So please MTV, Pimp My Ride

So please MTV, Pimp My Ride

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look at them knockers

i hope she did some porn

all those cars are in a junk yard now

she did, and it was with a black guy


was it that motherfucker X?

>not watching the superior German version, Pimp Mein Fahrrad

Seed my Feed

I've heard those "pimped rides" fell apart about 30 minutes after the closing credits.

It was kino but they ruined perfectly good cars

>here's a fishtank in the trunk bro

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Here's extra 400$ a month on your insurance bro

Must you do this in every thread?

pimp her instead

not all but yeah, they were garbage
they added all that crap but never bothered to change suspension, tune engine or something
someimes this crap wasn't even working at all.
also they took funky rims and electronics stuff away. plus of course iditic gadgets that were not legal too

>that episode where they replaced the guys door handles with ipods

>that episode where they replaced entire back of the car with massive speaker weighting more than the car itself

MTX jackhammer episode spotted.

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it's the sad life of a black guy
can only win by pretending

The car I wanted the most was that pickup that they made have a pop up tent/camper in the bed of his pickup so he could camp wherever he wanted to. Funny enough, last summer I got a tent and a blow up air matress made specifically to go into a pickup bed. It's pretty neat.

I kind of miss those days when car audio companies went off the deep end and started making those behemoths.

I will never forget that black woman called Kreashun or something, that presented herself as the queen of crunk
Xibit was all over that, btw

>That episode where the car had living rats inside

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there was an ice cream truck with rats too

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white trash beauty right there

I assumed most of those kids wound up selling the pimped ride and just bought a more practical car to drive. All that shit in the backseat, trunk, bed, ceiling, etc, was just begging for someone to go and steal it.

white trash make the perfect snowbunny fucktoys for BBCs

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Those cars got outdated pretty fast and honestly I'd be pretty embarrassed driving one of those.

fuck, the 00s had soul

I always thought that my first car would be perfect for pimp my ride. What do you think they would have made with it?

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honestly selling the parts one by one would have been a better strategy. No one really wants a car with fucking flames on it.

Bruh X's laugh every time

Nice shitbox. Depends on your backstory what they would have made out of it though

I love cowboy movies and country music and I play bass in a Creedence tribute band. I also like cats and sci fi.

Which ride you liked the most?

They'd probably put lots of sand and some cactus in there and hooked you up with a sick ass hifi system because you like music


I could see that, and I'd honestly like it

They do nothing to the engines and drivetrain. I remember one episode where they just spraypainted the block and put in some chrome accents.

so what episode

my dick is waiting