well Yea Forums ourguy has spoken and he says arya is not a mary sue
I guess that settles that.
well Yea Forums ourguy has spoken and he says arya is not a mary sue
I guess that settles that.
Other urls found in this thread:
wait Yea Forums is crying because arya is a good assassin ?
I missed the part where she was specifically training to kill a being she didn't know existed.
Ben Shapiro defending women? Christ. We've entered a parallel universe.
Literally who
Some fag on twitter who never shuts up.
Leader of the Zionist Nation
She isn't but the kill is still an asspull because she just appeared 10 feet in the air out of literally nowhere
>walk around selling cuckolds
>go blind
>get the shit kicked out of you while blind
>you are now a master assassin
>I genuinely dislike anyone with a conservative view
What did the left mean by this?
He quit breitbart over some roastie's honor
>she trained for years learning how to become an assassin killing mortal men
>therefore she was capable of killing a literal demon god that was immune to dragon fire and had superhuman strength
Fuck this Jewish show and fuck the jews and their braindead audience that is incapable of any critical thinking
Stop posting things you saw on twitter here. Nobody needs you middle-manning random shit celebrities say if we gave a fuck we would follow their twitter ourselves.
Get a real personality and think of something to say for yourself instead of posting twitter screencaps.
She's mary sue though. No kind of training can make a goblin jump that high and make the night king look slow after showing bouts of extreme speed.
based tribalist hypocrite
Literally fake news
user can you cool it with the antisemitic remarks?
did he tweet about how aryas judeo-christian roots allowed her to teleport behind the NK
>calling any Jew "ourguy"
just use ur imagination :^)
All that training and cersi, the hound, and the mountain are all still alive?
>>therefore she was capable of killing a literal demon god that was immune to dragon fire and had superhuman strength
she stabbed him in the dragonglass. it's not as if she fought him in combat for 5 minutes
>it’s another “Yea Forums can’t decide who they hate more” episode
it's cus he said something about queers (even though he probably is one) and evans got butthurt because his brother is a faggot
Yeah he just conveniently let his guard down when the knife fell into aryas other hand even though he was able to sense Arya coming from a mile away and perfectly grab her by the neck as she lunged at him. Oh and he just happened to not kill her in an instant but rather stare at her with a stupid smirk on his face. Fuck off baiting faggot
or the part she trained, actually
sweeping the floors isn't training
That retarded little cunt didnt train at all. Fucking retarded show.
Tell Mr Miagi that
But she isn't. We haven't seen her actually do any good assassinating that wasn't some intense plot armor. First it was running away from that stupid girl, then it was the stupid Frey situation, now this.
Anyone who thinks Arya is Mary Sue doesn't understand what that is supposed to mean. Every badly written female character is not automatically a Mary Sue. Arya killing the Night King doesn't make her one either. It's a bad plot twist that ruins the show but it has nothing to with Arya or any other character being a Mary Sue. I hate Star Wars fans for ruining this.
Based Cap
How did she learn instant transmission? Must have trained with Goku
I also missed the part where she could either turn invisible or teleport
based greenwald, world-saving homosexual that only knows how to use twitter, because it's an app on his phone.
>hurr durr night king can be super strong but arya cant!
it's a fucking fantasy show. and the night king only knew arya was there because she yelled
i prefer his his sister and her large khazarian milkers
Never in my entire life I would guess Ben is an Aryafag.
It makes no sense.
I have a million reasons to hate king kike
But the fact that JannytheDog is a Shekelino fangoy is the only reason i need
Please don't speak that way about a mammaried woman.
Ben defending the shitty subversive work of his tribesmen, shocker.
>safe spaces
Freedom of speech on campus' isn't creating "safe spaces", the Left attacking anyone who disagrees with them and having Conservative speakers banned from attending debates was creating safe spaces.
Unsure how you missed that.
That's being a Mary Sue that the story facilitates you to do something that's not in your capabilities.
Arya wears people's faces to fit in with them while she stabs them in the back.
Why would a group of people relate to this?
Chris speaks truth.
A Mary Sue is when a writer inserts themselves into a story and their character has few flaws, is immediately loved and admired by other characters and has impressive abilities.
This dude is a soi faggot
>t. commie
Don't all women do that?
That's clearly Arya when she killed NK.
Except that he's projecting hard here. Shapiro has said on numerous occasions when people do legit, racist or bigoted things, he will gladly denounce said behavior. Which is why he called out David Duke, etc. But he will not subscribe to blanket statements like "America is racist and sexist" with flimsy or no evidence. And since leftists believe everything is racist/sexist/homophobic et al, it's hard to differentiate things that are actually racist, or "muh fee fees are hurt because a black boy ate bananas in his honey nut cheerios and that calls to the trope that blacks are apes"
but the tick is the only good capeshit since burton's batman
So George Martin and DnD wrote themselves as a small girl?
You fucking retard lol
Jew, sorry to disturb your LOGIC and FACTS but she is not a mary sue because she killed the NK, she's a mary sue because the ending was contrived bullshit. If she stole someone's face to get to the NK, they didn't even hint at that. The NK, with generals and wights all directly behind him, had Arya backstab the NK from the fucking air, yet there was no rooftops around, they are essentially in a park.
Whether that's technically Mary Sue or not is semantics, it logistically makes no sense either way.
You can even tell how much of brainlets D&D think their numale audience is when they had to have Mel explicitly say, "... AND BLUE EYES". Yet, when the time came, the numales were all shocked that Arya got the final blow in.
>We haven't seen her actually do any good assassinating that wasn't some intense plot armor.
oh right so she can only do "good assassinating" if she dies? brilliant.
what are you talking about
Thank you for your service, cap.
Her being an anime ninja is questionable, but that is beside the point. What happens in this scene flat out ignores the world around it for the sake of making Arya look cool (yet again). It is shameful that this was written and it is shameful that people cannot take a moment to ignore the identity of the character and analyze the damn scene.
Yes, you retard. They made themselves into girls so that killing NK was so satisfying. It's the same reason Rian Johnson inserted himself into Rey.
Glenn said that in response to Ben going on a week-long cry because of what Ilhan Omar said, claiming erroneously that it was anti-Semitic and outright inserting words into what she tweeted/said showing that Ben has as much integrity as those "ess jay double u's" he has built his career off of
Im loving watching the NYT and Ilhan Omar get attacked for being anti-semites but the second anti-semitism goes main stream Im registering democrat.
Ben Shapiro is a mary sue.
Literal jewish defense force. I don't even need to ask if this is real. Fuck twitter and fuck jews SAGE YOU NIGGER
>she trained for 6 seasons
She spent some time learning how to use her sword on her own for a little while. Then she went to the retarded assassin school where she did fuck all being blind and cleaning up shit. Yeah, man, that's totally some hardcore leet assassin training for 6 seasons. Never was there a moment where you felt like Arya was improving and learning.
I posted this several times as a thread starter and the mods deleted it every time. FUCK YOU JANNIE.
In America, anti-Semitism means "believing Palestinians are humans who exist and have rights." They don't actually give a fuck if you hate or even kill Jews, like that guy who just shot up the synagogue, they are saying he was inspired by Ilhan, lol
You gotta be on the Tranny Janny Squad to post threads. Didn't you know that? Last night I had a dream, that literal steel beams were raining like hellfire from the clouds. Only in reality I hope they are Rods of God aimed at every janitor on this site.
Palestinians aren't humans and don't deserve to exist.
It was worse than that. He had to quit in shame when it was revealed that she was lying about the whole thing.
Then you aren't an anti-Semite, congrats. Your other beliefs are completely irrelevant
Anti-anti semites deserve the rope
Indo-Europeans uberalles
The nose will always remember what happened in Carthage and there is nothing you can do about it soi-boy
>If only you knew that Arabs are semites as well
Thanks for admitting that the other user was right faggot. This show went to shit when they stopped listening to GRRM and did their own shit. At least with him we wouldn’t have gotten this stale and contrived bullshit.
yes. incels throw a hissy fit whenever they see a woman be competenet on tv & films
>People in this thread unironically fell for the Shapiro Neoconservative Zionist Jew.
Top zozzle
>racism is OK for me but not for you goyim
Yeah alright rabbi, Ben has said plenty of racist shit about Arabs but he cries and "denounces racism" every time someone names the Jew. Total hypocrite.
The alt-right is incredibly low IQ, what's new? They still believe Trump will build a wall
Maybe it's because they have never seen one in real life
>lol dragons so throw out internal consistency break every rule wuth bad writing
Ur such a little faggot ben im gunna cum in your sister's ass then feed you the shit cum. Fuck dipshit let's go right now
>/pol/cucks worship this guy
Hard to see a woman be competent in real life, when they only women they've seen in real life are their shitty, whore mothers.
here's your real life bro
>gets more pussy and money that you ever will
>a soi faggot
Pick one.
Daily reminder that Ben "Israel first" Shapiro believes in infant male genital mutilation because it pleases his jew God.
I saw ur mom when I had sex with her pussy and made you.
ok i get that shes a good assassin but the embodiment of death gets taken out like that? Really?
>Stop posting things you saw on twitter here.
But then how will he get attention
Absolutely seething
Conservative speakers are not banned for being conservative, it's because the speech they spread is full of pseudoscience and falacies that are easy to state but hard to debunk and nothing good comes from it. Imagine thinking having Milo talk to your students about racial IQ is a good idea.
Ben "identity politics for me but not for thee" Shapiro eternally BTFO.
>"America is sexist and racist"
>blanket statement
/pol/ hates him because he's a kike. People who watch feminist cringe compilations love him
>here's your cherry picked anecdotal evidence bro
>People who watch feminist cringe compilations love him
So /pol/
Yeah I don't know if Israel hate is enough to get me to switch parties. I hate Israel as much as anybody but all sand ninjas can fuck off too, except Basha Al-Asad hes p kewl. If the dems want my vote they're going to have to full on ostracize da j00s.
if only there was a president who droned the fuck out of them and also didn't give a shit about israel.
it really is kino isn't it
Postmodernism has turned everything to pseudoscience
I don't like Shekelino or that fag one bit but they sound way better than the other side, that's the only reason they don't like them
In a post national society tribalism reins supreme
Postmodernism has become a meme word because of lobster daddy. Making socially radical statements based on things that haven't been scientifically proven yet IS pseudoscience. And if they can't be proven just don't assume they are true (see anything anti-global warming, anything antivaxxer, anything related to race based on darwinian determinism, anything about sexuality based on Freud or religion, etc). And what you call "the other side" is probably a strawman of pink haired tumblrinas that right-wing echo chambers love to characterize as "the left" in order to make insecure people side with them.
I'm talking about the essence of subjectivity my friend, who the fuck cares about that glorified mentally ill self-help guru
You know, what started with Hume and ended up in the monster that is today thanks to hacks like Kuhn
Relativism is eating the west alive
I am conservative by todays standards but i was considered an anarchist 15 years ago
I didn't change one bit, if you were careful you could understand that you witness the fall of a civilization
The last citizen of Rome kinda moment
Just wake up so you can enjoy it