>be Yea Forums
>shit on endgame and GOT
>pay for and watch it anyways
>still discuss even though you say it's shit
why are you guys like this?
Be Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is more than one person
>pay for
this is why youre still a virgin
I fucked ur momma's pussy last :^)
>pay for
I didn't watch any of that gay shit I just use the threads as opportunities to insult women
unfortunately there were a section of people who would discuss all this shit and it lead to it being a regular "accepted" thing which attracted even more reddit normies here perpetuating that trash
/got/ is a literal reddit general and i believe it is responsible for the low quality of this board since it began airing
when does got end
who is we redditor faggot? i have never seen game of thrones, capeshit post spiderman 3 or any of the stars wars
>pay for
reminds me of this quality
like 4 weeks or something but its too late the damage has already been done irreparably
>pay for
Wew, the state of mutts...
>>still discuss even though you say it's shit
You can't discuss something you think is shit?
This board unironically gets flooded by redd*tors whenever a new GoT episode comes out.
Yea Forums is full of retards thats why
Generally not, it is a waste of time when you could be discussing good things.
Making a big assumption there buddy
>know quite number of highly educated 30+yo people
>all liberals
>all redditors
Why is this, seriously? Why is it possible to be such cookiecutters?
You can still discuss disappointment? You do realise this right?
It already has ended. The next 3 episodes are pointless now, I'm honestly having a hard time wondering why I should even bother watching them, what exactly can happen?
I stopped watching GoT yeeaaars ago.
I never watched any of the comic films. Only comic stuff I've seen is old spider Man and some of the xmen movies. So I dunno what to tell you, it's all shit and I just use what people say here to pick out DVDs from Redbox for the kids.
(((highly educated)))
Eh, what’s the point saying this on Yea Forums? It’s well known Yea Forums was always that “neutral” piece of shit that thought he can be friends with everyone, but everyone hated his ass.
>pay for
Jokes on you I don't pay for anything, my mom does.
Endgame was alright for a capeshit movie and you don’t need to be a soiguzzling hyperconsumer and have seen ALL previous 22 movies in the franchise to enjoy it, just some of the better ones.
I don’t care about fantasyshit though.
i need to cum in her
Standards are too high for kids movies and fantasy worlds. Just calm your autism and enjoy it.
>you guys
No regular cares about this garbage. I haven't seen a Marvel flick since Ant-man, and I dropped GoT last season without looking back.
Yea Forums is a very accessible board, and obviously retards are going to flood here from other places and shit it up whenever something "big" comes out. The only thing on my calender this week was Cobra fucking Kai.
Nah. I don't bother watching films that won't interest me.
>pay for
>pay for it
Yes, ahem, I "pay" for GoT. I totally do not posses a penis and pay for stupidity.
I'm fine with paying for Endgame, the other avengers movies were ok. I didn't pay for Captain Marvel and BP.
>be OP
>thinks that Yea Forums isn't overrun with r*ddit soiboys
Yea Forums and reddit are the same audience now. Has been for the past 2-3 years.
O I am laffin.
I have a Cinema Exhibitors Association card, I get in for free. I also have a bittorrent client. The absolute state.
If it's popular and good, you must hate it in order to be cool. They'll grow out of it eventually.
>and good
Sure thing kid. Now open up the mouse has some medicine to thrust in your mouth. Don't worry it's popular and good.
>No regular cares about this garbage
>I dropped GoT last season
Kill yourself dishonest retard. Develop some self-awareness.
>don't pay for it
>enjoy shitting on over-hyped show
>outside of tv I still somewhat enjoy it