regular vacations in Australia my whole life
>Have to hear this gay shit every single time from any number of halfwits who think merely existing in Australia is an achievement.
Where I'm from there's actual mega-fauna and animals that will legitimately hunt humans. I'm not scared of your wildlife, 99% of Australia's land animals are no threat at all unless you deliberately fuck with them.
i see what you did there
It's being surrounded by them and they're barking so of course the roo is going to defend itself, retard.
oh yeah and where's that fagot
New Zealand also has to kill cats because they overhunt kiwis
Do they need to get sprayed? Do the benefits outweigh the consequences?
the greatest love story of all time
My cat stopped coming when called because she went deaf, but not that I needed to she wouldn't leave me alone. I miss her.
Yes, I do it at home and I don't bother using synesthesia.
I have a similar family who broke the news of two pets deaths to me in very tactless ways, one about half a year after it happened.
Mine are narcissists and I'm getting a similar sort of vibe reading that.
don't be sad user
>in very tactless ways
like angelica houston in life aquatic.
rich bitch, raised by maids.
Fucking god this makes me so angry. I'm not you but I fucking hate your family. Once that fag granpa is close to dying, I'd deny him a funeral, and do the same as with the cute kitty. We are not better than animals. Humans make me sick.
Rate my pussy.
Her name is Loli. :3
She's adorable but you sound like a total faggot nigger. As long as you feed her and love her, I don't care
fuck cats
Ignore this, bitch
Memories stay forever.
My cat was pretty loyal and followed me around the house everywhere; even played fetch too
I love her to death
be still cody
my ex took my maine coon. he was amazing i loved him (that's why she took him). he'd fetch like a dog. he was HUGE but so gentle. as a tiny kitten when i got him from the shelter he'd just sleep on my chest and purr and sleep and purr.
if you don't spay them they spray when they're in heat. it stinks and makes a mess. my brother owns her brother
based cat posters
Cat lovers tend to be more logical and understand the neccesity of preserving an environment, regardless of how uncomfortable it is to do
>my ex took my maine coon. he was amazing i loved him (that's why she took him).
This is the most gimmicky comment I’ve ever seen.
It’s so cringe that only a redditor would type something like this with a straight face
>call cat
>cat ignores you
>Ignore cat
>cat sits in your lap
You're delusional if you think that the majority of catfags care about wildlife.
It's because they're think you're an cat dude lol
As long as you feed her and seed her, I don't care
Reminder that cats are based and if you hate them you're probably a basedfag
The ones that keep them in the house do; like I do with mine. My cat gets it’s hunting activity by playing with other ones
i remember that, it's fucked up. cats see us as giant furries.
do you have the thot patrol cats?
My cat was raised alongside my dog although around the end of his life. At this moment, whenever i go for a run in the morning, my cat follows me just like how I used to take my dog out. He's a good guy and brings about 2-3 mice to my backyard every week.
I hope your cat gets hit by a car, nigger.
Somebody pull up the gif of the cat deeply cutting a twitch thots eye while trying to be slutty and pretending to be innocent and oblivious
Funniest shit ever
Yo, not cool. Why tf would you wish that on anyone?
Sadly didn't save it
top kek
I don't even have a closet.
We're rural white Canadians. How many blacks own "farms" in America?
Think of it as a powerup.
>tfw no cat loving Lovecraft bf
Cats of Ulthar is a manifesto.
Yep. I don't hate my mom or grandpa, but they're both deeply selfish people. They both cheated on their spouses and have zero remorse for it.
>mom cheated on my dad while he was in the hospital for a brain tumor
>grandpa beat his wife and cheated on her while she was in the hospital recovering from a car crash and then didn't even drive her home from the hospital because she called him a terrible person for cheating on her
They have good attributes (hardworking, smart) but you can never tell them they did wrong.
Haha, I appreciate your sympathy and rage but I wouldn't go that far.
Why can't you get him back? If you have some sort of documentation that you owned him before (especially if y'all were never commonlaw) it should be open and shut, right?
At least she's caring for him. I've heard of exes murdering pets.
Dog owners are sub 70 IQ retards who are incapable of empathy.
lol I think he has. fuckers been through a lot of shit
They don’t understand that a cats respect and loyalty is earned and not easily given like a dogs
Because you let it outside so it can exterminate your local wildlife like a nigger. I hope when he gets hit that they hear a bump, reverse, decide it was nothing, and run over it again for good measure.
truth! cat owners are the picture of sophisticated
you and stinku are both shit
I own a cat, retards. I don't let her run amok outside like a nigger.
Based. Fuck c*ts
Not everybody let’s their cats roam outside. I take mine (a house cat) on walks, and it’ll follow me around and stick close since it distrusts most things
Remember that Cats see us like giant biped cats with cat faces.
Search the vid in youtube
Well tv?
People who own cats but don't or can't let them out are faggots.
I don't know if I want to smoke out of a fish.
I do enjoy some smoked fish though.
When it inevitably gets lost and hit by a car it'll be your fault. Remember that.
I miss my cat and my dog.
Why would I care about the quality of life for my punching bag?
i love seeing mass reply non shitposts. gives personality to an otherwise bleak imageboard
People who own cats and let them out are retards. I don't let my ferret outside either.
I had a Manx that my family got from a shelter. In my HS animal behavior class we had to train an animal to do 3 tricks. Friskie did 3 consecutive tricks: jump over a barrier, jump onto the bed, then jump into a laundry basket.
He's cute.
If you let your cat outside don't cry when it gets hit by a car, killed by a dog, maimed, or abused/tortured/killed by someone because you are the one who let it happen.
If only we could do this everywhere.
My cat comes every time I call and comes RUNNING. Respectlettes btfo
>it gets hit by a car
Never happened to any of my cats in the past 25 years.
>killed by a dog
Never happened to any of my cats in the past 25 years.
Never happened to any of my cats in the past 25 years.
>or abused/tortured/killed by someone
I don't live in the third world.
holy... damn....this guy tells the hard f*cking truths that cat owners dont want to admit....
Reminder that this is small time and Australia had 1,000,000,000 rabbits in the 1960s-70s
Culling cats is a good idea, but won't native animals like goannas eat the sausages too?
Well, here's hoping it does happen except the last one.
There is a neighbor of mine with an asshole cat who thinks it owns the fucking neighborhood. It has puked on my car hood and scratched the driver's side door climbing to the car roof to perch its nigger ass. It is constantly chasing after birds and I wonder how much wildlife that little fucker has destroyed all because the owner lets it outside. I've had thoughts about erasing it from existence but have enough bad karma in my life.
soak some hotdogs in antifreeze and leave them out
Soak tuna with antifreeze and do hundreds, if not thousands, of critters a big favor.
Apparently Australia likes to repeat history.
>mum's a vet
>lets all the childhood cats run loose
>lose over a dozen of them to cars and coyotes over the years
>insist we keep the cats in in my teens
>cats now only die of natural causes
I asked her why she didn't keep them in and she told me they just never did that when she was growing up. Most boomers cannot conceive of an indoors cat.
>all those rodents, birds, snakes and weasels they slaughtered over the years
People would be up in arms if these were dogs.
>tfw my catbro comes when I call his name, does tricks, and even lets me walk him
I pity you plebs. Your cats don't see you as their master, that's why they don't listen.
Yeah, I've thought about it believe me but like I said I need to not drain my karma level.. unless the anger I have at this cat is causing a negative feedback loop. I wonder how fast acting the antifreeze is. Would not want to deal with a corpse in my driveway.
People are already up in arms because they're cats.
>all those rodents
field mice are a pain in the ass though.
My cat is about 12 years old now I think. She was my ex's cat but she loved me so much she wouldnt let my ex near her. So I took her when we broke up.
Shes super sweet and never scratches or hisses at anything or anyone. Just wants a lot of attention and will try to eat any plastic like a retard.
I am very thankful for her because when I was a kid my abusive step dad took our childhood cats(we had 3, mom cat had babies) and literally dumped them out somewhere and came home and told us they ran away because they didnt love us anymore.
Australia does have a problem with feral dogs too. Most dog breeds aren't an issue because they won't survive. Cats aren't really domesticated, there's little to no difference between them and their wild counterparts so they constantly kill for sport and can more easily survive in the wild.
haha nice dude ive seen meet the parents too.
My ex had a cat she could walk on a leash. It would even ride in the car on the back shelf and just chill. It hated me though and would knock over water glasses and beer bottles just to fuck with me.
>Falls for the cat v dog meme
>Falls for the man vs woman meme
>Falls for the black vs white meme
>All so he don't notice the (((us))) vs them meme
Reminder that you're all goys.
Mice aren't the only rodents around, retard. Chipmunks and squirrels for example.
I made no mention of those, doo-doo brain.
He was probably butthurt you were taking his master's attention away from him. Sorry to hear you couldn't form a good relationship.
This is her, forgot to attach pic
It was mostly shrews and voles, with the odd mouse or rat and very rarely a star-nosed mole. Was always sad to find a dead little tentacle dwarf on the ground.
I wish there'd been squirrels around for them to kill. Fuck squirrels.
Cute! My molly just passed away last Monday shit sucks
>cat vs dog
Stupid and pointless.
>man vs woman
Absolutely retarded and counterintuitive.
>black vs white
Logical and based.
Cats are the niggers of pets
>literally named his cat the "n-word man"
I'm sorry for your loss. :(
>tfw have cat that purrs really loud
>call it "lawnmower cat"
Have sex.
>>tfw no cat loving Lovecraft bf
you better not be a faggot otherwise LONDON.
I am right now with a cat
That's not how karma works, modernist. Righteous Violence is Dharmic no matter what the new age teachers today tell you.
I guess that's what happens when it's so small human women can't feel it.
If Lovecraft were born today he'd be a NEET incel writing NarutoxSonic yaoi stories on fanfiction.net. He was autistic as fuck.
Feral dog cull has been constant.
I guess it depends on the news week, I remember an American talk show being angry about the camel culling.
any kinos for this feel?
This cats feeling it for sure, had to use a huge cucumber to loosen her up.
don't open this one
I remember it
Is that why is he an internationally celebrated author?
Have sex.
that's the eyelid, not the eye, user
still based and toxopilled
>cats attack roasties and soibois
How can one animal be so based?
You have bad karma because you are a nigger, maybe you should save yourself the hassle and drink the antifreeze instead
Yes, actually. If it weren't for his autism he wouldn't be been as creative in his writing in comparison to his contemporaries.
If he were alive today he'd be writing fanfiction about being Thomas the Tank Engine's best friend instead of unique and iconic scifi like The Dunwhich Horror.
My little buddy died 2 weeks ago, he was a stray too and a very well behaved and polite cat. Never pissed on the floor or scratched and let the children roughhouse with him without using his claws. I still miss him.
There's no such thing as karma. Just do everyone a favor and put it out of its misery.
>live in a known coyote hotspot
>doesn't stop retards from leaving their cats outside
>mfw theres always "LOST CAT" flyers every month
We literally do the same things to dogs as well
And pigs, and rabbits.
And also feral horses. They fly over the herds on a helicopter and machine gun them.
the ecosystem doesn't handle european animals so humans need to intervene for anything native to survive
Yep. There is a glut of fantasy/horror "authors" thanks to zero cost self publishing. I have 1k followers on Twitter and following 1k (out of courtesy) and many are shitty fantasy/horrow writers with recycled ideas and trash story skills. They all take themselves pretty seriously too which is amusing to watch.
It is sad in a way the quantity vs quality- like how most television is garbage - but gives me more confidence in my own works (I do multi-genre and nonfiction stuff).
Eat shit loser. Make sure you brush your teeth before mommy tucks you in bed tonight.
Why do you guys let your cats get that fat.
I saw a doc that said that theory is bullshit. Cats really aren't that good at killing rodents. They only kill when they feel like it. We bred dogs to hunt vermin, rat terriers and whatnot. That's why there are so many breeds of dogs, they were bred fro a specific purpose. Cats though? We just thought they were cool.
Because they're fat themselves and as such weak willed.
wait so strayan cunts can now get guns if they apply for a cat sniping loicense?
>nz btfo
Americans don't understand feral cats are nothing like domesticated housecats
leave those things in the wild for several generations and you end up with a real problem
and they always feel like killing. my cat would leave dead rodents on our porch all the time. i saw him kill a bird when waiting for my carpool.
if they can kill flying rodents they can kill ground ones too.
they don't want you to believe that you can order them around. They will show up whenever they want and not when you want
My cat's ears used to twitch when we'd say his name, but he'd purposefully keep staring away. He was a dick. I miss him.
It's not just Americans and it doesn't take several generations. They're almost identical to the African wild cats they came from, they're not really domesticated at all.
Eye contact is a sign of aggression in cats unless it's a slow blink. He was looking away because he was happy.
is that way faggots. Yea Forums has always been a pro-cat website
>feral cats harm native species
>kill the cats
>feral niggers harm the native species
>prevent the native species from defending itself
Fuck all outdoor cat owners
bird blood stained paws has written this post
Some basis in reality
Cats don’t “get lost”; they always find their way back, which mine wouldn’t need to do since it just follows me everywhere
i've had three cats, all outdoor cats in normal neighborhood. all lived to old age, 20 years or so, no accidents. most mammals are smart enough to know to look before crossing the road.
never any complaints from the neighbors, only edgelords on Yea Forums.
You're retarded. Cats don't have GPS in their brains and can easily get lost if they chase something.
Caring about native wildlife more than people's dumb pets isn't edgy.
wild rats are pests, other than that cats only kill birds.
you can actually put this rainbow cloth collar on them and the birds can see them too easily lol. are any species even endangered because of it?
They don't kill nearly as many rats as they do native mice since rats are generally much bigger, especiallyvNorwegian rats. Cats kill anything they can and want to including reptiles and insects. Your comment is stupid. Stop trying to justify letting your murder machines disrupt your local ecosystems. You're ignorant as fuck about ecology.
They literally have honed senses to get them back to a safer territory
whatever, millions of species have died off, its called natural selection. are you really bitching about insects dying?
men who own cats are trannies at heart
nope, some of us are just secure with our sexuality
God, you're retarded and you will anything to justify your shitty behavior.
Yes, insects play a vital role in the environment and not every species is ubiquitous in every ecosystem, retard.
Guys who care have much more to prove than ever needed
That's a dead cat.
They literally can still get lost like every other living, moving creature you moron.
there's like a billion insects per cat. a cat could kill 10 insects a day at most, i almost never see my cats toying with insects, besides spiders occasionally.
you had something with the birds but now you're just being a dumbass.
how do they not realize that the animal is acting funny?
surely they know when the cat is lovey dovey and when it is serious?
damn autocorrect
nope back to discord little tranny fella
Seething toxo
> """""owners"""""
niglets don't even put pebbles and water in the dish 95% of the time and still say it's their cat while it roams the streets
Birds, lizards, snakes, voles, moles, chipmunks, field mice etc. all play an important role in the balance of their ecosystem. Not all insects are ubiquitous retard, some are endangered or locally endangered. Major pollinators are struggling in many areas because of pesticides, pollution and the introduction of invasive species that they have to compete with. You're focusing on birds and now insects because you know it's shitty of you to do and you're trying to justify it. Your cats aren't helping any living thing besides your lonely ass self.
based H.P.
aussies are truly twisted
they didn't even could handle a bunch of faggy birds and they think they can defeat some actual wild animals lmao
and who are chipmunks helping? you're emotionally invested. there's nothing shitty about survival, if you disagree feel free to off yourself because you're endangering species with your massive carbon outputs.
humans are the most unbalanced part of the ecosystem, you gonna complain about that?
I remember this video, they were seeing how far cats could fall and survive, this one died from internal organ failure after
catcucks BTFO
>he hates cats so much he refuses to google basic facts
More annoying than actually crazy cat ladies
r8 my cat
theyre a twisted bunch. their idea on dealing with their carp infestation is to give them herpes
Why do dog owners act like cats killed their parents while cat owners like dogs but don't own them for practical reasons?
>moments before disaster strikes.jpg
>and who are chipmunks helping?
Literally everything around it because they collect, store and spread nuts/seeds you fucking idiot.
95% of humans are garbage and need to be culled, spiteful retards destroying the environment through hubris like you specifically being part of that.
>Cat stands high and mighty at end
kek. based and redpilled cat btfo'ing roasties.
I wish I was a cat
If it were a fact you would have just posted a source but it isn't so you can't.
People who own dogs work hard to train them and feel more invested in them; doesn’t mean there won’t be insecure people out there that still find a way to reveal their inferiority complex by incessantly comparing themselves to others
Cats are literally nigger tier animals. I don’t understand why anyone would want such a useless creature that stinks as bad as a fucking cat. Holy shit do cats fucking stink and every single time the faggots that own them tell me theirs doesn’t stink and that they clean up after it I go in their home and it still stinks like fucking cat. They stink so fucking bad.
chipmunks bury seeds and nuts, replenishing plants and trees
>cat owners like dogs
Is that Jeb Bush!?
If I post a source you could easy find by googling, I’d be servicing a retard and you’d find a way to keep this pointless argument
Dogs are literally nigger tier animals. I don’t understand why anyone would want such a useless creature that stinks as bad as a fucking dog. Holy shit do dogs fucking stink and every single time the faggots that own them tell me theirs doesn’t stink and that they clean up after it I go in their home and it still stinks like fucking dog. They stink so fucking bad.
That guy looks like a real pussy slayer
See, you have no source because if you did you could end the "argument". There is no argument, cats get lost literally every single day around the world and you know it.
Your deep seated anger over an issue that doesn’t personally affect you in a severe way is just a cry for attention; that’s why you’re so invested in trying to argue with everyone disagreeing with you instead of being confident enough in your own world view.
friendly reminder that violence towards animals are key indicators of sociopathic tendencies
I take it that your handler isn’t here to help you use google then?
Try again tomorrow when he’s on call
Every person I've known that's owned a cat has been some sheltered faggot that suffers from every allergy under the sun. Like the ultimate faggot - frail, neutronic and autistic. You can't be a man with a cat.
except for cats
but you're magically exempt from all the damage you're causing. el oh el
>just let feral cats be man
>they ain't harming anyone man
>kills literally hundreds of birds, reptiles, and insects per cat
I can respect how good they are at being the ultimate killing machines and somehow able to hypnotize soiyims without even trying.
I don't have to google anything that I already know. You might want to google "[your area] cat missing" to get a clue. You're genuinely retarded if you unironically think that cats are physically incapable of getting lost.
snakes, birds, and insects also kill "hundreds" of other animals. oops!
new thread
People who give a fuck are Earth's last hope. It would be counterproductive to kms because I'm human. Destructive niggers like you on the other hand can and should though.
not a the level cats do. they kill billions of animals a year at the very least.
Pisses me off that numale faggot had the cat killed after that. I mean what the fuck! Even vicious cats can be cool.
> brother and his daughter go to the pound to pick up a cat
> one cat takes a swipe at her ponytail as she walks by the cage so that's the one the pick
> cat was a damn menace to nearly everyone and everything but great with my brother and niece
> brother gets hurt in an industrial accident so I have to take care of the cat
> little fucker picks a fight with me till I start to pour food in his dish, then goes "Fine, I'll kill you later" and calmly ate the food
> as my brother was recovering the cat was right by his side
This dude must be a gigantic faggot to get his own cat to attack him.
Cats are an invasive species, native animals aren't. I know it's a hard concept for an autistic catfag to understand but please try.
you're 1000x more destructive than any cat by any objective measure. just end it dude. unless you're a vegan you've probably killed dozens of cattle and chickens, for starters.
there's no such thing as a native species. animals are always competing for territory. if you can't hold onto it not yours anymore.
>there's no such thing as a native species.
You have a room temperature IQ which is a requirement for outdoor cat owners.
I love dogs but I live in a apartment and I'm not home most of the day. I don't like the expensive upkeep ($1000 vet bills) and care (having to walk it at 4am during a blizzard so it can take a shit).
dog owner falseflagging
they don't have a cat allergy if they own a cat
the ecosystem in my area is just fine. We still have hundreds of birds in our trees, the cats just kill off the weak and make the surviving ones have better survival skills.
you're just a little aspie bitch who can't stand the thought of someone liking an animal you don't like.
>you're 1000x more destructive than any cat by any objective measure.
I don't go around killing literally every small animal I see like your dumb cats. I plant and spread native plants in my area. I've done more good for wildlife in my area than anyone within a 20 mile radius at least.
>just end it dude. unless you're a vegan you've probably killed dozens of cattle and chickens, for starters. I can't stop other people so why would killing myself help?
You think farmers don't massacre small animals too? Pesticides, herbicides and traps kill billions of them a year. You're extremely stupid. Go read a book or literally anything about any animal that isn't a cat you retard.
Your cats kill more than birds and more than you'll ever know. Stop justifying your shitty behavior and admit that you just don't care about anything else but your cats because you have no one else.
the plants you're planting are blocking out space and killing plants under its leaves! you're just a plant killer
>You think farmers don't massacre small animals too
you're adding to my point, not disagreeing. if you eat anything you're killing all sorts of shit. but you are just too retarded to realize you are logically no better than the people you hate for doing exactly the same thing as you.