So why did Iron man [spoilers] do the snap if they weren't losing the battle at all? In fact Thanos was getting trashed around desperately looking for the gauntlet and he took the gems away so it was gg [/spoilers]
No one was around him and Thanos. Thanos could have killed him.
He literally gets the gauntlet and stones. Had Tony not grabbed them and snapped then and there everyone would be dead again
Why didn't Captain Fungus just fly the gauntlet into space after destroying Thanos' ship? It's a shitty movie user, don't try to rationalize anything.
>most charismatic Avenger is dead
They were literally moments from Thanos killing everyone in the universe, and he could have kept going while the heroes were on their last legs. Mooks and reserves, they had, but none of them hold a candle to Thanos.
More like how the fuck did Tony get the gauntlet when everybody else failed? Why was it so easy for him?
strange clearly makes eye contact with tony. could’ve just teleported tony away with the stones.
Dr. Strange said it was destiny for this universe or some shit, it was meant to be
He didn't get the gauntlet, he had a second one.
He did build that particular gauntlet. Could have put a failsafe in it so he could easily remove the gems. Not that it was mentioned anywhere, but it was basically a really strong iron man glove.
After the battle was over why didn't they go back in time, grab a Tony from the battlefield, and bring him to the present?
the stones were removed from the gauntlet though, so. it meant nothing anymore
so many possibilities that they could have done, the scene definitely did not depict a scene where there was only one course of action left.
eg. scarlet witch, do the thing she did to vision to thanos. Or just continue doing what she was doing before.
Who's going to carry now?
all tony had to do was be in contact with the gauntlet to get the stones away from thanos. his nanotechnology did the rest, something thanos didn’t know about.
That would just be stealing Tony from a different reality. Pretty fucked up and that Tony probably wouldn't have liked it very much
Alright lets do this
In terms of the avengers' power levels it goes like this
1. Scarlet Witch
2. Hulk
3. Vision
4. Captain Marvel
5. Dr. Strange
6. Thor
7. Iron Man
8. Ant Man
9. Black Panther
10. Captain America
10-N. the rest
N+1. Falcon
He snatched the stones with his nanobot armor
They could run, but more people would die and at the very LEAST, Thanos completely rapes earth and kills everyone on it.
Seriously he could have kicked Thanos ass with just the power stone
strange was occupied stopping a tsunami
Why do people act like taking someone from another timeline is the same as bringing them back to life in the original timeline?
According to Marvel time travel logic, you can go back in time and bang your mom without it affecting your existence
Nice headcanon pal. The movie didn't show how he got the stones.
Vision is a worthless jobber in everything but Age of Ultron, knock him down below Iron Man. Hell even Ant Man is more impressive at this point
>Falcon last
Lol no
1 outcome where they win.
>cap 10
>literally can do everything thor can, but better
lol what? vision got fucked up in every fight he got in post-ultron
>1. Scarlet Witch
Literally who?
Captain Marvel of course!
Spidey or Strange are charismatic enough.
Fuck all of you low test low IQ cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. I hope all of you fucking faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you (((transition))) and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. You niggers are the final and true death of this board.
I'd put Cap over black panther too, his fights with Thanos are more impressive than anything BP has ever done
she was only one who bested thanos 1v1 besides cap marvel
The another outcome is Strange predicting Quill would like like an idiot and ruin everything.
>being this retarded
The girl that was fucking up Thanos so bad he had to call in an orbital strike to free himself
>2. Hulk
>3. Vision
This nigga is salty
Have Sex
How many would die and how can you be sure that they'll win? Thanos took all 3 Avengers at the same time and has winning by a lot.
Thor and Strange are more powerful than Hulk. In fact Strange and Scarlet Witch are probably by far the strongest two characters. Strange dabbed on Thanos when he had several stones.
Actually thinking about it Hulk is probably just above Ant Man on that list. It's clear the writers fucking hate that guy with how much he jobs and how little he gets to do.
Oh wow I really don't know why he would snap his fingers putting an end to a battle that could've caused additional deaths among the Avengers army, I really don't know.
You might be retarded if you can't put two and two together in a comic book movie
Did Peter get redemption? Was his retard moment in Infinity War part of Strange's keikaku, or is he actually just a retard that doomed half the universe?
Why do people hate Captain Marvel so much when Scarlet Witch exists?
Feige wants Cpt Fungus to be the "face of the MCU", after endgame...
Basically they're doing the same mistake they already did in the comics
my satanic trips don’t lie faggot
Because while strong she isn't a smug cunt at the same time.
they hate Captain Marvel because Scarlet Witch exists. you need to sort yourself out
He got kicked in the balls by AU Gamora and has to deal with Thor's bullshit from now on.
Nope he just gets shit on more. Really disappointing. He's barely in the movie at all really.
She is hot, has weaknesses, and isn't a huge charisma vacuum cunt
she got KTFO by Thanos
It's not stated but it was the best path to let Thanos win and eventually destroy the stones himself so he'd be weak. Once the Avengers kill his weakened self, they have 5 years to safely devise a plan to restore everything.
On this movie we see Thanos would have fucking murdered everyone if they took the gauntlet away in IW
because they couldn’t risk Thanos getting the Gauntlet again, as he had dispatched Cap, Thor, Marvel and those were the only ones strong enough to delay Thanos besides Iron Man (besides Dr. Strange who was busy stopping a tsunami or some shit)
anyways Stark got one last chance to lunge for the gauntlet and grabbed the stones some how
I am not sure if he saw Dr. Strange’s nod that this was the one timeline they win before or after he lunged for the stones, but Stark knew what he had to do after he saw that and snapped
Why is Falcon last? Eh seems like a pretty cool guy.
Scarlet Witch is pretty chill, fun, has an actual character, and wasnt forced down the audience's throats as le strongest avenger meme.
Scarlet Witch
Dr Strange
Captain Marvel
Iron Man
Ant Man
War Machine
Captain America
Black Panther
It's a power level list. Falcon's power is to be the punchline in every fight. He's somehow more of a joke than Hulk.
>warmachine above Captain America
He can make things go boom
Not worth the risk.
The real question is why didn't captain marvel snap as soon as she got the gauntlet.
This 100%, the movies wont fail as miserably as the comics have been for pulling this shit since theres a huge religious following already, but I expect popularity to wane a fair bit over time now that all the characters people actually give a shit about (except spiderman I guess) are out of the picture.
Why the fuck didn’t they just give a stone to everyone who could handle one and beat the fuck out of thanos’s army? thanos can’t snap if the stones are in six different places in the battle field.
It was before. He nodded to Strange to get confirmation that this was what had to be done.
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Isn’t Scarlet Witch one of the strongest avengers? Didn’t she restart the universe like 3 times? What does Captain Mugface do again? Boring vigilantism in outer space in the absence of the guardians?
They didn't pluck her out of her timeline, she was put there when Thanos changed universes. And then she disappears before they're ever able to put her back.
Why didn't he just fly away with the stones? He didn't have to put them on. Thanos has some sort of super speed we never saw?
Imagine normal Hulk with the power stone
I forgot all about that Inhumans trainwreck. I bet Marvel's glad to have the X-Men back so they can sweep aside their half-assed setup of "enhanced" and "inhuman" Not-Mutants.
holy shit or scarlett witch with the mind stone
>implying the infinity stones could save the Hulk from her wrath
Robert Downey didn't want to play the role anymore unless they backed up the Brinks truck. That's why.
Trust me, he'll be back in 5-10 years and all the Marvelfags here will absolutely lose their shit over it.
Introduced at the last possible minute as the strongest character on her side. In her own (single) movie this isn't so much of a problem but in Endgame it just feels weird. I honestly think they should have had Thor/Rocket save Stark, with her being too late ... and being part of the next phase.
Couldn't she have done the snap and survived? She is a literally perfect, stronk female after all...
Didn't just wearing the gauntlet really fuck up the Hulk? Maybe Tony was being fucked up just by having the stones.
Tony was probably doomed as soon as they activated whether he snapped or not. Radiation poisoning or whatever.
Quill almost died in GOTG handling the power stone. Yeah Tony had a gauntlet but he also had all six.
She should have just sacrificed her arm like The Hulk and snapped Thanos away.
Hulk probably would have been fine after a little while had he not snapped.
The X-Men and the Inhumans are both a terrible fit the MCU. The Inhumans less so because they're contained, but the X-Men are just a worldwide ass pull that muddies up everything.
Basically, MUH MUTANTS AND MUH MUTANTS RIGHTS will probably be pushed, but it'll fuck with the MCU as it's been unfolding.
I can't believe captain america abandoned his friends and left the future to a nigger
h___ s__
Because Strange told him the one timeline they survive in is the one where Iron Man snaps.
100% guarantee that Thanos would lose.
why didu do it sequentially!!!!!!
Why did Strange do the ISIS handsign?
Giant man beats Hulk
Seriously have sex
Vision's power should be higher. He's just a jobber.
it's almost like they wanted it to be a surprise instead of spoonfeeding it to you, child.
Spoilers; When Thanos Saitamas' Captain Marvel, he actually grabs the reality stone and uses it to convince the Avengers & Co that they won.
In reality, Thanos won again.
Couldn't he just use one stone at a time? Use the power stone to destroy Thanos? Isn't the Snap itself that BTFO's everyone? Not the individual stone? He didnt get BTFO from having the Gauntles on just after the snap. So that meant the gauntlet was protecting him from dying the way Quill almost did in GOTG1 when he grabbed it without a Gauntlet.
This movie makes no fucking sense
The Gauntlet is seen being rebuilt into Tony's hand before he snaps. He nano'd that badboy off Thanos unto himself. It's not even headcannon. You're just a retard
Tony could have used the Power stone alone to do what he did with the snap. They made him look like an idiot at the very end.
you see tony grab thanos' hand right after strange does the hand gesture. It's obvious he stole the stones with his nano tech without thanos noticing.
It shows the stone hurting him you blind retard
This is actually quite upsetting because Vision doesn't get much time to do anything. In IW he is stabbed and gimped for the rest of the film.
Strange gave a signal saying that it was the one chance to get him. You get a chance, you don't waste it on anything less than a killing blow.
Also because RDJ probably wants nothing to do with capeshit anymore.
it shows his body surging with power like it does everyone when they first put on the stones/gauntlet you fucking retard. He doesnt get hurt till after the snap.
Same reason why Cap didn't go back and swap his soul stone for Black Widow, instead of giving it back to the guy who ruined his life.
>Also because RDJ probably wants nothing to do with capeshit anymore.
Where did this meme come from? The guy forced his way into being the face of the franchise, and forced his way into making major appearances in as many of these movies as he can. He likes the money.
He also likes cocaine and strippers, two things you can't enjoy while working for the mouse.
God scarlet tits were divine
This is another plot hole. Tony didnt get hurt while putting on the gauntlet but Hulk did. Tony was fine until he snapped. Guess thats just movie magic amirite
I guess that alternate dimension that they went to 2014 Morag to get the power stone from really lucked out, Thanos and his army are gone there.
Tony had an armor on, and using them still killed him. Hulk MIGHT have lost an arm.
Hulk got hurt just putting on the Gauntlet and then snapped anyway and didnt lose an arm.
CIS white male saved everyone as usual, so proud it was my boy tony and not some nigger or a feminazi who sacrificed themselves and now everyone will remember that the legendary straight white male tony stark gave up his life to save the universe.
Feels good to be god tier race
Why didn't Iron Man or Hulk wish for the universe to be perfect? They could change reality into literally anything they wanted. They could have made everyone live in heaven and be happy forever but instead they just stuffed the world with more shitty humans again in this shitty world.
Imagine being able to wish for whatever universe you want but just go "yeah nah just leave it the way it was."
Because they're both uncreative idiots who aren't actually intelligent and should have given the stones to pic related, somebody who would have used them correctly. I'm sure they did their best.
Anyone else done with the MCU after this? Just wont feel right without Tony and Cap
Nah, Spidertwink and Mister Doctor are alright.
I'm done with Disney after this.
MCU is just collateral damage.
Tho' that Lion King trailer did look pretty dope.... fuck.
Except Wanda could have and almost ripped him in half.
Hulk can't even hold a building up anymore lol while Ant Man smacked a flying whale with no problem.
Best MCU waifu
She'd probably wish for all white people to be enslaved.
I love Dr Strange though, and Spider Man is pretty good. GOTG still good.
technically Strange should be #1 based purely off of technique and skill but Wanda has far more potential plus she actually like, almost killed thanos so he had to cry like a bitch for help
Why is Vision even on the chart?
Asking for a friend.
why did this movie even tried to make it a plot point that they had limited fuel for time travel, with none of the character even mentioning the possibility of making more fuel themselves, or getting more fuel from alternate timelines, and then it's exactly what they do, they get more from pym particles from an alternate timeline, but they still refuse to acknowledge that they have unlimited attempts now and near-omnipotent power, and then the movie completely forgets that the time machine needs fuel because Nebula activates it when it's empty and it teleports all of Thanos' ship, his entire army, with zero cost.
I nearly lost my shit when they located the pym particles and there was an entire row of vials of them and Cap only stole two vials because it's just what he needed to come back and the script really, really REALLY refused to let anyone stock up on time travel kool-aid juice to make this shitty story work
She's hot, has character, wasn't forced down anyone's throat as "GIRL POWER" and she's not arrogant/retarded in or out of character unlike larson.
Because Tony is a white male capitalist.
Spiderman is the most iconic Marvel character, with multiple ongoings, so he's a strong contender. Benedict has the acting chops to lead a franchise, maybe.
Holy shit, could you imagine a Defenders movie?
my boy hulk is now mid - low tier
The only reason Thanos lost is because Marvel Girl was there. Her mary-sue powers allow her to go toe-to-toe with a fully powered Thanos with infinity gauntlet and apparently the only way for Thanos to deal with her assault is to remove one of the stone and punch her with it using his other hand, which makes absolutely no sense because he already has the stone's power when it's in the gauntlet, but let's pretend it makes sense, and let's focus on the fact that Thanos temporarily unpowered himself with this desperate counter-attack, and the only reason someone was able to steal the stones from him is because he was temporarily unpowered. So basically Dr.Strange looked in millions of timelines to find the only one where Captain Feminist was there during the fight with Thanos, but she never shows up, ever, because she is very busy doing vague things. Dr. Strange settled with the depressing tactic of picking the timeline where they lose, and half the universe die, and they use time travel for a rematch, just because bitchy tits is FINALLY there for the rematch and they win.
Nigga looked at Strange and he held up one finger.
This was the only path to victory. Stark had to do it.
I think he needs for it to be the actual infinity gauntlet in order to funnel its powers like into energy beams and time maniplulation etc. The gauntlet they were using was just iron man's tech shit improvised
Why didn’t Thanos just turn everyone into Swiss cheese using the reality stone once he go it
because Dr. Strange trolled him to believe he had no choice but to do it himself, so Strange could be the N°1 asshole of the universe
Well hold on a sec. I agree that Captain Thot is mary-sue nonsense, but Thanos punches her out of the engagement.
In Infinity War, Thanos had to be able to close his hand to use the gauntlet. That's consistent.
Having the sense to pull a stone and BTFO is entirely consistent with Thanos' character. What is not consistent with his character is using the Power stone. Given a choice of tools, Thanos mostly uses the Reality stone or the Space stone.
What would have happened if Thanos grabbed the Reality stone instead of the Power stone and then punched Captain Marvel?
or he could've used the space stone to portal out of there and give himself some space to snap
They'll be fine ;)
The only things MCU related I'm interested in after this are GOTG 3 and a Doctor Strange sequel if they do that
>Female Star Lord
Wait what
He needs to close his fist to use the stones dumbass, that's literally what Captain Marvel was keeping him from doing, that's why he pulled one out
Lion King is stolen from Kimba
MCU actually made Hulk job so fucking much.
He's supposed to have literal infinite power potential and OPM tier reality bending punches.
What exactly does Scarlet Witch do anyway?
Kill mutants
Asguardians of the Galaxy.
>literally risked half of the universe life including his just to fucking kill a son of a bitch that he hates
kaiba looks like a bitch next to this madman
[spoilers] nigge [spoilers]
Why didn't Ant-Man or the Wasp just shrink the gauntlet? Why didn't they just plop Mantis on Thanos again, put him to sleep, and then kill him? Why could they go toe-to-toe with him with a small team when he had 4 infinity stones, but not instantly mow him down with an army of superheroes?
Why didnt ant man get inside thanos almighty anus and rip him to shreds?
It's almost like the whole movie was nonsensical trash
You are now aware they had no reason to time travel simultaneously. The script could at least have tried to make up a weird scientific reason why they had to perform the three missions simultaneously. It didn't try all. Every character just pretended it made sense to split into three teams and leave at the same time. The absolute worst approach possible. They only had to perform one mission successfully and then they would have access to an infinity stone to help recover the next ones. Hulk and Thor are definitely able to use at least one. There was also no time limit. They could have performed time travel to recover one stone, and then Hulk and Thor could have trained using the first recovered infinity stone over the course of 10 years, and then they could have performed the next missions with better odds of success.
Tom Holland's Spiderman is a side character, he can't carry the MCU at all
2 Nukes were not enough.
This. As long as he is still being split with Sony, he's not going to be a huge character. I don't know the specifics of the deal, but I'm guessing Sony is just waiting to get full control of the character back, especially with the shitty Venom/Morbious movies and the universe their building with them.
and wouldn't thanos know that the stones came off his gauntlet? it's pretty obvious he knew when they were on.
>time travel one time and convince Hank to get them a barrel of Pym Particles
>"Ok guys we have to do this right, we only have 1600 chances"
She wins.
Plot hole time!
-Their time travel logic was bullshit, period.
>Hurr, you can do whatever you want, it won't effect the present except for when we say so.
Back to the Future and Steins;Gate is the only logic time travel.
-Bald bitch points out that yes, you'll fuck up my timeline. Rules are now up in the air.
-Try to fix this by returning the stones back to the past after they use them. Makes better sense. Okay.
-Somehow it doesn't effect anything that Thor stole Mjolnir from himself in Thor 2 and brought it back to the future. He still doesn't return it and just gives it to Captain America who takes it with him back to the past.
>Excuse me, what the fuck.jpg
-Agent Carter can't be any younger that 23 in Captain America (1945). Captain goes to 1970, meaning she should be at least 48 years old. Capt. sees here and she hasn't aged a fucking day.
-Capt. is presumably sent back to 1970 again to return stuff. Somehow is sent back to circa 1945 and decides to stay and marry and live with Carter. How?
-How can aging Capt. anything but the tessaract and the timestone? He can't go to space, and he'd be to old to do anything by 2012-2014.
-We've established through bald bitch that yes, changing the past does effect the future. So what the fuck to everything.
-Gamora of the past is brought to the future. Why is she not still in the future? Tony's snap was to kill Thanos and his army. Where the fuck is she? Why is she seemingly dead again?
-Establish that soul stone deaths can't be reversed.
-Many people have died throughout the Avengers series. As shown pretty much fucking with time and taking things from the past effects nothing. Why not steal people pre-death and bring them to the future? Why not steal Quick Silver, Vision, Gamora, Black Widow, and Tony from the past and bring them back to the future?
-Why is Cassie like 17-20 years old after a 5 year skip? She was like only 8 before the skip?
More, ran out of space.
He has very high potential seeing as he's a literal infinity stone.
Tony set it up that way. It was a diversion. He knew Thanos was strong and might get the stones, but it was his nanosuit glove. He made it so the stones could easily move into his gauntlet.
>N+1. Falcon
What? He's literally the new Captain America??
They want brie to I'm sure, I just don't see it working, her acting is very dry, quite meh, she doesn't hold a candle to RDJ, and those are some really big shoes to fill as well
You are really fucking stupid user. They literally explain that changing anything in the past creates an alternate branching reality
>-Somehow it doesn't effect anything that Thor stole Mjolnir from himself in Thor 2 and brought it back to the future. He still doesn't return it and just gives it to Captain America who takes it with him back to the past.
Presumably he would drop that off with the gem taken from that exact time and place?
Pretty much, the only characters i care about are Ant Man, Strange, Bucky, Wanda and Hawkeye and i don't see them being relevant in the near future.
Holy shit are you me? That's literally my same list.
-If 5 years is 5 hours in the quantum realm, and Mrs. Pym was gone for like 40 years, she should have only aged by like 9 years. Why is she just as old as Hank Pym when she gets out?
-If everyone is effectively gone for 5 years, why does it look like Peter's friend seem like he was someone left behind and happy to see Peter? If he was left behind for 5 years, he'd be like 20. Why's he in high school?
-Most glaringly, why did it have to be "Bring everyone back who was snapped away"? Why couldn't it be Dragon Ball, bring everyone back that Thanos killed? It'd bring back the snappers, plus those killed by him before the snap.
-The end seems to imply that it did bring back those killed by Thanos before the snap AKA the Asgardians. So where is Loki?
-Where the fuck did Loki go with the Tesseract? How was he able to teleport away?
And now for Captain Marvel
-In the first Avengers, Fury says Thor was the first aliens, yet he meets Danvers in 1996.
-In Capt. America 2, its revealed Fury still has his eye, because he uses it to bypass the lockout. Yet in Capt. Marvel he loses it to the cat and Coulson presents him with a case of prosthetic eyes.
-If Fury has Captain Marvel on speed dial since 1996, why didn't he call her during Thor's slugfest in 2011, Loki's invasion in 2012, Shield's Hydra battleship panic in 2014, Ultron's threat in 2015? She's an invincible plasma bullet.
-How did Prof. Marvel have the Tessaract in the 1990's when it wasn't recovered until 2011 along with Capt. America?
>Wanda, Bucky and Hawkeye demoted to tv series (probably)
>Strange had a 2nd movie announced yet nothing since
>I don't think i've heard anything about another Ant Man movie
It hurts bro. At least it makes it easier to drop everything desu.
have sex
it's astounding how everyone forgets stark v2.0
Because they would have lost. Strange gave him the signal. Stealing and using the stones was their best chance
Red power.
Nothing stronger than red power.
Yeah, and Hulk agrees to fix these branches they need to return the gems.
But as I mention later, how can a aging Captain America return the Tessaract back to the base?
How can a 70-80 year old Captain America make sure Loki doesn't poof away in 2012 after they fucked up the first time?
How can a 70-80 year old Captain America return the Ether to Jane in 2013 on Asgard?
How can a 70-80 year old Captain America return the Powerstone in space in 2014?
How can a 70-80 year old Captain America return the soul stone at all?
How can Captain America staying behind in 1945 not affect anything?
How can a 70-80 year old Captain America fight in New York 2012, Slav City in 2015, Wakanda in 2018?
How does the grandfather paradox not fuck any of this up?
You're dumb. He returned everything first, then afterward went and married Carter and grew old afterward.
Actually Mrs. Pym should have only aged 40 hours.
>go to ancient one in 2012 5 seconds after hulk left
>hey its me captain america here's the time stone also could you help me return these stones with your magic thanks
Calm down it’s just kitty pride
The series is over you nitwit
Don't they explain that time is chaotic in the quantum realm? So it could go by really fast or really slow its really chaotic and there is no way to tell.
No, like I said, he should have been sent back to 1970.
If he returned stuff. He should have returned the tessaract and the time stone back in 1970. Then yeeted back to 2019 to get sent back to 2013 to inject Jane with the Ether.
Then yeeted back to 2019 to get sent back to 2014 to somehow contact Quill to return the powerstone.
It is also impossible to return the Soul stone.
He would also have to come back to 2019 to get sent back to 1945 to marry Carter.
He didn't come back at all.
So how did he go to 1945 in the first place?
And how would an elderly man return all the stones except the tesseract and the timestone throughout the 2010's?
>It is also impossible to return the Soul stone.
Is it? Although Captain America handing it over to the Red Skull is pretty crazy.
That is until they build or reboot a giant cluster fuck with the FOX marvels series (X-men, Dead Pool, Dare Devil) which they said they plan on doing.
They are either going to reboot in like 2025 to squeeze X-men and Deadpool, or they are going to redo X-men and Deadpool like they did Spider-Man to put it in the MCU.
They said they are going to do it. But they implied that it probably won't happen until all the current known projects are finished.
I wouldn't be surprise Act II of the MCU moves from Avengers to X-men join Fantastic 4 to fight Galactus or Elders of the Universe.
Thor is stronger than captain marvel
How does and elderly Capt. reach a planet he doesn't know where it is?
How does he return the stone when the trade of a soul hasn't happened? He can't get Gamora or Black Widow back if they aren't dead yet. And he offered no soul to get the stone. Plus who said you could reverse trade it?
>RDJ probably wants nothing to do with capeshit anymore.
in iron man he got paid lower than the war machine guy because he was so washed up. nobody wanted to hire him cept for favreau because hes trying to help him.
But I want more Sherlock seasons.
>technically Strange should be #1
he jobbed to maw
>But I want more Sherlock seasons.
Dear God, why?
Mister Doctor
Asguardians of the Galaxy
Small Guy if they make more
Spider-Person if FFH is good enough
That's it.
that wasn't the one scenario out of 14 million where they win
Thanks for reminding me that Bendis killed GotG
>ass pull the muddies up everything
Are you implying that the existing MCU didn't already do several retroactive asspulls of the course of its run?
Why is Antman such a fucking MASSIVE PLOT DEVICE? I thought he was based only but I never realized he was the key of defeating Thanos all along.
RDJ is probably getting out of capeshit because he knows as well as we do that it's got nowhere to go. All the flagship heroes have been introduced and their stories run, with all that's left is C-listers, woke diversity heroes, and sequels as the money train dries up.
If I had that captioned image for Captain Marvel and Ant Man, I'd post it
Why didn’t Thanos attack earth with his full army in Infinity war? 2 of the stones were there and he knew about the Avengers beforehand. Why did he only send his dogs to support the black order? And why bring his whole army in to stop what at the time was just a beaten Cap, Thor and Iron Man?
No he didn't retard, did you even watch the movie?
Because his goal was to obtain the gems, not to kill the people. After his realization he then decides to kill them all.
He's not elderly. He doesn't grow old until after all that stuff is done. He does that all FIRST then he goes to Carter and marries her last. Then he grows old.
Like are you just trolling or are you legitimately retarded? You think cap went to the deepest past first, then got back to the other timelines by just growing older? Are you fucking stupid?