It's up

>tfw Jonny boy came to my home state

Attached: Jontron.png (189x277, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Jon creamed on Suzy Berhow's face.
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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Maybe I got too old or maybe it's not for me but nu-Jon is way too long/boring. He seems like a good guy and I have respect for him and what he managed to do though.

Jontron is a racist

Jontron is a racist

hes b ased

(and that's a good thing)

Is this about how he shoots off political shit all the time now?

No, and has he ever done anything political other than that 'debate' he had? I mostly mean non-game related stuff he's made since he moved to his new studio.

>He seems like a good guy and I have respect for him
what about him earned your respect? do you agree with his views on whether or not it's okay for mexicans to race mix with americans?

I respect that he was able to go from being a kid youtuber making videos about video games to owning a production studio/making a legitimate business out of it. You're obsessed with politics.

how has he made a legitimate business out of it? he still just makes youtube videos

Not him but Jon earned my respect back in oldgrumps when he talked about asking his friend what he would do if he punched a hole through the ginger bread house that he and his girlfriend spent all night making. It reminded me of something i do with my friends all the time and overall he just matches my comedy style perfectly. Also i don't care if he's racist so are most great people throughout history.
Youtube videos with advertisers and a set/crew. Its a big step up in production quality.

game grumps is for fags also the videos are for morons who wants to listen to some chortle while playing NES games what the fuck

Old game grumps had some good moments

why are you acting like a weird brat over a youtuber

why is it appropriate to make shitposts on Yea Forums about some fucking youtuber?

Why does he hate brown people so much? Isn't he Iranian?

Yea, he's done more than a few podcasts where he gets into it
I think also a let's play on someone else's channel not too long ago

Yea Forums is shitpost central where have you been for the past 5 years

also this thread is nothing compared to more egregious examples of posting things that don't belong. Jon is no different than RLM

jesus christ Jon

Jon talking about when he was trapped in a taxi with psychicpebbles and a deranged korean man still kills me

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what are jon's views on the holocaust? did it really happen? should we allow people to immigrate into our country? what if they start breeding?