Game of Thrones destroyed

>Arya 'Deus Ex Machina' magically teleporting behind The Night King for a ‘nothing personel kid’ moment and killing him like he was Snoke. YASS QUEEN

>The Night King not hearing Arya despite hearing Jon sneaking up him earlier in the episode from a larger distance

>Jon being useless in the battle despite being called “Prince who was promised”

>Arya literally sneaking up on The Night King when he’s is completely surrounded by Night Walkers generals (that no one fought at all btw)

>The Dothraki being some of the most feared warriors in the world and still getting wiped out within 2 minutes

>Jamie, Brienne, Sam and Tormund holding off thousands of those same wights who slaughtered The Dothraki like nothing

>The Night King grinning after withstanding Dragon Fire but easily getting killed with Valyrian Steel (which is made from Dragon Fire)

>The writers D&D hyping up Jon vs The Night King since Hardhomme and not giving us anything

Attached: nothingpersonalkid.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>D&D having the storyline of the Wights be hyped up only for them to lose the first battle after they cross the wall

>No meaningful character death from any character we actually care about in the greatest battle of all time against the dead

>D&D writing and making the White Walker story arc apart of Jon and Brans character arc for several seasons and have both of them be somewhat non-existent in the battle.

>Giving us no background and agenda on The Night King despite giving him a more human like personality, and hyping a stare down between him and Jon Show several times

>Missing the opportunity to show Hodor as a white walker and showing one of the Starks having moral doubts to kill him

>D&D making the white walkers do mysterious spiral art for no reason at all

This is not nitpicking. When you build up something up for 8 seasons/10 years and end it with a "expectations: subverted" moment you would at least think someone on the team would dare to speak up to D&D.
Great direction and production, lots of kino cinematography, amazing battle, but completely ruined by shitty and awful writing. Is there any hope left for this sinking ship?

Good points. The ship has already sunk years ago though. This episode had potential to redeem this show. I would've been able to suspend disbelief and let it all pass if the NK would've killed Arya and done something interesting with Bran. NK was the final boss of the series and to kill him off like that was such a terrible moment for this show that at this point, nothing could salvage it.

>is there any hope left for this sinking ship
you must be new to this show

Your first mistake was expecting anything good from GoT after season 4

Have sex

Attached: 5EAF9E58-5F88-4F82-B8E2-8F94BFBDF848.png (1280x720, 795K)

>Giving us no background and agenda on The Night King
>D&D making the white walkers do mysterious spiral art for no reason at all
While i do agree with the rest, i cannot with these two
We learn the origin of the NK with one of Bran's visions:
This is also where we see the spiral pattern, which was used as a holy symbol for the Children of the Forest. It was confirmed by the writers that the NK used spirals out of corpses to mock the Children and desecrate what they hold dear, kind of how the antichrist is represented by an upside down cross.

Yes we learn his origin but what I meant is, what about his motives? What does he want? He's clearly more than just a "force of nature"

>It was confirmed by the writers
Just because it was confirmed by the writes outside of the show, doesn't excuse them from somehow explaining it in the show

>He's clearly more than just a "force of nature"
I don't think so, He was created to wipe out civilization and now, twisted by what has been done to him, he wants to destroy all of life. D&D have confirmed that he just serves as a literal personification of death, and this is reinforced several times in the show.
> doesn't excuse them from somehow explaining it in the show
It is hinted at, but certainly more in a show don't tell format
