Finish the books, fat man, edition
Finish the books, fat man, edition
You know, its pissing me off how they retconned previous seasons to pretend they've hinted at Arya killing the NK all along.
We've had years of actual substance hinting at azor ahai and other ways it will all go down. But their excuses are extremely weak.
Just because in the new episode they made Mel say "what do we say to death?" DOESNT mean that's the reason Syrio said it in season 1. Just because she recalled the "blue eyes" quote in season 3 doesn't mean that's why they wrote that one throw away line
the fuck was the point of those pussy ass white walker bitch niggas
Theon, you're a big guy.
Haha it was all planned you salty incels
He is the hero because he is liberating everyone from their suffering of the world, think about it through all the seasons all the characters suffer, everyone in the world suffers due to wars etc.
The Night King will bring an endless Void of Nothing, everyone will forget the pain..
Through the long night the wheel will truly be broken, the wheel of Samsara.
why did melisandre an hero?
When's Littlefinger coming back?
Fuck all of you low test low IQ cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. I hope all of you fucking faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you “transition” and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. You subhumans are the final and true death of this board
>he doesn't talk because that would take away from his gravitas
>he fucking smirks
this and last seasons were such shit
Could they not have retreated from winterfell and somehow slowly go further south, having to make stands at various castles along the way south with their numbers slowly dwindling. The night king of course letting this happen, partly playing with them but also just to gather bodies as he makes his way further down south.
They reach kings landing with less than half the army they started out with. Cersei can see the horrors of the long night, the dead and the winter encroaching south.
She decides to continue her decline into madness and either sets her army on the heroes. The golden company on one side and the dead on the other. That or she destroys kings landing with wildfire.
Then azor ahai happens or something
>jon decides to leave cover and face viserion
>he gets angry like he's prepared to make a last stand and try to rush the dragon
>he doesn't move at all, just sort of stands there while REEEing at the dragon
this episode really falls apart at the seams
Tell me bookfags , how much better are the books compared to the shitshow that is airing on tv?
I want to hug and kiss Theon
>Walker 1: Should we stop her??!!
>Walker 2: Who are we to get in the way of a strong young woman?
yea, pretty much what we saw
Reminder that we're making an 80's GOT cast
here's what we have so far
>Jennifer Connelly as Dany
>Brian Blessed as Bobby B
>Dolph Lundgren as Jaime
>Danny DeVito as Tyrion
pls send more suggestions
why does she look like an uruk hai in this shot
He was clearly ready to die and I thought they were going to show Jon being untouched by fire like Dany
Bran warged into NK and swapped places with him. Arya killed her brother.
Will the books end the same way as the D&D?
they were pulling a rian johnson
"we know it's shit but it's UNEXPECTED so it's actually good!"
That's good writing user.
>this episode really falls apart at the seams
Just like pottery.
he is smarter than the writers so even if he'd came back he'd be a mumbling fool
Just have sex incel lol.
if george can't finish the books, the least he can do is just release all the completed chapters he's finished. I've always loved his TWOW sample chapters. When he released The Forsaken showing Lovecraftian Euron it reminded me of how amazing the books could be and how disappointing the show was in comparison
They're about as good as the first season.
Maario Naharis
why are the corpses so evenly laid out
to save budget
Name 1 (one) person that's a worse pick for killing the NK than
>Nothing personell
I'd go so far as to say I'd rather see the eunuck kill the NK by some bullshit machination (like a rapid fire crossbow or some complete bullshit) brought from the eastern continent over what we got.
Wait bros, if dragonfire did nothing to the Night King then why did Valyrian Steel work? I thought the whole point was that Valyrian Steel was imbued with the fire magic that was a result of the Valyrians close relationship with dragons, and it's been established that the dragons coming back brought magic back as a force in Planetos so why didn't dragonfire work if Valyrian Steel worked?
British people. They turned FAS into a genetic trait.
I don't like how his death was so anticlimactic but I liked this moment.
This can't really be it, right? I mean the night king has GOT to come back right? He'd have some kind of backup plan, r-right?! RIGHT?!?! It would suck if it all ended on one episode.
how dare you write a good plot
I'm enjoying my anger
Is Bran immortal now ?
Just let Arya assassinate Daenerys and Cersei so we can end this nightmare already.
I miss him, lads
but wight walker fire is more deadly than dragon fire
(you) as Renly
god damn
house baratheon has so much swag
Imagine if GOT had the quality of Rome, but was consistently high quality for 8 seasons.
That's the books.
>$15 million
How? Did they pay to CGI the shots darker?
Young Tom Cruise as Theon complete with actual castration to make the stunt more real.
>not one single duel between jon/jaime/brienne/jorah/hound/beric and the white walkers
>just wight hordes and arya ninja stabbing the night king
Should have stood his ground and sacrificed his life to distract the Nightking just long enough to alow Arya to strike.
>Without its master's command, the restless Scourge will become an even greater threat to this world. Control must be maintained. There must always be...a Night King.
>The weight of such a must be mine, for there is no other to...
>TIRION! You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother, but it is not your own!
>Jaime! By all that is holy...!
>The dragon's flame...sealed my fate. The world of the living...can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head, Tirion. Forever more, I will be the jailer of the damned!
>No, old friend. I cannot...
>Do it, Tirion! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of mine.
>You will not be forgotten, brother.
>I must be forgotten, Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today!
>Tell them only that the Night King is dead...and that Jaime Lannister...died with him!
>Now go! Leave this place, and never return!
Molly Ringwald as Sansa
Why the fuck did Brienne not die?
And who...
ahv seen tha naht keng
are you whining about brits in every GoT thread?
it literally happened. i havnt seen this many threads about a tv show since LOST
mission accomplished
>gets backstabbed by jaime just when she was about to begin his evil plans
>says something cliched while dying like "I'm glad it was you"
>dies in his arms
This is going to happen more or less.
How would he have dealt with the Night King?
its holy as well
hes reincaranted in the karstark kid we saw, the same sprial is there and also at his creation
Last good female character is dead.
Arnold as the Mountain.
any leaks?
Shhh turn your brain off.
That little tear got me. If he doesn't get good roles after this I'll be very pissy about it.
that isn't normal dragonfire though
Taken from previous thread
Alternate ending
>NK catches Arya breaks her neck and turns back to Bran.
>Draws his sword
>Voice behind him
>"What is dead may never die"
>NK turns in time for Theon, spear still in chest and barely standing, to ram the dagger into him.
>"But rises again harder and stronger"
>AotD disintegrates
>Theon collapses and looks up at Bran as the life leaves his eyes
>Bran smiles at him for the first time since he became the three-eyed raven.
He was just ready to die, autist
Why is he doing some weird menacing gesture when there's no one to see it?
But mate, that was fookin legendary.
The three eyed raven is the real villain. Not Bran. Bran is dead, Bran died in that cave. The 3ER, now in the form of Bran, and having seen all the shit people do to each other, and their destruction of the CotF’s habitat and weirwoods, has been out to kill all of mankind to "cleanse" the world. He has been wreaking havoc across time, trying to get men to end each other. He might have been the reason Aerys became mad. He had no qualms with using Hodor to escape his death.
The White Walkers were, in fact, "good" - so to speak. They have been trying to kill the 3ER for generations. As soon as he ventured South of the wall in the form of Bran, they followed suit ONLY to try kill him. So what does the 3ER do? He manipulates the rest of humanity to save him from the WW, painting THEM as the evil guy. That's his only option. The NK's mark is on him and will hunt him down.
Which means - all of this was engineered by the 3ER. That is why he gave Arya the Catspaw dagger. So she could use it to kill the NK in order to save himself.
Prediction: Arya will kill the 3ER (Bran).
Melisandre: *Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever.*Brown eyes - Freys and all the people she has killed.Blue eyes - The White WalkersGreen eyes - The Greenseer 3ER
>the books
Reminder that the episode was written as a surreal nightmare. The director got the OK from DND to break all the rules and make an episode with heightened reality and shit like that. What you saw on screen was partly real, mostly exaggerated. That's why anyone who had tons of zombies all over them survived just fine. They weren't REALLY overwhelmed, but it would have looked better for the theme of the episode if they were. Same thing with Arya and her scene. It was all amped up to give it that dream like quality. At least, that's what the director was going for. did it look cool? I guess that's all that really matters in the end. Fuck the story or if it even fits with the theme you began with, it looks cool. IT LOOKS COOL.
>>Dolph Lundgren as Jaime
so manlet stallone as jon snow? LOL
>15 million dollar scene
>Don't show it to anyone
books = dialogues after dialogues, the POV waits 20 pages to meet someone and ponders the politics while describing every item in the room
tv series after the death of Tywin = a character quotes himself/someone from season 1
much better
She used the face of a dead, she was probable near that wood fire and then jumped
she got swamped by about 500 dead dudes on multiple occasions and was just chilling out in the next scene
>Can only be killed by valyrian steel
>Wear armour
>It doesn't protect against valyrian steel
can an dead fetus be risen from within the womb?
shes not pregant yet
>Jennifer Connelly as Dany
My balls couldn't possibly generate enough jizz for this
>gets held back by a tiny circle of fire around the old 3 eyed raven
>tanks dragonfire like a champ
Are the books any good considering I’ve already seen the show and have an idea of what is coming? I’ve been considering them for a little while
Jon kills Dany
Ten million in salaries four million in cgi and the rest hookers and blow. Something like that.
she did some cool tricks but it's a pity that they weren't useful for shit
now this is epic
Wasn't the kid burnt up though? Or am I confused?
>Paul Bettany as Viserys
you have to go back
Didn't there use to be a pond in front of the weirwood tree?
she stabbed between the armour plates
in previous scenes in which jon expects to die, he decides to fight. he's a warrior. if he was ready to die, he should have tried to attack the dragon.
It's only been a day, but I do too.
Seems pretty reasonable. She has been showing signs all over the seasons that she's just as crazy as the rest of her dead family.
Anything else?
>Water dancing
>Bo staff training and poisoning people
Oh my so strong assassin
He's commanding the wights to kill themselves by crossing the fire pits
fucking brainlet
>Qyburn takes over Westeros and becomes the a Lich Lord type figure, ressurecting everyone left, right, and centre after the big battle
>Sam becomes new leader of the citadel and the next war is Sam vs Qyburn with Sam looking for some stuff to counter Qyburn's dark magic
I actually agree with this, desu. She had a Dragonsteel dagger and is an assassin. It's been obvious since then. I just wish they didn't make it so obvious in the episode.
Egg, I had a dream that the books were butchered by a bunch of money-hungry jews...
why do these people think that putting callbacks to unrelated stuff from the old seasons like Syrio's teachings automatically means it was all planned, especially when D&D came out and said they decided only three years ago?
"what do we said to the god of death? not today" has nothing to do with the night king
are you actually retarded? first he looks at them afraid because he knows what's going on and he hurries to kill him, that's not what I'm talking about, you fucking dimwit, he THEN looks at them surprised that they are not attacking when they are already on foot and just staring at him
Wasn't famous in the 80s
based and hackpilled
I can't imagine he needs it at this point. Any character that's been around for as long as Theon must have made bank by now.
he was, but he had obsidian in his hreart si cannot die
Arya isn't really a Mary Sue. At least the the things that Rey does in Star Wars are possible. Arya literally flew and killed the NK
what did he mean by this?
>gendry fights in his blacksmiths clothes with some weird looking dragonglass mace
>wrecks undead all night long
>cleanse the world of mankind to protect the COTF habitats
>by plunging it into eternal winter
Big brained post
She's not a Mary Sue, doesn't mean the kill wasn't absolute bullshit.
Which side is the manlet gene from, targ or stark?
Michelle Pfeiffer as Margaery
He is going to pull something out of his ass.
He has to. team Cersei somehow has to be even scarier than the white walkers, as they are the final boss of the show.
In the books, he has a magic horn that can control dragons. This might come into play, he alludes to his travels a lot in the show, and he is very confident as the captain of a bunch of wooden vessels going to fight the owner of two dragons.
Or he could be the ultimate chad and just fucking leave now that he's banged cersei
it's a fucking undead dragon
there were literally waves of thousands of dead dudes piling on top of the front lines and all the main characters got out without a scratch
>14.5 million to overpaid talent-less bongs
>20 bucks to a film student to do the lighting and pacing
damn dabid u brilliant
maybe he needs to
maybe him raising his arms to raise wights isn't just for show
12 million of that had to be pocketed. Theres in way they actually spent theat much on those shitty graphics.
Holy shit the Preton Q&A for this episode is going to be 2h a can feel it.
she's an assassin not the fucking flash
What if bran were working with the night king. Bran had already gone full Dr Manhattan mode hence the robot personality. He has seen everything in history and parts of what is to happen. He becomes apathetic towards humanity but instead of actually helping the humans like Dr Manhattan he actually sees the point of the children of the forest and the white walkers.
what happened to benjen?
>/tv coming up with bigger asspulls than dnd
GRRM will die before finishing the books. Caption this.
Danny DeVito ALSO as Arya
>ironborn music didn't play
7000 IQ
water freezes when it gets cold enough, user. snow covers ice.
>getting hit with a stick, walking around blind, wearing disguises, and then ultimately failing to actually be a hitman effectively translates to being an anime ninja
>after the episode just showed her be ineffective at evading some dumb zombies
This. Anyone saying "it was their plan all along!!" can fuck right off.
>blue eyes
Also, this doesn't even mean the NK, cause literally all of the wights and WW have blue eyes.
He wanted 3ER senpai to think he looked cool. His really just been chasing Bran because he's a yandere pedophile.
If Stannis had brought Melly to the Battle of the Blackwater could she have stopped the wildfire?
There's no time.
Shadow step. Do you even video games?
They should've had him smile when stabbed
At the end of the day he was just a man that was kidnapped and turned into a monster. It would've made Arya realize death is a gift that ends suffering again, even for the embodiment of death
>tfw there will be an event with Night King in my town
>tfw I want to go there, hug him and tell him that everything will be okay
Sansa kills Dany
Is this the best possible decision?
It was the plan of the smartest person, Sansa.
>references the book
>in many ways the night king is the god of death
>the faceless men taught her how to move silently
>arya knows every inch of winterfell, after it was destroyed and rebuilt
>aryas move is somehow foreshadowing
>catspaw plot and book foreshadow the night king specifically
and then the motherfucker makes the most contrived interpretation of the azor ahai prophecy to date
wow, even dumber than the episode
just shut the fuck up incel
so? in the frozen lake scene, he's surrounded by an endless horde of zombies, and knows he can't save himself. he still decides to fight. what's different here?
Yes, but he was already obsessed with Jennifer Connely.
Anyone else here who thought for a brief moment that Melisandre would revive Jorah when she walked out the gates at the end? I blame the Azor Jorah posters.
Isn't Dolph like 4 inches taller than Stallone?
>The knife that started the war ended it
Pottery Baelish, pottery...
*kills NK with song*
Heh...that's a new one...
From the guy who leaked EP3 141 days ago, only that
How do you know this? Is this coming from the books or was this shown in the show?
How the fuck did that work? Did her goblin height keep them from seeing her as she moved by?
Other than the ending the episode was fine.
>"heh, you made me use 1% of my power" smirk
5 minutes later:
>are you not entertained by our product fellow white people
this annoyed me. it's the best leitmotif on the show as well
I hate seeing people use that S3 line as defense for this decision. The writers didn't even know Arya was going to kill the NK in S3. That's when they were following the books more closely, so maybe GRRM does mean for Arya to kill the NK, but it seems highly unlikely. It doesn't even seem likely that the NK will show up in the books at all. It makes no sense for her character to be the one to kill the NK. It's just fucking lazy writing.
>all of the wights and WW
They're magical creations by the Nightking, extensions of his own self. Really, it's just one person.
he's a 3ER that is in league with the Others
if the show wanted to be based af next week we'll see cersei getting opened up on the prow of the silence as she's pregnant
turn your brain off and enjoy the fantasy show
He isnt retarded enough to return to this dumpster fire
kys then lol
White Walkers actually represent the existential threat of zoomers.
>Queen Walda 'the Fat'
He also did a "give him your energy" type pose when he was manually controlling the wights at the ditch
For me the first few books were a mix of boredom and confusion because it's a similar but non-identical plot to the first few seasons. AFFC is where things really start to diverge.
Just rewatched the episode with better contrast settings and honestly was way more enjoyable.
Doesnt change the retarded tactics and the plot armor is still an issue but its a good episode overall. Arya killing the NK is totally fine, the most underwhelming part is that everything seemed so straightforward but other episodes could still provide some twists/shock that it really needs at this point.
>gaming event with the night king being surrounded by greasy neckbeards
Lmao , this sounds cringy as fuck
Azor Theon
>Wife: Fat Walda
High test
worst duo
Hmm, I see....
To be fair, I wont be mad the WW arc sucked so much dicks if they make Euron a cool villain. His actor is cool, looks like an insane guy, should work but probably wont. The horn will probably come into play, if it will it will be introduced next episode. If it doesnt, prepare for asspull
Based and Piercepilled. She'll squirt out at least an heir per year
>not marrying Val and burning down the Godswood as you embrace Rh'llor
Great scene, or the best?
>Arya killing the NK is totally fine
Get out!
>GoT is video games-tier now
i teared up at this
i still think they did theon dirty, though, they should have allowed him to take a white walker down, or put up a better fight at least
dragon glass also works on them(Sams kills one in season 3). dragon fire should also work, there's no reason why it shouldn't except D&D didn't want it to
>tfw never found out what the Trollocs look like
Playing with based Dark World this time around. How do I improve Littlefinger's business here?
Forgot to add:
The Dunk and Egg tales are extremely comfy. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is a compilation of them all along with some illustrations. Would highly recommend.
Game of thrones peaked between the start of season 3 and when Tryion killed Tywin in Season 4. Any decline after that point in season 4 was relatively very minor and could be written up to naturally being in a slower part of the story.
Season 5 is when things started to fall apart at a truly startling rate.
How about fucking Beric, revived 7 god damn times and no one thinks to say the words over his body?
Do you think he was conscious enough to see Arya leaping over him and invalidating his death?
>600 gorillion spent on episode
>shaky cam, fog, or pitch black 95% of the episode
>can't see shit
bravo, nolan
Azor Petyr
cheesiest scene in the episode
you look like a fucking ballsack
It was too obvious to make Jon the hero of the story because he's been built as the hero for 7 seasons but they didn't have the bollocks to kill him.
>he smirked
he should've just ignored dany and walked away, would be cooler
Pig orcs?
smug night king was kino
This entire city must be purged.
So, where's the logical explanation why dragon fire didn't work on NK?
Flames around him should have died suddenly like they were extinguished, not slowly fade like they did. And the smirk was stupid.
Jakie miasto?
Just parry lol
Good things
>Beric's death
>Theon's death
>The Unsullied were the only guys with any idea on how to fight
>Jorah's somewhat dignified death
The rest of the episode I will just pretend never happened
He served his purpose to save the yass queen. He deserves to finally rest.
This is what needs to happen. Those leaks were proven right last night.
>No one saying based
Well they actually show the White Walkers putting out fire by walking through it many times. They probably just have Anti Fire Aura+10
He should have nailed her dragon with the javelin while she smugly gloated. Would have been high tier kino.
Probably. He died as the epitome of cuckolding. He didn't do shit but got a pity talk from Bren. Bleeding to death, he saw a little girl being better at penetration than him.
Cersei should whore herself out
The whole point that Valyrian steel is mysterious in the show is because the humans all know its far better than anything they can make but literally know one has known how to make one for hundreds of years.
Where the fuck did you make up the process because its not in the books or the show.
How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way
books, rewatch night kings creration, obsidian is stuck in his heart
>all the stark soldiers and men of the vale being useless cunts, breaking formation constantly and getting slaughtered while the major characters all kill hundreds of wights with ease
Every time I read most of the comments about last night's episode a part of my soul dies
So familia, which fantasy series you want ot ahve JUSTed after GoT?
My money is on Painted Man.
he had lost the spear during the fall
>Theon runs out of arrows
>throws down his bow and draws his sword
>one last look at Bran
>"Theon, you're a good man."
>advances slowly towards the NK, no retarded charge
>"What is dead may never die. But rises again harder and stronger."
I liked Tyrion and Sansa in the crypt. Rest of the crypt scene was totally stupid though.
The fucking worst.
I bet they won't even bother explaining why the dude is fireproof when he was at the same time unable to pass a tiny circle of fire a few seasons back when he was going for the old three eyed raven.
>shit meme is dead
she's the daughter of ser duncan the tall. if you've read the short stories you'd know that dunk was hard to kill
why he didn't throw a javelin made zero fucking sense
I knew he wouldn't burn going into it and I was waiting for the javelin to come out
just scene after scene of Hollywood garbage
The only thing that makes me angrier than this shitty episode of nothing but cliché tv tropes and that god awful anticlimactic ending, are the normalfaggots actually praising it.
This is why humanity will never colonize space.
Barryo Naharis
he can put fire out, weve seen that before
anyone got the night king wojak
But Sir, there are thousands of our own men down there...
>hey, Lyanna killing the giant was pretty cool, let's repeat the exact same thing with Arya and NK
>Theon gets a long spear as a symbol of his manhood
>NK breaks it in half
Normal fire, sure. But dragon fire is supposed to be magic.
I miss him
Wheel of Time
Well the Night King isn't just a thing that randomly exist to be killed off by a goblin
>jorahs final words aka "im hurt"
damn, that was terrible. wtf writers
where did the one come from he chucks at her afterward then? you do remember him chucking one right
why did they kill all of the black and brown people...and why did the dragon queen abandon the poc to chase after jon why did she abondon the original plan
It was at his feet, he picks it up seconds after it's revealed he survived.
Are the novellas and companion books worth it?
Shame he won't rise again now.
of course, the fuckers had to build all of winterfell hallways and sheit included
Azor Gezol
She's daughter of Lord Selwyn Tarth of Evenfall. Duncan might be her great grandfather or something.
Oops, my bad. Thought it was Polish.
kill yourself show fag
GRRM can't intend for arya to kill the NK because there is no NK in the books because its a retarded concept
stop making him matter
They were supposed to be immune to fire, and as far as I can remember, wasn't fire the only thing that could kill wights, not dragonglass or Valyrian steel? It had actually set up an interesting pickle where the two enemies needed two different kinds of weapons. But then D&D had to destroy it.
Not him but I somehow got the idea that valyrian steel was some sort of alloy mixing steel with dragonglass, and that gendry would somehow discover a way to make more. Its been a while since I've read the books though so I'm not quite sure as to why I think that.
no. do not buy them. do not encourage him.
I am not enjoying this picture
At this point it's time to give up the books dream.
He's been writing Winds of Winter for 8 years now and there's no end in sight.
He'll most likely die before he even starts book 7.
The ending we see is the ending we get.
Probably guessed how retarded plan it was
Why would Valyrian Steel have any effect on White Walkers if not some kind of magic? It's not just that you need a super sharp blade to kill them, and dragonglass also works which suggests that stuff to do with fire/dragons works
Which mod is this? Haven't played ck2 in a while but feeling like playing this mod
It's called "foreshadowing", dabid!
I don't know if they hinted they would kill themselves or it just meant nothing like most of the show
>a show built on the corpses of nerd praising the complexity of the plot is now defending by low iq turn your brain off retards
I wish we had a night king that just fucking killed everyone
I hope global warming is as catastrophic as all the retarded doomsayers says it is and we all die
/got/, what's the worst scene in seasons 1-3?
>he had lost the spear during the fall
he used it right after he smirked, speedwatcher
She abandoned the original plan at the very beginning when the Dothraki got massacred. She's controlled by emotion as always and she will definitely be killed this season because of that. Well, and she's crazy.
Agree on the Unsullied. Cool to see them do some actual open-field combat rather than just raiding cities.
are we in A Dream Of Spring yet?
Posefag Gezol will fuck you up
It's already happening. The showrunners for it are on a s o y iv.
>Implying it wasn't this scene
>why does she look like an uruk hai in this shot
That's Answering the Coll in it's purest form
Is there a single person watching who thought he would die right there? I don't think so
>he was brought back all those times to save arya, don't even try to bring him back again, I know this for sure
the cave was warded, bran getting grabbed in the network broke the magic warding
>unable to pass a tiny circle of fire
He just walks right through. 14:47
>constantly show the main cast getting dog piled half way through the episode during every scene cut
>sam literally pinned on the ground by 8 wights in one scene while jon walks away
>end of the episode
>everyone in winterfell dead except the main cast
So this is the power of modern cinema...
Pls respond
>The chad Dothraki
>Charge into death with no fear
>willingly sacrifice your entire people
>The virgin unsullied
>Run away at the first chance you get
>Entire show is about people dying
>Basically no one important died
If they had any balls they would have killed all the main charterers and have the side stuff survive by pure luck
>Cersei and Euron defeated
>Dany crowned Queen
>Jon, who has fallen in a previous episode, is given a state funeral
>A feast is held following the funeral, all the people of the city are invited to join
>All the main characters who are still alive are dining at Dany's table
>An air of tension descends on the feast
>Light of the Seven begins to play
>Dany notices that Sansa is not yet at the table
>Enquires as to her whereabouts
>'m'lady, she left the city this morning, on an urgent errand'
>Notices that people are draining out of the palace through side doors
>Suspicions begins to mount
>Asks Tyrion if Cersei used *all* the wildfire for the Sept
>Tyrion gives a confused look
>Cuts to a shot of thousands of wildfire canisters underneath the city
>Suddenly, a noise is heard outside as a group of citizens drag out Cersei's dragon ballista into the courtyard
>Dany runs out to see what's happening
>shouts 'What's going on!?' before being seized by guards
>one whispers in here ear, "We're sorry, m'lady, but this is for the good of the Seven Kingdoms"
>Dany begins shouting to her dragon, "Burn them, burn them all!" but the dragon is shot before it can start to shoot fire
>Cuts to Sansa, at a safe distance from King's Landing
>"Prepare for quite a show, my dear..." is heard from a suspiciously lisping voice off-camera
>A concerned Sansa asks, "W-what have you done?"
>The camera pans round to reveal Littlefinger, unscathed, no neck wound
>"I have only ever wanted to protect you, dear Sansa, and now... we will be safe forever"
>As these words are spoken, the Red Keep, and then the city, begins to erupt in flames as all the Mad King's wildfire is lit
>cuts to Sansa, with a shocked face, that then develops into a satisfied smirk
>Littlefinger hands her a cup of wine as she watches the fireworks, akin to Cersei watching the Sept explode
>"To the Queen of the North, Lady Stark".
>cut to black
we already know he is touched by it though, the lamp burns him way back in season one.
Jean Claude van Damme as Ser Arthur Dayne
I fully agree, user
Probably won't have an end
But the Night King does not exist in the books like in the show
He was the 13th Lord's Commander and he was just a dude who banged a white walker women. He got killed
pick a gay scene
tywin merely employing a girl he discovers is a noble from the north
fuck off,kike
the whole point is that he's a Stark to the end. Ironborn music would contradict that
AGoT mod with some submods. One is Dark World which is not for blue boards, at least in some events
Whats really amaizing is how lots of even 2bit fan written alternate endings of the episode in these thread are unironically better than the real one
They literally could just hand out hax powers to main protags, stack asspulls and still get a more satisfying ending than this
What happened?
Why so bad?
for the millionth time
it's not really applicable to the books though.
I get it you read the wiki and now you're an epic bookfag. but there are simply too many discrepancies between the two for the ending of the show to apply to the books.
Probably the brainless normies who forgot about Hardhome.
>retardation = bravery
i wouldn't bother until they're finished.... lol. Dunk and Egg however are super comfy and you can get away with just reading up some of the history afterwards
Jaime killing his cousin , wtf was that shit
The Bran warg scene in e3.
>"Duh gotta go now"
>Flies around as ravens doing fuck all just to set up the Night King
everyone i talked to about the episode felt super betrayed
arya was the last choice to be Azor Ahai or whatever prophecy they ignore in the show
That's the NightS king, not Night King
can't see shit
oh my fucking god
Cheesy as fuck but still a better ending.
>now I must walk 30 feet in the snow, remove my magic necklace and die, because surely my magic powers could never help anyone or do any good to make up for the wrongs I have done.
Christopher Walken as Euron
>jew defending cultural marxism
Nice reading comprehension bro
based ending, but it would never happen, too inconclusive too
I liked the part where she's going all Oberyn on the wights, because it's a skill we've actually seen her train in. But everything else was incredibly dumb.
So... where's Syrio?
>White Walkers actually represent the existential threat of zoomers.
Sadly we can't just kill the head zoomer and they all die off.
>go read what r*ddit thought of the ep
>the top rated post is saying something like "FUCK FATE, GoT is always doing the unexpected and now that means not killing all the main characters like you were expecting"
>people saying the "you will shut X eyes" meant that arya was always supposed to kill NK from the start even though that part wasn't in the original books and was written by the TV writers
I believed this, until I read Sansa and not Sansha
The show literally ended the CuckKingwith "nothing personnel, kid" ffs
>show the undead rising from their grave in the crypt
Looks like schlocks back on the menu boys
>the ending of the show to apply to the books.
You misunderstand faggot.
HE WILL DIE BEFORE WRITING THE ENDING. The ending we see in a few weeks will be the only ending we get.
Tim Curry as The Night King
peaked with the death of ned stark and has been all down hill since then
Everyone made the mistake of believing dabid and damdam give a fuuuuuck about azor ahai or anything that doesnt start with red and end with wedding
You could argue it was before he was brought back from the dead. Maybe Dany died in the fire and was also resurrected during the night. Or, that the show is just terrible, and only catering to the normies/retards of the world because of the shows success.
>Sansa, Arya, Dany, Jon, Tyrion all dead
>Rest of the show is just Jorah, Beric, Edd, Tormund, Theon, and Melly
t. Sansa Stark
He walks through after he has branded Bran.
He couldn't get through before that happened.
>dude turn off your brain lmao
no you misunderstand. I know the books will never be finished.
the ending of the show literally cannot apply to the books. for starters there is no fucking night king in the books
He would have asked to see his license to see if he's old enough to drink
couldn't possibly have anything to gain from ensuring a subversion of the norms of american society could he
Do people who turn their brain off ever turn it back on?
On the one hand I'm glad the show has gone beyond retarded because fat fuck deserves to have his books tainted by the mediocre show.
But on the other hand it seams like the stupider it gets the more people like it.
Don't know what to make of it
Davos is hand of the king for snow
Tyrion is hand of the queen for Dany
Who wins out?
>unironically using the "just turn your brain off" meme
Syrio is Jaqen
Seasons 2, 3 and 4 were all kino , everything after that shouldn't exist though
It's fantasy so it makes up for the shitty writing
Tyrion is failing to control her all the time.
Davos, albeit doing next to nothing, still contributed more.
Who was more useless Bran or Jon?
not even cleganebowl can redeem this pile of garbage
>mfw we live in a timeline this isn't real
i kinda liked sansa's 22 year old doomer side in the crypts
>trains water dancing for less than a year
>doesn't swing a sword for the next 2 years of her life
>blindly fights with a quarterstaff
now she's an assassin problem incels?
I thought Euron wanted to marry the dragon queen
GRRM and Robert Jordan were apparently big fans of each other
Absolute legend of an ending, which is why it's impossible.
Where is this from?
Jon. Bran at least did his job 100% and lured him into position for yours truly goblin to kill him.
>eam Cersei somehow has to be even scarier than the white walkers
They won't. GRRM wants it to be like Return of the King where Sauron dies halfway through the book and a broken and beaten down Saruman and a bunch of raiders are the final boss
>implying the cleganebowl isn't all but guaranteed to be "subverted"
you poor deluded idiot
Peter Cushing as Tywin