>sending your cavalry head first to be outnumbered and slaughtered with zero effectiveness while your main troops stand still and wait
Fucking LMAO
Sending your cavalry head first to be outnumbered and slaughtered with zero effectiveness while your main troops stand...
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but it looked cool
I was rooting for walker to turn horses into his zombies and send them into defenders for that sweet, sweet trample damage.
>originally they were going to send them in pitch darkness with useless regular steel arrakhs
This guy could've single-handedly saved the Empire and the rest of the world from Archaon' onslaught, but the mongoloids in the Empire have unironically thought that outdated censures on which magic is or isn't forbidden are somehow applicable to the literal end of the world.
just turn off your brain lmao
The darkness complaint made me think as well... why didn't they install pyres all along the battlefield to keep it lit? At the very least they would have been able to see the undead horde approach and survey their numbers.
Even Ramsey did this with flayed men in the Battle of Bastards.
looking up actual old timey military tactics is something that stuffy old white men do, just lean back and watch special effects happening while your brain turns to mush
Steel isn't useless on wights, it's useless on white walkers
They blew 80% of budget on coke and whores and were too short to have proper CGI for armies and siege, so they resorted to this darkness bullshittery.
>sending your HBO analysis head first into the catalogue outnumbering and slaughtering genuine discussion with zero effective reward
Fucking CRINGE
>Sent your cavalry into an army you can't see
>You know that the Knight King can resurrect the dead
>Don't just stay behind your walls while the dragons rain fire on the zombies
it is useless on wights, it doesn't kill them. If Melisandre hadn't been there, they would have charged to there death without achieving a single kill
Yeah but running your calvary into a mass of undead is fucking stupid. No leader in this battle knew how to operate any unit or defenses.
>artillery in the front of your army
>using mobile infantry to attack head on
>archer's do nothing until undead are scaling the castle
Every northern deserved to die with that shit display of tactics.
>trebuchets in front of infantry
>cavalry rushing for no reason
>the understanding and execution of legionare tactics of a 5 year old
>barrier behind infantry
Why did they appoint someone with zero tactical knowledge for this?
I'm not even some military buff and still know all of this is retarded.
Also only 2 main characters dying was stupid. Brienne and Jaime were spinning on top of the walls for good 40 minutes while everyone around them except for the other 4 plot-armored characters in the courtyard.
>giving the undead free units from the start
Fucking hell this show.
It's okay, anons Arcane Trickster has a 4d6 sneak attack and teleport. We'll be fine.
>Normal soldiers get mauled by wrights
>main characters just scream until someone throws a sword
Fucking five year olds writing this shit.
lining up your artillery in front of your line, only to abandon it after one volley
>tfw she basically used her boots of haste to zoom to the Night King
No, it isn't. Go watch Hardhome again
Of course, it is entirely retarded. I was just pointing out that you don't need dragonglass or valyrian steel to kill wights, it just helps apparently.
Btw does anyone have that picture of Stannis' last battle turned into a Total War screenshot?
nobody in hbo knows anything about basic military tactics
>Go watch Hardhome again
my dude, in S1 Jon stabs a wight with his steel sword and dagger and it does jackshit.
Well their queen was a women who literally just left them to go play how to train your drogon
Remember when a wight attacked Lord Commander Mormont back in season 1 and Jon had to use a torch to kill it? Of course you don't you fucking tourist
Also make sure you drink and smoke weed so you can think less while you watch.
>my dude
Jesus Christ
>in S1 Jon stabs a wight with his steel sword and dagger and it does jackshit
In Hardhome there is a large battle, and hundreds of wights are killed without the use of fire, valyrian steel, or obsidian
And 1 year olds watching it
She also had the cloak of shadows charm on her dagger brehs
It was for dramatic effect you faggot. They are harder to kill. They aren't immune to anything that isn't fire, obsidian, or valyrian steel. The Rangers survived the Fist of the First Men, and we directly see hundreds of skellies get smashed in Hardhome
top kek
The Dothraki are not carrying hammers though, are they. Silly samefaggot
>In Hardhome hundreds of wights are killed without the use of fire valyrian steel and obsidian
I don't care about wunwun smashing bones, a steel sword doesn't fucking hurt them
Hundreds of them are killed without valyrian steel, fire, or obsidian by characters other than Wun Wun. You're wrong, please stop.
>doesn't know what samefag means
Go back to /r/freefolk you faggot
the entire end times books were worst than the episode. Never saw soemthing as stupid, and a great way to shit on a 30yo universe
Fuck GW
>redditors are clinically retarded
It was an impolite way of saying "we don't know what we're doing with our own universe".
Yea they should have put their cavalry inside the walls, they would have been more effective there.
They could have ridden around and harassed the enemy forces, being a distraction that couldn't be ignored whilst also not always being able to address, like in real life.
But honestly the Dothraki charging like retards is actually pretty accurate to the lore
Shit, that wasn't the clip I meant to link