>this is your game of thrones fanbase
This is your game of thrones fanbase
Other urls found in this thread:
He's not wrong but fuck him anyway
Joke's on him, he's not a real woman
>the most qualified presidential candidate in history
>field spell
>not quick play
It would be an easier pill to swallow had this season not been an endless parade of YASS QUEEN bait since the first episode.
Instead of being a standalone example or simply an unexpected story development, it instead becomes yet another cog in D&D's feminist machine.
>the most qualified presidential candidate in history being told she's not good enough
Yeah, I thought Bernie got shafted too. Oh wait... you mean Hillary. Bleh.
>gay flag
>looks like a tranny
Why do I need to listen? When did dud and bro become an insult?
Um sweetie, he has a blue checkmark, you have to listen :)
>bran is omniscient
Where did this meme start?
>most qualified
Nice way of spelling nepotism
>still whining about an election 2.5 years later
Even a bigger mental illness than thinking you're a woman
Why are Game of Thrones fans like this?
No one likes bran tho. Everyone makes fun of him.
they're subhuman
Sort of a bit rich as this board is currently 89% GoT shit with almost everything that isn't being designated to capeshit, eh faggot?
Based twitter screencap, though.
>huur, me see thing on twitter
>duur, me posted it on Yea Forums they’re gonna flip!
Hey nigger, if I wanted to read shit from twitter that’s where I’d be. Nobody needs you to browse the internet for them and link it here. If you’re that utterly devoid of any unique thoughts, just don’t bother posting.
And that man's name was Jim Webb
literally WHO
Bran is emotionally compromised.
Can't walk or defend himself.
Can't really relate to humanity seeing the past and possible futures..
Yeah that wouldnt totally suck compared to having sex and being a cool assassin.
she trained in combat for a couple of weeks combined, literally everyone in the show is better trained and more experienced
>hurr Bran is just randomly powerful
no he isn't, he actually has been shown to develop his ability and fucked up multiple times
why are these people so fucking deluded?
Bran was shown training to be the three-eyed raven.
Arya should’ve got training but got nothing and just turned badass.
Most qualified president ever was based George Chadshington
Fail your assassin training and get stabbed in the gut for being a failure
Survive because of plot armor thereby becoming a teleporting master of CQB
dude but the useless autistic character in a wheelchair is the real Mary Sue
Trannies have serious mental illnesses
Woah, it's almost like, op was, um, like, making fun of all the fans, woah, like, yo, um, woah, including the ones on this board? Weird.
what about Andy, he was fucking based
also Teddy
He’s a ridiculous tranny you can’t expect him to think straight
Fucking based Webb. I'm still fucking sore about how the DNC railroaded him out of the primaries.
>not Marry Sue
>literally takes out enemy bunkers on his own in war
>comes back to america, runs for president on a sensible moderate platform
>gets completely shafted by a commie and a seizing corrupt woman
some old white guy
technically the card should read
"Activate this card when a bitch or nigga said some dumbass shit that makes your brain melt. When this card is activated, your opponent needs to rethink their life." Also to activate it in response to something it would need to be a quickplay.
t. professional ygo player
It's really weird/interesting how they so doggedly latched on to that talking point as a mantra. It seems to me that it was a preemptive attempt to short circuit expected criticism that she basically slept her way into prominent politics by being the wife of a president and getting patronage from his shared political network. She was handed power.
But all that insecurity is forgotten - it never really materialized. Instead they just chant "qualified" as if it's ever been something discussed about candidates before and is a sought after virtue unto itself for a politician. Almost a shibboleth. It's outlived its own purpose but continues on.
sorry user, please redirect me to the nearest Alita Battle General, Capeshit, or Star Wars topic for the amazing Yea Forums content we're all so used to seeing in nearly every post made on this board
My chick was inspired in the middle of last night's episode and gave me some power sloppy top during the battle scene.
Shots out to the producers of Game of thrones
>the most qualified presidential candidate in history
>this is your game of thrones fan base
Oh, I guess yet another thread about GoT is warranted so long as its one saying it's bad and btfoing sjws.
Pls continue monitoring this show you hate and all twitter posts about it from people you hate because this is brilliant, um, content.
The only qualifications a president should have is being a citizen. Boy the political class have run the ideals of the founders I to the ground.
Thanks women brainlets, thanks!
>3 (three) general threads that actually contain all on-going discussion
You unironically posting anything political you find on Twitter to bait more upvotes.
>Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing Cersei fall
Dragonqueen thirsters and manlet apologists confirmed reddit incarnate. Hope Cersei blows the whole fucking continent sky high.
>people like Bran
>most incredible thing ever witnessed in film/television
I'm honestly jealous of these people sometimes. I mean, to think THAT was the most incredible thing is just fucking sad. It wasn't even the most incredible thing in GoT, let alone all of film.
Aleppo Jr.
delete that filth jesus
They’re literal NPCs. Somebody in the DNC focus tested that line and told everyone in the media to say it. Then the I’m with her rabble latched onto it and repeated it.
This happens constantly in politics, but especially on the left. It got really bad around Obama. Every snappy quip he made was being parroted by all of left twitter and lefty websites within a week.
t. ranny
>there is only ever one Capeshit topic and one Star Wars topic at time here
i can feel the soi just oozing from every fiber in that queers body
>to bait more upvotes
Where the fuck do you think we are?
Um sweaties this is the age of women if you don't like it go watch football or something. Game of Thrones is OUR SHOW.
On a serious note guys,
Former Vietnam war vet. Awarded the Navy Cross (highest honor the Marines can receive short of the Medal of Honor) for single-handedly taking out an enemy encampment and then throwing himself on a grenade Captain America-style to save the men under his command (which he miraculously survived). Came back to the states, spent a few decades doing pro-bono legal work for vets and working on VA committees in Washington. Later worked as ASOD and SECNAV under Reagan, overseeing the single largest expansion of US naval forces in history. Later served as Senator of Virginia.
Ran for president in 2016, but in the lead-up to and following the first Democratic Party debate there was a massive, coordinated, weeks-long media campaign to know him out of the race. You had journalists at CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, NPR, etc etc etc all simultaneously trying to paint him as 'too old', 'too white', 'too moderate', etc etc etc to be the face of the 'new' Democratic Party. His supporters in the DNC abandoned him en masse and he withdrew his candidacy.
Then you had the DNC try to pull the same shit on Bernie a few months later and it leaked that (to no one's surprise) the entire party leadership and its friends in the media had been coordinating with Hillary's campaign to kick all the competition out so she could basically waltz into her coronation as candidate for president unopposed.
Every single time
>trains to be a assassin
>kills the other assassin who was in training significantly longer
>lives through wounds that would have killed anyone else
>outwits the main assassin
I remember seeing this guy during the elections he used to just be gay instead of a tranny
One hit kills on wights. Problem is they only do so much when you're outnumbered 100 to 1.
>spend a few weeks training
>get your ass kicked most of the time
>literally only live because of plot armor after getting stabbed and thrown in sewage
>manage to beat one person
>watching swordshit
yeah but he was a FUCKING WHITE MALE and didn't want to ban all semi-automatic machine gun rifles that have more than 5 round clips to hold shells in
Still makes me mad that the dems don't know a fucking solid candidate if it smacked them in the goddamned face
table of game of thrones fans
Hey nigger, if I included capeshit I would have said 4 (four).
>hurr there’s other people shitposting
>Yeah but your spamming the most common, GoT, and also using a terrible format that nobody likes.
>single-handedly taking out an enemy encampment and then throwing himself on a grenade Captain America-style to save the men under his command
That's pretty badass.
Fuck all of you low test low IQ cuck porn loving reddifugees and your kosher cuck wars capeshit game of cucks unholy trifecta of soifaggotry. I hope all you faggots are gassed when the day of the rope arrives or you “transition” and do us all the favor of willingly castrating yourselves. You subhuman niggers are the final and true death of this board.
An LGBT lefturd 'woman'???
arguing in this kiddie logic, bran was being built to a demigod since season 1
How will this tranny cope when trump gets re-elected
Uhh you mean Honest Abe, right? He was gonna ship the blacks out
> most qualified candidate in history
> has done basically nothing domestically beside latching on to her husband and failing to get a decent healthcare option
> disastrous foreign policy that even Obama describes as his biggest mistake
If you dudebros really wanted to prove that you're superior to this person, you would close the thread tab.
Normies ruin everything. There’s nothing new under the sun.
Just like most mainstream film and TV now I find. Endgame took that fucking scene just to say "Look at how many women heroes we have, they're so strong and independent and don't need women. We're progressive so please praise us."
what is the female equivalent of a dudebro?
Think how happy you would be if you found this much joy in shitty things
A thot, obviously.
Statistically, he'll probably kill himself in the next few years, no matter who wins
What a Chad tranny
I wouldn't misgender her within 100 feet, I value keeping my neck unsnapped
nigga that shit retarded
t. professional sex haver
>I don't know anything about her or her policies, but she's the most famous female politician there is, so she's the most qualified
the horridly bad and poorly shilled "bidenbro" """meme"""
You know what's fucked?
The fact they KNOW it makes no sense and all the "it's about subversion" or "themes don't matter" bullshit is them being full of FUCKING SHIT
Because they TRY and justify it with that Melly scene where she takes about "hurr durr you'll kill someone with blue eyes" crap and the "not today" asinine.
They KNOW it makes no thematic sense.
They KNOW regardless of how qualified Arya is, she had NO BUSINESS killing the Night King because it makes no fucking sense.
Jon or Dany should have done it. They're the ones that fit.
Jorah, maybe. Jaime maybe
Theon if you stretch it
But none of them would fit as good as Jon or Dany and them trying to present "hurr durr themes don't matter" is crap too because they're trying to, within universe, justify it with a thematic of Arya fighting the god of death or whatever the fuck
Fuck these cunts and everyone saying this was good.
It wasn't. Episode 2 was good. It was great even
This was crap.
Even the fucking dragon fight was crap because you couldn't see shit, except for those admittedly really good shots against the night sky.
because its a mixture of fantasy retards and normies. both groups are insufferable, but combine them and you get a force multiplier
This person is a writer. This is how you get such garbage-tier writing like this episode had.
Trannies aren't people
Well, he's definitely right that the brainless idiotic charge at the start set the tone for the rest of it.
>when you're americas biggest mistake's biggest mistake
she objectively was the most qualified, that has nothing to do with liking her. I can hate the guy running for Senate even if he has top tier degrees and decades of political experience
but of course the incel manbaby doesnt understand this distinction because all that matters to him is "Democrat? therefore not qualified"
>and all the "it's about subversion" or "themes don't matter" bullshit is them being full of FUCKING SHIT
No that simply intersectionality and the rejection of objective truth and meaning they are taught in schools manifesting itself in their world view.
I don't like Bran's character at all, but he's far from a Mary Sue. Mary Sues aren't creepy crippled robots.
I don't even think Arya is a Mary Sue yet, but it's going that way. Her getting hardened to the world while traveling with the Hound and then training to become an assassin, but having her old romanticized notions of the world wither and die as she became this morally deformed monster was a fine arc, but then one episode she just says out loud, "Fuck all this, I'm going home." Just so she can be there for the WW fight even though we already did the rejection of her home to pursue vengeance when she ran away from Brienne after the Hound fight.
This path where she's good ol Arya who guys think she's super hot, Brienne thinks she's the baddest swordsman around, she's the stealthiest person around, a master of disguise, and all of her skills are used in the service of righteous retribution is perilously close to Mary Sue territory.
what were her qualifications? the only race she ever won was uncontested.
George Bush Sr. was far more qualified. It's not even close.
Of all people why are they trying to meme Joe "Pre-teen Ridin'" Biden as a realistic threat? I thought they had dropped that after the Bidenbro debacle, but I see it being repeated recently.
I don't have to start posting all of those images and videos of him being literally and unironically unable to control his horny level in public, do I?
>a trained killer in a show where the majority of the characters are trained killers.
What did the mentally ill man mean by this?
Seriously, you had a moment where Scarlet Witch shit on Thanos so hard he called scorched earth on his own guys just to get out and you STILL felt the need to shove that scene in.
The only way you get people shitting on female heroism EN MASSE is when we can blatantly see the agenda behind it.
Holy shit, even Chads are becoming trannies these days. Mirin that jawline.
Instagram whore
based and cute
No one will care about that since Trump has the pussy tape. Biden would actually be a good candidate against Trump because he's willing to fight back and not apologize for every little thing.
She has a very long career both in federal and state government, and she was married to an actual president which would've given her a good look at how things work. Of course, she has less charisma than a good chunk of this board and she's a Jew owned neo-lib, but she's still very qualified if you look at it from a political experience stand point.
I respectfully disagree.
then you are respectfully a retard, stop being a partisan hack, no one's saying you have to like her, just that she was qualified
i make money playing chinese card games i couldn't be happier
Thats unconstitutional and undemocratic. Every american who meets the legal requirements to run the oval office is equally qualified. The founding fathers were against this very elitism that your ideal represents
>I don't have to start posting all of those images and videos of him being literally and unironically unable to control his horny level in public, do I?
Do you have the originals or just the shopped versions
nerd culture was such a horrible mistake
That's not even an impressive jawline tho
She was (((qualified)))
But being qualified alone doesn't make someone the best candidate.
Show us yours user x
>She has a very long career both in federal and state government
She latched onto Bill early and rode his coattails for the rest of her life.
Show me an example of a shopped one and I'll tell you.
Based twitter screencap from low IQ nutcase! Love these threads!
She was a senator and a secretary of state as well. I won't deny that being a Clinton had something to do with it, but it doesn't change the fact that she WAS there, which gives her experience. Personally I think that nothing makes you fully "qualified" for such a post, but experience is better than no experience.
Normies came after the red wedding.
Reddit is the worst website ever created.
These are the people defending this abortion of a show
>A fucking rainbow flag and a fucking check mark
Ignore this cunt!
literally threw my plate of tendies across the room when I read this shit
Also "trickle down economics". NPC term.
Why? I just thought the jawline wasn't impressive enough to make a post about it.
>professional sex haver
A whore?
Arya was training to be a fucking assassin but she was never meant to fight the Night King. Her main goal, right from the very fucking beginning, was always Cersei. The Lannisters were Arya and Sansa's enemies. The Night King was Jon's. Legitimizing a completely shitty fucking writing decision (having Arya, who had NO ties to the Night King storyline, kill Night King) was bullshit.
>trains 6 seasons to be assassin
>screams as she goes in for the kill, giving away her position
Yeah... Maybe she needs more training
her senate race was uncontested, and her S.o.S position was appointed by Obama, something he's admitted he regretted
no im not your mother
Yeah, she's not good at running campaigns. When people say that she's qualified they're referring to her experience at doing government work.
>Arya was training to be a fucking assassin
>trains 6 seasons to be assassin
Where the fuck are people getting this from? Arya NEVER trained to be an assassin, she went to Bravos halfway through the show, fucked up her job because she couldn't do it and then came home.
Jaime trained to be a swordsman his entire life from childhood, being a squire, knight and finally Kingsguard, the Hound trained, Jon trained, Bobby B trained, hell even Cersei spent half her life watching her family and learning, Arya spent a couple of weeks cleaning dead bodies and reciting the prayers of the many-faced God.
So being a beauracrat? That's pretty much millitary experience without all the actual difficult parts.
But even as a senator her presence was forgettable at best and harmful at worst. As a SOS she started what, 4 of Obama's 6 wars?
A big part of being an elected officials is deciding on policy which bureaucrats implement. It's important to understand the bureaucracy for that. That aside, I don't think she was ever one. She was a senator and a Secretary of State. The former is an elected position while the latter is a cabinet position. It's not elected but I'd still call it a "decider" position rather than an implementer position and wouldn't count it as a bureaucratic post. But we're getting off-topic here. It's experience with how government works regardless.
Being memorable is not really an indicator of her worth. And if me calling her a jew-owned neo-lib didn't give it away, I'm not a fan either. What I'm saying is that she has a long history of being close to or being in important government positions, which gives her an insight into the workings of the state. That's experience. That's why she's considered to be highly qualified.
What does dudebro even mean, I thought it was synonymous with Chad or fratboy. I'm pretty sure everyone I'd call a dudebro either thinks GoT is the coolest shit ever or turned it off half way through the first episode
Is this a defensive thing where OP can't handle the fact that they people they're crying about are actually very similar to them?